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HomeMOLLY MOONMOLLY MOON - Episode 9 & 10

MOLLY MOON – Episode 9 & 10

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( Be My Melody… )





“Should we kiss instead?” She asked,
maintaining her beautiful smile.

Clayton looked at her tempting lips and gulped
down hard.

Cathy got up from the ground and face Molly
Moon with so much aggression.

“What the heck are you saying Molly Moon?
Why will Clayton kiss you!”

Molly Moon ignores Cathy’s words and smiled
at Clayton again. Clayton was just staring into
her beautiful eyes. This was the same girl he
h@ťěd so much, so why is he feeling this way
towards her? He can’t even speak. Clayton said
inwardly as he continued looking at her.

“Why can’t you speak, Clayton? Am I looking so
beautiful?” She asked with a flirting smile, and
Cathy scoffed.

“Your face is nothing but a surgical face, and
despite having surgery, I’m more beautiful than
you!” Cathy spats, but Molly Moon ignored her
again, which made her so angry.

“Forget about what I said, I just wanted to say Hi
to my course mate” Molly Moon said, smiling at

“Course mate?” Clayton asked in a low voice.

“Yes. I will be joining your department from
tomorrow, so I hope we get along” She said and
stood up to her feet.

“You’re joking, right? Why would you join
Clayton’s department!” Cathy yells at her. Cathy
is in the faculty of Arts, alongside with her
friends. The three of them are students of music

Molly Moon looked at Cathy from head to toe,
before pushing her away, and she fell to ground.

“Clayton did you just see what Molly Moon did
to me? Aren’t you going to do something about
it?” She asked, hoping he’d do something.

But to her surprised, Clayton stood up from the
chair, looked at Molly Moon for a while before
leaving the hall.

“Did he just ignore me?” Cathy asked and the
music from inside the hall gave answers to her

Although everyone is shocked about the new
transformation of Molly Moon, but no dare to
go near her and ask her how she change

Molly Moon smirked when she saw Hayden
sitting alone in the bar counter drinking. She
loosen her ponytail, before walking up to him.

“Is this seat taken?” She asked sitting next to

Hayden looked at her, but said nothing.

“Oh, I see you’re alone. You’re always with Ivan
and Jesse, why are they not here with you? Did
you have a fight with them?”

Hayden sighed and dropped his glass of drink.
“Since when did you become a chatterbox? The
Molly Moon before her attempt suicide was
quite and timid” Hayden said.

“People change when life gives them thorns
instead of roses. Life has given me thorns, and I
changed for the better, and it has once again
giving me roses” Molly Moon said, smiling.

Hayden looked at her and said. “I guess it has.
You have changed from the Molly Moon I used
to know. You undergo surgery to look beautiful,
right? Because your face from months ago was
filled with burnt marks. It was as if you suffered
from a fire accident”

“I got tired of seeing my burnt face anytime I
looked at the mirror, that’s why I went under the
knife. I don’t look bad, right?” Molly Moon asked
with a smile.

“You look different that’s all. But how on earth
did you became rich? The Molly Moon from
months ago was penniless, with no memories
about herself”

Molly Moon laughs lightly and said. “Let’s be
friends, Hayden” She actually changed the topic
on purpose.

“Friends?” Hayden asked, falling for her tricks.

“Yes. I know you were mean to me before, but
let’s put everything aside and be friends, and we
will see each other more often since I will
become a student in your department”

“Why? Since when did you become interested in
Microbiology?” He asked looking surprised, and
Molly Moon smiled at him.

“I already told you people change when life
gives them thorns”

“So changing from being a fishery student to a
microbiology student is a part of the change?”

“Bingo” Molly Moon said with a smile and

“I think I have more chances in having a good
career if I become part of your department, and I
am at advantage here”


“I heard you are good at physics” She said, and
Hayden smiled.

“Who told you that?”

“You’re popular in school, so it won’t be hard to
find out what you’re good at. Physics is one of
most h@ťěful course, will you be a gentleman
and always put me through after school?”

“You don’t have to flatter me, Molly Moon. I’m
going to help you”

“Wow! Really? That’s fast, I didn’t see it coming”

“If you have asked for something else, I’d have
decline, but solving physics questions is what I
enjoy doing. It brings so much happiness to me,
so that’s why I am helping you out, Moon”


“Since we’re friends now, I think we should be
causal with each other. Molly Moon is too long.
You don’t have a problem if I call you Moon,

“No I don’t” Molly Moon said.

Hayden’s phone chimed and he sighed before
standing up.

