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HomeMOLLY MOONMOLLY MOON - Episode 19 & 20

MOLLY MOON – Episode 19 & 20

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( Be My Melody… )




Do the needful if you want a chapter tomorrow.
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Clayton keeps chuckling as he remembered
Molly Moon’s face when her face landed on his
Ďïčk. She left already.

“She’s so funny. She doesn’t need to try,
everything she does drives me crazy” Clayton
said and laughs loudly as he recalled Molly
Moon’s funny face.

“I didn’t know you can laugh like this Miguel”
Carolina said, entering the room, and Clayton
smiled at her.

“Who is she?” She asked, sitting on the bed with

“She’s my friend. We’re in the same department”
Clayton answered with a smile.

“This is the first time you’d be inviting someone
apart from your friends to this house, are you
okay with it?”

“Molly Isn’t a bad person, Nanny. She’s so
different from every girl I have met, and she’s
different from the girl I knew”

“Different from the girl you knew? What do you
mean by that, Miguel?”

“She used to be a scholarship student in
crescent college, she had burnt marks all over
her face, and just by looking at her back then,
you will h@ťě her even if she did no wrong to
you. I was part of those people that bullied her, I
don’t know why I didn’t that, but just looking at
her back then, I develope lots of hatred for her.
But everything changed when she attempted

“She attempted suicide?”

“Yes she did. I guess she was frustrated by
everything happening to her, and after she woke
up from coma, she became a different person,
just a glance at her, will make you like her. I
didn’t know she had a caring personality until
now, and I regret making life miserable for her”

“Hold a second Miguel, she became friends with
you after everything you did to her”

“Yes. She was the one who approach me and
said we should be friends”

“Don’t you find it suspicious?”

“How Nanny?”

“What if she’s using her new personality to get
back at you? There’s no way she will become
friends with her bully, except she’s befriending
you in order to get back at you”

Clayton smiled and said. “Molly isn’t that kind
of person, Nanny. She told me herself that she
has forgive me, and I regret bullying her”

Carolina sighed and held Clayton’s hand. “I just
want you to be happy Miguel. You’re going
through a lot and I don’t want to see you in tears
anymore. This is the first time I have seen you
so happy, and I want to keep seeing you happy
without getting hurt”

“Don’t worry Nanny, I will be happy from now on,
and I won’t stop untill I clear my dad’s name,
then we can have everything that was taken
from the government back”

Carolina smiled and caress his face. “I also wish
that day comes, Miguel, and I will be so happy if
you settle down with the girl you love and stop
f-__-king around” She said and Clayton chuckles.

“I will get you your food, so you’d take your
medicine. It hurts seeing you in pains”

“Can’t I skip the drugs? I want to keep using my
injury to be close to Molly”

“You don’t have to use your injury to be close to
her, Miguel. Do it genuinely. I will back with your
food and medicine” Carolina said and leaves.

“I wonder who threw the vase down from the
rooftop” Clayton muttered and sighed.



Molly Moon sighed as she looked at her
reflection in the mirror, she loosen her ponytail
and Blake entered the room.

“Are you off to school?” He asked and Molly
Moon nod her head.

“I will go with you”


“Because I want to ensure that you’re save. I
don’t what happened yesterday to repeat itself”

“You don’t have to stress yourself because of
me, Blake. I will be fine”

“No you won’t Molly Moon. We’re yet to find the
ki||er, and I don’t want you to be in danger”

“I won’t be in danger, Blake. I’m going to school
which means is a safe place to be” Molly Moon

“No it’s not a safe place for you, Molly Moon.
The incident that happened months ago
occurred in school. The vase almost falling
down to your head happened in school as well.
I’m hundred percent sure that the ki||er is in
crescent college, that’s why I need to be by your
twenty four, seven”

“I know you’re worried about me, Blake, but
believe me when I said I will be fine. You have a
hot temper and you might just descend it on the
students of crescent college. Moreover I’d find it
uncomfortable if you follow me to school.
They’d think you’re my bodyguard, I have
already made a grand comeback, and no one
dares to bully Molly Moon. So please Blake, let
me go to school alone, and if anything happens,
you’d be the first person I will call”


“Cross my heart to die. You’re not just my
guidance, but my big brother as well, so I
promise not to make my big brother worry about
me” Molly Moon said with a smile.

Blake ruffled her hair, and she giggled.

