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HomeMOLLY MOONMOLLY MOON - Episode 15 & 16

MOLLY MOON – Episode 15 & 16

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( Be My Melody… )




Do the needful if you want a chapter tomorrow.
Incomplete requirements, means no post


“I saw you treating Hayden’s wound earlier. Do
the same for me. I want my hands to be treated
by you, just like how you did it for Hayden”

Molly smiled lightly and said. “Are you jealous?”

“Jealous? Of who? Hayden?” Clayton scoffed
and continue talking. “Why would I be jealous of
Hayden? There’s nothing he have that I don’t”

“Something like what? Money?” Molly Moon
asked and Clayton became calm after she said
that, because he knows in terms of money, he
was far behind from it. If not for the money he
gets paid at the hospital, he won’t have been
able to buy a car.

“Tell me all about it, Clayton”

“Let’s forget about it, but just have in the back
of your mind that I am not and will never be
jealous of Hayden”

“Noted. You’re more cuter”


“You and Hayden are both handsome, but you’re
more cuter”

“You think so?” Clayton asked, blushing.

“There’s nothing to think about because it’s so
obvious. You dress in a cute way, and you have
the face of a baby, with your dimples top
notching it all” Molly Moon said and Clayton
smiled tucking his hands inside his ripped jean

“I get that a lot. I know I’m cute” He said like a
baby and Molly Moon laughed.

“Can you stop doing that? You look like a five
years old baby right now” She said with a smile.

“Then since I am a five years old baby right
now, treat my wounds. It’s throbbing a lot”

Molly takes his injured and caressed it softly.
To her she was just looking at his hand, but it
means a different thing to Clayton. His hearts
developed a rhyme.

“What happened to you Clayton? How did you
hurt yourself?’ She asked, caressing his hand.

“I fell down” He lied.

Molly Moon sighed and raised her head to look
at him.

“You should be careful, Clayton. What if you
have broken an arm?”

“I didn’t know you worry about other people.
Was this the side of you that I didn’t notice?” He
asked looking at her with a smile on his face.

“Just shut up and come with me” Molly Moon

She takes him out of the lab and in a few
minutes they were already inside the school

“Does it hurt?” Molly asked as she applied
surgical spirit in his wounded hand. Clayton
gave no answers to her question, because he
was busy looking at her face.

When he didn’t reply her question, Molly Moon
raised her head up and she discovered he was
busy looking at her face.

“Why are you looking at me?” She asked.

“Something is different about you”

“Something like what?” She asked.

“I can’t figure out what it could be, but you’re
different now, so different” He said and brought
his face closer to Molly Moon’s face.

“Your eyes are beautiful” He muttered, but Molly
Moon pushed him away.

“I can see you have returned to the twenty years
old Clayton I know, so your treatment is over”
She stood up and walked to the door.

She was about opening the door, but she
stopped halfway and looked at Clayton.

“If you’re ever bring your injuries to me again,
I’m going to ki|| you” Molly Moon said,
demonstrating with her hand on her neck.

She frowns her face at Clayton before walking
away. The door made a bang sound and
Clayton chuckled.

“She’s fun to be with” He muttered and smile


Dawson had a smile on his face as he watch
Ava played the piano. It was a romantic song
actually, and it got him smiling, as he looked at
her attractive face.

Ava ended the song and Dawson clapped his
hands. “You’re so good with the piano, Ava”

Ava smiled and wrote on her notebook.

📝 Thanks, Dawson. I was actually the one who
wrote the song

“Really? You did?” He asked and Ava nod her
head, slowly.

“You’re a genius, Ava. No wonder the tunes
aren’t familiar, because the song was written by
Ava” He said and Ava smiled.

📝 You said you wanted to talk to me, what do
you want to talk about?

Dawson read her notebook and smile. “Let’s
save it for later, okay”

Ava looked at Dawson for a while before
nodding her head, and wrote on her notebook

📝 I have something to give to you

“What could it be, Ava?”

Ava smiled and brought out a book from her
bag and Dawson gasped when he saw the title
of the book.

“Finding My ki||er by; Succie Brown? I have been
longing to read this book, but I couldn’t find it in
any bookshop. Where on earth did you get it
from?” Dawson asked, smiling.

📝 A single copy of it was delivered at my
uncle’s bookshop. I noticed you’re a lover of
thriller books, and that’s why I got it for you. I
also love thriller books, because it’s filled with
suspense and it gets you hook up to find out
who the real ki||er or antagonist is.

