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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? CHAPTER 108 & 109 ?



Summer’s eyes widened as the person turned and it was the last person she was expecting to see.

Her armor.

“Henry!” She muttered shockingly.

Henry smiled and stood up.

“No!, no!” She mumbled and fainted on the ground.

“Summer!” Henry called and rushed to her.

He carried her up from the ground and took her to the bed.

He placed her gently on the bed and sat beside her.

He stared at her face and he started smiling.

The face he miss so much.. his heartbeat.

He leaned in and kissed her forehead.


Summer wake up after some minutes and squinted her eyes.

“I was dreaming right?” She muttered.

“No you were not dreaming” Henry’s voice said and when she turned to see Henry sitting beside her she screamed.

“Henry!” She called unbelievably.

“Yes heartbeat it’s me” He replied smiling.

“Tell me it’s not your ghost” She said.

Henry smiled and took her hand, immediately his hand touched her, tears started escaping her eyes.

“You’re alive?” She asked.

“Yeah, I survived, I’m not dead” He said.

“So who did we buried?” She asked.

“I wasn’t in the fire, only my parents got burnt in the fire” He said.

“Wait does that means we buried the wrong person and Hilliary too is alive?” She asked and he nodded.

Her tears turned into a smile and she cupped his face in her palms.

“My baby, you are back to me” She said, sniffing joyously.

“I missed you so much” He said.

“Words can’t describe how much I missed you, I’m happy to see you” She said and they started staring affectionately at each other.

“Do you still love me?” She asked.

“Don’t be dumb, if I didn’t what will I be doing here” He replied and poke her head.

Summer pouted and hugged him.

Henry smiled and hugged her back.

“Tell me what really happened?” Summer asked.

Henry’s countenance changed immediately and he broke the hug.

He looked at her and started telling her the whole story.

“I knew it, I knew she was behind dad’s death, but why? dad really love her, how cruel could she be? I experience hell for the past four years, I cried everyday cos of you, I kept wishing to see you everyday” She said crying loudly.

“So she was cheating on dad with his deputy” She said and her face suddenly hardened.

“They will pay dearly, they will die in the most gruesome way” She said, her eyes exhibiting no emotions.

“Does that mean you are in the revenge with me?” He asked.

“Yes, I’m in full support of what ever you are going to do to them, how will I live knowing my mother ki||ed your family, did you love me this much, don’t you wanna h@ťě me for what my mother did?, I’m a daughter of a criminal, won’t you start seeing my mother’s face on mine” She asked looking at him pitifully.

Henry started cleaning her tears away.

“You’re Summer and she is Audrey, you two are different you’re now my present and future, life is so unpredictable, we don’t know what will come next, I tried hating you but my heart kept loving you the more, I can’t blame you for my parents death, it’s painful but it won’t change anything if I h@ťě you, you didn’t wish for it but believe me your mother will pay dearly”.

“But the scar will be there, I don’t deserve your Henry” She said guiltily and he ruffled his hair.

“I’m okay with it, I don’t mind anymore” He said.

She looked at him and he smiled.

“Shall we start the game, I want them dead” She said emotionlessly.

“Don’t let anyone know I and my brother are alive” He said and she nodded.

” Kiss me” She said.

He pulled her to himself and captured her lips as they went down on the bed.


“Today is so tiring” Dorathy said as she came out of the lecture hall with Nina.

They are in the same department.

“Just say you are lazy” Nina said and Dorathy glared at her.

Nina chuckled.

“Let’s grab something to eat” Dorathy said.

They were about going to the cafeteria when Dorathy heard someone calling her name.

She groaned angrily knowing the person already.

Lincoln ran towards them panting heavily.

He is in love with her and he confessed his love to he but she rejected him politely but since then he hasn’t relented, he kept pestering her.

“Dora” He called as he got to them.

Dorathy frowned.

“My name is Dorathy, stop shortening my name” She said coldly.

“What are you calling me for?” She asked.

“I want us to go out after lectures, will you be free?” He asked smiling despite noticing the cold aura from the girls.

“I won’t be free” Dorathy said and took Nina’s hand, walking away with her.

Lincoln sighed sadly as he watched them walked away.

He turned around and left.

“I don’t know why he doesn’t want to get the simple language, I don’t love him” Dorathy said as she walked to the cafeteria with Nina.

” I don’t like him seriously” Nina said.

Dorathy phone started ringing and she took it out to see a new number.

She hesitated before taking the call.

” Hello, who is this?” Dorathy asked.

