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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?‍️My Bodyguard is a Girl ?
(He’s gay ?/ She’s bad ⚡)

Episode 62 ?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: Full Revealing ?

❎Do not copy or Repost ❎
Etienne felt goosebumps in hearing those words: James would never do such a thing to him, he was sure of that.

He found himself shaking his head as he tried to capture the scene.

It’s true Etienne he’s working with him, but not to worry everything will work out well if you both do as i say.

Please wait for a while, the man will be here soon, with his help we can get Giselle and everyone working with her in jail.

Valerie strolled over to where Etienne was seated, he looked like a mess. She wrapped her arms around him and planted a kiss on his forehead.

“Everything will be okay my love, you know that’s life for you, no one should be hundred percent trusted cause you don’t know when they will turn against you.”

But not James, i never expect him to do such a thing to me!

“I know my love, i know.”
She pat him on his back while he sobbed; he cried cause he couldn’t explain his feelings at the moment, he felt bad so bad that he can’t differ what makes him so sad: Either the news of Eloise or the one that has to do with James.

Meanwhile Mrs Smith was seated with Corentin, their gaze were fixed on the screen of the t.v, Sage was out to feel some fresh air so they were left alone with the bodyguards.

Corentin picked up the popcorn in his palm and stuff them in his mouth, chewing and laughing at the same time when the door knob moved, the shaking of the knob caught her attention so she got up to check who it was when the door opened revealing Giselle.

Her eyes widen, her body quivered while her legs became wobbly.
She felt hot, so that she felt she was going to faint anytime soon.

“How did Giselle find them? She was sure they were safe here, so how come?”

Surprise!! Giselle screamed joyfully, Corentin got up in awe and ran into her arms that were sprayed out to welcome him.

“Grand mama Giselle, you’re here! How did you find this place?”

Grand mama Giselle, you need to meet my new grandmother. New grandma please meet my grand mama Giselle.

Wow! So you now have a new grandmother!
She said faking a smile.

Guess what Corentin! Your uncle Zane and Etienne invited me here.

Really! He asked sounding surprised.

Yes really. So i have your favorite snacks waiting for you in the car, why don’t you get it.

Okay! He nodded grinning as he jumps in excitement.

Corentin stay back, don’t go anywhere or else you might regret it.
Clara blurt averting her gaze back to him.

What nonsense, new grandmother, try to know your position you have no right to tell my grandson what to do.
Giselle retorted almost loosing her patient.

Alright, alright grandmothers. I know you both want to stay with me but you don’t need to fight.

‘I know what to do.’ How about i get the snacks then come back so we can all watch the movie before my uncle Zane and Etienne comes back.

That sounds like a super great genius idea my child. Now run along so you won’t come back late or else am afraid your new grandmother might continue the movie without you.

Mm you are right grandma Giselle.
New grandmother wait for me okay, am on my way. He turned waving at her before taking his leave.

Clara watched her grandson leave cause she knew that might be the last time she gets to see him handsome face again.

Tears rolled down her chin as he leaves, she was tempted to use her hands to dry the tears.

“Touching isn’t it?” I also the little child, i love him with all my heart, an am sure we both know how i am when i love something, i don’t share it with anyone.

Corentin should not be described as an ‘it’
He’s human and also my grandson.

Hmm… That’s why you confused him, and made him called you grandmother?

Tell me Clara, do you think you deserve that name? Because all you do is steal something from someone then confuse the person.

Well am going to take care of that anytime soon, so no need to worry anymore.

Just so you know, Curt is dead and you ki||ed him.
You ki||ed my Curt with your selfishness.

Clara shut her eyes as tight as she could, she fought back the tears thr_@tening to fall out.

God knows she once loved that man, he was her first love an now he’s dead.

What did you do to him?
She asked as soon as her eyes were open.

Giselle laughed at her audacity.
“Me! Are you calling me murder?”

Why aren’t you asking what you did to him?
You ki||ed him Clara, you ki||ed him! She yelled at the top of her voice, her voice cracked from tears rolling down her cheeks.

I didn’t… I don’t ki|| anyone, i haven’t done that before, however it’s different for you, you are a murder, all you do is ki|| an ki|| until you are satisfied.

Don’t you dare say such a thing to me!
Giselle flared up, her body vibrated to the anger she was feeling.

You ki||ed Curt, you destroyed your family and you you will end up destroying yourself at the end.

“I did not ki|| Curt! I did not ki|| Curt! ” She cried, panting heavily.
I loved him so much that my life was the least of things i thought of, i was ready to die for him, but you…you were the selfish one, you wanted him all to yourself.

But i left Curt for you, you wanted him an his love brought me trouble so I left him so you can have him.

Still he wanted you! All he ever thought about was you. She retorted.

So how is that my fault?
All i knew was that i was in love with my husband, i still am.
Curt was now yours to keep, to have alone so why the h@ťě?

“You want to know why i h@ťě you?” “I h@ťě you because you are always with people who have what i want. ”

You make me sick, your present makes me h@ťě this world, your existence makes the air so dirty to to take in.

