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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?‍️My Bodyguard is a Girl ?
(He’s gay ?/ She’s bad ⚡)

Episode 50 ?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: Left in your arms ?
❎Do not copy or Repost ❎
✖️ Please take note of strong languages, please skip if it makes you uncomfortable ✖️

____Flash.. Back

The room was quiet, jazz music playing from background. “The room was oozing from the smell of cigarette” a man walked in with a swollen cheek, his face was scrunched as he glared, staring into space.

Sir Harvey there is someone outside saying he wants to see you.

Harvey gave his face a penetrating stare.
“And what happened to your face? ” Scratch that!

“Who’s this someone be?” He crossed his legs against each other.

He’s name is Etienne! He ushered himself in, his shoe making a **# sound
His name is Etienne! He announced, his voice deep and bold.

Harvey’s men swiftly directed their guns at him, each ready to blast off his head.

Etienne hands flew up, a sneer plastered on his face.

How dare you barge in here after causing much disturbance outside? The man with a swollen cheek growled out; he was literally fuming in anger.

“Leave us!” Harvey instructed.

The man bowed and left the room not without glaring at Etienne who had his smirk on the whole while.

“Tell me Etienne, how did you find me?”
Harvey placed his cigarette in his mouth.

“Is that important?”…. “I think the question should be what are you doing here, isn’t it?”

Harvey let out a loud laughter! Your words are lol worthy, like the teens would say.

Do have a seat, i think might have overestimated you.
What brought you here Etienne? Because am aware you know that you won’t leave here alive.

He scoffed and laugh out almost immediately
I came here because i know that am untouchable.
You and i know that you can’t a finger on me, not even a strand of my hair, if you do… “You’ll have Zane to content with, she will hunt you to your last breath, i also know you’ll like to stay on her good side.”

Harvey huffed at his comeback.
Tell me why you are here Etienne, i learnt that you have found out Zane’s secret, are you here to plot a plan against her, to betray her?

“If i am here for that, would you join hands with me, and betray her?”

“Harvey’s lips curved into a wide smile.”

“Smart! Aren’t you?” Tell me is this some sort of plan you have with that detective Ɓîtçh of yours? (Blair)

He sort out an empty chair an sat down, crossing his legs together; giving him a model demeanor.

Tell me where to find Zane, that’s all am asking of Harvey.

“Zane!… Harvey repeated!”
He scoffed letting the smoke from the cigarette linger round the room.

“Etienne scrunched his nose in disgust ” the whole room smells like dump to him, it smells of cigarette an of hard drugs he couldn’t comprehend, but he was ready to endure it, just so he can get the amount of information he was earnestly searching for.

What makes you think i will help you in your search for… “Zane?”
”Hmm!” He hummed scanning the face of Etienne to see if he could spot out any trace of fear, but found none.

The last time i checked, Zane wanted to be free from “you! your family, an everything that had to do with YOU!”

What prompt the thought of finding me to help you out? What makes you think i don’t want to ki|| you?

How did you find me, because it’s surprising for your type of being, considering the fact that you are a.. uh!

“How do i put this in an in disrespectful manner?” Aha yes! I’ve gat it now.

It’s funny for your nonchalant idiotic, foolish dimwitted behavior. “That’s better isn’t?”
It doesn’t sounds insulting and it explains your character so perfectly well, indeed!
Am the best at giving such description don’t you agree?
He teased with an offensive laugh; his voice echoed round the room.

“You know it surprises me what Zane see in a gay Ďïčk head like yours”
Ha! this life never stop to amaze me!

When you are done making jokes, let’s get down to business.

Am here to find Zane, an am not leaving here without finding out the location from you!
So is either you tell me or i go no where.

Harvey chuckled, his eyes fixated on Etienne.
Zane doesn’t want you dead, but he didn’t talk about not hurting you, or breaking a bone, or even a leg, and many other bones in your body.
“With respect i have left towards Zane, get up an get out before my men disfigure your body.”

