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HomeMOLLY MOONMOLLY MOON - Episode 5 & 6

MOLLY MOON – Episode 5 & 6

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( Be My Melody… )





Cathy and her friends entered her practice room
inside the school, and she threw her bag
frustratingly on the sofa inside the practice
room. Thanks to her dad, she was able to have
a practice room in school, and it was just her
and her friends who have the right to be in the

“Was that Molly Moon an hour ago, or was my
eyes deceiving me?” Lydia asked.

“It’s her. Even if I h@ťě her so much, I can’t forget
the face of that ugly girl” Charlotte said, folding
her arms.

“But why does she look so different from the
Molly Moon we used to know? She’s Molly
Moon, but at the same time she’s not. Molly
Moon is a broke orphan, so how come she’s
able to afford a car worth millions of dollars,
and her face, she no longer have burnt marks on
it, and her funny glasses are no where to be
found” Lydia said.

“There’s something fishy about her. She can’t
just be rich overnight except she robs a bank,
and we all know that she isn’t smart to rob a
bank” Charlotte said and looked at Cathy who
hasn’t said a word since they entered the room.

“Why aren’t you saying anything, Cathy? It’s
unlike you to be speechless in this kind of

“Can’t you see she’s burning in anger, Charlotte?
Clayton of all people fell inside the trash can
because he was looking at Molly Moon” Lydia
said, and her statement made Cathy to look at

“And who told you that Clayton was looking at
Molly Moon! I’m sure that stupid girl just had
surgery so she can become beautiful. I’m still
the beautiful one here, and not Molly Moon!”
Cathy said in annoyance.

“Fine. Let’s conclude she had surgery to remove
her the burnt marks on her face, but I think
Molly Moon has change. She is different from
the helpless girl we used to bully” Charlotte said,
and Lydia nods her head in agreement.

“I don’t believe she has changed. She’s still that
timid homeless girl I used to know. I’m sure she
borrowed that car and clothes to make a grand
gesture. I’m going to put her back in her rightful
place. She made a mistake coming back to
crescent college” Cathy said, and headed for the

“Where are you going?” Lydia asked.

“I’m going to talk to Clayton, he has some
explanation to make on why he was looking at
Molly Moon” Cathy said and left the practice

“What do you think we do?” Lydia asked.

“To do as Cathy wants of course. I’m sure Molly
Moon puts up a show just to gain attention. She
is still that weak Molly Moon from months ago.
I can’t wait to resume bullying her. It’s a good
thing she paid a deaf ear and chose to resume
school, thanks to her, this semester will be fun”

” I know right” Lydia said, and the two of them



“Take it easy woman! Does my face look like
iron? Why do you keep pressing my wound so
hard!” Hayden shouts at the nurse.

“I’m sorry Hayden. I’m just trying to make sure it
doesn’t swell”

“Then do it properly!” He said, rudely.

“My apologies”

Hayden remembered how he has hit his head on
a pole because of Molly Moon, and he sighed.

“Damnit! I can’t believe I was looking at her”

“Looking at who?” The nurse asked, and
Hayden threw her a deadly glare.

“You’re a nurse, right? So stop acting like a
reporter. In fact, get out, I will treat myself”


The nurse stopped talking when he gave her a
cold look.

“Sorry” She said and leaves.

“To hell with that Molly Moon, I can’t believe she
came back” Hayden said and placed the ice
pack on his forehead.

“You’re here. I have been looking for you” Ivan
said when he entered the ward.

“Looking for me? Why? Am I your girlfriend?” He
asked and Ivan smiled.

“You should reduce your cold ways of talking to
people, Hayden, else you’re going to lose the
people that care about you”

“And does it look like I care? I don’t give a f-__-k
about anyone”

“Then explain to me why you were looking at
Molly Moon earlier. You even got a swollen
forehead because of it”

“I wasn’t looking at her. I missed my step and
that’s why my head landed on that pole. Why
would I look at her? I know she looks different
from the Molly Moon from months ago, but I
didn’t land my head on the pole because I was
looking her” Hayden said.

“At least you noticed she’s different. I thought
she was in coma, but how come she got out of
coma quickly. She even transformed into a
different Molly Moon. She looks rich and
elegant” Ivan said.

Hayden stayed quiet for a while before talking.
“I guess she got lucky and came out from coma
quickly, about how she transformed, that part
still remains a mystery”

“That’s reminds me about something. I couldn’t
disclose it to you because I thought I was
seeing things”

“What could that be?” Hayden asked, slowly
massaging his forehead with the ice pack.