“You’re right Ava. That’s why I love thrillers a lot.
We have similarities Ava, and it makes me feel
like we’re destined to be” He said smiling and
Ava furrowed her eyebrows, signaling him what
he meant.

Dawson stopped smiling and cleared his throat.
“What I meant to say is that we’re friends who
loves thriller.

Ava nod her head and smile afterwards.

“I promise to keep this save Ava, and in
exchange for the book, I will draw a beautiful
portrait of you. Lots of it” Dawson said,
demonstrating with his hands and Ava smile.

📝 Come by the bookshop later, we can read
the book together

“Alright Ava, I will be there no matter what
happens. Can you play the piano again, it’s
entertaining watching your beautiful face… I
mean watching you play the piano” Dawson

Ava smiled and resumes playing the piano, and
as she played the piano, Dawson’s eyes were
glued to her face, and with every seconds that
pass, he kept smiling, while admiring her face.



Molly Moon came down from the car after she
parked her car in the garage, and on entering the
house, a slippers almost hit her head.

It was Candace and Blake, they were at it again.

“I’m going to ki|| you!!!” Candace roared like an
angry lion, as she chased after Blake who keeps
jumping from one chair to the other.

“Just accept the truth Candace, you have a fat
face, that’s why you’re still single” Blake said,
and it angered Candace the more.

She screamed and took the flower vase. She
threw it at Blake, but Blake dodge it, and the
flower vase landed on the wall, breaking into
several pieces.

Molly Moon just stood by the door watching as
they both ran around the living room. It wasn’t
new to Molly Moon because Blake and Candace
flights with each other a lot. The bigger
surprised is that Blake and Candace used to be
in a relationship before, but they broke up a long
time ago, since they dated when they were still
in highschool.

Molly Moon sighed when she was done
watching and she said.

“Should I just sign you both as wrestlers in
America? Because you both are wasting your
talent fighting without aiming for the WWC belt”
Molly Moon said.

Candace and Blake stopped chasing each other
and glared at each other.

“Did you both really date when you were still in
highschool? Because it’s seems like you both
didn’t. Why can’t you both stay a day without
fighting?” Molly Moon asked.

“Blake is so annoying. He keeps reminding me
about my chubby cheeks. It’s not like I created
myself. The reason why I broke up with him in
highschool was because he’s so full of himself,
forgetting he has bigs eyes”

“I agreed to break up with you because you nag
a lot. You have zero tolerance for even the
slightest bit of sand”

“And will you blame me for it? You were so dirty
back then, and I always have to clean up your

“What about you? Were you ever satisfied with
anything I do. Everything I do, clean or not clean,
you nag me about it, like it was your dad that
founded cleanliness”

“Hey, Blake!!!”

“Hey, Candace!!!”

“If you both are going to continue reminding
each other about your wrong doings, just come
back to together, so I won’t have to watch a live
wrestling everyday”

“Never. I rather date a younger guy than go back
to Blake! He’s my ex and it’s going to remain
that way!” Candace said and went to her room.

“Same here, lickspittle!” Blake said and Molly
Moon hits him.

“Must you fight with her? You already know
how Candace is, and yet you keep annoying her”
Molly Moon said.

“We always fight when we were dating, so this
is nothing compared to our dating days”

“Do you still feel something for her?”

“If I did, I won’t have allowed her become your
guidance too. It’s over between Candace and I.
My priority is making you happy Molly Moon,
because you’re like a kid sister to me” He said,
and Molly Moon smiled.

“How’s your plans going so far?” Blake asked,
and Molly Moon sighed.

“They are different from what I have imagine
them to be, Blake. Somehow Hayden and
Clayton are nice guys from what I have
imagined them to be”


Ava closed the bookshop after she was done for
the day. It was late already and she decided to
go home and call it a day.

Just after she locked the bookshop and was
about leaving, Lydia blocked her path, and she
(Ava) swallowed her spit.

“What’s your relationship with Dawson?” Lydia

Ava brought out her notebook from her bag to
write, but Lydia took the notebook from her and
threw it away.

“There’s no need writing on your stupid
notebook, Ava. Let me give you a first and last
warning, don’t go close to Dawson again. I saw
you both, you were with him while he listened
when you played the piano, you both even read
a story together. I love Dawson and I don’t joke
with what I want. You’re mute right? So mingle
with disable people like you and leave Dawson
alone, else you’re going to hear from me. Even
you’re not a scholarship student, I will make you
feel like one” Lydia said and walked away.

Ava picked up her notebook, she dust it before
putting inside her bag, and she gave out a sad



Few students are seen inside the lab with their
lab coat and chemical safety goggles. They
were carrying out an experiment, and Molly
Moon was among these students, since was
already a student of microbiology.

