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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?‍♀️My Bodyguard is a Girl ?
(He’s gay ?/ She’s bad ⚡)

Episode 45?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: The hidden truth 2 (OUT) ?️
❎Do not copy or Repost ❎

Answer me Sage, who are you talking to?

Mmm… Her eyes popped.

Uh, the girl… Babe… Baby the girl name is Val, she’s my friend.

That’s not what am asking. All am asking is who the hell is that girl you are talking to, why do you keep mentioning her name like almost every time and now you are telling her about my friend, are you for real?

Who is this person Sage? Answer me this instant your silence is eating me up.

He yelled causing her to squeak an flinch in fear.

Why are you screaming like this Jammy? She muttered, tears trickling down her cheeks.

The girl is my friend and i was talking about Etienne because she has seen him on different occasions, it turns out she has fallen deeply in love with him so i was only reminding her that he is a gay believe me babe why would i lie to you?

I don’t know what to believe Sage cause i have been watching you ever since this Valerie girl showed up into your life.

I recall you calling Zane Valerie, even on the day you were calling the girl you claimed to be Valerie you still talked about Zane.

Curiosity etched on his face, his brows were knot his eyes stared vigorously at her.

He needed the truth from her, he has been on her trail for quite a while now so it was sure that he would find out the truth.

The last thing he needed right now was a lying partner and he loved Sage way too much to end things with that, that is if he finds out that she was in some sort of $h|t.

Tell me Sage, you can talk to me trust me!

What is a relationship without trust, with so much secrets?

Talk to me baby! He gripped her by the arm.

“Who is Valerie to you?
Is he Zane? Is Zane a woman, is he the Valerie you are talking about?”

Wh-what what are you… say- saying James? She stammered through words.

Sage our is relationship is at stake here, do you want us to end things here?

I can’t keep any secret away from you, same behavior should be reciprocated.
I thought you love me Sage?

“But i do! I love you more than anything.” She queried.

He huffed scooping a hand fill of his hair into his hands.

Then tell me…tell me who is Zane and Valerie to you.

“I… I don’t anything, i swear.”

Tell me Sage or this relationship is over!

“Are you blackmailing me?” She popped the question in weary.

Call it wh@ťěver you want to Sage, but note my friend Etienne is at stake here so i don’t care how you see this situation.

She shook her head in disbelief, tears thr_@tening to slid down her eyes but she held it all in.

Fine then let the relationship end because i don’t know what you are saying James.

James arms fell in disbelief, he scoffed at her reply.

So you are willing to end us all in the name of whoever it is you are protecting?

James am not protecting anyone please believe me. She protested in tears.

James opened up his mouth but ended up floundering for words.

That’s it Sage… A grumpy voice growled panting in rage.

James and Sage tilted only to see an angry looking Etienne: his eyes were puffy an red, his unruly hair ruffled, his face looked so stressed, he looked almost as if he haven’t had a good sleep for a while.

Etienne! James gasped
Etienne rushed towards them in full speed, right before James could utter a word he was pushed aside in full force.

Etienne grabbed unto the neck of Sage with in force.

“Who really is Zane?”
Answer me! He roared.

James jerk up from the shock. What the f-__-k are you doing man, have you lost it?

He send punches his way
Etienne staggered back, still panting hard.

Let her talk, let her tell us the truth.

That she will do but not with your hand on her neck, come on man.
Where you planning on chocking her to death.

Sage shivered in fear, worry knot deep in her stomach.

“How in the world did Etienne find out about Zane, or wasn’t he talking about Zane?

Sage please tell us what you know, from the look of things my suspicions were not wrong you do know something about Zane and this Valerie girl and Etienne has just confirmed it.

Is Zane really Valerie? Is Valerie your child hood friend Zane?

I need to know the truth Sage, stop lying and open us to me!

Etienne grumbled as he picked up anything in front of his, tossing it carelessly.

Wait- what are you saying man?
“How do you know about Valerie… Whom… Who told you?”

Blair did! She told me about Sage relationship with this girl Valerie right before the girl disappeared.

Am begging you Sage tell who is this Valerie, tell me or else i don’t mind hurting you.

I…um… i don’t know what you are saying, i swear on my life am just as shock as the news as you are.

Do you want to die just so you can keep the truth
because i don’t mind ki||ing you so i can bring the truth out of you.

Etienne breathed, his incredulous eyes flashing out anger.

Sage shrieked almost flinching back.

No one is ki||ing anyone today Etienne, you need to calm down so we can talk gently to her.