“Etienne chortled loudly.” What do you take me for Harvey? I have a lot of game under my sleeves Harvey, and you do not want me to unleash them.

Hahaha! Tell me Etienne, is that a thr_@t? Cause am so f-__-king scared, am shivering!

Etienne rolled his eyes at Harvey’s childish display, now he knows that Harvey was the playful type (The **)

I have something you need, and want so badly. It has come to my notice that you have a long beef with my ‘Uncle Curt’
Harvey i can help you crush him, way much easier than you expect. He’s going through a hard time right now, best believe from my source.

“What else do you know?” Harvey furrowed as he arched his back, properly on the wooden chair.

Etienne smirked as he saw the look of comfort in him; he knew he has hit the spot, and this was his time to take the shot!

“There’s only one way to find out Harvey.”

“Which is?” He inquired knotting his forehead.

Tsk.. You seem to be rushing me Harvey, take it easy so i can catch a breath while i speak, tell me do you want me to choke on my saliva?

If i do, i might never get to utter a word again, an that means no more news for you.
He wiggled his brows with a smirk.

Harvey took in a deep breath, sneering as he pulled his back slowly on his chair.

Etienne smirked once more in triumph, as he saw the control he had Harvey on (He was just were he wanted him) “Mission Accomplished” he sang within.

Harvey believe it or, there are few people who knows about what happened with Zane’s father that night, and am slowly becoming one of them.

Curiosity ate the better part of me, so i had to dig in deep into your past life, that of my Uncle Curt, my own mother and brother. My father not excluded.

Do you want to know what i found out?
I met a reliable source, with good amount of information, he told me a lot of things i need to know which you know already.

Digging deep about your life wasn’t easy, same goes to my own mother.
His lips curled into a smile. You know what baffles me? The fact that Zane doesn’t know that you also have a hand in the death of her father, and that you have been helping her for your own selfish reasons.

Don’t you dare say that to me! I help Zane because i loved him as my own. He fired back with burning eyes.

“Oh really! Good job then”.. Etienne clapped his both hand.

Do you also call keeping such secret away from her an act of love and.. “Fatherly affection?”
You are a coward Harvey, you are a big one.

I commend you all the same.
Believe it or not, you have played a big role in spoiling that girl life, you and everyone responsible for the death of her father, for the pains she had to go through, loosing her child.

You are a disgrace to fatherhood, that’s if you still consider yourself as one.

So what now? You plan on telling Zane about the whole truth, you won’t let her find out herself?

Am not a self centered being like you Harvey
Zane won’t find out from my mouth, it would break her and that!… That is the last thing i want for her.

Harvey huffed, anger building deep within him
He roared in rage, clearing off his desk with energy.

How do you feel now huh? Like the good man, like the one playing a lovely role behind Zane’s back.
Four months passed and here you are.

You and i know that you’ve messed up big time, you never stayed with Zane when she needed you the most, you didn’t even believe a word she say, so why now?

At least i agreed to my crimes, an now an trying to fix the wrongs I’ve caused, an not hide em like the coward standing in front of me.

Don’t you come in here and insult me Etienne
You are disgrace to manhood, you are half man with a bit of feminine touch inside.

“I see you like making jest of my homosegzuality,” play on Harvey, it has nowhere it’ll touch.

Tell me where to find Zane and i promise to tell you how to run down my uncle to nothing.

How do you expect me to believe you?
I don’t even know if you are saying the truth, what if this is some sort of plan between you and your wh-_-re of a detective.

Etienne sighed, his forehead scrunched in disapproval to the word used to address Blair.

“Are you in, or are you out?” He asked glaring.

Harvey took in a deep breath! His eyes were glued to Etienne, glaring at him in hatred, he gnash his teeth.
“Deal!” He muttered.

Paris: IIe de France
The Charmp De Mars ?
Thank you for meeting me here Etienne.

“Well! I had no choice, i had to.” Etienne murmured his response, his eyes staring at the environment to see if he can fish out anything out of the other, he couldn’t trust his uncle completely.