You must die so i can have peace, you must die so i can finally breath in sound air, so no one gets to compete with me anymore. “You must die! Clara, die!”

You’re a devil Giselle, a bastard devil.
Who’s there? Anyone there? Somebody help me!

Giselle cackled loudly, her clean teeth were in display. She felt good seeing her enemy call out for help.

No one would hear you, they are all dead.
You had no idea because they were all ki||ed with a pistol afterwards their body would be hidden, at least till we get the job done.

Clara wasn’t shocked by the revelation, she expected it after all.
Giselle was an has always been the devil daughter so it has always been expected that she’d ki|| brutally.

A bullet was put through her leg.
She cried out as she fell to the floor, her eyes wander around as to where the bullet came from, with tears dancing down her face she panicked cause she knew this was her last day on earth.

Suddenly her eyes caught sight of a man with black suit, he looked familiar but she can’t place a face at the minute.

The pain she felt increase rapidly an so did her panicking.
She prayed to see her daughter once more before leaving this world.

Giselle smiled in satisfaction on seeing her in pain, watching her cry was like food to the soul, she felt greatful to have seen this day.

She rushed towards her and take a bend, her height was now equal to that of her enemy; she smiled, sliding the hair sticking on Clara’s face aside.

Shhh!! My darling, don’t waste your strength crying, i am going to make tour death quick that you won’t feel pain at all.

She brought out a knife from her purse and stabbed her in her stomach, she repeat the action and stabbed her again.

Clara eyes were wide open, her mouth were parted like one struggling with words, tears danced down her cheek an over to her chin.

Slowly her eyes began shutting themselves but Giselle didn’t give her enough time to have a peaceful death as she pierced her stomach once more.

She laughed holding the knife from a distance.
She closed her eyes as she put the knife to her mouth tasting the blood

She Mõ@ɲed in satisfaction. “The best meal ever.” She sang staring straight at the camera Arc was holding in his hands.

After firing a perfect shot he removed the camera from his bag to make a film just as Giselle instructed.

Giselle laughed at the reaction he had on.
“Why!… Do you want a taste of this blood?”
It taste good, so good.

She went back to stab the lifeless body once more but was held back by Arc.

Since we are going to burn the place up, what’s the need of stabbing her once again?
“Let it be Giselle, she won’t survive it.”

Correct, she will never survive it.
Where is the plastic i asked you to get?

It’s here! He pulled it out of his pocket an stretched it out to her.

She smiled and fetched a little quantity from the blood.

“For each day i feel that you didn’t die enough, i will fetch out an amount and lick off the stress an the pain away.”

She cat walked back to her car, and was satisfied to see the man standing there as instructed.

Have you done what i asked of you?
She arched her brows, staring at the man’s facial reaction to her question.

“Yes Mrs Giselle, i have done it.”

Good! So i assume he’s sleeping now isn’t he?

“Yes he is ma’am. ” he bowed.

See, i told you it wasn’t as hard as you claimed.
All you needed to do was drug the boy so he sleeps then i take him home.

Now get done with the next job. “Burn the place to ashes. ”




It’s good to have you by side, at least i know that i can always count on you.

She blushed as she an Etienne intertwined hands together.

Everything was coming to place now, she felt so good.

Etienne’s father is helping them now, that’s a huge step, though she still doesn’t trust him but to try wouldn’t hurt that much.

So now, we should go an meet Blair.
He said pecking her hands.

She swiftly dragged her hands from him.

You brought Blair here! Why would you…what is she… Why in the world is she here anyway?

Do you trust her much Etienne?
Are you in love with her, you are not then why bring her here?

I told you i don’t trust her, i h@ťě the fact that she wants my man an that alone disgust me!

Do you know she called me once to mock me, she said she was going to get you all to herself.

Okay sweetness, okay i get it. Am yours aren’t i?
No one is going to take me No one is going to take me away from you, that is a promise.

And Blair has promised to help me out, she helped in finding Harvey an that led me to you.

Feisty she has gone through something a little bit similar, she was R@P£D by her father.
Sweetness trust me when i say she’s on our side.

I want us to discuss concerning James and how we can go on with the plans.

“Come on what do you say? Shall we go there or….”

What i say is, if she gives you those dreamy eyes or touch you, or make even the tiny advances i will ki|| her.

Whoa! Whoa sweetness, stay calm. No one is ki||ing anyone especially not you.

Chill feisty, you need to take a deep breath, we just start talking about Blair and you’re flaring an glaring already.

Feisty am yours, and would always be yours
No matter what happens, no one will ever gain my love, it’s you or no one else.

Valerie felt her face turning red, her cheeks heated up hundred degree, she felt like a teenage girl at the moment.

“I love you more Etienne.”
Still am not going anywhere with you, am going back home to check up on mother, my baby Corentin and of course Sage.

He feigned a frown, pouting his lips like a four year old who has just lost his sweet.

She chuckled at his cuteness and they both shared a kiss.

Fine then, i will check up on Blair and report to you what we discussed.
Be careful sweetness, make sure you are safe.

She smirked. Sure i will, you do same my love.

She flagged down a taxi when she heard her phone ringing so she paused to pick up the call.