She refused telling you the truth even when you said you were going to break up with her so what makes you think playing gentle will do?

Etienne she’s still my girlfriend and how long have you been standing there while listening to our conversation?

Sage saw a breakthrough through their little bickering, she got a firm grip on her phone that is the only thing that can save her now.

So she hurried pass them, running for her dear life.

What the f-__-k!! Etienne yelled running after her but he was held back by James.

She is getting away James!! I need to meet her so we can find out the truth.

James scoffed. “And what made you think running after her will make you believe the truth you know already?”

‘And you want me to believe what Blair said… just like that?’ He sneered the word.

You have to, you have to because am certain that the detective gave you sound prove but your love for the girl who turned out to be Zane won’t let you believe it.

That’s a lie, that is a big lie James.

He roared getting a grip full of his hair.

Never you address Zane as a ‘she’ never do that James.

Okay then why don’t we start by telling me what the detective said you, let us reminisce over her words.

Valerie!!! She whispered squinting her eyes.

There was panic etched in her voice, she pants checking left and right to see if she would see the sight of Etienne.

Sage what’s up are you… Why, why are you sounding so scared is anything the matter?

Val please come pick me up at NY Central Market please, Etienne is after me and am sure he is not the only one.

Etienne is after you! She inquired with rumbling thoughts.

Why would he be after you what did you do Sage?

All i can say is he found out, he found out that you are a girl and he came to confirm through me!

Am so scared Val, he almost ki||ed me.

Am coming, am coming right away make sure you stay hidden till i come.

Hmm! She hummed in tears.

Blair told me that they did a research on Sage’s life since they could not find anything about Zane and that was how they got to realize that Valerie is Zane.

She said she needed more confirmation so they traveled back to where Sage lived in her childhood days, they did some questioning and luckily for them they came across some of their neighbors who still live there.

That was how they found out about Zane, they said after he got R@P£D they left the state and relocated to where no one knows.

Everything make sense now, that was why Sage was calling Zane Valerie the night we met, even after Zane denied she still addressed him as Valerie.

Now i know why she said Valerie and Zane are the same. *She said that because Zane is the male name for Valerie. *

Everything is coming to place now, now that i think about it.

“No! No i don’t believe it!
I don’t believe anything anyone says.”
Zane is Zane and Valerie is a different person. Etienne added with a hint of hope lingering in his voice.

Etienne you need to see Zane in person so that you two can talk, she owns you some explanation.

Although i still can’t believe that Sage knew it along and she was willing to let go of what we shared.

Not she James… He, Zane owes me an explanation, stop addressing Zane as she, i will never believe it.

Do you know… Blair told me that my own Zane is responsible for the death of Blanche?

I laughed, shrugging the thought off because my Zane would never hurt my love ones, never!

She said she believe Zane came into our lives for a cause, that didn’t we notice the chaos that began taking place right after we employed bodyguards?

Let’s think of it Etienne, Blair might be saying the truth, i mean all these strange things began to happen right after you all moved to New York and employed bodyguards.

Maybe Zane is response for the death of Macron to! He gasped in realization..

Come to think of it, it is very possible that Zane is also responsible for the death of Macron and he has help coming from somewhere….

That’s it James, enough with your fake claims.
He growled like a hungry animal.

Calm down man! James raised his hands in the air, gesturing a sign that he gives up.

Etienne why are you doing this to yourself?

“How did you find me?”

I traced your phone through the call we just had, it led me to your house.

I didn’t know you had a house near the beach?

Have you been able to find my Zane, did you hear anything about him?
Did he tried reaching out to me?

No Etienne, Zane is no where to be found, i told my trusted men to search secretly for him.

We won’t arrest him until you get a chance to talk to him.

I don’t want to believe that my own Zane is responsible for something evil, am not buying all these bull $h|t until he tells me himself, to my face.

Suddenly a popped through the screen of Blair’s phone.

She glance through the strange number before sliding the answer button.

Detective Blair speaking may i know who is this?

Can you give the phone to Etienne? I want to speak with him.

Zane!! Blair blurt in awe.

Zane! Etienne jerked up on his feet.

Tell him to take an hour walk way from his house i will find him when he does that.

You do know that i locate you and get you arrested right?

“Yes i do!” She sighed lowly.

I still want to give him an explanation, and maybe tell him how i feel before getting arrested.
… T. B. C

Zane….OMO!! ?
the truth are coming out more now, time for more action ?

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