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HomeMOLLY MOONMOLLY MOON – Episode 21 & 22

MOLLY MOON – Episode 21 & 22

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( Be My Melody… )


By; Succie Brown.



Do The Needful If You Want A Chapter Tomorrow. Incomplete Requirements Means No Post




Hayden keeps looking at Molly Moon as she bandage his hand. He has stopped crying and they were sitting near the water.

Molly Moon has left earlier to get some treatment for him

“All done” She said with a bright smile when she was done treating his hand. She also treated his head too.

“Thanks Moon. I didn’t expect you to come” He muttered looking at her beautiful eyes.

“You were crying over the phone Hayden. It will be cruel for me to have ignored you”

Hayden smiled.

“It’s been long”

“Been long? What do you mean by that Hayden” Molly Moon asked.

“It’s been long someone cared about me, or worry that I am crying”

“What about your family? There’re always there for you, right?”

“I don’t have a family”

“Are you an orphan?”

“No I am not an orphan”

“Then why are you saying you don’t have a family? What’s actually going on with you Hayden? Why are you always wounded?” Molly Moon asked.

Hayden looked at her, and he could see the curiosity in her eyes, but this wasn’t the right time to tell her about his unfortunate life.

He took in a deep breath and held her hand and all what Molly Moon did was to stare at him.

“I have a lot going on in my life, Moon, but I can’t tell you about it. I promise to tell you when the right time comes, and I won’t leave no crumps behind”

Molly Moon smiled and caressed his hair. “I understand where you’re coming from Hayden. Everyone has a secret they don’t want to share, including me too. Just know that I am always here for you anytime you need someone to talk to, and I will be waiting until you are ready to open up to me”

“Thank you, Moon” He said with a smile and Molly Moon returned the smile.


Inside the bookshop, Ava is seen struggling to get a book from the shelf. She raise the tip of her toe in order to reach for the book, but it was fruitless, because her hand couldn’t get the book.

Someone stood behind her and just by raising his hand, he got the book. Ava smiled cutely, because she knows who it was.

His perfume made her know he is the one whom she was expecting all day.

“You want this?” Dawson asked, and Ava slowly turned to look at him, nodding her head slowly.

Dawson smiled and gave her the book.

“In your next life, ask God to give you heights, instead of a cute face” He said, mockery.

Ava frowned her face and used the book to hit Dawson and he laughed.

She tried to hit him again, but Dawson held her hand. “I was just joking, Ava. I’d prefer your cute face a thousand times” He said and they both stared at each other.

When Ava noticed her heart were running out of proportion, she took the book from him and looked somewhere else.

“It’s late already Ava. Shouldn’t you be at home by now” He asked.

Ava looked for her notebook and when she saw it on the table, she quickly went there and wrote on it, and after she was done, she gave it to Dawson.

📝 I’d have gone back home, but I was waiting for you

“Me? Did you need something from me?”

Ava shakes her head and wrote on her notebook.

📝 Not really. I’m just curious about something, and I was hoping you will tell me the truth

“Go on Ava, I promise to tell you the truth” Dawson said raising his left hand up and putting his right hand on his chest as if he was inside the courtroom.

Ava smiled and wrote on her notebook.

📝 Do you like Molly Moon?

Dawson read her notebook and looked at her, but Ava looked somewhere else. Obviously embarrassed by her own question.

“Is this your question?” He asked with a smile, and she nod.

“Well I like Molly Moon, but not in the way that you think. She’s my friend and you don’t expect me to h@ťě her right?”

Ava smiled and nod her head.

“Do you have another question to ask me? I’m ready to answer all of it” Dawson said, placing his hands on Ava’s shoulder.

Ava looked at him and shake her head. She had a smile on her face, because of the answer Dawson gave to her.

It means she had nothing to worry. She was ready to give up on her crush if he had told her he likes Molly Moon romantically.

“Let’s eat out Ava. It’s going to be on me”

📝 I’m not hungry

Ava writes on her notebook, but just after Dawson read her notebook, her stomach started making silly noise, and she held her stomach.

She took in her lip, feeling embarrassed.

Dawson smiled and held her hand. “Don’t deprive your stomach the chance of eating, Ava. I want to eat out with you because I love spending time with you” He said and winked at her.

Ava smiled cutely, before going with him.


Clayton slowly opened his eyes and discovered he was in his lounge.

“How did I get here?” He muttered.

He tried sitting upright on the couch, but his injured leg hurts hellishly and he winced.

“Don’t over do it, Clayton” Cathy said, entering the lounge with a plastic nylon bag.