“Come to your suite if you want to know something about your boyfriend Hilliary” The voice said and her heart raced crazily immediately.

” Who are you?” She asked, shivering slightly.

” I’m waiting for you” The voice said and cut the call.

Dorathy started staring into space as different thoughts started running into her mind.

” Dora” Nina called seeing her zoned out completely.

“I will be back” Dorathy said and quickly ran away leaving Nina dumbfounded.

“What is wrong with her.

Dorathy got to her suite with a racing heart, she slowly opened the door with shaky hands, she entered her suite and immediately she stepped in.

Her heart almost exploded as he saw Hilliary in her suite.

Her eyes were almost out.

” Hill…iary” She stuttered shockingly

“It’s me” He smiled.

Without thinking she ran to him and jumped on his body.


Audrey entered the governor’s office furiously, making him to looked up.

The angry look on her face was enough to explain her mood.

She walked briskly to Marcus table and stood angrily before him.

“What’s it ?” He asked.

“What is the meaning of what you just did?” She asked yelling.

“Can you go straight to the point” He said.

“Why did you stop the project?” She asked.

“Cos I wanted to” He replied blankly.

“Really? you’re beginning to piss me off seriously, know who you’re dealing with, I did everything for you” She said and banged the table hard.

“I’m the governor of this state and decide what to happen” He said, getting annoyed.

“Remember how you were able to get to this position, give order for the project to start” She said and Marcus stood up.

“Are you ordering me now huh?” He asked angrily.

“I am your wife and I have every right to be in the project”.

“I say no, I will handle the project myself” He said.

“Don’t play with me Marcus, I can destroy you” He said.

Marcus grabbed her throat immediately and started choking her.

” Listen, don’t try to dare me, I’m so dangerous that you can ever imagine, let’s play the game the way we started it” He said and pushed her.

Audrey staggered and glared at him.

She glanced at him before leaving the office.

” Ɓîtçh” He said and sat down.


? Good morning president

? Good morning

The workers kept greeting Austin as he made his way into his office.

He smiled at them while waving.

He entered his office and was surprised to see two strange people in his office, sitting on the chairs.

He muttered courage and walked to his chair.

“Who are you and how did you get into my office?” He asked calmly.

The two people looked up and removed their masks immediately.

Austin gasped loudly.

The twins smiled.

” Henry!, Hilliary!” He exclaimed.

” Yes hero” Hilliary smiled.

” You… you guys are alive” He stammered.

“Yes buddy” Henry said.

Austin screamed joyfully and rushed to them, they started hugging each other.

“I’m the happiest person on earth right now” Austin said as they finally broke the hug.

He stared at them and kept smiling.

“How did you guys survived, you were in the house right?”.

“We weren’t in the burning house, the two persons buried weren’t us”.

“My instincts were right, I kept believing that you guys were alive, now I can be at peace” Austin said.

“We are back now” The twins said.

They explained everything to him and Austin couldn’t closed his mouth.

“So what are your plans?” Austin asked and they told him.

“Let’s start the game” Austin smirked.

“Don’t disclose yourselves to anyone again, we don’t know who will betray us” Austin said and the twins nodded.


A loud music could be heard playing as different cars stopped there.

Blake and Hailey came out of the car and smiled at each other.

They held hands as they walked in.

The next car to drove in was Tiffany and Saint.

Austin was the next person to stepped in.

Collins and Summer came at the same time.

They came out of their cars and smiled seeing each other.

“Hi crybaby” He said and she smiled.

“You seems happy, finally getting over everything right?” Collins asked.

“Not really but I got to be happy right?” She asked and he smiled.

He took her hand and they walked in.

The group started screaming immediately they saw each other.

“Bestie” Hailey called and ran to Summer, hugging her there.

Summer hugged her back before they broke it.

“You’re back to yourself” Hailey said and Summer smiled.

“Collins” Hailey called and they hugged.

“How are you?” Collins asked.

“I’m fine” Hailey replied, flaunting her hair.

Collins and Summer smiled.

“Dude” Blake called.

“I can’t believe I’m seeing you all” Tiffany said happily.

“You have grown so much” Hailey said and pinched her cheeks.

” Stop it” Tiffany said and yanked her hands away.

” Guys” Saint said and everyone responded to him.

“How was college life?”.

“Fantabulous” They all said.

“CEO Austin” Collins said and Austin rolled eyes.


“Let’s party hard tonight”.

“I really missed the twins ” Hailey said.