Curt stared at the environment with admiration: the park has always been his favorite place in Paris.

The Charmp De Mars is a beautiful place isn’t? “The warm coffee, the cool breeze the green trees an grass, the lovely view from the Eiffel tower; it always has a memory installed in one’s brain whenever there’s a visit, don’t you think?”

I think we should get back to what brought me here uncle, i have been so busy since i arrived here in Paris and i need to get back.

I see you have brought The Monsieur Food Restaurant, and you named it after Macron.

It’s such a lovely thing for you to have done Etienne, i am proud of the kind of man you have become.

Sometimes i think i would have turned out better if i had a better type of family.
He retorted glaring over at the tree across.

“I also feel that way a lot of times” Curt murmured within, though it was loud enough for Etienne to hear.

I know you have been doing some replied shoving the research. That grimace you have on says it all.

Am glad you can see through me so no need of pretending.
I know all about your awful deeds uncle, so drop the good act.

Good! I always know you are one with the brains

I know you know everything so i won’t beat around the bush anymore.

I want to help Zane get back her child, am certain you know who this child is.

What! You want to help Zane, but why?
Am guessing this is some sort of plan right?

No Etienne, i feel bad besides i love Zane’s mother with all my heart believe it or not.

I need your help in getting Corentin back, because i don’t know who i can trust apart from you.

I don’t trust you uncle, but am willing to take the risk so that Valerie can be happy again, I’ll do what it takes.
That doesn’t mean i won’t hunt for a way to get you and everyone behind bars, i don’t care if you all are my family, you can’t destroy a life and go free.

Curt nodded, satisfied by his reply.
I always know you have the golden heart, that’s what makes you different from the rest of us.


I woke up yawning as i stretched my arms, my whole body aches tremendously.

I turned to my right, and that familiar scent meets my nose, i sniffed in the air and it scents so delicious.

My hand moved round the bed searching earnestly for Etienne and he wasn’t by side, he wasn’t cuddling me up like he was last night.

Then that means that he’s the one producing this delicious aroma?

I smiled as the thought of him cooking for me came to mind.

“Good morning darling,”
His voiced came out loudly, and more huskier than it were.

“How was my feisty night, i hope it was peaceful?”

I actually thought you were still asleep? I had plans of waking you up to eat.

He pecked my forehead. “Here, i made breakfast: bacon and egg for my angel.”

I literary blushed as i stared at the plate in front of me!
“I have never had breakfast in bed before,” even if i had, is been ages.

You are welcome feisty! He blessed my lips with a soft an tender kiss.

I hungrily munch the meal, it felt like is been ages since i last ate anything.

Slow down darling! “Are you that hungry?”

I feign a glare. “Maybe if you haven’t pound on me like you did last night, i wouldn’t be so hungry.”
I replied shoving the bacon down my throat.

Seriously darling are we going to continue our bickering over nothing, again?

Why did you come undone inside of me? You should have done that else where.
“Now i have to use pills.”

He sighed rolling his eyes playfully; “Am sorry!”
I didn’t realize it, next time i promise to recall not to Com inside of you again.

Is that good enough? He raised his left hand while placing this other on his chest.

That’s fair enough, i will hold unto your word.
I giggled.

Thanks feisty, so tell me, did you enjoy it?
I mean i know this would be my first time having $ex with a girl an all but…

I placed my index finger on his lips and planted a kiss there.

Etienne it was perfect, i love and i love you!

His cheeks grew up rapidly as he blushed profusely.

I should be the one asking if you enjoyed it
I know am not good with stuff like this.

Nah darling you were amazing.

Even better than Blair?
I grimaced arching a brow.

He rolled his eyes and release a sighed.

Look at me Val you are everything to me, you have everything i want that Blair doesn’t, so yes you are a billion times better than Blair last night.

I was so confused when you began riding my Ç0çƙ hell it was good, it actually got me thinking if you can tweak cause your waist was performing magic that even some magicians couldn’t perform, i was literally taken aback….

