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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?My Bodyguard is a Girl ?
(He’s gay ?/ She’s bad ⚡)

?️Episode 32 ?️
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: Finding the unknown ?
❎Do not copy or Repost ❎
She gasped in horror. How did he find out about my daughter? Does he know that Zane is a girl and not a boy?

“I must find out; i must protect my little girl.”

Why do you ask? An what made you think that i can help you with such information.

She asked battling her lashes, her mind pondering over many problem that can occur if she wasn’t careful.

She can’t tell him the real truth about Zane, she doesn’t want to.
She was not a really good wife but she loved her husband so much.

Clara please talk to me, you alone can save him cause my men will get him and his master ki||ed… “And it’s for good.”

She gulped down her fears: this wasn’t the time to show fear, but courage.
Fine! Yes, yes i have a son. He’s name is Zane, i also have a daughter an her name is Valerie.

Valerie was the one who was R@P£D, she died few months after she lost her child.
Zane has been living in Colombia for a while, with my sister. Ashley.

He came back some years later after his sister died.

What! You mean to tell me that you had two children, how is that possible Clara?
“You are lying to me, i can feel it.

No Curt, why would i do that when the life ofy son is involved? “… I have lost one child, that’s enough!”

Zane is your child! I realize i was pregnant with him after you left for Paris an never came back.

My mom helped me in taking care of him, so that Smith won’t find out. Smith was in love with me an so was i.

He wanted to marry me, but i was scared, scared that he would find out that i was pregnant for you an leave me.

You know how Smith detest you right?
I was so scared that it would be the end of the route between me and him.
I could not loose a good man, never!

So i had to plan better. I took my child(Zane)
And gave him to my sister in Columbia and settled with Smith.

Valerie is one year younger than Zane
She came the year after Zane completed one.

She didn’t had that mark that Smith had, the one the first born always have, so i had to do the needful.

I made sure i covered her properly, Smith was never given the chance to check the child’s body, because that would spoil everything and he’ll come to know that Valerie wasn’t his child.

She was some month older so i got someone to draw a temporal tattoo just like that of Smith, until she was fully of age to bear the pain: to get the real one.

So you see Zane is your son, i got pregnant for you when i was about entering college.

Curt staggered like one who just have an overdose of alcohol.
His legs became wobbly, his hands shaking without control.

Hot streams of sweat ran through his body. “Was this all real, or was he dreaming?”

Is Zane truly his son, should he believe what Clara has said to him?

No! Clara would never lie to him, she never has. She has always been honest in all doings. Soon enough he let out a loud laughter, tears trickling down his eyes.

Clara watched his display in total shock
She never expected him to react to the news this way.

“So Zane is my son.” He laughed again.

Zane is my son! He gasped bringing his hands to his mouth.
That means that my first son ki||ed my only daughter, his own junior sister And now he wants to ki|| me too.

He burst out in an uncontrollable laughter.
Life does really has a funny way of throwing things back at you.

It only means that Zane is back for revenge.
d@mn Clara, you really are a demon.

“Yet!… you ask so innocent an holy. You kept all these from everyone, Smith, Zane, Valerie and even me!”

Everyone has cobweb in their wardrobe Curt don’t give me all that bull $h|t.

I kept it from you because you’re not man enough, you are a fool an your Ɓîtçh is the real demon here, all i ever wanted was to protect my child from the both of you, i need to survive, an that i did.

Your son ki||ed my daughter, my little princess, he ki||ed his sister.
He barked fuming with rage.

I am sorry that my child ki||ed your daughter as you claimed, but i don’t believe you because the Zane i know would never ki|| anyone.

Oh! Then you don’t know your son as you claim. He remarked pacing round the room.

The door burst wide open. A woman in large hat graced the room, she had a black red stick on with a very large black hat to grace her look.

“Well! Well! Well. If it isn’t the lover reunion.”

She cat walked her way in, shutting the door, she pulled out a small container from her bag, containing a sanitizer and poured out a small quantity on her hands.

My family was also having a wonderful reunion, although it was not, a lover’s reunion.

I must give it to you Clara, you are smart, so smart but still dumb, as always.

And you my darling Curt, i am proud of you!” She giggled scanning the room with her eyes.