Clayton looked at her.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I should be the one asking you what you were doing at the roadside, unconscious”


“Yes Clayton. I was on my way home when I saw you unconscious at the roadside. I didn’t know where you live, so I had to bring you here. What happened to you Clayton? You have bruises all over your face” Cathy said, worriedly.

“I thought she’d come” He muttered.


“It’s none of your business” Clayton said, as he struggled to stand to his feet.

“Where are you going Clayton? Your leg and face needs treatment”

“I will be fine, Cathy” He tried walking, but his injured leg betrayed him by causing him pain.

He yelps and falls back on the couch, Cathy rushed to him immediately.

“I told you that you need to treat your leg that’s the only way the pain is going to subside. Allow me to help you if you want to be walk properly again” Cathy said.

Clayton didn’t utter a word and rest his head on the headrest.

Cathy began treating his leg, and all the while she was doing so, Clayton’s mind was occupied with the thought of Molly Moon.

All he kept asking himself was why she didn’t go to him like she said she would.

“You shouldn’t have save Molly Moon, Clayton. If you didn’t save her, she’d be the one going through this pain and not you” Cathy said as she bandaged Clayton’s leg.

“How did you know about it? I didn’t tell you about saving Molly Moon” Clayton asked, looking at her suspiciously.

Cathy laughed out her nervousness and said. “I heard it from the students in school. It’s unlike you to save her Clayton, don’t do it again”

“Don’t tell me what to do Cathy. You’re not my girlfriend” He said.

Cathy felt hurt about what he said, but she managed to put up a smile. She moved to his face when she was done treating his leg, and while she was at it, she tried kissing Clayton, but Clayton resisted.

“What are you trying to do?” He asked and Cathy smiled seductively.

“It’s been long we had s*x. How about I give it to you like you always want it” Cathy said and bites her lower lip.

She lean to kiss Clayton again, but Clayton resisted.

“I’m not in the mood”

“Since when Clayton? You have never refused to f-__-k a pu**sy” Cathy said with a surprise look on her face.

The Clayton she knows will never refuse to have s*x with her. He is a s*x maniac who is always sugarcoated just to have her whenever or however he wants, and it got her wondering why he is resisting her.

“People change, Cathy” He said.

“What are you trying to say, Clayton?”

“Let’s end this $h|t, Cathy. I’m not your boyfriend so we should stop having s*x with each other” He said, but Cathy shakes her head.

“It doesn’t matter Clayton, what matters is that I love you” She said, trying to kiss him again, but instead of resisting, Clayton pushed her away, she landed on the floor.

“I don’t want to this anymore, Cathy! Why are you being stubborn?”

“Because this isn’t the Clayton I know! I have accepted the fact that I can’t be your girlfriend, but we can’t stop what we have started Clayton. You took my virginity!” Cathy said, sobbing.

“Don’t act so pitiful, Cathy. You willing gave yourself to me because you were head over heels for me. I don’t want to f-__-k around anymore, so this should end”

“Is it because of Molly Moon?”


“A guy only change his naughty ways when he’s in love. Are you in love with Molly Moon? Is that why you’re changing your ways? Answer me, Clayton!!!” Cathy yelled at him.

“I don’t know!!!” Clayton yelled back at her.

“Don’t forget so easily who Molly Moon is, Clayton. She used to be the girl who loath so much, so why are you acting this way because of her!”

“Get out” Clayton said, calmly.

“Is this what I get after I saved you?” Cathy asked, heartbreakingly.

“I didn’t ask you to save me Cathy. If you haven’t done that, maybe she’d have come to me. So leave while I’m still being nice” Clayton said.

Cathy knows what Clayton is capable of doing, so with tears falling down from her eyes, she picked up her bag and looked at Clayton who wasn’t even looking at her.

“Just so you know, this new behavior of yours doesn’t suit you” She said and walked out of the lounge.

Clayton sighed and lay down on the couch with his eyes looking at the chandelier.

“Did something happen to her? She promised me she’d come” Clayton muttered.

He took his phone and dialed Molly Moon’s number, but it wasn’t connecting.

After so many attempts, he gave up and drop his phone.

“I hope she’s okay” He muttered with a worried voice.

Few minutes later, he slept off on the couch.



Jesse kept looking at the door of his room, as his mom arranged his clothes. He was going to be discharged today after his surgery was a success.

“Mom, did you tell Ivan I was going to be discharged today?” He asked.

“Yes I did, I told him last night” His mom answered.

“Then why is he not here?”