“About Clayton and Hayden…. ”

“Don’t worry about them Blake. Even if they are
not what I thought of them, I am still on the
plan. Just give me time to play my cards and
win the game” Molly Moon said and smirked.


Ava quickly ran to Molly Moon when she came
down from her car. She was dressed to ki|| as
usual, and the students couldn’t stop
commenting on her beauty. She becomes
beautiful with everyday that passes.

“Hi, Ava. How are you doing?” Molly Moon
asked with a smile, and Ava nodded her head,

She brought out her notebook and writes on it.

📝 You’re looking so beautiful, Molly Moon

Molly Moon smiled and said. “Thanks Ava, and
you’re always cute as usual”

“Am I cute as well?” Dawson asked from behind
Molly Moon and Ava smiled on seeing Dawson.

Molly Moon turned and kicked Dawson’s knee
and he yepled in pain, and she smiled when she
saw how he hopped on his foot.

“You should have just said it with your mouth”
He whines, Ava laugh.

“I already gave answers to your question by
kicking your knee” Molly Moon said smiling.

“You weren’t like this in Cebu” Dawson said, and
Ava tapped him softly.

📝 You both know each other in Cebu? She
asked on her notebook.

“Yes I do. I first met her in Cebu some years

📝 Really? You knew Molly Moon before she
became a student of crescent college?

“Yes Ava, that’s why I wasn’t pleased with how
Clayton and Hayden bullied. Shockingly, I used
to be her first love, but she has forgotten about
it. Maybe she is suffering from amnesia and
that’s why she didn’t remembered me. When she
first became a student of crescent college, she
had no memories of her life”

“Am I here, hope you know that?” Molly Moon
said, and Ava tapped her.

📝 Is Dawson telling the truth? You both know
each other?

Molly Moon looked at Dawson and takes in her
lips. “I don’t know what he is talking about”

“You won’t know what I am saying, because you
don’t remember, but I will patiently wait till you
remember your first love”

📝 You both dated? Ava asked through her note

Dawson looked at Molly Moon and chuckled.
“No we didn’t. I saved her from falling off the
cliff when she came for camping with her
friends, and I was visiting my grandparents in
Cebu. She fell in love with me at first sight, and
when she was leaving after her camping was
over, she told me I was her first love, and we
didn’t meet again until I saw her in crescent
college, but she couldn’t remember me. I
concluded she has amnesia since it’s
impossible for her to forget her first love in just
three years.

📝 Why didn’t you date her? Ava asked again
through her notebook.

“Because she wasn’t my kind of girl” Dawson
answered Ava’s question, and Molly Moon hits

“Stop bullying me Molly Moon, I wasn’t part of
those who bullied you! I save you from the
clutches of Hayden and Clayton so many times.
If you can’t remember meeting me in Cebu
because of your amnesia, I’m sure you’d
remember I was the only one nice to you after
you had amnesia” Dawson said.

Molly Moon smiled and said. “Let’s be friends,
Dawson. Maybe I will remember meeting you in

“Nice decision, Molly Moon, but FYI, I don’t like
you. Cute girls like Ava are my kind of girl”.

“Should I take my friendship back, then?” Molly
Moon asked.

“See you later Ava, you too Molly Moon” He said
and leaves, and Ava continued looking at
Dawson with a big smile on her face.

Molly Moon notice it, and taps her, and Ava
looked at her.

“Do you like Dawson?”

Ava smiled and nodded her head cutely.

“Since when?” Molly Moon asked.

📝 From the very first day I met him. He is calm
and yet very attracting. He is nice too

Molly Moon read Ava’s notebook, her eyes
searched for Dawson and she sees him talking
to Freddie. He was laughing.

Molly Moon smiled as well.


“I hope Hannah Montana won’t tutor me today.
She might ask me to do crazy things, and I can’t
resist it, because I’m protecting my face” Freddie
said as he walks to his department.

He was halfway through, when Cathy blocked
his way, and he cleared his throat.

“I don’t know where Clayton is”

“He’s not in school today. I’m worried sick about
him, do you know where he is?”

“I don’t know” Freddie answered.

“What about his house? Dawson isn’t the only
friend he has. There’s no way you won’t know
where he lives”

“Even if I know his house, you think I’d tell you?”

“You know his house?”

“Yes I do. Dawson is his best friend and that’s
why everyone thinks Dawson is the only one
who knows where Clayton lives. I also know
where he lives”

Cathy smiled and wrap her hand on Freddie’s
shoulder, and he furrowed his eyebrows.

