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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? My Bodyguard is a Girl ?
(He’s gay ?‍❤️‍?‍?/ She’s bad ⚡)

Episode 26?️
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

Theme: An eye for an eye ??️
❎ Do not copy or Repost ❎
I need to go inside, my head hurts so bad.
I sprang up almost immediately.

Are you okay Zane? She got up holding my arm.

No am not, my… I trailed off but hesitated for a while
No am not, am suddenly feeling headache and i need to rest.

I said trying hard to keep my cool, i really don’t want her to suspect anything.

Oh Zane. Are you feeling headache because of me, did i make it worst?
She smacked her fore head with her hand.

I should have let you be when you said you wanted to rest, am so sorry my love.

It’s fine. Thanks for having me over, i don’t regret coming here.

I kissed her head and her cheeks flushed red. She avoided my gaze blushing profusely.

Good night Zane; she cooed swinging her hands.
“Should i see you off?”

No darling, you should get some rest. We will talk better some other time but certainly not tonight.

I felt her room trembling, but at the same time still trying all my best to keep my cool.

Is a miracle i was able to compose myself and still walk out of there without pressing the life of the young girl
Although she’s innocent, but her brother… Eloise isn’t.

If he was the one who R@P£D me then maybe he has idea of my child where about, am certain of it.

I will have to find a way to drag him over to New York, but how?

I kept walking without paying much attention to where i was headed to an before i knew it, my leg slipped making me loose balance.

Just when i thought i was gonna fall, i felt a soft hand behind my back, pulling me up.

“Are you okay Zane?” The voice whispered softly: it was a feminine voice.

I crouched slightly.
Smart! I cooed finding it hard to compose myself.

“Zane! Are you okay?”
She whispered yet again but this time with concern in her voice.

I did a short scan on her body with my eyes. She was putting on a white night gown that brought out her curves.

Come Zane, let me help you to your door.

“Tell me, are you sick? Or are you hungry?”

“Can i help out? Am concerned about you Zane.”
She asked as soon as we reached the door.

Come! I think i will have to help you to bed.

I couldn’t utter a single word out, my lips felt numb
My brain thinking of the next action to take.

I must get my revenge, an i must get it now!
Enough playing nice.

“Why are you not talking Zane,” am getting worried here.

Why were you out?
Where you looking for me?
I voiced, after finding the words to say.

“… Yes, well no!”
Alright yes, i went out in search of you.
Is a good thing i came looking for you, see i came in handy.

I looked up, she was playing nervously with her fingers.

Smart! I called gaining her attention.

“Hmm” she hummed arching a brow.

I need your help, i need to be somewhere and i need to be there now.

“What do you want me to do Zane?”

I need you to set the Emp Jammer, so you can destroy the Cameras that has been installed.
Take my laptop an do that.

I have to be somewhere tonight.
Can you do that for me?

Sure Zane, anything you need.

Thanks. I don’t know if you have any equipment?
I could really use one tonight.

I do have some equipment stored in the house, just tell me what you need and I’ll get it.

Alright, first take my laptop and disconnect the cameras connection, then afterwards i need you to bring the best gadjets you think will be good to break into a mansion without notice.

“Can you do that for me?”

Then why do they call me Smart?
She wiggled her brows playfully with a smile plastered on her face.
“Sure i can, is what am good at.”

I nodded in satisfaction.
Do you think Bruno can help dispose the stuff when am done with it?

Sure just let me know when you are done and i will send him a text on how he should do it in a clean way.
Don’t worry Bruno is like an obedient dog, he does what he’s told in the best way possible.

Time to take my first step of revenge
*An eye for an eye.*

( Billionaire Row )
I stored all i need in a scottevest leather trench coat.
I made sure to cross check the bag pack Smart gave to me, i can’t make any mistake tonight.

Bruno made sure to stop few miles away from Curt’s tall mansion.
He must be a very rich pack.

We don’t want to drag any attention to us for the main time.
After all these i will have to make sure i get Dante to hack into the cameras of each street we might have followed.

I wore my regular hand gloves, to avoid having my prints anywhere.
I stained my hand with the grip chalk and finger tape to climb up the fence.

After successfully entering the building, i stood by some plants to observe the environment as soon as I got in.

The camera device searcher played a great roll in searching for all the cameras, so it was easy to plant the Emp jammer to destroy the security camera around that block.

Making sure my presence wasn’t known, i sneaked successfully into the house, an planted another Emp Jammer while hiding behind the walls.