They were asked to find the condition that
causes gram-positive bacteria to appear as
gram-negative bacteria, and while others were
struggling to get accurate result, Clayton was
through with his own. Being ski||ed in the aspect
of experiment, he doesn’t need to work so hard
to get his results.

He was about leaving the lab when he was
through, but he stopped halfway when he saw
Molly Moon struggling with hers. He normally
leave when he’s done without caring about the
other students, but seeing Molly Moon
struggling with hers gave him a second thought
about staying.

He smiled when he saw her cleaning her sweat,
and he walked up to her.

“Are you finding it difficult?” He asked and
Hayden looked at them.

“Yes. I see you’re done with yours. Tell me the
answer so that I can just copy and summit to
our lecturer” Molly Moon said smiling, and
Clayton hit her head lightly.

“Ouch what was that for?” She asked, rubbing
her head.

“You should be asking me to teach you not copy
from me, how will you know how to do it next

“It’s so hard” She puckers and Clayton chuckled.

“Don’t worry, I am going to make it easy for you”
He said helping her wear her safety googles

Hayden’s expression changed into a strong one.
He wasn’t even concentrating. His eyes were
glued on both Molly Moon and Clayton who
were carrying out the experiment together and
at the same time smiling.

“Hayden, your safranin is pouring away” A
student said to him. Safranin is a biological
stain used for experiment.

Hayden stopped pouring the safranin inside his
beaker cup and leaves the lab.

Meanwhile, Molly Moon exclaims and hit hands
with Clayton when she got her own result.


Lydia and Charlotte were about leaving when
they entered the class and sees Cathy alone

“Where are both going?” She asked, walking up
to them.

“You haven’t forgive us for what will did, and
that’s why we’re leaving” Charlotte said.

“I forgive the both of you”

“Really? Does that mean we’re back in the
squad?” Lydia asked, smiling.

“Yes, but on one condition” Cathy said.

“What condition?”

“My dad finally told me how to get back at
Molly Moon”

“Really? How?” Charlotte asked and Cathy


Hayden sighed for the umpteenth times after
reminiscing what happened at the lab.

“What’s up with you, Hayden? Don’t tell me
you’re jealous because you saw Clayton and
Moon together. You can’t possibly be jealous,
right?” He muttered and someone scared him
from behind.

He jumps on his feet in fear and Molly Moon
laughs so hard, falling to the ground.

“What was that for Moon?” He asked.

“I thought you were strong minded, but you’re
just a scaredy-cat” Molly Moon said, laughing.

“Is it funny?” Hayden asked with a smile on his
face, watching her laugh.

“Yes it’s. You always dress in baddie outfits but
your heart is cute” She said, grinning.

“Then if scaring me always make you laugh,
then continue doing it”

“Really? Are you sure about it? I’m so energetic
in terms of looking for trouble”

“Yes I’m sure about it. Your have a beautiful
smile Moon, I want to continue seeing it”
Hayden said, and Molly hits him playfully.

“Since you said my smile is beautiful, I will keep
on smiling” Molly Moon said, posing with a
wink and a smile.

Hayden laugh

“How’s your wound?”

“It’s getting better, thanks to someone who’s
worried about me” Hayden said and Molly Moon

“Why did you leave the lab, earlier?”

“You saw me?”

“Yes I did, but I was too focus on my experiment
with Clayton”

“What’s your relationship with Clayton?” Hayden
asked, curiously.

“Relationship? Clayton and I just friends and
nothing more than that” Molly Moon said, and
Hayden smile.

“What’s with the smile?”

“Nothing” He said, ruffling her hair.

“Stop doing that”

“No I won’t” He said, and continue ruffling her

“Hayden!!!” She screamed, and Hayden laugh.

Few minutes later, both were seen walking
together, outside the school.

“My hair is all scattered, thanks to you” Molly
Moon said, arranging her hair, and Hayden

“Lemme arrange it for you” Hayden said with a
smile trying to arrange her, but Clayton
approach them and jerk his hand off.

“Molly, let’s go I have some other experiment to
show you” He said, trying to leave with her, but
Hayden held Molly Moon’s other held.

“Can’t you see she’s with me?”

“Who cares? She’s coming with me” Clayton
said, pulling Molly Moon to his side.

“She’s staying here with me” Hayden said,
pulling Molly Moon to her side.

“She’s not yours to keep, Hayden”

“She’s isn’t yours, either Clayton”

And began to drag Molly Moon to the left and



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