“Your outfits looks so good on you Freddie, and
you’re so handsome today” She said smiling.

Freddie sighed and takes her hand down from
his shoulders.

“Are you trying to lure me into telling you where
Clayton is, by complimenting on face? If you
think I’m going to fall for it, then you’re wrong. I
might not be Clayton’s best friend, but he is still
my friend, and I care about him despite his
bossy behavior. I’m sure he has a reason why
he chose to keep a low profile, and as his friend,
I won’t sell off because of a cheap comment
from you, and I don’t need a compliment from
you, I already know I’m handsome” Freddie said
and leaves.

“That jerk… Where on earth are you Clayton!”


Clayton forcefully hits his back on the wall, and
he landed on the ground, bleeding from his
mouth. He has bruises all over his face. He tries
to stand up to the ground, but fell back.

Logan and his minions laugh as they walked up
to Clayton who was in pain.

Logan grabbed his hair and Clayton yelped in
pain. He is badly beaten up by Logan and his

“You think I was joking when I said I needed my

“I haven’t been paid yet” Clayton said sniffling.

“Do I look like I care? Rob a bank if you have to, I
need my money!” Logan said, and punched his
stomach so hard.

Clayton winced.

“You’re testing my patient, Miguel and I don’t
like it. I need my money!!!” Logan shouts at him,
and match his injured leg so hard.

“Arrrrgghhh!!!” Clayton screamed in pain,
bleeding from his injured leg.


Hayden gulped down hard as he watch his dad
beating up a man in a secret room, inside the
gambling den.

“I’m sorry Don Roman. I promise to pay back the
money I owe you” The man said crying and
Hayden felt pity for him.

“If I work this way, then I won’t have come this
far!” Roman said and hits him with a gun.

He handled the gun to Hayden and his eyes
widened immediately.

“What should I do with it?” Hayden asked.

“Are you daft? Take the gun and finish him off”

“Please don’t ki|| me” The man begged.

“Take the gun and ki|| him!” Roman shouted at

Hayden shakes his head as balls of tears down
from his eyes.

“I can’t do it! I’m not a murderer Ike you!”

Roman smirked and $h00ts the man, and
Hayden’s eyes widen the more as he watch the
man meets his death.

“You’re not a murderer like me? Well you’re the
son of a murderer!!!” Roman shouted.

He grabbed Hayden and throw him away like a
spoon. Hayden’s head hits the wall and he
began bleeding from it, and as if that wasn’t
enough, Roman took Hayden’s hand and
stabbed it with the table.

Hayden screamed miserably.


Molly Moon was about coming down from her
car, when she got a call from Clayton.

“What did heck does he wants?” She muttered
before picking up.

“Hey Clayton! I’m not in the mood for your tricks!
I had….”

“Molly” He called her name, sniffling.

“What’s wrong, Clayton?”

“I need you Molly. I can’t move my leg. I’m in
lots of pains. Please help me” Clayton said,

“Are you trying to play another trick on me?”

“I’m not Molly. This time I’m saying the truth. I’m
in lot of pain, and I need you please. My nanny
went to her hometown and she won’t be able to
come to me, please Molly help me. I can’t move
my legs” Clayton said, crying on the phone.

“Stop crying Clayton, I will be there in a few
minutes. Where are you?” She asked.

Molly Moon ended the call after Clayton told her
where he was.

She was about starting the car when Hayden
called her and she picked up.

“Hayden can we talk later? I…. ”

“Moon” He said crying.

“Hayden, are you crying?”

“Moon” He called her again, increasing the
volume of his cry.

“What’s going on Hayden? Why are you crying?”

“My life is so miserable moon. I need someone
by my side” He said, crying.


Molly Moon quickly came out from her car
when she arrived at the beach and she saw
Hayden sitting close to the water.


Hayden turned to look at her, and painful tears
falls down from his eyes when he saw her. He
walked up to her with a bleeding head and a
bleeding hand.

Molly Moon gasped when she saw the state
Hayden was in.

“What happened to you Hayden? Why are you…

Molly Moon was cut short, because Hayden
hugged her.

“Hayden.. ” Molly Moon said, trying to break the
hug, but Hayden hugged her tightly.

“Please Moon, let me hug you for two minutes,
please” He said, crying.

Molly Moon blinked her eyes thrice, and slowly
her hands went to Hayden’s back.



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