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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?My Bodyguard is a Girl ?
(He’s gay ?‍❤️‍?‍?/She’s bad ⚡)

? Episode 14 ?
Penned by: Wise Wisdom

★Theme: The inevitable 1?️

❎Do not copy or repost ❎
It’s been few months in the house now, an everything seems rather smooth.

I have been able to install cameras in each of the rooms in the whole building except… Avignon and Giselle’s.

Curt could hardly be seen anywhere near the house.

Macron on the other has been a rather interesting being to watch.

“He’s smart,” i must hand it to him.

Fleur and i grew closer, she’s such a ignorant an arrogant being, never forgetting gullible.

I think she’s the most accessable human i have ever met.

Luckily for me the whole family went for a family day out.

“I have to play my game so well now.”
I switched the full camera to Macron’s room, he looks like he was about picking a call.

I hurriedly turned on the volume that will enable me to hear him properly.

Damon, what are you saying, are you sure?

“Alright thank you,” she cuts the call looking all nonplussed.

His face was flushed in fear, he gulped down repeatedly, his head shaking alongside his body.

So.. Zane is actually a “She!” She blurted, scoffing almost immediately.

That bitçh!!! He yelled in fury.

This is crazy; he laughed, wrapping his hands around his neck.

“Zane is a girl. He is a girl! That bitçh is a girl the whole time.”

I won’t let that f-__-king bitçh hurt my Etienne, i will thr_@ten her then ki|| her.
No one will ever hurt my love one’s, she doesn’t know Macron yet.

I will have to confront him, an to think my Etienne fell in love with her, thinking she’s a “he”

He angrily left his room, jamming the door behind.

Zane!! He called with shock which was later replaced with an influriating emotion.

What are you doing here Zane? He grit his teeth.

I came looking for you, Etienne asked me to bring a bag for you, so i wanted to check if you were home.

I thought you left with Etienne an his family, or aren’t you supposed to guard Etienne again?

You are right am Etienne’s bodyguard but i had a stomach upset, so i couldn’t make it there with him.

“Hmm” Macron hummed.
I see, so where is the bag Etienne asked you to give me?

It’s in my room, do you want it now?
Zane arched his brows staring at Macron, he felt the urge to laugh but it back.

You look worried Macron, are you okay?

Sure i am. Well i was on my way in search of you.

Of me! Zane repeats pretending to sound surprise.

I want to have a word with you in my room! He announced, more like a command.

“Your room, what for? Is there a problem?”
Anyways never mind, let me get the bag.

I feel bad for Macron, he was such an interesting human to watch, now his death has become inevitable.

Augh! Poor Macron
He doesn’t know that i have been on his trail for so long.

I brought out the 2mms kolibri pistol i ordered from Bruno, alongside the other things i will be needing.

I tucked the gun behind my back.
I need to make sure no one sees me entering Macron room

Everything i needed was inside a black bag, the same one i plan on taking to Macron’s room.

Ever since i knew the plans of Macron, i ordered Bruno to get me the things i need in ki||ing him, this is gonna be fun, i miss fun.

I approached his room an planted a soft knock on the door.

Come in! He replied, his voice quiet audible.

I shut the door as soon as i got in.
What’s so important that you wanted to talk to me about?

Where is the bag Etienne asked you to give me?

As you can, it’s in my hand, so what do we have to discuss? Macron.

What made you think you can get away with evil Zane?

Zane furrowed her brows. She knew fully well what Macron was talking about but she wanted to play along, “this is gonna be so much fun; she thought smirking inwardly.

Oh don’t give me that holier than thou face Zane, or should i say… “Valerie?”

What are you talking Macron, who
What is this nonsense about?

Or you don’t know! Okay let me refresh your memory.
Your name is Valerie you are a girl who live with her mother in Centreville.

And guess what? Am going to expose to everyone so that can see that you are a devil in fine clothing.

“…so you know so much,” then you should also know that Etienne is in love with me.

Etienne only loves you because he think you are a man not knowing the real you.

