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HomeMOLLY MOONMOLLY MOON – Episode 27 & 28

MOLLY MOON – Episode 27 & 28

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( Be My Melody… )


By; Succie Brown.



Do The Needful If You Want A Chapter Tomorrow. Incomplete Requirements Means No Post



Dawson forcefully pushed Hayden to the wall when he arrived at his lounge.

“What’s your problem Dawson!” Ivan asked raising his voice at Dawson.

Dawson ignored Ivan and held Hayden’s collar forcefully, with his eyes burning in anger.

“Let go of me” Hayden said.

“Do you think I’d let you go after what you did to Clayton?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, so let go of my shirt when I am still be nice”

“When you’re still being nice? I saw what you did Hayden, you intentionally brushed Clayton’s feet off from the ground even when you knew he has an injury!”

Hayden took Dawson’s hand away from his shirt.

“You’re just exaggerating, Dawson. I didn’t do it intentionally. It was Clayton’s fault for joining in the game when he has an injury”

“You animal!” Dawson said, trying to attack Hayden, but Ivan came in between time.

“I think you should stop Dawson. You’re in our territory and you’re crossing your boundaries”

“Hayden was the one who cross the boundary by hurting Clayton. Clayton is in the hospital now, thanks to Hayden!” Dawson said in a loud voice.

“He already told you it wasn’t intentional, so leave Dawson. We don’t barge into your lounge, so you should do the same” Ivan said.

“Just know that this isn’t over yet” Dawson said and leaves the lounge.

Ivan faced Hayden.

“Did you do it intentionally?” He asked. He wasn’t present when the whole scenario happened.

“It wasn’t intentional”

“Don’t lie to me Hayden. I didn’t take your side just to hear your lies”

“I did it intentionally. I hurt Clayton on purpose”

“Why did you do it, Hayden?”

“Because he came between Moon and I. Moon was cheering for me the whole time and he came out from nowhere and ruined everything”

“You did that because of Molly Moon? I know you and Clayton don’t get along, but I am surprised you can hurt him just because of a girl”

“She is Moon, not just a girl!!!” Hayden yelled at Ivan.


“I want to be alone” Hayden said and leaves.

“I think he is going insane” Ivan muttered and Jesse entered the lounge.

“Jesse let’s talk?”

“We have nothing to talk about, I just came here to take my headphone” Jesse said, and before Ivan could say a word, Jesse left.

“Did I do something wrong? Why is he giving me cold shoulders?” Ivan said, swiping his fringe hair to the back, but it fall back to his forehead.



Molly Moon keeps sighing as she looked at Clayton waiting for him to wake up. He has been unconscious for some hours, even when the doctor said he was fine. His nanny was here earlier and had gone home to prepare his meal.

“How is he?” Dawson asked, entering the ward with Freddie.

Molly Moon stood up from the chair and looked at them.

“He hasn’t woken up yet, and it’s getting me worried” Molly Moon said.

“Will he be able to walk?” Freddie asked looking at his swollen foot and injured leg.

Molly Moon sighed and looked at Clayton.

“His foot got twisted during the fall, so it’d be hard for him to walk around with it”

“Why on earth did he partake in the football game when he was injured”

“I know why he did that, but it’s Hayden whom should be blamed”

“Why are you getting Hayden involved?” Molly Moon asked.

“Because he intentionally brushed off Clayton’s feet from the ground, pretending he wanted to take the ball from him” Dawson said.

“You’re mistaken, Dawson. Hayden isn’t that kind of person. I know he and Clayton aren’t good friends, but he won’t deliberately hurt anyone” Molly Moon said, defending Hayden.

“Don’t define him Molly Moon. I know what I saw. Hayden did it on purpose”

“I am going to ask Hayden” Molly Moon said.

“It’s not like he is going to tell you the truth anyways” Dawson said and went closer to Clayton.

“Look after Clayton. I will be back” Molly Moon said and leaves.

“Are you alright?” Freddie asked.

“Why do you ask?” Dawson said, returning his question with a question.

“Your face is filled with worries and sadness. I know you’re worried about Clayton, but what are you sad about?”

Dawson remembered Ava’s words and sighed. He planned to talk to Ava after he make sure Clayton has woken up.

“It’s a matter of the heart”

“Matter of the heart? What does that mean?” Freddie asked.

“You won’t even understand if I tell you, so don’t ask”

“If you say so. Back to Clayton, since when did he start playing football with an injured leg? The Clayton I know is always conscious about his wellbeing”

Dawson looked at the sleeping Clayton and smiled lightly.