It was a very big house, so locating Curt’s room wasn’t an easy one.
I later discovered that the house was empty: Only his bodyguards were home, and from my observations; the guard are only four.

Soon enough i gave up on my search, i strode down different rooms until i heard a song coming from one of the rooms.

I came to an abrupt stop to listen carefully to where the song was coming from.
It was a girl’s voice, and from the voice i can tell it was a young child.

Hmm… ‘Way better.’ I was planning on ki||ing Curt and his whole family.
I wanted to rape his daughter just like they did to me, right before ki||ing them all.

*But now, plan changed.* I will rape his daughter in the worst way ever so he can live to feel my pains, afterwards “he dies.”

Hell-O Blanche. I smiled shutting the door as gentle as i can.

She flinched crouching. “Who- What… How?
What is…”
She stuttered voicing in hot air.

She gulped down an quickly took to her feet.
Am… Am going to scream. She thr_@tened trying all her best to sound strong but her eyes sold her out as fears and tears were filled in them.
I took another look at her; she was like a bottle with a big crack on, but is still stilling to stay strong.
I watched her in amusement, she reminded me of me.

Please let me go and i promise not to tell anyone that you burst into my house.
How… How did you get in, in the first place?
Her voice failed her as the last words produced tears instead.

Shhh don’t cry. I promise i don’t bite.
I know is your house, nevertheless can you please have a seat? All i want is your ears.

“My Ears” She half yelled in awe.
Are you like those people who cut other people’s body part an sell?
Please don’t do that to me, am still young with life ahead of me.

I giggled at her cuteness. Am only here to tell you a story, that’s why i need your ears.
All i want you to do, is listen or you die
I showed off the scorpion pistol placed in the coat, she was left agape at the sight of the gun.

What do you want from me? I have nothing to give you. I am going to give you opportunity to leave me alone or i scream.

Nothing much, just listen attentively without making any noise, or i $h00t your head off.
I pointed the gun at her head to scare her, which worked perfectly well.

There lived a man with a very beautiful family
He had a daughter your age, that was seven years ago. Everything was going well for them until this certain night, a night that changed it all.

“What happened to the family?” She asked avoiding eyes contact.

The father got ki||ed and the girl got R@P£D…
Sadly it’s the same thing that will happen to you.

Her eyes widen, she began shaking her head
No! No please, please don’t this to me.
She pleads in tears.

Curt POV
Why is the house quiet? Where is my princess?
“Blanche… Blanche darling, are you asleep?
Daddy’s home baby, come say hi.”

Will you stop screaming the girl’s name already, maybe she’s asleep.

“Why don’t you shut the f-__-k up!” He retorted his gaze fixated on her with anger in them.
Come on go upstairs and check my princess, i need to know if she’s sleeping or not.

Suddenly her phone beeped. Am so sorry but i will have to take this first, is very important
Is from France, one of my most distinguished clients, you know how these things are.

He gave her a furious look, taking in a deep breath to calm his nerves.

You have never been a good wife, for once in your life and i h@ťě that about you.

“Curt, please don’t… ”

He walked pass her almost immediately, never giving her the chance to complete her words.

Blanche dear are you asleep baby girl?
Blanche is this one of your tricks then it’s not working on me again, you failed.

He asked as audible as he can.
He opened the door only to find her in a pool of blood.

He came to a pause, staring at the body in shock. Blanche, my darling. Why are you covered in blood? He asked adminst cough.

Blanche if this is a prank “stop it!” I don’t find it funny at all.
He bit his lips to avoid screaming. His body began to heat up, producing hot sweat.

No!!! He groaned falling to his knee.
He shook his head negatively, tears sliding freely down his cheeks.

He felt an instant headache, his blood boils as he stared at his only daughter lying in the pool of blood: ” She has been shot.”

She was bleeding from her head, chest and even her private part.
He recognized this pattern so well, something tells him who was responsible for this.

Blanche!! She screamed crying in pain, he held his chest brooding in pain.

Bernadette his wife came rushing in with fear written all over her face.
What happened Curt, you were — She paused, her words caught up in her throat.

Blanche!! She yelled panicking.
What… What happened to my baby? She screamed crashing herself to the floor, she stayed there glued to the floor, froze by the sight at hand.

Her very own daughter in a pool of blood, something she couldn’t bring her head to wrap around.

Curt wrapped his daughter in his arms
Crying while he plants kisses on her face as he sob bitterly.

