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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? CHAPTER 97 ?



? This is so unbelievable

?He claims to be his friend

?So the stage apology was all an act?

?I rather remain without a friend.

? I’m still finding it hard to believe it

?This is like a dream, my bias

Henry’s breath seized immediately and he started feeling pains in his chest.

He fell on the floor and bowl of tears rushed out in their number.

Everyone has wide eyes.

Blake couldn’t believe it, he looked at Lex and everything kept appearing to him like a dream.. Lex can’t be the architect behind everything happening.. it can’t be him.

Blake moved towards Lex.

“Tell me this is all lies?” Blake asked and Lex looked away.

Summer, Hilliary, Dorathy and Tiffany were shocked to the point they became motionless.

Lex didn’t said anything and tears came out of Blake eyes.

“Ahhh” Hilliary suddenly shouted and kicked Lex, he rolled off the stage and fell to the ground.

“How dare you bastard?” He said and started punching his face.

Blake went there and pushed Hilliary away, he grabbed Lex by the collar of his shirt and raised him up.

“I regretted the day I knew you, I regretted everything” Blake said and punched him.

He punched him again and continued punching while crying.

“Why? Why?!!” Blake shouted and punched him.

Right now his face is a total mess, everyone is watching without intervening… they are so surprised to even move a feet.

Tears flowed out of Summer’s eyes and she ran to the stage and squatted beside Henry.

“Armor” She called teary and he looked at her with red eyes.

The door opened and five cops entered with heavy guns in their hands.

Lex looked at their direction and knew everything is over for him, his reputation, everything he has ever work for, his growing career all gone in one day.

The cops took him away from Blake and Hilliary and handcuffed him.

“I h@ťě you” Blake said.

“I never knew you were the green snake.. rot in jail bastard” Hilliary said.

?He deserves it

?Go to hell bastard

? murderer

? We h@ťě you

?No longer a fan

The students started throwing things at him and saying bad things about him.

Henry stood up and walked to him.

He faced him and Lex couldn’t look at him.

“Why Lex, I love you like a would have been better if another person did this to me… why?” Henry screamed.

“Cos you took Summer away from me” Lex yelled.

“So it was because of Summer?” Hilliary asked and threw a punch at his face, he made to punched him again but the cops stopped him.

“My was it my fault that she loves me, did I ask her heart to choose me, you almost ki||ed me…” Henry said and started feeling his head becoming heavy.

A sharp pain gripped him and he held his head.

“Arrgh” He groaned and fell to the ground, becoming unconscious.

? Henry!!!

“Armor” Summer screamed and ran to him.

“Twin bro” Hilliary called and carried him up.

“To the hospital” Blake said and he started running out with him.

Summer, Dorathy, Tiffany, Hailey and Blake followed.

Austin smirked and came to stand before Lex.

“Congratulations to you… Jaxon did a perfect job” Austin said and Lex eyes widened.

“He was my informant, don’t be surprise, he leaked every information and step you were taking.. You tried to ki||ed your friend cos of a girl that never and will never love you.. you are a disappointment, I pity your poor mum, you didn’t even care about her, what about your career, everything is gone, the fast rising singer is a murderer, take him away” Austin said and the cops started taking Lex away.

The students started trying to wound him but the cops stopped them till they entered the car with him, driving out of the school.

Austin immediately left the hall.

Everyone started leaving the hall with something to say about what happened.

The news spread like wide fire, the whole California is talking about what happened in Lake high school.. the whole social media is under ruckus.

Bad comments about Lex.. the video is uploaded and it has gained hundred of millions views both on Instagram and twitter, it’s everywhere on tvs stations, bloggers website, music entertainment center.

All the comments are h@ťěs comments, no one is supporting him.

He has lose millions of fans in a day.

Spotify and apple music has brought down his album from their site.. every streaming platforms has taken down his album from their platforms.

People started deleting his album and his songs from their phones.

The pictures of the police taking him to the police station is circulating all over the internet…Angry fans attacked him and succeeded in wounding him badly.. it took luck for the cops to saved him.


Carolina is busy working on some documents on the table when her secretary quickly rushed into her office with heavy breaths.

Her whole body is shaking.

Carolina looked up creased her brows.

“What happened?” She asked, dropping her pen.


“Speak up, what is the matter?”.

” L…. Lex She stuttered and immediately Carolina stood up.

“What happened to my son? tell me?” She yelled and her secretary gave her the phone.

The phone fell from Carolina’s hands after she finished watching the video and the comments.

“No!!!!, it can’t be my son, Lex!!” She screamed in tears.

The door opened and Donald rushed in.

“Carolina” He called.

“My son can’t be a murderer, it can’t be my Lex…No!!!!” Carolina said and collapsed but before she will fell to the ground, Donald quickly held her.

“Carolina” He called and carried her.

He quickly rushed out of the office.


Thomas and Joyce with Henry’s friends and his twin brother are in his ward, waiting for him to wake up.

Summer is crying so much as she sat on the bed while holding his hands.

Everyone is looking at Henry on the bed, he is not the weak type so him fainting means he was heartbroken to pieces.

The doctor said he fainted due to the shock he got.

“I can’t believe Lex would have the mind to do this” Summer said.

” It seems like a dream to me” Hailey said.

” I want my baby to wake up” Joyce said, looking at Henry.

” He will be fine” Thomas said.

” I can’t believe you two didn’t inform us about all this” Thomas said and Hillary looked down.

” We are sorry dad” Hilliary said.

” Children of nowadays” Joyce said.

“What if he succeeded?”.

“Stop,I don’t want to imagine that” Joyce said.

“We should have known, I’m not different from him” Tiffany said.

” You betrayed Summer but you didn’t planned death for her” Hailey said.

” All the stage apology, all this while… we would have die by now if Austin didn’t intervened” Hilliary said.

” I regretted ever knowing him” Blake said.

” I’m highly disappointed in him, what about his mother, how will see feel? he didn’t even care about his career, he lost everything cos of his obsession over Summer” Dorathy said.

” Summer” Henry called and everyone turned to him.

” Armor” Summer said happily, tightening her hold on his hands.

His eyes slowly opened and everyone smiled.

” My baby” Joyce immediately hugged him.

” My baby, how are you?” She asked tightening the hug.

“I’m fine mum” He replied.

” Son” Thomas called and hugged him.

The others watched as they took turns in hugging him.

“Why did you hide all this from us?” Joyce asked.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to disturb you”.

“We are your parents,, what if we lose you both, did you know what would happen to us” Thomas scolded.

“It won’t happen again, I’m sorry”.

“We love you” They said and hugged him at once before pulling away.

“Twin bro” Hilliary said and hugged him.

Blake hugged him next and when Dorathy and Hailey made to hugged him.. Summer quickly hugged him, making them to hugged her back.

Everybody laughed.

“No female contact with him except me” Summer said protectively.

“But his mum hugged him” Hailey pouted.

“I allowed it cos it was my mother in-law” Summer said and they laughed again.

“Jealous freak” Dorathy scoffed.

“Heartbeat” Henry called.

“Armor” Summer said and hugged him.

“I love you” She said.

“I love you too” He said.

“Where is Lex?” Henry asked.

“In jail” Hilliary replied.

“I can’t believe he was the one behind everything, I know get your point twin bro” Henry said and Hilliary smiled.

” Where is Austin?” Henry asked.

” I’m here” Austin said at the door and everyone turned their eyes there.

Austin walked in and Henry smiled.

Austin immediately went on his knees before Henry and everyone eyes widened.

“Austin” Henry muttered shockingly.

“I have a confession and an apology to make” He said.



? ????

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