Okay Etienne we get it!
I yelled playfully slapping his arms before he complete his words.

Gosh Etienne can be annoying sometimes.

“Stop please you are making me feel embarrassed.”

No but feisty think of it, have you ever tried tweaking? Because am sure you would be a pro in one trial.

I am so gonna ki|| you if you don’t stop talking Etienne.

“I dare you feisty.”
He smirked wiggling his brows, i burst out into laughter.

You are the man i have ever met, an guess what i h@ťě you so much.

I like you too! He stickied out his tongue.

Alright come have a bath with me.

Oh lala good girl turn bad huh? He licked his lower lips in a seductive manner.

You want a touch of this plank wood? I purred licking my lips.

He smiled unveiling his white teeth in display. Nah uh, what you should be asking, is do i want a touch of that sweetness.

“Oh is that so? Why don’t you come get up?”
I said playing with my Ɲīpplës.

f-__-k feisty don’t make come get you cause am gonna f-__-k the hell out of your pvssy till you cry beg me to stop.
He said using his knees to walk on the bed

“Who me!” I asked taking a step backwards as soon as i realize he was drawing closer to my direction.

It seems you can’t recognized who you are talking again to because if there’s anyone who’s gonna be begging it’ll be you. You are going to be the one begging me to let go of you so that your Ďïčk, that long firm and handsome dude with a pink cap won’t shrink off.

He gasped at my remark
My goodness Valerie you’ve gone rotten.
He grabbed me by the waist even before i got a chance to run away.

Let go of me! I giggled as he dragged me to the bed

“I like you Valerie, i like you so much.”

“And i like you too Etienne, i like hundred much.”

No way Val, i like you billionaire much.

Hell no, i like you trillion much!.

In that case, i like you more than anything above trillion or the one after the one after the one before the one after trillion.

I burst out laughing hard
You are joking Etienne, why not look for a different word instead?

No words can be used to explain how much love i feel for you Valerie.
You own me, you own the air that i breath, you own my body, my life, everything about me…
“I am yours feisty, yours forever.”

Each day i wake up an i constantly ask myself why i am so deeply in love with you!

I ask myself what prompt this feeling, even when i want to let go i realise that i bounded by your love: the love grows harder whenever i try letting go of what i feel for you.

Am addicted, am driven by your love. I don’t want any other Valerie, is always going to be you or no one else.

Nothing can stop what am feeling inside, not even death.

“Are you sure about that, are you sure that death can tear us apart?”

Is like ki||ing the body to take away the soul and then you realize that you can’t take the soul away
That’s how deeply connected we are Val, that’s how much i love you.

I found myself grinning like someone who could not keep a secret for a minute.

I closed my eyes as our forehead meet, his sweet breath fan my face all i could think of was how to take his lips in mine and go for another round of passionate love making.

It was if he read my thoughts as his lips met with mine, he licked onto my lower lip in a possessive an firm manner, he then use his lips to part my mouth
My body tensed proving how ready i was in taking full activeness in the kiss but then pulled back.

My eyes shot open in awe an a bit of anger.
Why did you stop?

I want us to talk, we need to talk please.
Here, take this cover so you can cover your body with it because am sure i would tempted to touch those pointy Ɲīpplës of yours. It seems your Ɲīpplës like standing erect so quickly.

I stared down at my Ɲīpplës, they were looking all pointy already, there’s no denying that my pvssy was also soaking wet.

You’re crazy Etienne, you are super crazy that sometimes it tears me out.

I agree, i am super crazy for you, sometimes i think you injected me with a poisson.

I rolled my eyes hard, giggling to his awful joke, he smiled kissing my lips briefly.

On a serious note darling we need to talk, is important we do.

“Okay… what about?”

Sweetness i don’t want secret between us, i want us to always talk to each other, to communicate without lieing to one another, so i am going to start by telling you one of my greatest secret, i hope you won’t see me differently.

And why would i do that Etienne, i would never!