Aren’t you ashamed? You lost the love of your life to a girl. She threw out a mocking smile.

f-__-k you Zane, f-__-k you big time, am to expose you big time.
I know you are working with a drug lord name Harvey
I also know that you are not an orphan like your details displayed.

You are a girl impersonating the personality of a man. ” You are such a devil Zane.”

My…you are awesome Macron.

Zane removed the pistol from his back and gestured Macron to the bed for a seat.

His eyes burst open in fear.

“Wh…hat..what… What are you trying to do with that?”
Macron stammered.

Zane laughed richly, while using the gun to itch his hair.

Pssh! You’re gonna die Macron, try saying your last prayers.

With that,, he pulled the trigger….

“With that she pulled the trigger…”

Macron shut his eyes in fear, he shut so tightly, waiting for death to take his life.

His thoughts went blank at just the thought of him being dead.

He gasped out his fears when he realized that he wasn’t dead yet; sluggishly he opened up his eyes.

Ha. Ha. Ha!! Zane cackled, watching Macron gasp an sighed all at once.

Oh wow, so you are scared? “I thought… I thought you don’t fear anything, or anyone!”

So why are you now looking like a steamed vegetable? “Hum”

You found out that am Valerie: a girl and not a boy all on your own an decide to use it against me, all on your own.

What made you think i am all on my own?

Anyway, I must confess, you got a guile talent and a loquacious attitude at that.

” How can you dig into the life of someone like me, and still expect to be alive? ”

Wow Macron, you are such a brave soul, too bad people like you don’t always live long.

I really love the look on your face, the face of fear, it always makes me happy.

Now listen, no need to get scared… “Yet!”
She smiled putting out her white teeth on display.

Cause am not planning on ki||ing you so easy, you shouldn’t die an easy death, it won’t be fun or memorable.

Macron took in a deep breath; his chest moving up an down, dancing rhythmically to the sound of fear.

He gulped down nothing, slowly picking up the courage to talk.

If you ki|| me now. He hesitate, taking another breath in.

If you ki|| me now, Zane. If am found dead; he continued breathing heavily.

I have someone who will expose you for me, i have him, so i have prove against you.

So what is it going be Zane. “ki|| me or let me be so we can come to a deal, which will be beneficial for you.”

Whoa!! Zane exclaimed, joining his hands together to clap, but refused producing a sound.

I like your confidence, you see why i said that ki||ing you will be fun.

“You want to strike a deal,..with me!”

Alright fine let’s see, this person you are talking about, is his name by any chance Damon?

He narrowed his eyes over to Zane, in shock.
How did… He stopped at his words when a thought hit him.

Did he by any chance know about Damon?
He questioned himself, his eyes roaming in thoughts.

Did you ki|| Damon? He finally asked, his voice full of abhorrent, his face rigid with anger.

No! No i haven’t ki||ed him yet, but soon enough he’ll be gone, and so will you.

I took a step closer to the door and turned the key to the left, locking us in.

Somebody help me!! Help me please Macron screamed.

Shush Macron, no one will hear you, infact i have set your room with soundproof, some weeks ago, so don’t bother screaming cause no one will hear you.

“…Sound proof?” How did you, how did you do it? He uttered unable to hide how surprise he was.

Fear gripped him, just with the thought of that name: “Zane!” His body shook torturously.

What has he gotten himself into? Zane was no one with toy with, now he knows better.
If he leaves here alive, he do anything to stay off the monster’s lane.

Zane took out the bullets; one by one he filled up his pistol with the bullets.

Take a seat! He directed him to the bed.

Zane began to veil out the things he stored into the black bag. He pulled out a nitrile long gloves, with a camera : he couldn’t take the risk of not recalling where he hide the cameras in his room and an evidence cleanser.

Macron squeak quivering in fear, he wondered what Zane planned on doing with all the things in his bag. Wh@ťěver it is, he knew he was in for nothing good.

He watched as Zane wore the gloves.
Zane glance at Macron and chuckled.

Get up and get a cup of water from the fridge

“He ordered.”

Macron reluctantly dragged his feet to the fridge standing close to his dressing mirror.
He knew better than to argue with Zane at the stage.