“Are you leaving already?” She asked, and
Hayden nod his head, trying to hide his

“I have something to do at home”

“Okay. See you in school tomorrow” Molly Moon

“I won’t be in school tomorrow, Moon. See you
around” Hayden said and quickly leaves.

Molly Moon looked at him as he leaves the hall
and smirked.

“I didn’t know this game of mine will be so easy
to play. We are done with level one, so let’s
move to level two” Molly Moon said, and
smirked again.



Dawson had lots of smile on his face as he
flipped through the pages of the book he was
reading. The main reason why he doesn’t hang
out with Freddie and Clayton was that he was
married to books. He loves reading books,
especially books that has to do with thriller and
CONNELLY, is his favorite book.

He is in the faculty of arts, under creative and
visual art. He is good at drawing.

“I knew the ki||er was the cop himself” Dawson
said with a smile on his face, flipping to the
next page, enjoying the outcome of the crime
scene in the book he was reading.

“Dawson” Lydia called his name with a smile.
She didn’t go to the party, because she knew
Dawson will be here, when other students were
busy partying.

Dawson takes down the book from his face and
looked at Lydia.


“Hi” She waved at him, smiling.

“What are you doing here?” He asked, standing
up from the chair he was sitting.

“I came to buy books” Lydia lied. Reading books
weren’t her thing, and that’s why she’s a student
of music. She only came here to see Dawson’s
face, because she loves him, a lot.

“I didn’t know you were into books” He said,
smiling. He enjoys being in the company of
people who loves books.

“Well I do. I enjoy reading mystery and thriller
books a lot” Lydia lied again.

“Same here. Have you read the Resurrection
Walk? What about The Silent Patient? Or The
Girl On The Train? How about The Spy Coat? Or
When No One Is Watching?” Dawson asked in a
rush, smiling.

*What did heck is he saying?* Lydia muttered to
herself and beamed a smile at him.

“I haven’t read any of it” She answered and
Dawson claps his hands with a smile on his

“Then you’re missing a lot, Lydia. This books I
mentioned are the best thriller books ever. It
keeps you hook up on your sit”


“Since you enjoy reading thriller books like me, I
am going to buy all of these books I just
mentioned to you”

“All of it? You don’t have to… ”

“Come with me Lydia. I love people who are
book freaks like me” He said. He picked out the
books for her and both went to the bookshop
counter to pay, but it was empty.

“Where did he go?” Dawson asked, as his eyes
looked around the shop in search for the book

“I think he is not here. We should leave and
come back next time. How about we go to the

Lydia hasn’t finished what she was saying,
when a girl entered the bookshop. She looked
calm and quiet.

“Ava?” Lydia called her name, and Ava looked at

“Do you know her?” Dawson asked.

“Yes I do. She is a student of crescent college”
Lydia answered

“Really? I didn’t know”

“She’s among the quite nerd in school. She’s not
really a nerd, because she’s also in the
department of music, just like Cathy, Charlotte
and I. She can hear but can’t speak, that’s why
not everyone in school knows her” Lydia

Dawson looked at her. “You can’t speak?” He
asked, and Ava nod her head, and brought a
notebook from her bag. She writes something
on it and gave it to Dawson;

💬 I can’t speak, but I can hear you clearly. Do
you need anything? I help my uncle here at the
bookshop, during the day

Dawson read her note and smiled. “Yes, we’re
buying all of these books. Can you wrapped it
up for us?” He said, looking at her innocent
face. No doubt he admires her.

Ava nod her head, and after she told Dawson
the price of the books through her notebook,
Dawson paid for it.

“I always come here to get books, but this is my
first time seeing you here. Where have you been
hiding?” He asked and Ava smiled before
writing on her notebook.

💬 I moved in with my uncle yesterday that’s

Dawson looked at her and smiled. “You will be
here more often, right?” He asked and Ava nod
her smiling.

“Then I will come by more often”

His statement made Lydia jealous, and she held
his hand.

“Let’s just go Dawson, there’s no point talking to
someone who can’t speak. I promise to read all
of this books” She said smiling, but Dawson
takes his hand from her.

“There’s no need to promise you’d read it, since
you love books. See you around Ava” He said
and waved at her.

He walked to the exist, but he stopped and
looked at Ava again, before leaving with a smile
on his face.

“What the heck will I do with these? Hey mute
girl, take all of this back, and don’t even tell
Dawson about it, else you will become deaf and
mute at the same, do you understand me!”

Ava nod her head and Lydia walked out of the
bookshop. Ava remembers Dawson’s face and
smile. If only she could speak, she’d have
expressed how handsome he was.


