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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Ruthless Alpha?



( She got to know who Jacqueline was)



“Hi are you perhaps looking for someone?” She heard a voice from behind her
As she whirled to see Jacqueline walking towards her with a smile that meant so many things,

She flinched all of a sudden as she saw something in her, the real her, she was a demon with long canines like that of a vampire

“, you are not Gabriella” she said as she smirked

“Really?, if I’m ain’t her then who I’m I? She asked as she still walked forward making rehana take some few steps backwards

” are not…” She held her head as it begun hurting she then begun seeing some weird spirits, similar to the one in front of her, she couldn’t understand what was happening with her,

She was mental and physically confused

“You see this is the major problem I have with you humans, you are all getting on my nerves, I just can’t understand why you won’t mind your business, especially you, you just keep on getting on my nerves” she said with an evil smirk as rehana darted to her

“You are a demon in a human’s form, taking the identity of someone else” rehana said exposing her as jacqueline got confused how come did she know so much about her, how could she know she was a demon when she hadn’t exposed her tru form to her, that means she too isn’t an ordinary being

“How come you know so much earthling, perhaps you are not human as well” Jacqueline said moving more closer to her as rehana stood her grounds, she just didn’t know how of what she was doing at the moment but she just wasn’t scared

“You ki||ed her right?” Rehana asked as she smirked again

“She was getting all nosy, exactly the way you’ve become and probably you’ll end up just like her, I don’t care if you are no human, as no spiritual nor physical entity can contain the powers I have” she said as she transformed halfly to her form, exactly the form rehana had seen, her eyes were now greenish in color, he canines were as long and sharp as that of the vampires, her face had throbbed with thick dark veins as her nails transformed into claws, she immediately charged at rehana with a great speed as she made dark flames sending it to her, as it swept rehana off her feet to the ground

“Hmm I see you have no powers but prove to be a thorn to my flesh huh?, get ready to pay the ultimate price” she thr_@tened as she flew directly to rehana on the floor with her claws ready to rip her heart apart,

Just as immediately she was getting to rehana, she was pulled away by a great force, an electrifying one that got her crushing hard on the ground as she bled immediately,

Rehana got all stunned and a bit terrified at what was happening she had thought she was going to die or something, but at the last minutes the demon got attacked, she didn’t even remember doing a thing to her as she stood to her feet,

Jacqueline stood up as well

“W..who are you?” She asked a bit terrified,

She couldn’t understand how a mere mortal could have powers like an alpha,

She knew she was a mortal, they were no signs of supernaturality in her, then how could she know much about her, even her dark flames that had an effect on even the strongest of beings did nothing to her other than to push her off like a mere wind, and then that electrifying and strong force that pulled her off, was only the power of an alpha, she was a dark spirit so she knew much about the spiritual realm of supernatural beings

“How could my powers not work on you, as long as I’m concerned you are no alpha so why then the resistance” she asked as rehana too couldn’t understand a thing going on, but all she could tell was that she was an allergy for dark spirits

“You shouldn’t worry so much of who I am, but rather worry about yourself, when the world would come to know of you, you’re nothing but a danger to humanity” rehana said as Jacqueline scoffed

“You are the ones I am always being warned about, as you are on a mission, and your intentions are of no good” rehana said as Jacqueline curved an eye brow

“Maybe I’ll just need to shut your mouth once and for all” she said as just immediately she begun transforming to a beast

“What’s going on here” a voice was heard as that hauled down the transformation process of Jacqueline, the two women twirled sharply to the figure as joron walked forward

“R..rehana?, Gabriella? What are you two doing alone in this lone part of the woods” he asked in confusion

“J..joron thank God you’re here the things that….”

“Yes the thing’s that rehana here won’t just listen, I have told her not to go farther more, she had begun looking out for the earth’s minerals when it isn’t even time and this is regarded to cheating, which could make her group loose if the other groups found out” Jacqueline aka Gabriella said cutting rehana off immediately
“ she’s a liar, she is actually a de…”

“No matter what I tell her she wouldn’t listen, I know she would look up for excuses to cover up her tracks but joron you shouldn’t listen to her” Gabriella said interrupting her again

“No joron don’t believe all she says, all she said so far is a lie, in fact she has being hiding her true identity from us all, she isn’t the real Gabriella” rehana said

“What?, why would you stoop this low rehana, just to defame me?, or put all the blames on me” she asked as joron glared at Jacqueline,

She was in fact aware of what she’s done, it was all clear, but then she was still trying her best to twist go the whole matter

“Hmm, so rehana tell me what happening here I can’t seem to understand any of it” joron said as rehana stated once to her (Jacqueline) who made a ki|| gesture with her throat signifying that she was gonna ki|| joron if she’d tell him anything as rehana became si wearied

“What do I do now, how do I expose this demon here, I couldn’t risk joron’s life, cause I’m sure she might try to ki|| him” rehana thought

“Here joron, this is the dead body of Jung laying dead here,” Gabriella came forward pointing to the decayed body as joron acted all shocked and frightened

“ come this?” He asked in a stutter,

Rehana wished she could tell him the entire truth, but inasmuch as she tried she was helpless

“Jung is my best friend you know that, and she had the same plans in mind, that was too look for the earth’s minerals before the other groups could begin, I had warned her the dangers of she going alone but then she paid a deaf ear to me, and want on with her plan, and it’s my fault I never told anyone of what she was planning and now this? Here is her dead body” Gabriella said in a disheartened tune as joron stared with a gasp and then turn to rehana

“We must leave her now please” he said as rehana tried hesitating

“Please rehana don’t act stubborn” he said as rehana turned to Jacqueline who gave a smirk and then winked at her

And to joron who silently shot a glare to her before walking off with rehana, and just then Jacqueline held her chest

“d@mn! How could I have being so careless, now I’m sure I might get punished by the prince” she thought as a force pulled her up to the air, strangling her up to the extent she was loosing her breath

“How dare you” the raged and deep voice said as the figure of someone In a black robe appeared

It was one of joron’s strongest demons who had come after Jacqueline, his mortal body was with rehana while his demon came to torment Jacqueline

“M…my prince h..have mercy on me” she barely uttered

“That is something i dont have” the demon said and kept on strangling her

“P..please just a chance ny lord” she pleaded

“I’ll only be letting you off this one time because i still need you, but if such a mistake should dare repeat itself then i wouldn’t spare you for even a second” he said and then slammed her roughly on one of the trees as she bled profusely…


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