“I’m sure he’s on his way. Why do you want to see him anyways, not like he’s going to stop your weak heart”

“Ivan is my friend”

“Wh@ťěver Jesse. Your constant worry about Ivan is becoming too much. You should worry about your health since you’re the one with a weak heart”

“I will be fine mom”

“I hope so too Jesse. I will be back” She said and leaves.

“I wonder when he will come” Jesse said to himself and he smiled when he looked at the hoodie he was wearing.

It was actually the hoodie Ivan gave to him.

“I miss him” He muttered caressing the hoodie.

“I didn’t know you like the hoodie so much”

Jesse raised his head and saw Ivan beaming a smile at him.

“Ivan!” He called him in excitement, and Ivan chuckled.

“What’s with the excitement, Jesse?”

“I thought you won’t show up” Jesse pouted.

“There’s no way I’d miss your discharge, Jesse. Something came up and I had to attend to it”

“What could it be?” Jesse asked.

“Nothing out of the ordinary” He said with a smile, checking a message that chimed on his phone.

Jesse looked at him and smiled. “You’re so handsome”


“Nothing” Jesse answered, looking at the window.

Ivan nodded his head, before replying a message from his girlfriend. He had gone to the airport earlier to welcome her back to Chile, Santiago.



Molly Moon and Ava sat in one of the chairs inside the cafeteria, after they had ordered their lunch, but Molly Moon concentrated more on her phone than her food.

Ava hits the table softly and Molly Moon’s looked at her.

📝 Is everything alright? You look worried

Molly Moon smiled and said. “I have been texting Clayton, but he’s not replying.

📝 Why are you texting him?

“He is not in school today, and he called me last night saying he was in a difficult situation, but I couldn’t go to him…. Let’s just forget about him, he’s probably playing another silly prank on me” Molly Moon said and pocketed her phone.

She was about eating, when Clayton entered the cafeteria, limping. His leg still hurts.

The scream from students made Molly Moon raised her head and her eyes widened when she saw the bruises on Clayton’s face.

“What happened to you…”

Molly Moon’s words hanged in her throat because Clayton took her hand and takes her out of the cafeteria.

He didn’t let go of her until they got to the rooftop.

“What happened to you Clayton? Why is your face wounded?” Molly Moon asked trying to touch his face, but Clayton jerk her off.

“Am I not important too?” He asked with misty eyes.

“What are you trying to say, Clayton”

“Don’t act dumb Molly, because I know everything! How could you have gone to Hayden after I begged you that I needed your help?”

“How did you know about that?”

“I saw the picture of you both!” Clayton shouted at her, showing her the picture of her and Hayden from his phone.

Someone sent the photo to him.

“How did you get that photo?” Molly Moon asked.

“It doesn’t matter Molly!!!” He shouted at her.

“Why are you raising your voice at me? It’s not like I cheated on you”

“What?” He asked heartbreakingly.

“The reason why I went to Hayden instead of you was because I thought you were playing another prank on me, but it turns out that you weren’t lying, but that doesn’t give you the right to raise your voice at me. I don’t want to know how you got this bruises on your face because you don’t deserve my worries” Molly Moon said and tried to leave, and Clayton grabbed her hand, and slammed his lips on hers forcefully.

Molly Moon tried pushing him away, but Clayton overshadowed her with his power.

A flying kick from Hayden separated Clayton from Molly Moon and he fell to the ground.

“Moon, are you okay?” He asked and Molly Moon nodded her head.

“What’s your problem, Clayton?” Hayden asked.

“My problem is you!” Clayton shouted and punched Hayden.

Hayden in return gave him a punch.

And before one could blink an eye, they began to fight with each other.

“Stop fighting please!” Molly Moon begged, but Clayton and Hayden ignored her and continued their fight.

“Hayden! Clayton! Please stop!” She cries, but it was as if she was talking to deaf people.

Clayton picked up a stick and tried hitting Hayden with it, but Molly Moon blocked him and Clayton hits Molly Moon the stick.

She collapsed on the ground.

“What the heck have you done!!!” Hayden shouted at him, and balls of tears fell down from Clayton’s eyes when he saw Molly Moon unconscious on the ground.

Meanwhile someone who has been watching the whole scenario smirked.

“I guessed it was a nice idea sending the picture to Clayton. She made a mistake coming back to crescent college after I pushed her down from the rooftop. I won’t stop until I make her pay for ki||ing my brother. She is nothing but a dangerous assassin, pretending to be a dove. I’m going to ki|| you Molly Moon, before you even know it”



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