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Friday, October 18, 2024
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? CHAPTER 10 ?



Summer gasped and quickly turned to faced him with a shock expression on her face.

“Expired @zz, you can my @zz expired?” Summer asked.

“Yes it’s expired what did you think you’re doing?” He asked.

“Do you mean you weren’t moved by my twerking? ” She asked.

” There was nothing interesting about you twerking your expired @zz” He replied.

” Stop calling my @zz expired, many guys are wishing for this opportunity, are you a guy at all” She yelled.

Henry smirked and moved closer.

” I am full working guy, my Ďïčk is working fine mind you I am Henry K and I am not among the guys crushing on you, I will never have anything to do with you, you can’t seduce me, get that in your brain, oh! I remember you don’t have one” Henry said and walked out leaving her there in her shock state.

She was sure she did her best, any guy will surely get turned on by her twerking.

“He is the very first guy to reject me” Summer said.


” Where did he go to exactly” Lex asked

” How will I know he just left the class without saying anything to us” Blake replied.

” Let’s go and look for him” Lex said.

They were about standing up to go and look for Henry when he entered the class and walked to them.

“Hey guys” He said sitting down.

“Where were you?” Lex asked.

“Just dealing with something not important” Henry replied with a smile.

“This your smile is it genuine?” Blake asked.

“It’s genuine dude” Henry replied.

Summer walked in the class and went straight to her seat.

Her face holding a weary look on it.

“Hey how was it?” Tiffany asked.

“He is something else, you can’t believe he rejected me, the bastard wasn’t moved by my tactics” Summer replied

Somehow Tiffany felt happy hearing that but she didn’t make it visible.

“What? are you for real, he is the first guy to say no to you” Hailey said.

“And why aren’t you not saying something?” Summer asked Tiffany who was silent.

“It’s nothing, I’m just shock he rejected you, come to think about it, he is the first guy to resist your seduction” Tiffany replied.

“He even called my @zz expired” Summer said.

Tiffany and Hailey laughed.

“It’s not funny” Summer frowned.

“We are sorry, so are you giving up on him?” Hailey asked.

” I am Summer, I am always get what I want, don’t worry I will get him no matter what, his fierce attitude is what I like about him, he is the first guy to stand up against me and also reject me, I will get him” Summer replied.

” Just give up, you can’t have him” Tiffany said.

Summer scoffed.

” Go for him that is the spirit” Hailey said.

Tiffany turned her face the other side and frowned.

A teacher entered the class.

” Bring out your notebooks” He said and the students started bringing out their notebooks.


Henry walked into the cafeteria and a scene caught her attention.

Summer is sitting on a chair and her legs are on the back of two girls who were down on all fours.

She has a glass of juice with her which she drank from it confidently while resting her legs on the girls back

Two other girls are feeding her.

“What is going on here?” Henry asked.

“It’s her normal bullying act” Lex replied

” Look at them, they are sweating already, is she a queen to be doing this to a fellow student” Henry said.

” Her father has the biggest share in the school” Blake said.

” I h@ťě bully with my life I was once a victim of it”.

” What are you trying to do interfere?” Lex asked

” Do you expect me to just watch and go like nothing happen” Henry replied.

” I think you should just leave it, you don’t wanna end up on the principal side” Blake said

” I know how to handle her” Henry said and walked to Summer table.

He took a glance at her before looking at the girls she turned into her slaves.

” I know you don’t have a brain but I didn’t know you’re this wicked, turning students like you into slaves just because you are the governor’s daughter, all of you leave” Henry said.

” Try moving and you will regret it” Summer said to the girls.

” All of you leave right now” Henry yelled and the girls ran away.

Summer glared at him before standing up.

” Should I teach you a lesson so that you will learn how to mind your business” Summer said

” Bring it on Ɓîtçh” Henry replied.

“Guys” Summer called and five guys appeared.

“Teach him a lesson” She said.

“Time to flex my muscles again, Mrs Barrett I’m sorry for disappointing you” Henry said.

“It’s like fighting is his hobby” Lex said watching Henry.

“He is unbelievable, let’s just watch” Blake replied.

The five guys moved at Henry at once, but a single punch from him to each of them got them rolling on the ground, they couldn’t move again.

Summer stared at him with wide eyes.

“Are you a supernatural?” Summer asked

Henry moved to her and she fell back on her chair.

He bent and placed his hand on the side of the chair, his face directly on her

“I’m Henry K your night mare, the president of vawulence, I spent two years in Nigeria, the country of vawulence, I graduated with PhD in vawulence, I am here to set you right” Henry said and walked away.

” Just a punch” Summer muttered.

” Let’s get something to eat” Henry said walking to a table

” See the look on her face” Blake laughed.

” She can’t believe it” Lex said.


Summer chest is raising and falling down in anger, the news of how Henry challenged her is all over the school.

Tiffany and Hailey got to the rooftop and saw her booming in anger.

” I heard what happened” Hailey said.

” He keep provoking me, I h@ťě his guts” Summer ranted

” Just calm down” Tiffany said.

” I will get back at him” Summer said

“How about a party to cool you down” Hailey asked.

Summer smiled, she loves partying alot.

“I can’t wait” She smiled.


The last class for the day just ended, some students started leaving when Hailey voice brought them back

“Hello class a pool party at my house tomorrow, 7pm” Hailey said.

The students started cheering up in excitement, numerous comments coming up.

Hailey walked to Henry and his friends.

“You guys are specially invited” She smiled and walked away.

“Are you doing?”

“I can’t miss it for anything” Henry replied.

“Let’s spend the day together” Lex said.

“Sadly I can’t, I want to visit my aunt, we can do that tomorrow” Henry said and they began heading out.

“He won’t escape this time” Summer smirked before leaving with the girls.


Henry enters Thomas office and saw him talking to his secretary.

Thomas and his secretary turned to him.

“That’s all,we will talk later” Thomas said

“Okay sir” She said and began leaving

“Afternoon cutie” Henry flashed the secretary a charming smile

” Hi ” She replied.

” You’re cute” He winked and went to Thomas table

The secretary went out blushing.

“Flirting with my secretary in my presence?” Thomas asked

“Is that the proper way to greet the future CEO of K- investment?” Henry rolled eyes.

Thomas had no option but to chuckled.

“You better try and own your own company cos I am not going to hand over my company to a flirt” Thomas said

Henry took a document on the table and hit Thomas on the head

“That is for hitting my head last night” Henry smirked

“What!” Thomas gasped

Henry hit him on the head again and he stood.

“Henry!” Thomas yelled and started chasing Henry.

Henry ran to the door and opened it going outside, Thomas followed still chasing him, they ran past the secretary table.

She started laughing until her stomach hurts.

Thomas kept chasing Henry around determined to get him by all means.

That soon got the attention of the workers and they started gathering around to watch.

? What is wrong with the CEO.

? That’s his son.

? I love their relationship.

Henry got to another door and tried opening it but Thomas grabbed him at the back.

“Daddy the lord is good” Henry shouted.

“All the times, son” Thomas replied.



? ?? Father And Son Relationship Is So Dope

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