“He was trying to impress Molly Moon. He got jealous because Molly Moon was cheering for Hayden”

“Was that why he went to the field? Just to get cheered? Clayton is changing a lot”

“I told you before right? That he loves her without realizing it. Molly Moon is his first love since our friend here has never loved someone before. He is slow witted and that’s why he doesn’t know what he truly feels”

“How do you know you love someone? I’m just asking not that I’m going to fall in love with anyone. I’m married to my face”

“Well, your heart suddenly develops a beat. The world stops all over a sudden and the only person you see is her, flashing a smile at you. You don’t see anyone but her in that world, that’s when you know you love her”

“I thought you are a lover of thriller books, so why are you acting as if we’re in a romance book? Geez to hell with love. It brings nothing but confusion” Freddie said and his phone chimed.

He checked his phone and it was from his mom.

“She really knows how to cut my day short” Freddie muttered and looked at Dawson.

“I will be going home, Dawson. My mom needs me at home. Keep me posted if lover boy wakes up” Freddie said and leaves.

Dawson looked at Clayton and he sighed before covering him with the duvet.



Freddie entered the house and sees his mom sitting with Charlotte and her mom who is known as Mrs. Didi.

“Freddie!” Charlotte squealed trying to hug him, but Freddie dodge the hug.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“No need for the question Freddie. We are business partners” Mrs. Perez said, smiling.

“Business partners?”

“Yes Freddie. Mrs. Didi here is a business tycoon like me, she deals with manufacturing of skin care products just like me, and we have decided to become business partners. That’s her daughter, you know her, right?”

“Of course I do” Freddie said with a straight face.

“Auntie, can I borrow Freddie for a while?” Charlotte asked, smiling.

“Do I look like an eraser?” Freddie asked.

“Sure you can”

“Mom!” Freddie shouted.

“Do you want me to get mad?”

Freddie clenched his fist and for the sake of his face, he looked at Charlotte.

“Where do you want to go?” He asked and Charlotte smiled.


Hayden hugged Molly Moon the moment she arrived at the beach, but Molly Moon broke the hug.

“Did you do it?”

“Do what?” Hayden asked.

“Did you intentionally hurt Clayton?”

“Why? You think I did it?” Hayden asked, wearing an innocent face.

“I just want to hear the truth from you. Wh@ťěver you say, I’m going to believe you. So tell me the truth Hayden, you didn’t intentionally hurt Clayton right?”

“No I didn’t. It was a mistake” He lied.

“I believe you, Hayden, but I hope you will be careful next time. Clayton won’t be able to walk for the meantime because of the mistake you made”

“It wasn’t intentional. It’s his fault for stubbornly participating in the football game”

“I don’t know why Clayton did that, but be careful next time” Molly Moon said, and tried to leave, but Hayden held his hand.

“Where’re you going?”

“I’m going back to the hospital. Clayton hasn’t waken up yet”

“He’s not your responsibility, Moon. Stay with me and let’s talk for a little bit”

“Sorry but I can’t. Clayton is my responsibility because he got injured because he saved my life. I only came here to ask you about what happened in the field, because Dawson kept insisting you did it intentionally” Molly Moon.

She entered her car and drove off.

“Clayton saved her? I should be the one saving her and not Clayton” He clenched his teeth.

The anger in his face turned into fear when his dad called him, and he knew he was in for another beating.



Charlotte held Freddie’s arm tightly as they entered inside the building.

“Thanks for coming here with me. I have always wanted to watch a movie with you, because it’s more like a date” Charlotte said and chuckled at her own foolishness.

Freddie took his hand from her and said. “I only came here because my mom ask me to, so don’t read meaning into it. What are we watching, so it can be over and done with?” Freddie asked.

He is not the type that gets along with clingy ladies and as such he’s always rude to them.

“You don’t have to be mean”

“Should I go home since I’m being mean?” Freddie asked, trying to leave, but Charlotte held his hand.

“Don’t leave, let’s watch a a movie” She said, trying to act cute, but unfortunately for her, it didn’t suit her.

After every payment was made, they entered inside the theater where the movie was about taken place.

From the beginning till the ending of the movie, Freddie didn’t even take a single glance at Charlotte. He was focused on the movie, even though he wasn’t interested in it.

It broke Charlotte’s heart, because she was ready hoping to have a good time with Freddie. The other couples who were also present made her jealous, by acting all romantic to each other.

The moment the movie ended, Freddie stood up and left the cinema, Charlotte went after him, holding his hand.


“What do you want?” He asked, taking his hand from her.

“I want ice cream. Can you please be a gentleman and get me ice cream?” She asked, blinking her eyes and Freddie scoffed.

“Cuteness doesn’t suit you because you look like chimpanzee in the zoo. For the record, I’m not a gentleman” He rolled eyes at her leaving.

“Freddie!” She goes after him and he sees him standing with people who were in group, as they watch someone singing, while playing the guitar.

People were cheering for her, while dropping money on the floor for her.

“She sings so well” Freddie muttered with a smile as he listened to her angelic voice.

“What are you doing Freddie? Let’s go, you are wasting your time watching a beggar sing because of money. She’s talentless” Charlotte said.

Freddie looked at her, but he said no words to her, and continued looking at the mask girl with a smile on his face.

