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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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You can’t be mad at you mom forever” Daisy muttered.

Yeah I know…mom and I missed you so much” Ava said and hugged her again.

Com’on sweetie let’s go to your room” Daisy mumbled and they left for her bedroom, security guard brought out the stuff she bought, her nanny brought them in, she brought to Ava’s room, Daisy collected the bags from her, Amelia smiled before leaving.

“Can I see my teddy bears” Ava muttered, staring at her mom, who couldn’t help but smile.

Here’s your teddy bears Miss” Daisy said, she gave the teddy bears.

Oh my goodness, they are so cute Mom” Ava mumbled with a beautiful smile.

Yeah…..I want to see my baby happy…. and am sorry about last night” Daisy mumbled.

It’s okay Mom. Look they are look good together, the pink one be at my right and the blue on my left” Ava said, smiling.

“Ahm! Wy would the pink one be on your right?” Daisy asked.

Because it’s a teddy girl and she’s supposed to be at my right hand” Ava muttered.

Okay” Daisy mumbled, nodding her head.

Mom what about my grandpa….. when are my going to see him” Ava asked.

He’s not in town….he went for a business trip” Daisy mumbled, scratching her forehead, slightly.

“That means you are the only one at home” Ava asked, staring at her.

“No…no .. .. not really” she mumbled.

“Who’s there with you” Ava asked, staring at her mom.

“Nanny… nanny Ms Pat” she stuttered looking away.

Com’on Mom is there any other person. I mean I would like to “meet him” she muttered as if she knows that a guy was in the house.

“Honey….. have you eaten yet” Daisy asked, to avoid any further questions, but her daughter isn’t like that.

“So mommy…. when I are my coming to see him. I wanna meet him” Ava muttered, she looked at her daughter and sighed.

“Honey there’s no other person at home okay…. let’s forget about home and focus on you and me” she said with a smile.

“Okay Mommy” she mumbled.

Hours passed, she checked her time. She promised that she will home on time, but she’s not going any time soon.

“So mommy will you spend a night with me….I want to wake up with you by my side” she said.

Honey…… let’s not talk this now. Remember the table manner, don’t talk when eating” Daisy mumbled.

Okay Mom, but you stay here with me right” she mumbled.

Yes honey… I’m here with you” Daisy mumbled and looked away, she’s not keeping her promise to the man who her father employed.

After eating, Daisy carried out the dishes, Ava also followed her to the kitchen with other dishes.

“Thank you honey” she said with a smile.

“I will do the washing while you go to the living room” Daisy mumbled.

“No. I will stay here with you….. we’ll live together….I don’t want you to leave me” she mumbled.

Daisy chuckled softly and kissed her cheek, “mom’s here honey, she will be staying here tonight” she said.

“That will be great….at least my nanny will have some rest tonight, my mom will read the bed time stories for me” Ava said with a smile.

“Yeah….it will be great” Daisy mumbled, she quickly washed the dishes and clean up the table, they left together for living room

Daisy spent the rest of the night with her daughter, she woke up the next morning, she went to Ava’s room, she smiled as she saw her Mom.

Good morning Mommy she greeted with a smile.

Good morning my love how was your night sweetie” she said with a smile.

It was good and yours” Ava mumbled.

Mine was good honey” she said with a smile.

And going to school today, hope you will drop me off” Ava said, staring at her mom.

Yeah I promise…….and you will come pick me up after school” Ava said, cutting her off.

Come pick you up…..she stuttered blinking her eyelashes, she didn’t see this one coming.

Honey nanny will come pick up after school, remember mommy has a lot of things to do in the office today

That’s what you always say…. you are always busy with work”she added.

Honey is not what you think….I care about you and I love you so much

If you’re coming to pick me up, then am not going to school today” she muttered.

No sweetie don’t say that, you are making mommy sad” Daisy mumbled.

“I’m sorry Mom but I want you to come pick me up please” Ava muttered.

Okay honey I promise” she said with a little smile, she kissed her forehead.


Larry was worried about her, he doesn’t have her number he would have called her up, Ms Pat wasn’t around she left for something important.

Daisy took her child to the school, she came back to the house, she met Larry who was walking up and down the living room with his phone on his right hand, he worried, she walked passed, when he stopped her.

“Hey! Where are you coming from?” He questioned, staring at her, from head to toe, she wasn’t putting on the same clothes, she even look more beautiful, but he didn’t let that carried him away..

You told me that you will be back on time, but I didn’t get to see you

Listen Mr wh@ťěver you call yourself. I don’t have time for this whole shît”

“Seriously. Is that all you are going to say. After leaving the house, this is all you’re gonna say

“I don’t have time for this shît. And I believe you have something to do in the kitchen, you better go them” she said and walked away, but Larry was too fast, he held her hand, she turned and glance at him for a few minutes, she removed her hand from his grips and walked away.

“Idíot” she cursed, as she opened the door, she sat on the bed, tiredly, she turned to the other side, her food has been served, she walked closer and drew out a chair she sat down and began eating.

“I can’t believe she just did this. What the fúçk” he muttered, he was distracted by a phone call.

“What’s up big bro?” Kelvin said, happily.

“I’m good man” he said and sighed softly, scratching his forehead slightly.

“Com’on bro. What’s up? What’s the matter with you? How’s my SIL doing over” he said, smiling, Larry sighed again.

“You asked too much questions. I don’t even know where to start from”

“What’s up. What’s the matter” Kelvin asked, he noticed the change in his voice.

“I’m good. She’s just difficult man….I don’t even know where to start from, she doesn’t like me. I don’t know what to do man” Larry mumbled.

“Hey! Com’on bro you have been the one who keeps telling me not to give up and now you’re trying to do so”

“You just need to make her fall in love with you. She’s my SIL remember” Kelvin said, with a smile.

“I know. I will. ….see what I can do” he said.

“Alright bro…. take care” Kelvin said.

“And you too bro. I love you” he said and hang up.

“Daisy Fredrickson, get ready for me… you might be harsh but it’s a promise I will mend your broken heart, I will keep you safe” he said to no one in particular.

TBC ❤️

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