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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(Flirty…. Meets….Rude )

By May Maria K ✍🏻


Chapter 51$52

And Marie fell on her butts….

Georgia bursted into a boisterous laughter and Marie felt so embarrassed at the moment.

“I didn’t even fire the gun at your direction. Is that how scared you are. You aren’t ready to die yet but you wouldn’t blink an eye before ki||ing someone else” Georgia squatted in front of her while she moved backwards fearfully.

She finally reached a wall and her back rested on it which meant that there was no where else for her to go.

“Keep Calm Mama I won’t ki|| you cause you are still useful to me so be a good girl and get rid of this dead body” Georgia ordered and pat her hair before standing up straight and then walked to her room.

Marie touched her chest and noticed how fast her heart was beating. Her face spelt fear, anxiety and shock and she was trying to calm her heart from all Three.

She got up from the ground without doing what she was asked she ran out of the mansion.


Neil knocked on the door of the apartment and someone came to open the door for him. He walked into the dark apartment.

“Why do you love staying in the dark all the time?” Neil asked and she chuckled .

“It makes me focused and Free from every distraction. ” Indigo replied and then she switched on the light of the room.

Her face came to view and she has short red hair and wears glasses. She has a petite figure and she is a computer guru.

“Did you get the footage and tracked the location just like I’ve asked you to” Neil asked.

“Is that a question or an answer. You know that’s a piece of cake ” Indigo laughed and then sat on a chair before opening her laptop. She clicked on something before showing it to Neil.

“It’s a Maid. She was looking very scared and I tracked her location down and this is where she went to” She said.

“Georgia… So she’s the mastermind of all these” Neil muttered folding his fists and then Indigo fast-forward it to a certain Stage.

“Isn’t that your Aunt I saw her also going into the mansion an hour after the maid went in” Indigo said and Neil furrowed his brow and truly it was Aunt Marie.

“So what are you planning on doing. You know Georgia won’t stop” Indigo said and Neil clicked his tongue.

“Why don’t we set a trap for her?” Neil smirked and Indigo looked up.

“What are you planning?” She asked.

“I want to set myself as a bait and make her think I’ve finally become hers and then I can find an evidence. Something to use and expose her” Neil replied.

“Georgia is not a fool and if you make any wrong move, she would know” Indigo stated and he nodded.

“I know but before then I would have gotten what I wanted. I don’t know know who she might attempt to ki|| next time so I have to stop her now” Neil said.

“I’ll always be by your side sweetheart” Indigo gushed placing her palms on her cheeks.

“When are you gonna stop calling me that? And besides you don’t look cute”

“Hey you’re just jealous that I look cuter than you. Who wouldn’t fall for this my adorable round cheeks” Indigo complimented herself and Neil poked her cheeks.

“Get to work and stop playing around” Neil said and stood up to leave.

“Yes Boss” She did a salute and Neil chuckled.

Indigo was a girl he found on the streets. She was just like a little sister to him and he helped her. No one knew about her cause he kept her a secret away from his family. She was around Anastasia’s age.


Amelia was with a cart as she took some necessary things that she needed ignoring her name that was being called.

“Lia…. Amelia” She acted like she didn’t hear her name and she continued taking but she wanted. She knew who was calling her but she was angry at him that was why she decided not to answer.

“Lia I’ve been calling you for ages now” Reed panted as he held her wrist but Amelia wriggled her hands away since his grip wasn’t strong .

“Why are you acting this way right now? Are you seriously ignoring me. I’ve called you, texted you but you don’t reply to any of them” Reed said.

“I never saw any of them” She turned her face away to answer. Reed snatched her phone from her hands and unlocked it.

He went to her call log and saw the countless missed calls. He went to her messages and saw her the ignored texts.

“What are you going to say now?” He showed it all to her.

“How could you snatch my phone from my hand and it unlock it” She diverted the question taking her phone back from him.

“Don’t try to change the question young lady. You have to explain to me why you are ignoring me” Reed said and she scoffed.

“I have no explanation to give. Go meet Amanda I am sure she wouldn’t even think of ignoring you” Amelia rolled her eyes and bypassed him to continue her grocery shopping.

Reed grinned before going in front of her, ” Are you jealous” He smirked.

“Why would I be not like you’re my boyfriend” She stated.

“Then why are you bringing up Amanda into our conversation” He asked.

“You know she’s your girlfriend and you’re supposed to be around her not me” Reed chuckled.

“She’s my ex not my girlfriend…. Wait did you see that” He grinned.

“You both look like you’ve made up”

“You’re jealous that’s why” Reed said and she hit his arm.

“I told I am not jealous nevertheless not because of you” She said and he carried her up.

“Hey what are you doing? Put me down people might see us” She hit his shoulder feeling bashful but he carried her up more his hands resting under her @zz.

“Not until you forgive me too. Yunno your forgiveness is important to me than hers” He said.

“Are you using those playboy tricks on me cause it wouldn’t work” She smiled.

“You can call it wh@Ε₯Δ›ver you want. So do you forgive me now” He made a cute puppy face making him look more handsome with his deep ocean eyes.

“I forgive you so put me down… Now” She squealed and he twirled her around before finally dropping her down.

Her cheeks had already turned red and she palmed her cheeks so that Reed wouldn’t notice it.

“You look cute with your red cheeks, you don’t have to hide em” he said and Amelia took the cart rushing away from him ruefully.


Georgia was staring at the door every second waiting for Neil to come in. She might be wise at everything but to her obsession to Neil she was really foolish.

She was fiddling with her fingers and checked herself in the mirror again to check if she was looking good.

She was wearing an extremely short gown with no sleeves and she even did a heavy makeup.

Then what she had finally been waiting for, Neil opened the door and came in. He wanted to laugh out at how funny she looked and almost cursed himself that he had f-__-ked this woman before.

“Are you ready?” He said in a charming voice which she fell for and Georgia nodded before Linking their arms together.

“I made some food for the both of us. I hope you love it” Georgia said faking him to the dining room.

Neil nodded and she giggled happily before shifting the chair out for him to sit and then she also went to seat.

Then she uncovered the food for him.”I forgot to get us some wine. I’ll be right back” Georgia said and stood up hurriedly going to the cellar.

When Neil noticed that she was no more in sight, he slipped some sleeping pills into her food.

Georgia came back some minutes later and sat back down dropping the wine at the center of the table.

She took her cutleries and began eating while Neil watched her eat.

“Aren’t you gonna eat?” She asked.

“I would but I wanna watch you eat first” He said in a sweet tone and she fell for it blushing.

Then the pills began taking effect on her cause she started feeling dizzy and tried to say something but she ended up mumbling nonsense.

She blinked her eyes severally before finally surrendering to consciousness.

And Neil Smirked. A fool would always be a fool😝


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