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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?My Bodyguard is a Girl ?
(He’s gay ? / She’s bad ⚡)

Episode 16 ?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: Getting acquainted ?

❎Do not copy or Repost ❎

The detective department went on with their investigation an found out that Hughes was responsible for the death of Macron and Damon.

The picture of Macron with Damon proved their connection.

It was also proved that Macron was into illegal business alongside Damon.

“The case got close as Hughes was later arrested for their death.”

The police force broke the news to family; Everyone one was shocked, no one could believe that Macron can ever indulge in such acts; he was a fine soul, “so what happened? ”

The death came as a shock to Etienne, he felt ill from just the thought of Macron being dead to top it all.. Macron cheated, on him.

He knew he was a play boy, but not Macron.
Macron was the honest one, so why all these secret?

He loved him, he once did. Yes! He’s beginning to fall for Zane but stully…. A part of him still love Macron.

Is been a month Etienne, you barely eat, talk or even go out, all you do is drink an drink yourself to stupor, which is irritating.

Etienne smirked taking the bottle to his lips once more.

“What do you want me do?” I can’t help but feel like am the cause of Macron’s death.

“…Are you a fool Etienne? Macron died cause he was involved in some stupid deals, stop blaming yourself it will only make you look pathetic… “Gaud”

He nods… Yeah! Am pathetic.
Why not? Macron is dead!

I can’t forgive myself, never.

That Hughes, that bastard. He deserves death and not prison.

Why would he send someone to ki|| my Macron?
I wanted a break up,.. Yes i did.
That doesn’t mean i want him dead.

“He cried out,” his hands hitting his chest.
I wish he can wake up, i wish he wakes up Zane, i can’t bare the pain of loosing a friend who has always been there for me, Macron meant a lot to me. He still do!

If you won’t stop drinking then drink till you ki|| yourself.

With that Zane bashed the door behind him, heading for her room.

After a long time, she felt guilty.
Why would Etienne think he’s responsible for the death of Macron?

She flared hitting the wall angrily.
She opened the door to her room an hurried slumped herself on the bed.

She sighed; truly a bed has a way of calming one’s nerve. She thought staring blankly at the ceiling.

Can i come in? A feminine voice, whispered, slightly opening the door.

Anyways am coming in whether you want me to, or not. She added cat walking her way in.

“What do you want Smart?”

Nothing, nothing other than to see your face.
You know, when i first found out that am going to be working for you, i love it.

I was told not to blow my cover to you but guess what! “I couldn’t help it, you were just so smart, hot and tempting to me ignore. ”

Smart i thought i told you to stay away from me, you blew your cover to me once, don’t do it again, by always sneaking your way into my room.

Your job is to clear all the equipment I’ve used, so do it without annoying me please.

Shhh! Shush there Zane, i don’t know you to talk too much.
Beside men who talk too much is a total turn off for me.

She crawled her way to his laps, her legs wrapped behind his back.

“What to do? You are nothing but a hot demi- god,” I would literally give my life, just to have s*x with you.

“…I ask again, What do you want Smart?” She gnashed her teeth.

You! I want you Zane. I want you to kiss me, i have been dieing to have your lips on mine, please kiss me Zane, grab my butt an squeeze it so hard… Please Zane, am lusting after you, i can’t think properly.

You’re insane Smart. She pushed her off from her.
Get out of my room before i loose it.

She huffed. I always get what i want, am not called Smart for nothing.

I grew up under Harvey’s roof, he was like a father to me, so i know that secret you’ve been hiding.

Her brows arched on awe. Harvey never told her about Smart before?

Why would Harvey keep such a thing a secret from her, an why would he send someone who knows her this much to keep an eye on her?

Yes Zane i know you, you might not recall cause our meeting was brief, but we’ve met.

On the day you went to ki|| Cradon, i was the girl who went to his hotel room as his wh-_-re, i was also the one that took those diamonds out.

Do you remember Harvey said the diamond was in safe hands? Well they were saved by my hands.

She scrunch up her face. “And what is my secret? ” She snapped.

That you are here not on the personality you protray, you came here disguised….
As a bodyguard when you are not, infact i know that you came here to destroy the peace of this family, so better play to games Zane. Yunno i might be your saviour here.

Her heart beat lessen. She got worried that she would have to ki|| one of Harvey’s people to keep her secret.

“She of all person knows that it was against the rule.”

She dragged Smart to herself, smashing her lips on her small heart shaped lips.

She wrapped her hands around Zane’s neck, pulling her closer to herself.

★ ★
(Flash back on the night of Macron death)

The name is Smart. Her lips curved into a smile.

“You…you are Smart?” She stuttered taken aback.

Stay calm Zane, i know you are surprised.
Well let me tell i was the one who sent you the text.
“Let’s see what else did i do?”

Hmm, i was the one who gave you the water which was poisoned, it wasn’t the other maid, true she asked me to bring you water but i changed it.

I wanted to see if you would notice that the water has been drvgged, i was told your are so smart that gained you the title “Wounded Tiger”

So now you know now, then why did you reveal yourself to me?

“Because i like you, and i want to help you
I want to help you with me by your side; as your woman.”

~~~ Valerie Pov?
The horrible make out section finally came to end, and Smart left for her room.

I sat back to rest my head when the thought of Etienne came to mind.

*I h@ťě this* She tightened her fist then took to her feet.

I found him lying on the floor, he seems not to have sober up even till now.

I carried him up, placing him calmly on the bed.

Zane! He cooed grabbing my hand.

Please Zane don’t leave me, don’t leave me the same way Macron did.

“I Love You, i know is funny and ridiculous but i still love you. So please Zane, don’t leave me, please.”

My skipped at his confession. I felt my heart panting, panting in fear; it felt as if i was in some kind of trouble or something.

I snatched my hand from him.
Go to bed Etienne, you are drunk; I said earning chuckle from him.

“I said i love you”… He screamed spraying his hands in the air.

“I love you so much Za…” I swiftly covered his lips with my hands, before he complete his words.

What the f-__-k! I gasped.

What he planning on shouting my name?
I held my chest, why am i scared?

I took in a deep breath closing my eyes.

Zane! He called once again.
My eyes widened. What the f-__-k does this pervert wants?

I turned to face the jerk, when he held me tight and smashed his lips on mine
…. T. B. C

Mad oh oh ?
So The Ultimate Kiss has happen.

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