“On the night Molly Moon attempted suicide, it
was raining that night, and we were partying,
but you left, and you came back secretly
without informing Jesse and I that you were
back. I only got to know about it, when I saw
you washing your hands in the restroom, and
your hands were filled with bloods” Ivan said,
and Hayden stopped massage his forehead and
looked at Ivan


It was pouring heavily in the whole of Chile,
Santiago and lightning was striking in the sky,
but Hayden could be see entering the lounge
through the back door, and he went straight to
the restroom. He stood off the cap of his
hoodie, and began washing off the bloods in his

“You’re back already?” Ivan ask entering the
restroom. Hayden looked at him and quickly
hides his bloody hands.

“Yes” He answered, tremendously.

Ivan smiled at him drunkenly. “You should have
told us about it. How did you even entered the

“Go ahead and continue drinking with Jesse. I
will join you both shortly”

“Jesse can’t drink because he has a weak heart,
so I’m doing all the drinking. Hurry up” He grins,
before leaving.

Hayden looked at the mirror that was inside the
bathroom and let out a sigh of relief.


“I couldn’t organize my thoughts and that’s why
I never bothered to ask you why you had bloods
on your hand on the night Molly Moon
attempted suicide. We did even know the full
story on what happened that night”

“Then what are you trying to incinerate? You
think I have something to do with what
happened to Molly Moon?”

“Don’t put words in my mouth, I never said such”

“Then you should have just mind your business,
instead of butting in something that doesn’t
concern you!”

“Why are you overreacting Hayden? I just want
to know why you had blood on your hands that
night. With your attitude, you’re becoming
suspicious” Ivan said and Hayden clenched his
fists, and without saying a word to Ivan, Hayden
leaves the clinic.

“He’s acting strange” Ivan muttered.



Clayton sighed as he stared into space and all
of a sudden he began slapping his cheeks.

“Why were you looking at her, Clayton? Even if
she has change a lot, she’s still Molly Moon.
You even fell inside a trashcan, because you
were looking at her. Screw you, Clayton” He said,
slapping himself.

“Your cute face is going to turn red if you
continue doing that” Freddie said, looking at
himself in the mirror, he was holding.

“What are you doing here?” Clayton asked,
tucking his hand in his trouser pocket.

“I thought Dawson was with you”

“We’re not talking to each other, so why would
you think he is with me?” Clayton asked.

Freddie sighed and walked closer to Clayton. “I
know I’m like the third wheel of this friendship,
and I accept it, but common man, you and
Dawson are best friends. You both should stop
quarreling like girls. It’s been months since you
both spoke to each other”

“Don’t tell me what to do, Freddie” Clayton said,

“Fine. You’re Clayton Simpsons after all. No one
tells you what to do”

“Just get lost” Clayton said, walking away.

“I’m just curious about something. Where were
you on the night of Molly Moon’s attempted
suicide?” Freddie asked.

Clayton stopped walking and looked at Freddie.
“What are you talking about, Freddie?”

“I’d have asked you a long time ago, but it
slipped off my mind because you and Dawson
were having issues, but seeing Molly Moon
today, I remembered you weren’t with me on the
night Molly Moon attempt suicide. You were the
last person with Molly Moon after you cut off
her hair. Dawson left because he wasn’t please
with what you were doing to Molly Moon, and I
left because my mom wanted me at home. You
said you’d be at the lounge after you were done
with Molly Moon, but you weren’t there”

Clayton gulped down hard and said. “I was at

“No you weren’t home that night, because I went
over to your house, and the maids said you
weren’t back yet” Freddie said.

“I … Well… I… Are you suspecting me?” Clayton
asked, changing the topic on purpose.

“No I’m not. Why are you overreacting?” Freddie

“I have nothing to do with what happens to
Molly Moon!”

“I didn’t say so, Clayton. I just…. ”

“Just shut up Freddie!!!” Clayton shouted at
Freddie, and he met Cathy when he was about
leaving the rooftop.

“Clayton, why were you looking at Molly Moon?”

“I’m not your boyfriend, so don’t question me!!!”
He shouted at her, before leaving.

“What is going on with Clayton? Why is he

“There’s no day that he’s not angry, so it’s not
new. How do I look in this outfit? I got it from
Mexico” Freddie said, smiling.

Cathy looked at Freddie from head to toe,
hissed at him and walked away.

“Okay she’s rude. Anyways I know I look good in
everything” He said, bringing out his mirror.


The HOD kept looking at Molly Moon who had
her legs on his desk, blowing bubbles with the
gum in her mouth.

“Are you really Molly Moon?” He asked, and
Molly Moon smiled, s*xily.

“Why? Do I look so beautiful now, that you can’t
recognize me?” She asked in a soothing voice,
and he cleared his throat.

“Why are you here anyways?” He asked.

“Have you met the founder of crescent college?”
Molly Moon asked.