“Oh! It’s Sage.” She squealed before happily picking the call.

Sage you won’t believe what has happened, so we met….

“Val your mother is dead!” Her voice came out in a whispered shutting the whole system in the body of Valerie.

Her pitch was low an so did her voice cracked.
Valerie chuckled weakly.
“Is that some kind of joke or what? It’s not funny yunno.”

” Am not joking! She blurt sobbing.”
“The house is burning with her body in it an i don’t… ”

Hello! Sage can you hear me? Sage are you there?

Say something you’re scaring me, Sage talk to me! She yelled, fear wavering through her voice.

Immediately she drooped her phone from her ear, she got a text.

_”I hope you like the surprise? It’s the least i could do.”

She viewed the video attached to the message and it was a video of how her mother was being ki||ed.

Her brain $h|t down leaving her confused, it felt as if her world has finally collapsed.

“Mother… Mot.. Mother is… No!” She laugh in an hysterical manner.

She can’t be dead! She bellowed sobbing on the way, she ran in front of taxi; getting it to halt.

She hurriedly ran inside and the taxi took to the wheel.

Etienne was seated with Blair who had her hand wrapped in his, he felt uncomfortable but she pleaded to hold him for the last time.

She h@ťě to admit it but she love the man, so much more than she expect.

His phone rang out making him jerk up, he swiftly took his hands and picked up the call.

Etienne uncle Curt is dead! Eloise whispered through the phone.

Wait Eloise, stay calm an talk to me. What do you mean by that?

It is exactly as i have said. He yelled feeling the waves of anger flooding in, now he will never get the chance to see him or talk to him.

Etienne fell yet into trance on hearing another sad news for the day.

How did you know he’s dead, who told you?
He inquired with questions forming a lump in his head.

Am in Orleans as we speak, and it turns out Curt was also in Orleans.

Wait what? Uncle Curt is in Orleans, how- why?
Where are you now, we should see.

Have you gotten his body, how are you sure he dead?

Because a strange number sent me a video of mother ki||ing him.
I don’t get it Etienne, why would she ki|| her lover, the man she claimed to have loved?

Etienne could not believe his ears. His mother was evil, that he knows but why would she ki|| her lover and then send the video to his son?

Unless the video wasn’t sent by her but someone else, does that mean that someone else is also aware of his mother’s wickedness?

And what in the world is his mother doing here in Orleans?

Why was she here, and why was Curt also here?

Too many questions he can’t answer.
Eloise sobbed bitterly on the phone, Etienne did all his best to make him feel better.

Where exactly are you located at the minute?
Send me an address so i can meet you there.

Immediately he picked up his car key, his mind flashed back to Valerie and her family, if his mother is here then they are not safe.

Eloise am sorry i can’t make it no more, if mother is here that means Valerie is not safe, and Corentin is there with them, i have to meet them.

“It’s fine, let’s meet there, after all i came for my son. ”

Should i send you the address of the house so you can meet us?

Don’t worry about it Etienne, i will find my way there.

Etienne start up the car in a confused state, his mind was troubled, so troubled that he could hear his heart beat very loud than usual.

*******? Valerie
I arrived only to see the house burning into ashes, i searched for Sage but found no trace of her, i also make sure to search for mother cause a part in me doesn’t want to believe she was dead.

Now i wondered why Etienne brought us to place with very few houses.

I gulped down the saliva building in my mouth, i was eager to search for my mother, Sage and… Corentin; yes my baby, where is he?

Why- why can’t i find him? I roamed round in circles taking an unending search until i broke down into tears.

“No! They can’t be gone ” they can’t be dead.
I burst out into laughter as many thoughts were all running through my head.

My mother… Is not dead!
My baby boy… Is not dead!
My only friend is not dead! I screamed aggressively, i began bashing my head to the ground.

I felt pain round my head and i knew I’ve obtained injury, still the wound were not painful but the wound in my heart caused more pain than the physical wound obtained.

I needed to wake up from this nightmare, it was high time i wake up, i am done sleeping.

Okay! Am awake now, let it stop please.
I pleaded to no one.

Slowly i raised as i felt a gun placed to my head.

I gulped down an breath in my final breath, cause i know this would be my last.

Come on, what are you waiting for you @$$h0le?
$h00t me already!! I bellowed, sobbing at the same time.

My heart grew heavy, i felt lonely, so lonely, there is nothing to live for anymore.

Before i knew what was happening i felt a sharp pain piercing through my head.



We are coming to you live from New Orleans, am your host Avery speaking to you from channel 6

So as you can see behind me is the place that has been affected by the fire.

Here you can see the trees were not left out as the fire made a massive entrance whereby burning almost everything around.
Luckily the fire fighters were able to make it on time before it expands to the city.

Here you can see two buildings which were not fortunate to have escaped the fire.

It is believed that two bodies were found, one was found outside the house while the other was found inside.

The police force and the forensic are still on their investigation to find out what occurred and hopefully they get back to us on how… Uh, how far they have gone in their investigation.

Once again am Avery speaking to from channel 6 WDSU.

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