He poured out a little quantity of water till he was sure that the cup was filled.

Do you have any idea what this is? He asked displaying a sachet dangling in his hands.

It’s called a sedative; he purred showcasing his sweetest smile, he was now closing the gap between them.

My darling Macron, it isn’t called a sedative, am sure you are familiar with the name.. ‘Gray Death.’

Gray Death! What do you want to do with it? Please Zane, am putting down my pride now, please let me go i promise not to tell anyone just let me be.

With one drop of the beautiful creation in my hand you will die without hesitation, but guess what is going to happen, you are going to take two!

“Have this an drink up fast,” She stretched the substance to him.

if you don’t drink up, i am surly going to ki|| Etienne in your very own presence then ki|| you.

“Why are you doing this Zane? Why!”
He Quibble sweating profusely.

Will you drink this before i shove it down your throat! She barked pulling him roughly by the neck.

What choice do i have, if i don’t drink this
You will still ki|| Etienne an if i do take this i still die and so will Etienne.
So i will rather die with my dignity, my integrity,, with my love for Etienne.

“I hope you rot in hell Zane.” I would rather die in my own hands, even if it’s at your will
I would have me do that than to die in your hands.

After the whole sermon, he gulped down the poisoned filled drink, sniffing as tears trickled their ways down his cheeks.

Macron fell down on his face, shaking tremendously, his eyes turning white with his lips $h00ting out whitish like foam.
He continued for two seconds before kicking the bucket.

A job well-done Zane; according to the once late Macron, may his soul rest in peace.
Or should i say Valerie, well done Valerie.

After a neatly well executed job, Zane cleared the room with the gadjets she brought with her.

No evidence must be found, not even a trace of him been the ki||er, it must be a fine job.
She thought clearing the room.

She made sure to call Smart after repacking back the stuff, Smart sent her a text telling her to jump out through Macron’s window an leave the bag there.

Present Day
Speak on master Zane, am listening.

Am sure you have done what i asked you to Crays?

“Yes Master Zane, we found Damon. ” Am standing behind the building where he and his gang are. *What do you need me to do?*

Good! I want you to ki|| them all, do a fine job as always Carys, i don’t failure of any sort
You have never disappoint me so don’t do it now.

You can count on me Master.
But if am permitted to ask, why do you want to ki|| Damon? His death will cause death between the other leaders.

Don’t worry about that Carys, everything has been sorted up.

But if you must know, Damon dug into my personal affairs an you of all people know how i can get when that happens.

Alright, i promise not to disappoint.

So tell me, what have you found out about Macron?

Okay so… Macron has been involved in some crazy $h|t like that, so it won’t be a surprise if he knows Damon.

Macron is a doser, he takes hard drugs, although he takes them on a mild and Damon has been a huge supplier to him.

Aside that Macron do run some underground or illegal stuff like selling of illegal weapons an drugs, many more listed.

That’s how he gained such wealth an kept it blooming.

“Hmm” Interesting! and i thought i was the only bad one here.

Bryce make sure you contact Hughes?
I want to sure he and his gang are now in New York.

Yes Master Zane, i was able to hack into his account sending him an email containing of some job details he’s to enroll in.

“And he believed it?” She furrowed her brows switching the phone to her left ear, she listened with all keenness, meanwhile strolling back an forth.

Yes boss, it was too real not to believe
We were also able to create some dirty jobs which him and his men would be doing, in other words they are helping to cover up some holes for us.

Good job Bryce, now listen carefully.
When the time comes, i would let you know when we are set up Hughes and his men.

I want us to set them up for the death of Macron and Damon, we both know that Damon an Hughes have always had some quibble among themselves, so we’ll use that to our advantage.

Make sure you do a clean job, any slight mistake can you ki||ed.

Yes Master Zane you can trust me on that. Although am a bit worried cause the arrest of Hughes will cause a huge commotion.

And that is all good, if that happens then we can clear all them all, we’ve always had problems clearing them, but with this everything is coming to place.

