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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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The whole social media in California is on trendidation as the video of the governor and the first lady confessing to the crimes they committed.

The twins made them to confessed their crimes before they ki||ed them.

Everybody was watching it, it was on every news television channels, blogs, every radio station.

Everybody was talking bad about them, h@ťěful comments everywhere.

Knowing they were behind James death, no one supported them.

Their location was found but they were burnt to ashes, the cops tried tracing the people behind it but they couldn’t get any trace.

They even tried hacking the video but all proved futile.

Nobody was sorry for Marcus and Audrey rather people were happy that they met their waterloo.

Summer stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her segzy ki||er body.

Henry was standing at the window staring outside, viewing the city.

She smiled and walked to him, she wrapped her arms around him and placed her head on his back.

“Heartbeat” He called lowly.

“Armor, what are you thinking about, are you regretting what you did?” She asked.

“I don’t regret it, I’m just missing my parents, my crazy dad, the bond were shared was so strong” He replied sadly.

“Can I heal you, can I take away the pains!?” She asked.

Henry unlocked her arms around him and turned facing her.

He gripped her waist and pulled him, her chest slamming hard on his own.

“Heal me heartbeat” He said, his voice making her body to react in naughty manner.

“I will take away the pains, I love you” She said affectionately.

“I love you so much, madly, crazily insanely…” Summer kissed him before he could complete.

He smiled and started kissing her back.

They broke the kiss shortly and smiled lovingly at each other.

“We will be meeting your real family tomorrow after we will get the confirmation from the doctor” He said.

“‘I’m even happy she was not my mother, though James wasn’t my real father, I will forever love him” She said.

“Let’s stop talking about that” He said giving her naughty stares.

“What are you thinking?” She asked returning the same naughty look.

” This” He said and in a swift her towel was on the ground.

He stared at her body and his burning desire multiplied, her body grew more gorgeous over the years.

Summer was looking him deep into the eyes, their emotions speaking for them.

“You’re the most beautiful lady in the world to me” He said in a voice that send wetness to her p@zzy.

“I want you” She said wistfully, desire creeping into her body.

“I won’t be easy on you” He said grabbing her @zz.

“I don’t want it soft either, go hard!!” She replied biting her lips.

He immediately carried off the ground and placed her on the bed.

He came over her and their lips met in a fierce way.

Hunger, passion and affection lived in the kiss, then a mixture of fire and sparks.

Their lips continued wetting each other, their tongues battled affectionately, grinding on each other in their mouth.

Soon her Mõ@ɲs started coming up in a handful, Henry’s clothes were off his body and the game started.


Henry, Summer and Hilliary walked into the hospital and they went to the doctor’s office.

Doctor Klein who was checking some documents looked up immediately and his eyes dilated immediately he saw Summer but he quickly comported himself.

“Good morning doctor” Henry said.

“Good morning, please take a seat all of you” Doctor Klein said.

The three of them sat down and faced him.

“So what brought you all here?” Doctor Klein asked, stylishly avoiding Summer’s gaze.

“18 years ago, Mrs Baldwin and Audrey Davidson gave birth on the same day” Henry said and immediately Doctor Klein heart skipped a big beat.

He shifted uncomfortably on his chair and the guys were quick to noticed his reaction.

“You took one of twins Mrs Baldwin gave birth and gave the child to Audrey right?” Summer asked and Doctor Klein throat became dry instantly.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” He said, composing himself not to shake.

“Did you think we are here to play with you?” Hilliary asked angrily hitting his palm on the table, the effect of bang made somethings on the table to sprawled to the floor.

Doctor Klein started shivering as he saw the dark look on Hilliary face.

“If you want we will take it to the hard way, imagine loosing your licence, how will you feel?” Henry asked and Doctor Klein gulped down.

“Are you ready to talk?” Summer asked.

Doctor Klein looked at them and nodded.


“The governor and the first lady deserve the punishment they got, how cruel could they be to ki|| that innocent man” Mrs Baldwin said.

“I own the person behind that a reward” Blake said.

“When is your girlfriend coming over?” She asked.

“Soon mum” He replied.

“You have grown so fond of her” He said.

“She’s my future daughter in-law, so tell me when are you taking over the factory?” She asked.

“I think that will be next week” He replied.

Mrs Baldwin smiled and ruffled his hair.

“Mum!, I’m not a kid”.

“You’re still eighteen, so you’re still a kid to me and you will always be my baby” She said.

“I’m an adult” He frowned.

Suddenly the door opened, Blake and Mrs Baldwin eyes widened as they saw who walked in.

“Ghost” Mrs Baldwin started shouting.

Blake became dumbfounded as he was staring at the twins, the kind of shock running through his body was unexplainable.

“Henry!..Hilliary” Blake finally spoke up.

“We are alive” Henry said.