His eyes caught an unusual object; he swiftly locate the object and soon got to realize that it was a camera. “How did it got here?” He thought asking a question he couldn’t answer just yet.

His guard came rushing inside the room.
Mrs Blanche! He gasped, his mouth left wide open.

Take my wife out of here. Curt ordered, his gaze stuck to the camera in his hand.

No! No Curt you can’t do this, at least let me hug my daughter first, please. She pleaded sobbing with her hands joined together.

“Take her out of here now!!” He yelled authoritatively.

No! Please Curt let me see my daughter first
She pleads screaming as she was dragged outside the room.

As soon as he was sure the room was cleared
He turned it on, playing a video stored in:
His eyes switched in bewilderment, unable to watch the video completely he shut it off before taking in a deep breath to complete the video.

“f-__-k you Zane! I will get you, i will crush you with everything in my bones.”
He pants hard, throwing the camera to crash on the wall.

My precious daughter, look what that monster did to you, you don’t deserve this non of it.
He kept mute for a while, observing a red light as it blinks repeatedly.

“Realizing that it might be a bomb, he tried carrying his daughter in his arms,” the light increased rapidly and he knew that it was going to be less than a minute before it explodes.

He dash out of the room, but stopped to have one last look at his daughter.
He turned around shutting his eyes bitterly in pain, running out of the house in full speed.

He approached the door half way when he heard a loud sound; he felt the ground shaking in his head.

“… Boom! The bomb went off exploding the whole house, leaving everywhere and everything burned.”

“No!!! My daughter, my daughter is in there.”
Bernadette yelled in beMõ@ɲ.
I didn’t get to see her, i never got to see my baby for the last time. “Let me go!”
She cried hitting the hands of the guard on her shoulders.

Curt groaned in pains; his body bleeding as a result of the hot flames which caused minor wounds on him.
He watched his house burning in flames: he knew the bomb Zane used wasn’t just any bomb and he must get him for this.

What did he ever do to Zane to hurt his daughter to this extend?
He ki||ed her and got her burned up in ash
This was barbaric, the highest form of wickedness.

He still remembers the blood he saw on her legs, he knew Zane R@P£D his little girl.
Certainly he knew what pattern was used in ki||ing his little daughter, but this… This was just way cruel. “Surly he must pay.”

“Liam! He called out.”

“Yes Sir Curt. Here i am, what can i do for you?”

Curt face scrunched in disbelief.
Do you want me to answer that, do you? He asked raging in fury.

You motherf-__-ker, you piece of $h|t, you worthless nincompoop.

He took in a deep breath; exhaling in and out louder than expected.
“Have you checked the rest of the bodyguards kept in watch of Blanche?”

Yes Sir Curt. It looks like they have all been ki||ed, their body shows that they were ki||ed earlier before the bomb.

Of course they were ki||ed earlier before the bomb, cause the bomb just took place now
You good for nothing, all of you are good for nothing, all of you.

The police siren could be heard miles away, and soon enough the place was filled with police, ambulance, investigator and forensic.

“Sir Curt!”

Curt looked up to see where the voice was coming from.

Arc, you are here? He asked nodding nonstop.

Yes, i came as soon as i heard the news, i was actually in the neighborhood.
The police are here also, an would like to talk to you.

Am not stable yet Arc, you talk to them for me
Also make sure they don’t meet Bernadette or else they will run her mad.

He bowed taking his leave.

One more thing Arc. I want you to find out if there is anyone close to Zane, he must pay for this pain he has caused me.

Sir i have done that already. I knew it would come handy so i did the job beforehand.
I will send you the details, address and picture of his mother who live in Centriville.

“Tell me her name right this instance.” He growled in abhorrent.

“His mother name is Clara; Clara Smith.”

His ears twitched, he tilt his head over to face the direction of Arc, right after his body follows.

Did you say Clara Smith? Can i have her picture, is it with you as we speak?
He inquired with anxiety ravaging his flesh like razor cut.

Arc went through his phone briefly, after few checks he found what he was in search of.
This is her picture sir, “Clara Smith. ”
Excuse me, i have to meet with the police now.

“No.. No this can’t be?” How is even possible? Is this Clara, is this my Clara?
After all these years, you were so close by….
….. T…. B…. C……
Forensic: Are scientific test used by police to solve crime
Billionaire row, is a very expensive street to live in, in New YorK City
So tell me how does Curt knows Zane’s mom?
And how do you think Zane ki||ed Blanche?

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