I smiled returning to my room, i need to make sure no one see me.
Since i told Etienne that i was having a running stomach, it’s likely for me to be found in bed, most especially now that Macron is dead.

I took out another gloves from my hand and opened the door, then shut it gently with my legs when am done.

I searched my clothes for an evidence cleanser then cleaned the handle of my door with it, making sure my hand doesn’t come in contact with it.( never taking the gloves off)

I gently undressed my self an got into a sweaty clothe.
I then scattered my hair to look messy.

I took out my laptop and did some search on it; The whole cameras that was stored to guard the house, was displayed on the laptop.

I was able to hack through their systems so i can gain access to all cameras in there.

I sort out the Emp Jammer that I planted a month ago, incase of this kind of problem an activated it, destroying the record of any single details that took place . “No one must know what has happened to, no one.”

I lay back on my bed after cleaning up my mess. My mind reminisced on what happened and how Macron died, an a part of me felt guilty.

And for the first time after a long time, i asked myself how Etienne will feel if he found out that his lover was dead.

I will never feel guilty for ki||ing Macron, he caused it, as for Etienne i can’t explain how he would feel, he would certainly blame himself one way or another.

Bryce told me that Macron and Zane has been friends since from young.

Come to think of it, how does the family, or friend or relative of everyone i have ki||ed felt?
She thought questioning herself, a realm of guilt began to build inside her, taking over a letting in an emotion she hasn’t felt in a long while.

Come on Valerie, they all felt the same way you did when your father died.
If the world wasn’t cruel as it now, am sure a monster like me wouldn’t have been created, Macron would not have died and many can still be alive.

It wasn’t her fault, she just choose to live this way or else she’ll die in the hands of this same cruel world that turned her into who she was now.

“There’s no going back now, not after coming this far.”

★. ★. ★
The whole family arrived back from their hangout, chatting an laughing their way in.

“Am sure no one can be hungry after all we ate there,” Giselle said smiling as she watched her family.

“Say’s Who!” They chorused widening their eyes.
She laughed sticking out her tongue, no is eating this night, is late already; she announced taking the stairs.

Baby! Mr Avignon half yelled following her
His voice totally lost it’s sweetness as a result of her words, he was famished as it was.

He cleared his throat once more. Baby!! He called, calmly this time around.

“Sweet mother!” Fleur followed behind.

Mon Cherie! Etienne exclaimed loudly, following Fleur.

Few minutes at the dining Etienne noticed the absence of both Zane an
Macron, what happened to the both of them?

They are supposed to be here, at least our loud noise was enough to announce our presence to them, so what is going on?

He asked himself, weary etched on his face.

“Is everything alright son? You look worried.”

No dad, am worried cause Macron couldn’t have heard my voice an still stay upstairs, you know how close we are.

Yeah that’s true, maybe he is sleeping check up on him.

“I should do that, an Zane also.”

Let me check Zane for you while you check your friend; Macron.
Fleur volunteered displaying her mischievous smile.

Okay Fleur, but don’t start flirting with him
Remember he was having a stomach upset.

The maids came round the dining dishing out the foods on the plates.

Have any of you seen Macron or Zane today while we were away?
Giselle asked addressing the maids, each with her eyes.

Mrs Giselle am certain we saw Sir Macron today that we lost count but for Zane we were told he was having a running stomach so Eni was told to watch him by Sir Etienne.

*Alright Rosella thank you. ” You can go.

Etienne planted several knocks on the door of Macron but never got a response, he felt worried at once.

He pushed the handles but the door still proved locked! “Where has Macron gone, is kinda late.”

Why would he be out but still lock the door from inside, unless he’s hurt or something…

He pushed the door with his shoulders, panting hard at the thoughts of what might have happened to Macron.

Andrew please come over.

I think something has happened to Macron

Arch!! Fleur screamed catching the attention of everyone.

Zane is dead!! She added and continue screaming as tears drops out from her eyes.

Etienne and Andrew successfully burst the door open, only to reveal Macron lying lifelessly on the door.
………. T. B. C.

What just happened, is Zane really dead? ?

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