“But you guys were buried” Mrs Baldwin quicky said, moving back in fear.

“They are alive” Summer said as tears were coming out of her eyes.

Who would have believe she was her mother.

How will she react, will she accept her?.

For years she was close to her twin brother without knowing

Blake moved towards and started touching them and when he felt their bodies, he screamed in happiness.

“You two are alive” He shouted.

“We’re alive bro”.

He pulled them into a hug and they started hugging continuously.

Mrs Baldwin who eyes were widened quickly snapped to her senses, she went towards them and pulled Blake away.

She pulled the twins into a hug.

She broke the hug after a while with a smile playing on her lips.

“I’m glad you two are alive” Mrs Baldwin said and cupped Henry’s face.

“My boyfriend” Mrs Baldwin said and Summer almost gasped.

“Girlfriend” Henry replied and they both hug again.

“I missed you, thank you for not dying” Mrs Baldwin broke the hug and pulled Hilliary into another one.

“Crazy African boy” Mrs Baldwin said and Hilliary smiled.

“I’m so happy today, but what really happened, we buried you two?” Blake asked.

“We will talk about that later, there’s something you need to know girlfriend” Henry said.

“What!! Doctor Klein” Mrs Baldwin gasped…

They are just taking notice of him.

Doctor Klein looked away guiltily.

“What is him doing with you?”.

“18 years ago you delivered in his hospital right?” Henry asked and Mrs Baldwin nodded.

” Why? did something happened?”.

“Yes, something happened, that day you gave birth to twins” Henry said.

Mrs Baldwin and Blake gasped.

” Twi… twins, what are you talking about, I gave birth to only Blake”.

“You were lied to, doctor Klein here lied to you” Hilliary said and Mrs Baldwin looked at Klein.

He bent his head trying not to look at her face, Mrs Baldwin heart started beating so fast.

” Is it true?”.

” Yes, I took one of your babies away, Summer here is your daughter” Doctor Klein said and Blake eyes widened.

“Daughter… Summer is my daughter?” Mrs Baldwin stuttered.

Doctor Klein nodded and explained how it all started.

“Mum” Summer called.

Mrs Baldwin was already in tears.

“Daughter” Mrs Baldwin called tearfully.

“Yes mum” Summer replied in tears.

Blake who eyes were still widened was staring at them like it was a drama going on in a tv series.

Summer is his sister, his twin sister?.

He has a twin?.

“I gave birth to twins without even knowing, I’m so useless, I don’t deserve to be a mother”.

“Don’t say that mother, it wasn’t your fault, Audrey caused everything” Summer said.

Mrs Baldwin hugged her and started crying on her shoulder.

“I’m so happy finding out your are my mother” Summer said and hugged her tighter.

They continued crying as they hugged each other.

Summer suddenly broke the hug and turned to Blake who was looking at her.

He walked towards her with tears in his eyes.

He smiled and touched her cheek.

“You were beside me all this while, twin sister” Blake said and Summer smiled widely.

“Twin brother” She said and Blake pulled her into his arms.

Summer closed her eyes and placed her head on his chest.

They continued sniffing joyously.

Having her real family was enough to heal her.

Doctor Klein went on his knees before everyone in the mansion.

“Mrs Baldwin please I’m sorry, I know no amount of words can justified what I did but I was in a tight corner, I had no option but to do what I did, please don’t report me, I’m sorry” Doctor Klein begged.

“I understand, I don’t completely blame you, Audrey was the master plan behind all this, what matters now is that my baby is back to me” Mrs Baldwin said.

“Thank you, Summer I’m sorry for separating you from your real family”.

“I’m not mad at you”.

“You can go doctor Klein thanks die your services” Henry smiled.

Dr Klein immediately left the mansion.

“How did you find out about Summer identity?” Blake asked the question that have been on his mind.

“Audrey and Marcus were behind my parents death” Henry said.

Mrs Baldwin and Blake eyes widened.


Janet couldn’t stop crying as she hugged Hilliary in her arms.

Samson was not left out, he was in tears.

“I missed you son” She said.

“I missed you mum” Hilliary said.

Samson went closer and joined the hug.

They were all in tears, tears of joy.

Henry had a smile on his face as he stared at the reunion, he felt a tear escaped his eye when he remembered his parents.

“Henry, join us, you are part of this family” Samson said and pulled him into the family hug.

“From now on take me as your biological father” Samson said.

“And me as your biological mother, don’t feel out, you are a legitimate member of this family” Janet said.

Henry smiled widely, staring at them.

“I don’t know what to say” Henry said.

“You don’t need to say anything twin brother” Hilliary said.

“I love you all”.

“We love you too” They chorused.

“Best family ever”.

“Let’s go out on a family date tomorrow” Samson said.

“Yay!!! woah!!!” Hilliary shouted.