Thank you feisty. He winked making me scoff at his unexpected change of behavior.

Is about how i turned gay
I have never told anyone before, although only two people from my family that are aware.

Growing up as a young child, i had a girlfriend, many girlfriends at that, i was quite young back then.

I remember mom and dad were hardly around, dad would always go out for multiple businesses, and mom well she also had some work at hand that always eats up her time.

So uncle Joe, so we normally call him; uncle Joe do come to stay with us, and this certain day i was alone, Fleur went out to stay with our grandparents and Eloise prefer staying with uncle Curt in New York, so whenever he comes, it would be for visit till he goes back.

I was at home with the maids when uncle Joe came for visit that night, i went out to say hi ad always. “Uncle Joe was a lovely man, the best uncle i ever had back then.”

We had fun that night, he bought lots and lots of toys for me an Fleur, it has always been his behavior though an we love him for that.

That night, i heard him begging someone to come over, i overhead him saying he needed to stick it in something and he needs to do it fast

As a little child, i got so curious, but hey i was a child so i brushed it off and went back to sleep few minutes later uncle Joe walk into my room and shut the door.

I got up and asked him if he needed anything, he said yes! “But you have to promise me that you will be a good boy,” I nodded in agreement but curiosity always eat the better part of me, so i pressed forth asking him what he wanted in my room and the next thing my uncle did was seat on the bed with me; he said i want to sleep with my nephew tonight, am sure you might be feeling lonely since mommy and daddy left you alone.

I didn’t find anything wrong so i accepted, beside it won’t be the first time he would spend the night in my room.

The next thing he did was to pin me down, “i asked uncle Joe, what are you doing? ”

His breath grew, he began panting heavily and i had to hug him.

It’s okay Etienne, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it, we can talk some other time.

No! He shook his head
I can talk, i just a little something in my eyes.
He cleared his throat and cleaned off the tears thr_@tening to unleash itself.

Alright then take a deep breath before you say another word.
He did as i have instructed so i planted a kiss on his lips.

Uncle Joe pinned me down, placed a hand to obstruct me from shouting and he turned me around, undid my short and R@P£D me.

He helped me cleaned up then left for his room, not without thr_@tening me to stay shut.

“Who am i anyway? Of course i was going to keep my mouth shut, who would believe me?”
That i was R@P£D my uncle, my father’s brother
Or the fact that no one heard, who would believe a young boy like me?

Days passed by, i fell ill, so ill, uncle Joe took me for treatment, he knew exactly what to get for me. I grew up drifting from everyone, my parents would come back from their journey and they would try reaching out to their son but i was just too far, i didn’t want anyone around me, not even my best friend Macron.

Macron’s family has always been a family friend to our family, so Macron’s friendship and i has been long… way too long.

Uncle Joe hardly visit the house for a while, so i learn to heal, on my own.

I grew up and got to realize that i h@ťěd my uncle so god d@mn much but craved his Ďïčk inside of my @zz; i notice a strange feeling towards boys, i remember not wanting to have anything to do with girls, my feelings developed to the extend that i find myself imaging how good a male’s Ďïčk would feel inside of me.

I tried fighting the feeling, i h@ťěd my uncle even more, i started growing feelings towards my friend Macron especially after seeing how big his Ďïčk was, you can call it a love lust situation.

I had to avoid Macron at all cost, then the devil showed up again only this time i didn’t stop him from touching me, we became lovers despite my hatred towards him
I could not help it, i was craving for $ex like a pregnant woman crave for her favorite meal
I needed $ex and he has the Ďïčk, he was the only one i thought i was able to get it from without my parents finding out my new homosegzuality
he was ever ready to f-__-k my Ďïčk like crazy, it soon felt like he has become addicted or something.

A day came, i went out only to come back and find my uncle trying to rape Fleur, to do to her what he did to me, my blood boils, i felt my heart pouncing without control, i picked up the lamp in the room and hit him with it.