“No I haven’t. I only received calls. Why do you

“I’m just curious that’s why. Anyways I want to
cancel my scholarship”


“Because I don’t want to be a scholarship
student anymore. I’m the only one with a
scholarship tag in crescent college, so I want it
to change” She said, classily.

“Do you have any idea how much the fees cost.
Five hundred thousand dollars”

“Alright then. I will have it transfer to you
immediately, so you’d remove my name from
the scholarship booklist”

“Are you for real?” He asked in surprised,
because the Molly Moon from months ago had
no penny in her pocket.

“Do I look like I’m joking? I also want to become
a science student”

“Why? From what I could remember you were in
the faculty of agricultural science ”

*Because both Hayden and Clayton are in the
faculty of applied science, that way I’d know
how to make them fell in love with me, and
break their hearts afterwards* Molly Moon said,
inwardly, with a sly smile.

“Molly Moon” He called her name, and Molly
Moon beamed a smile at him.

“I figure out that I have no plans being in the
faculty of agricultural science. I’m much more
better being in the faculty of applied science”

“Alright if you say so. I will proceed your
transfer” He said and Molly Moon smiled.

“I also need one more thing from you” Molly
Moon said with a smirk.


Dawson keep walking back and forth as he
patiently waited for Molly Moon to come out
from the office.

He smiled when she came out from the office,
and he quickly approach her.

“Molly Moon”

Molly Moon wanted to smile at him, but she
maintained her cold face.

“What do you want?”

“You were in coma months ago, how are you?”

“Do I look like I’m still in coma?”

“No you don’t, and you look different from
before. After I heard you were in coma, I visited
you in the hospital, but I was told someone had
you transfer to a different hospital. What
happened to you, Molly Moon”

“Don’t stick your noise in my business. We’re not
closed for you to ask about my personal life. I’m
back, but as a different Molly Moon” She said
and walked away.

Dawson looked at Molly Moon as she walked
away and smiled. “She’s back”


Molly Moon had an angry look on her face as
she looked at both Hayden and Clayton’s
pictures in her phone. She was in Cathy’s
practice room.

“Wait till I make you both pay for everything you
have done. And as for Cathy, I’m going to use
Clayton to make her suffer. Be ready to taste my
vergence” She said, and the door of the practice
room opened, and Cathy entered with her

“What the heck are you doing here? No one is
allowed to enter here apart from I and my
friends!” Cathy said, and Molly Moon smiled

“I was waiting for you to come here, what took
you so long? Anyways I already bought this
place, so it’s mine now”

“What! My dad rented it for me!”

“It’s a good thing you said rented, which means
it can easily be bought by someone with lots
and lots of cash in her pocket” Molly Moon said.

Lydia and Charlotte looked at her in dismay,
because the Molly Moon they knew don’t speak
back anytime anyone in school was talking to
her. In fact no one knew her voice because she
hardly talk.

“Hey, Molly Moon!!! Do you think because you
had surgery to look beautiful, gives you the right
to talk to me. You’re still that unattractive girl
from the slumps” Cathy said, trying to slap
Molly Moon, but she caught her (Cathy) before
it could land on her face.

“Just because I allowed you to treat me like
trash before, doesn’t mean I will allow you to do
it again. I am not that Molly Moon, you can
mess with” Molly Moon said with a cold look on
her face.

“Let go of me! Let me go!!!” Cathy shouted,
trying to break free from Molly Moon’s grip, but
Molly Moon held her tightly.

“You’re good at bully me, right? Well I’d be the
one to bully you today” Molly Moon said and
slaps Cathy so hard on the face.

Cathy fell and hits her head on the chair, and
both Charlotte and Lydia gasped in shock.

“How dare you raise your slumps hand at me!”
Cathy barked, trying to get up, but Molly Moon
pushed her to the ground again, and slaps her.

“Remember this?” Molly asked, showing her a
bottle of rotten eggs.

“What did heck are you trying to do?” Cathy
asked, and Molly Moon smirked.

“You said goodbye to me with rotten eggs on
my head, right? How about I do the same thing
to you as welcome back to school?” Molly
Moon said with a creepy smile and she looked
at Charlotte and Lydia who were still shocked
about Molly Moon’s behavior.

“Hold her” Molly Moon said in a cold voice.

“Huh!” Charlotte and Lydia exclaimed at the
same time.

“If you don’t hold her right this instance, you two
will be the ones drinking this bottle of rotten
eggs” She said with a deadly look on her face.

“One, two, three… ”

Lydia and Charlotte quickly rushed to Cathy
who was still on the floor and held her.

“What the heck are you two doing? Let go of
me!!!” Cathy screamed.

“Have a nice breakfast, Cathy Ramirez” Molly
Moon said, and poured the bottle of rotten eggs
inside Cathy’s mouth.



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