“I took revenge for you two, people who ki||ed you are dead now, I will remain the best son in the world, I will fulfilled your dream mum, dad I will become what you wanted me to be” Henry said and dropped bouquets on his parents graves.

“Best parents ever, I will miss you two” Hilliary said and dropped his bonquets too.

He came with Henry, Summer and Dorathy.

“How are you two doing up there, you were going to be the best in laws but death took you away, I promise to take good care of your son till death, I will love him till infinity, I will stay with him forever, this is my promise to you both, sorry for your gruesome death, she wasn’t even my real mother, but they have paid already” Summer said dropping her bonquets.

“Rest in perfect peace” Dorathy said, dropping her bonquets.

They glanced at one another after.

“You are crying?” Summer asked.

“I can’t help it” He replied.

“I’m here for you” She said and hugged him.

Dorathy and Hilliary smiled.


“Dad, I will still call you my dad though you were not my real father, I grew up loving you like my father and that love can’t be taken away, so bad you got married to a woman who wasn’t in love with you, rest on well father, I love you so much, I promise to elevate your companies to a higher level, I will do that with Henry, our love is deeper than the ocean, together we will strengthen your empire the more, I know you are listening to me” Summer


They were standing in the front of James grave, flowers in hand.

“Father, you were on the only one who supported my relationship, u can’t forget how you took me like a son, your death was a shock to me, sorry I wasn’t able to saved you, may your son rest in peace, I promise to cherish your daughter till my old age, I will love her unconditionally, she will always be my first priority, her happiness will be my happiness, I will be the perfect son in-law you wanted for her, I know Audrey death will bring you peace, my final respect, His Excellency James Davidson” Henry said and saluted.

They dropped their flowers on the grave and Henry turned to see her tears.

“Stop crying” He said and started cleaning away her tears.

She smiled.

“I love you Armor”

“I love you more heartbeat” He said.

They looked at the grave one last time before going back to the mansion.

Getting there they saw the guys waiting for them already.

After the twins return from London, they made themselves known to the guys.

They were surprised to the bone but eventually they got over it.

The twins explained everything to them and no one was against them.

“Henry” Collins called immediately and walked to him.

“My competitor” Henry said and Collins smiled.

“I will soon introduce my girlfriend to you” Collins said and the guys wow.

“I can’t wait”.

“Summer” He called and made to hugged Summer but Henry pushed him away.

“No guy is allowed to hug her except me, only me” Henry said and Summer smiled.

“f_ck you dude” Collins said.

“Brother in-law”.

The guys started laughing.

Blake and Henry hugged.

“Brother” Summer said smiling.

“Twinnie” Blake said and ruffled her hair.

“I h@ťě you” Summer yelled and Blake started laughing.

“Babies” Summer called.

“Now you remember us” Tiffany and Hailey rolled eyes.

” I’m sorry” Summer said and pulled them into a hug.

“I’m happy we are back again, one happy reunion” Austin said, coming out of his car.

“Youngest CEO” Everyone shouted.

“Guys” He started laughing.

“I’m starting the $h00ting of my first movie tomorrow” Collins announced.


“Congratulations dude, I can’t wait for it to be out”.

“Hope they didn’t give you the role of fighting over a girl?” Hilliary asked and Collins scoffed.

Everyone chuckled.

“I can’t believe I’m finally in love” Austin said and everyone screamed.

“Is she pretty bro?” Hilliary asked.

“More than your girlfriend” Austin winked.

“You..hmmm” Dorathy scoffed and everyone started laughing.

“I love you baby” Hilliary said and kissed Dorathy.

“Kiss me ” Hailey said and wrapped her arms around Blake, Blake leaned in and kissed her.

“Saint where are you?” Tiffany said dramatically and they laughed.

“Guys I can’t be oppress” Collins shouted.

“Same here” Austin said.

“Let’s not betray each other ever” Henry said.

“Promise” They all said at once.

“Now that we’re here, why don’t we party later, we can do something else more lively now” Tiffany shouted.

“What did you suggest?”.

“Let’s all cook together?”.


They all agreed and started rushing into the mansion.

Summer turned to go but Henry pulled her back.

“I love you” He said pouring his affection into her eyes.

“I love you a million times Armor” She said returning the same energy.

“I love you so much Summer, let’s never get separated again”.

“I love you too Henry, thanks for standing up for our relationship despite the difficulties we had to face”.

Henry smiled and caressed her.

“I’m glad I was able to do all of that” Henry said.

“My addiction, I love you till death” Summer said.

“Meant for each other, I love you, forever” Henry replied.

He pulls her closer to himself and kissed her.

A kiss filled with love, possession and desire that keeps them longing for more…. their souls becoming one.

“I will make tonight a special night” He whispered in the kiss.

“I can’t wait” She smiled.

Till… forever their love was stronger than a brozen chain and deeper than the ocean..



? #THE_END ?



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