He tried looking at her face, but her nose and lips were covered with a face mask and her eyes were covered with the bangs of her hair.

Her hair was styled in a ponytail and she was wearing a school uniform indicating she’s still in high school.

“She attends silver high school?” Freddie muttered looking at her school uniform.

When she was done singing, the audience screamed clapping their hands, feeling satisfied.

👤 Take off your mask

👤 We want to see the face behind this beautiful voice

👤 Take it off

They urged her to take off her mask, even Freddie wanted to see the face behind the angelic voice he just listened to.

The girl smiled before taking off her mask, and in the process of doing so, her ponytail loosened, and dark long hair fell to her back.

Freddie’s jaw dropped immediately he saw her face. He couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Hannah Montana! She’s an high school student!” He said, with widen eyes.

👤 You’re so beautiful

👤 I love your smile

Hannah laugh as she was being complimented by the people.

Freddie continued looking at her as she smile at the crowd, unaware that he was among them.

“She’s so beautiful” Freddie mutters staring at her beautiful face.

The world suddenly stopped moving and all what he could see was Hannah smiling at him, with her beautiful eyes and little heart shaped lips. He could hear the beating of his heart as he stared graciously at her.

“Freddie” Charlotte tapped him bringing him back to the world.

He quickly blinked his eyes and he sees Hannah leaving already with a group of her friends who were also high school students like her.

The more he stared, the more the beating of his heart increased.

His hand slowly went to his chest and it making a dumdum sound.

He remembered Dawson’s words and shakes his head like an insane person and screamed.

“No!!!!!. This isn’t happening. No!!!!” He screamed.

“What’s going on, Freddie?” Charlotte asked, trying to touch him, but he snuggled backwards.

“Don’t touch me! I’m going to ki|| Dawson! He lured me into this!” He said and took to his heels, forgetting he came with his car.

“Freddie!” Charlotte went after him.



“She didn’t come to the bookshop today?” Dawson asked.

“Yes. She said she doesn’t want to come to the bookshop anymore. Ava said she will go straight home after school” Her uncle explained.

“Did she say why?”

“She didn’t say anything, but from my own understanding, I think she’s avoiding you. Did you do wrong her?”

“No I didn’t. I dunno even no what I did” Dawson said with misty eyes.

“I think you should let her be for the meantime Dawson. Ava is going through a lot and because she can’t speak, she always keeps it to herself”

“I want to always be there for her”

“Don’t impose on her, Dawson. She will come to you when she’s ready, but for now let her be so she can think on what next to do”

Dawson sighed sadly.



Molly Moon was about entering the hospital when she bumped into someone who was just coming out from the hospital’s building.

“I’m sorry for bumping into you” Molly Moon said, trying to leave, but the man with a dragon tattoo held her hand. He was wearing an armless shirt, so his tattoo was visible.

“It’s you”

Molly Moon furrowed her eyebrows and said. “Sorry, but do I know you?”

“Don’t you remember me? I’m Scott and you’re my boss” He said.

Molly Moon looked at him and from his appearance, she could easy tell he was a gangster.

“I don’t know who you’re and I’m not your boss” She said and entered the building.

“Did she have amnesia after the accident? Boss look so pretty now, I should inform the others that I met the boss again. It calls for more ki||ing and money for us” He smirked and leaves.


Molly Moon entered Clayton’s ward and sees his nanny feeding him.

“You’re back?” Carolina said and Molly Moon nod her head with a smile.

“Let me do it instead” She said taking the food from him.

“I will leave you both to talk” Carolina smiled at Clayton before leaving.

“Ah” Molly Moon said, trying to feed him.

“Why are you here? It’s unlike you to care about me” Clayton said.

Molly Moon drops the food on the table and sit close to him on the bed.

“Who told you that I don’t care about you?”

“You said it yourself, remember?” He said, looking at her eyes. He loves looking at her eyes.

“I said that out of anger. You were yelling at me as if I cheated on you, that’s why I said that to you. I care about you, Clayton… a lot”

“Then why did you meet up with Hayden instead of me?”

“Because it was the first time he has called me crying, and you already pranked me before, that’s why I went to him instead” Molly Moon explained.

“I’m sorry if I reacted rashly”

“It’s fine Clayton. Why did you even insist on joining the football game when you are injured?”

“I just wanted to impress you Molly. I wanted you to cheer for me too”

Molly Moon smiled and ruffled his hair. “Silly you”

Clayton smiled and looked at her lips. It was tempting to kiss. He couldn’t get the whole taste of her lips the last time he forcefully kissed her.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to himself. Molly Moon gasped as her lips almost came in contact with Clayton’s lips.

She could see her reflection on Clayton’s eyes and it was just an inch of space that was separating their lips from colliding.

Molly Moon gulped down hard as she stared at his cute eyes. He has long and curly lashes. There was silence between them until he uttered the chilling words.

“Can I kiss you… hard?”



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