Curt glared at her in disbelief, he was shocked to see her, nevertheless there’s no way he was showing her that part, he knows fully well that Giselle feeds on fear, the act of fear gives her pleasure.

Clara also gasped, she wanted to scream out her worst nightmare was standing right in front of her, dressed in black.

Sure this has got to a nightmare, this woman in person has made her life a living hell.

Giselle was no ordinary woman, she never has been one. “Right from high school.”
At 10th grade: that was where she met Giselle and her first love Curt!.

She swallowed hard and stretched her chin up high. Enough is enough, she can’t remain scared of Giselle for so long, since teenage age till now.

Fears! Our fears are one of the biggest obstacles in our life and if we don’t fight it, we can’t cross over to a better life.

She encouraged herself; her fears towards Giselle has always been one of her greatest obstacles in life.

Each day she wakes up an pray to God never to bring her back with these two.
Loving Curt was one of the greatest mistake she has ever made in life.

Why are you here… *Ɓîtçh!*
Her voice harden with h@ťě, her face was never left out in the show of distain. She loathe Giselle an she must show it with pride.

Giselle smiled at her facial reaction.

Hello Clara Smith, or is it Clara Jones?
I don’t know what way to address you, since you have no one left, the bearers of this name died an unfortunate death. Let’s put that aside shall we?

“Did you miss me Clara?” I did, i miss you so f-__-king much.

My darling Curt, so you find your way back, you came running back, running back to her letting the past repeat itself.

Well what can i say? The past will always repeat itself when it’s not dealt with judicious.

And for you Clara, as long as you and your so called son, Zane are alive the past will keep repeating itself.

“So tell me Curt, are you buying her bull $h|t? Because if you are, am ashamed.”

Is non of your business. Where you following me Giselle? This matter doesn’t in anyway concern you so why? Why are you here?

Hey there, easy easy with the questions.
Am no robot my darling, you can’t probably expect me to answer all those questions correctly, remember am not the smart one.
She cooed fixing her hat properly on her head.

She sighed loudly. I want to make a deal with the both of you.
I want the both of you to come straight to my house this evening, we will be having a family dinner so tonight is the best time.

Come over to my house and let the cat out of the bag. Tell everyone that Zane is your son.

That Curt is the father and you (Clara)
You are the mother. I hope what i have said wasn’t so hard for your dumb brain to understand, Clara?

Clara gnashed her teeth in anger.
That’s it Ɓîtçh, i want you and your stupid boyfriend out of my house or i call the cops.

Are you serious? Giselle inquired sparing the room a look full of disgust.
You call this house, i call this a barn.

If you fail to follow my words i will cut off your son’s head with a cutlass.

Believe me am not joking, you know me an what i can do. Am not Curt who has a soft spot, am Giselle, and i ki|| with no mercy.

I have had my eyes on your son for while.
Let everyone know that Curt is the father of Zane or else your little wh-_-re here dies with her son dies first thing in the morning.

*A word is enough for the wise.* Adios Curt, adios Clara, please do take care.

★ ★ ★

★?~~ Blair ★~~~?
( New York Detective Department)
Am sorry to disturb you but you will love this. I recently found out something spicy
about the case on ground.

But first, you have to tell me am a segzy looking hot dude sith segzy packs.

Stop playing with me Hop, am so exhausted for all these.
She replied, her gaze fixed on the documents in her hands.

I went back to the place the accident took place an you won’t believe what i found.

Her head flew up almost instantly.
What news do you have Hopkins?

The whole CCTV cameras might have been disabled that night so we couldn’t find anything reasonable as a result
Then i upped my game by going back for questioning with all the neighbors around

I felt there isn’t a way no one won’t be awake as of that time, someone might have seen something, so i was right.

A neighbor who live across said he saw a tall man with long straight hair leaving a black car, the man sneaked his way in and the next thing he knew was that the house blew up.

He asked me not to disclose his name, he’s an old man with many fears.

Whoa! Hops, that’s brilliant. She gasped giggling in joy.

“So did he see the face of the man?”

Nope but he left me with something we can hold unto.

“What’s that?” Her eyes twitched.

“The car’s plate number.” He said wiggling his brows playfully.
…. T. B. C

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