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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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After the tutorial section was over, Agatha brought out her phone and showed rehana some pictures, this now fully explained to her the cause of the murmurings she’d heard earlier

And this could be what triggered Ella’s foolish reactions, since it was obvious that she was getting jealous and upset about her

but then the picture looked rather romantic, seeing her in the cold hearted arms of jake,

And she’d heard she was the first girl to be on jake’s arms, and that brought the relationship status of Mr jake to light, being the most cutest guy in college, he was hot and popular but he never had a girlfriend not even once,

You could consider him being an introvert, but that didn’t stop girls from drooling, crushing, dreaming and seducing him

Almost all the girls in college were crushing over him, he was the typical Mr right as he was every girl’s dream, but not for rehana

He was considered as the top one cutest dream guy, but then he’d had a bad side everyone feared and disdained, it was his fierce anger,

He’d blown out once, when he got aggressively agitated, he almost made someone lifeless if npt for the intervention of the cops,

He destroyed a full classroom, so since then no one thought of going on his bad side, more or less you need an easy death,

So Ana’s friends gave a an earful of jake’s terror, that was the name they’d call it, as Ana halfy gasped,

“ he was one of the heartless fighter here in crystal high, no one can possibly match up to him” kim said as ana got pretty stunned

She was growing pretty scared though, as she’d experienced part of it, she didn’t make mention of confronting the monster to anyone

But she wasn’t the type of girl that easily gives up, as she was sure he’d had a weak point somehow

Just then the bell for lunch went off

“ c’mon we need to grab something” nabi said persistently

“ look at you, your love for food has resulted to this kind of body” kim teased as nabi rolled her eyes, suddenly everyone’s attention drifted to the threshold

As rehana whirled as well, as their eyes met from a distance as he smiled at her, he was strolling to her as everyone gasped all eyes went to rehana,

“ w.. what are you doing here” she asked in surprise

“ for you” he replied as she arched a brow

“ I mean let’s go out for lunch”He offered as she gave an amused look

“ c’mon ana you ca go we are good on our own” Agatha said winking at her as she nodded and made to follow joron

So much eyes were on them, as amongst the eyes were the glaring looks from gabriella as ana rolled her eyes at her, she could tell that she was f_cking jealous, as she kept on glaring h@ťěfully at rehana

Just about stepping out of the class, rehana’s eyes flickered at seeing the gruesome figure of jake, since rehana got to meet him he only glares and so she was kind of getting used to it

Joron walked passed him without a weird as rehana found it so unusual of the two to pass each other without a word

Rehana was about doing same “stop” the voice halted her down as well as joron

He turned staring straight into her face with his blue sparkling alluring blue eyes, his fragrance and looks made him more tempting but she ignore all that as what she’d had for him were dislikes

“ man do you have a problem?, it’s our lunch period” joron snapped at jake,

“ not for her” he responded still glaring at rehana

“ c’mon haven’t you done enough?, this against our rules you’re going against….”

“ and you’re standing against the discipline rules” jake cut him off as joron now moved closer to him

“ what darn discipline rules do you blabber about” jopron’s words got jake furious

“ don’t you dare challenge me” jake groaned, as his fists were folding very tight

“ really if that’s the case so be it” joron retorted glaring at his as jake’s veins appeared visible it was obvious he was getting angered, as his nose were shaky his jaws clenched harder………..



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