Uncle Joe was a bastard, and i was ready to do anything to make him pay for what he did to me and what he planned on doing to my only sister, his niece.

He groaned turning to me with red eyes, he looked as if he was ready to ki|| me in time; he grabbed me with full force and toss me to the wall like i was piece of trash, i fell feeling unconscious for a while
He grabbed Fleur, held her down the same way he did to me and covered her mouth with his wide and heavy hand, he was the broad type.

I jerk up and took out the pen knife i carry around and pierce him on the neck earning a loud shout from him, he turned towards me but before he could charge back i rushed towards him and pierce him once again with the knife, i repeated this action till i was sure he was dead.

Fleur watched in shock, probably asking herself what sort of a brother she had, after doing that i got so scared, i knew i was going to go to prison

I was only a teenager at that time, i had no where to go to, so i sat back and asked Fleur to close the door behind her, so no one can come in.

After many hours Eloise came knocking on the door, i swiftly opened the door for him, and when he saw what happened he called his friends: Mark, Lucien and Davin

“What about the maids, was no one around as of that time?”

Uncle Joe sent them out so he can succeed in his evil deeds, which he ended up failing woefully.

Eloise alongside his friends helped wrapping his body, they took his body to the basement so they can dispose it at late night.

I wondered what happened to his body, i wondered how Eloise and his friends didn’t look shocked to see a dead body like Fleur an i were, one thing i was sure of was that i didn’t felt pity for him, i knew if i was given a second chance i would ki|| him over and over again.

I told Eloise what happened, he told me i did good and he urge me never to tell a soul.
Fleur also did good in keeping the secret even till now.

“Oh Etienne, i am so sorry” come here!
I pulled him in for a hug, watching him break down in tears.

He must be so hurt, going through such terrible thing as a child is never healthy for a child’s mind set.

That’s why i had to connect, so i can understand how you felt when it happened to you although i haven’t been through half of what you’ve passed, but i had to forgive you, it was never your fault you ended up this way.

Etienne, i am so sorry about your friend Macron
If i can take it all back, i swear i will.

“I know Valerie, i do” I forgive you from the depth of my heart.

So how did you and Macron became a couple?

I kissed him this certain day, he pulled back probably taken aback by foolish act of display
Soon enough, he flow with my new found hormone, though he didn’t fall easily but i made sure i proved to him that i loved him, he was my first true love.

Wait! Macron wasn’t gay from the onset?

Yup! Surprising right?
Let’s just say, i kinda made him turn gay, afterwards i began to play around but that never stopped the love i felt for him, to me he was someone i was ready to settle down with

He changed, he started mingling with bad people, taking bad stuff but i never let go because i loved him, thankfully hid brain resettled itself.

I know, am a bad person
The truth is, no one is a good person, we only try to be good, try to make changes in life.

After influencing him into turning gay, i broke up with him, sometimes i tell myself that it was all my fault.

No Etienne, don’t say that darling, please don’t.
We make mistake what matters is how we try to amend them.

Thank you Zane for listening.

No… Thank you, for forgiving me.

“Love is forgiveness, if you don’t forgive you can’t say you’ve ever loved.”

I smiled at his last words
Indeed love is forgiveness, an i am ready to hold unto this new found love of ours, with all I’ve gat.

How about i give you a good b|__wj_b to calm your nerves.

“What!!!!!” He yelled smiling sheepishly.

So my feisty tigress knows how to give a BJ huh!

I pushed him to lye down flat so i can get down to business.

I watch his hands resting behind his head in support, the whole while his gaze never left me.

I smiled rubbing my hands around his hard member, without wasting much time i took his long an firm Ďïčk out, his Ďïčk was standing so erect
I chuckled before parting my mouth open, taking the cap of his Ďïčk inside my mouth.

Hmmmm that’s feel so good feisty! He mumbled between closed eyes.

I used my tongue to lick the tip as slow as i can but then the banging sound came from the door.

Who the hell is that? Etienne murmured.

I tried ignoring the sound when my mother’s voice came out loudly

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