“May their souls rest in peace ” Blake said.

“Our respect to them” Collins said and they placed their hands on their chests.

“We really love them” Tiffany said.

The twins smiled from where they were watching before walking away.

“Funny how they thought we are dead” Henry said.

“I can’t wait to see the look on their faces when we will reveal ourselves to them” Hilliary said as they entered the car.

“Tomorrow we are getting the game started” Henry said and they drove out.

Summer sat and watched as the guys danced crazily.

Hailey and Blake dance steps was the most funniest and she couldn’t but laughed.

She remembered her night with Henry and started smiling.

Saint and Tiffany were busy dancing happily.

“Hey let’s dance” Collins said.

“I’m not in the mood” She said and smiled.

“Okay, my punishment for not having a girlfriend” He said and she chuckled.

“Don’t be silly, the one for you will come” She said he sat with her.

He took a glass and started drinking while watching the others danced.


“The governor and the first lady are going for a meeting in Texas” Jaxon said.

“So you know what to do right?” Henry asked and Jaxon nodded.

The door opened and Austin entered with Summer.

“How did it go?” Hilliary asked.

“Everything is set, time to strike, now, Jaxon you can leave, please no mistake” Austin said and Jaxon nodded before leaving.

“I can’t wait to hear their cries of agony” Summer said.

” Let’s get this done once and for all” Austin said.

” Audrey… shall we get started?”.


Marcus and Audrey came out of the state executive mansion and entered the car.

Jaxon smirked immediately they entered the car.

They were not aware that the driver was a different person, Jaxon disguised so well that they were not able to noticed him.

He started the car and the journey to the airport started another car followed behind.

Audrey phone started ringing and she saw the caller her eyes were widened.

“Hello mother” Summer voice came up.

“Sum.. Summer” Audrey stuttered.

“Surprise to hear my voice right?” Summer asked.

“Just wanted to hear your voice, cos this might be the last, bye” Summer laughed hysterically and disconnected the call.

” What is she planning?” Audrey asked herself.

Jaxon smirked and took out a flame bomb.

He removed the stick from it and threw it outside.

He speeed the car ahead and when the other car reached there, the bomb exploded.

Audrey and Marcus gasped.

“What happened?”

The flame circulated the whole road and the car had to stop to avoid accident from happening.

“Stop the car” Audrey said but Jaxon took another road different from the airport road.

“What are you doing?” Marcus asked.

Jaxon took off his face mask and smirked at them.

“He is not the driver” Marcus shouted.

“I’m taking you both to hell” Jaxon said and before they could talk.

Brandon came out from the butt and injected the both of them at the same time.

“Drive faster” He said.


The dim light in the room gave it a little clearer view.

Marcus and Audrey were tied to a pole.

The melting of the rubbers falling on their bodies made them to wake up.

They opened their eyes and immediately they rubber drops started falling on them, they started screaming painfully.

The droplets started coming in full and their bodies started burning up.



“Where is this place?” Marcus yelled struggling as the melting rubber droplets kept falling on his body.

“Arrrgh” Audrey yelped in pains.

Three guys entered there and took two sticks.

“Who are you?” Marcus asked.

“Hell executioners”.

They took a bucket of water and poured on their bodies.

“What are you guys trying to do?” Audrey asked fearfully.

“What did you think?” Austin smirked.

Immediately the sticks landed on Audrey body, she started seeing the road to hell.

They started whipping them with the sticks while their excruciating cries and screams kept coming out.

The melting rubber droplets started pouring on them in a plentiful fold mixed with the beating they were getting, it was hell for them.


“Stop!!! please,,, Ahhhh”.

They merciless whipping continued till they started bleeding, their bodies were disfigured by now.

Brandon took a white substance and poured it on them.

“Ahhh,, no!!!!!” Audrey screamed out in pains.

“Stop!!” Marcus shouted.

The guys continued hitting them with the sticks till their bodies were completely disfigured.

Their blood flowing down their bodies.

Jaxon poured the white substance on them again.

It started stinging deeply into their wounds, giving them a hellish pain.

The door opened and the twins walked in.

The walked there and smirked dangerously.

Austin, Brandon and Jaxon stopped the whipping.

“Hello Mr governor”.

The lights suddenly came up.

Marcus and Audrey saw their faces

” What!!! He… Henry!” Audrey eyes widened.

Marcus’s eyes were not an exception, his eyes widened broadly.

“You both…..are supposed to be dead!!”.

The twins smiled dangerously.



? ????

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