Cathy threw her bag on the bed when she got to
her room, and she screamed in anger. Only the
maids could hear her, since her parents weren’t
at home.

“Molly Moon!!!” She screamed her name in

“I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing,
but be ready to face wh@ťěver that comes with
it. Clayton is mine, and I won’t let him get close
to you. You’re Molly Moon from the slums and it
should remain that way! Wait till my dad tells
me what to do with you, and you’re going to
regret coming back to crescent college!” Cathy
said, burning in anger.


≤ NEXT DAY ≈ C•C ≥

Molly Moon went to the rooftop of the school,
because Freddie told her she was going to see
Clayton there. She arrived at the rooftop and
met him sleeping

“Is he obsessed with sleeping? Does he always
sleep everywhere he stays?” She muttered
looking at him.

“Are you carrying out an experiment on my
face?” He asked, and Molly Moon jumped in

“I thought you were sleeping?”

“Yes I was, but you were so loud that I could
hear your voice in my sleep. Yes I am obsessed
with sleeping, and I fall asleep anyway I am”

“You heard that? But I didn’t say it that loud”
She said, and Clayton grab her hand and made
her sit on the bench with him. Molly Moon gasp,
she wasn’t expecting it.

“What’s your deal?”

“What do you mean?” Molly Moon asked.

“You changed from the Molly Moon I used to
know. You became rich out of the blue, you
became a student in microbiology, and now you
are everywhere I look. What’s your deal? Are
you trying to show off that you’re pretty now?”
He asked and Molly Moon laughed.

“Of course not. Why will I show off my beautiful
face? Even if I am beautiful now, Cathy still
remains the beautiful queen of crescent college”

“Then why are you here? The last time I
checked, you were scared anytime you saw
Hayden and I”

“You said it yourself, I have changed and it
means I’m not scared of anyone, anymore. Let’s
be friends”

“After what I did to you, you still want to be
friends with me?” Clayton asked.

*No, I don’t want to be friends with you. I want
you to fall in love with me, and make you pay
for your sins, by breaking your heart* Molly
Moon said, inwardly.

“Molly Moon”

Molly Moon smiled at him and said. “It’s all in
the past, Clayton. I want to forget everything
you did to me and become friends with you”

“You’re joking right? Are you planning to ki||

“Of course not Clayton. You’re not a doubting
Thomas, so stop behaving like one. Okay, let’s
say I want to be friends with you because I want
you to always put me through anytime we’re at
the lab. I heard you’re good at carrying out

“Of course. I’m the best at it. I enjoy doing it a
lot. You want me to be your tutor? Since it’s
what I love doing, I won’t charge you” Clayton
said, smiling.

“You enjoy carrying out experiment, don’t you

“Yes I do. It’s the only thing I’m good at, Molly”


“I will call you Molly from now on, you don’t
have a problem with it, right? We’re friends now
and Molly Moon is too long” Clayton said.

“Alright, see you around, Clay”

“Clay? Why will you call me Clay? My name is

“You abbreviated my name, so I’m doing the
same thing, since we’re friends”

“Yours is different Molly. You’re bearing two
names and that’s why I abbreviated it from
Molly Moon to Molly. Don’t call me Clay, do I
look one of the types of soil?”

“See you around Clay” Molly Moon stick out her
tongue and ran away.

“Don’t call me Clay” Clayton said and smiled



Molly Moon swiped green when she got a call
from Blake. She was inside her car.

“Where are you Molly Moon? It’s getting late.
You already know I’m always worried about you
and yet you keep doing something that will
make me worry” Blake said.

“I’m sorry for making you worry about me,
Blake. I will home soon. I just went to the beach.

“It’s late already, come back home now”

“Yes boss” She said and laugh.

“I am being serious, Molly Moon”

“Fine. I will be home soon, because I have a lot
to tell you and Candace” Molly Moon said. She
smirked and ended the call.

She was about starting her car, when she saw
Hayden staggering as he walked towards the

“Hayden? What’s he doing here?” She muttered
and came down from her car.

“Hayden!” She called his name, standing a little
bit far from where he was.

“Molly” Hayden muttered her name and collapse
on the sandy ground.

“Hayden!!” She said in a loud voice rushing to
where he was.

“Hayden, are you okay?” She asked, putting his
head on her lap.

“Save me, please” He muttered, weakly.

“What do you mean by save you? What’s going
on…. ” Molly Moon stopped halfway and
gasped when she saw the blood on his shirt. He
was stabbed and his white shirt was stained
with his blood.

“Hey Hayden, open your eyes, wake up please!
Hayden!!!” She cries.



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