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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? CHAPTER 73 & 74 ?



Dorathy’s eyes widened and the ice cream fell from her hand.

“Babe!!” She shouted and ran to him.

Luckily the bullet hit his shoulder, it was planned to get Henry’s head but the moment he covered Henry, they shifted a bit from the former position making the $h00ter to lose his main target.

Henry saw a masked guy slipping out of a corner.

“Stay here with him, I will be back” He said and left Hilliary with Dorathy.

He started running after the guy, following the direction he took.

The masked guy detected that he was being followed, he started running as fast as he can but Henry was getting up with him.

The guy was a fast runner so it was hard to catch up with him.

He entered a building still undergoing construction and started climbing the stairs but unfortunately Henry caught up with him.

He grabbed hold of him from behind and threw him down, he rolled on the stairs and fell flat on his back with pains gripping his chest.

Henry didn’t gave him a breathing space, he started battering his face punches.. hard thunderous one, causing him to start bleeding badly.

The masked guy tried getting his hand but Henry hit it away.

Henry quickly removed the mask from his face and saw it was a strange guy.

“Mother f_cker, who sent you?” He asked.

“No one send me” The masked guy replied but Henry knew he was obviously lying.

“I won’t ask again, who send you to ki|| me?” He asked.

” And you think I will tell you” The masked guy replied with his bloody lips.

The guy smartly raised his hand to punch Henry but he grabbed his hand and twisted it, dislocating his shoulder bone.

“Arrrg..” The masked guy should in pains.

“Are you ready to talk now?” He asked but the guy still had that same blank expression.

Henry smirked as he saw a knife in the guy’s pocket, he removed it and stabbed him on the thigh.

“Ahhhh..” He groaned.

“Talk now” Henry ordered.

When the guy was still trying not to say a word.. he started twisting and turning the knife in his thigh.

The guy started feeling unbearable pains, that he pee on himself.

“God!!! I will talk please…. I will..”.

“Start talking now”.

“His name is…” Before the guy will complete his statement two guys entered the building and released fire on Henry.

Henry quickly rolled away and hide behind a metal which shielded him from the bullets.

He stylishly sneaked out.

“f_ck he escape” One of them said.

“Were you planning to tell him who sent you?” The second guy asked pointing his gun on his head.

“No.. I wasn’t, I was only going…”.

The gun shot his head before he will complete it.

“He would have blown the cover if we didn’t get here on time”.

They looked at him before leaving.

Henry ran to where he left Hilliary and Dorathy.

” Where did you suddenly ran to?” Hilliary asked.

“I saw the guy who shot you escaping so I followed, I almost got the answer from him but two guys entered and released fire on me” Henry replied.

“Are you okay, hope you didn’t get hurt?” Hilliary asked worriedly, trying to check him out.

“You’re hurt, you took a bullet for me and you’re still worried about me, let’s get you to the hospital”.

“Stop crying, I’m not dead” Hilliary said, wiping Dorathy’s tears.

They entered the car and Henry drove to a nearest hospital.


“Why did you took the bullet for me, what if you died?” Henry asked.

His shoulder has being treated but the doctor insisted he rested for some few minutes.

” Dying for you will be the most precious thing to me” Hilliary replied.

“Babe!!” Dorathy pouted.

” Stop saying rubbish, don’t try that again” Henry said.

“I can’t bear it if you’re hurt” Henry added.

“Does it hurt much?” Dorathy asked.

“Actually, I always fantasy how taking a bullet will be like and it’s not that bad” Hilliary said.

Henry and Dorathy looked at him unbelievably.


They returned home from the hospital and Hilliary slumped on the couch.

Dorathy sat with him, taking his head and placing it on her shoulder.

Henry sat on the other couch.

“You said something about trying to finding out about who sent the guy so did you find out anything.. but what if it was Audrey?” Hilliary asked.

“Summer’s mum?” Dorathy asked.

“It’s not her, he was about mentioning a guy’s name, it’s a guy… it will be Collins”.

“What if it’s another person laying low to do all those things, you know some people can take advantage of some situations” Hilliary said.

“You’re right twin bro, I will be extra careful now but I can’t stay away from Summer.. no one can separate us” Henry said with a look of pure and solid determination.

Hilliary smiled, resting his head on Dorathy’s head.

“That idiot runined my plan for the night” He said and Henry laughed.


Audrey looked at James and making sure he is deeply asleep, she silently creep out of the bed and took her phone, she noiselessly opened the bathroom and entered.

She dialled a number number and the person answered immediately.

“How did it go? did he accepted the money?” The voice of a man asked.

“He is too stubborn, I haven’t seen such a mysterious stubborn guy like him, we need to do something or else he will ruin our plan” Audrey said.

“Let’s get them engage on Monday, I will set everything up, don’t be worried about the governor, we will handle him” The man said.

” Okay bye” Audrey said and quickly hung up.

She opened the door and her eyes widened, she froze and the phone almost fell from her.

James looked at her with an undecipherable look on his face.

“H… honey” She stuttered.

“Who were you talking on the phone with?” James asked coldly.

“I…was talking to myself” She lied.

James looked at her and shook his head, he entered the bathroom and closed the door.

“Did he heard what we talked about?” Audrey asked before going to the bed.

“Time is running out”.

James felt the pains in his stomach and when he cough, blood came out again.

He washed his mouth and faced the mirror.

“I need to see a doctor” He said.

Audrey who is secretly watching, smirked before running to the bed.


“Daddy!!” Summer called, rushing downstairs.

She fell on James laps and he smiled, kissing her hair.

“How’s my baby doing?” He asked.

“I’m fine dad.. dad are you sick?” She asked.

“No, I’m not sick” He replied.

“Okay but your face is becoming pale”.

“It will be stress being the governor is not easy yunno” He said and she smiled.

Audrey came downstairs and immediately Summer saw her, she rolled eyes.

“Honey” Audrey said and pecked James.

Both of them ignored her, Audrey hissed and walked away.

“I don’t know why I’m hating mum this much since she started her agenda of forcing me to get engaged to Collins” She said.

“I told you, she can’t force you not when I’m alive” James said and Summer hugged him tightly.


The ringing of the door bell made Blake to come downstairs.

He went to the door and opened, he gasped on who he saw.

“Hailey” He called shockingly.

“Why are you shock, did you saw a ghost?” She asked and pushed him away, entering the house.

“Nice mansion” She complimented.

“I thought you were joking when you say you will come to my house” He said, following her from behind.

Hailey smiled and turned.

“I wasn’t joking dummy” She said, flaunting her hair.

She faced her front again.

Blake went closer and suddenly hugged her from behind.

Hailey froze on that spot, tingling sensation started running through her body.

She stood still without pushing him away, her started beating again.

“You smell nice” He said and moved away.

“Why did you do that?” She asked.

“I just wanted to do it , nothing.. since you are in my house, let me make you comfortable” He said and took her right hand.

“How did I end up falling in love with a playboy?” She muttered to herself as he took her away.


“How was the weekend?” Blake asked and touched Hilliary but he groaned.

“Are you hurt?” Blake quickly asked.

“Yeah, I got shot”.

“What!!” Lex, Blake and Hailey gasped.

Summer isn’t surprised cos Henry told her everything.

“How did it happened?”.

Henry told them everything.

“Gosh!.. what is all this?” Lex said.

“Whoever that’s behind this will soon be caught” Lex added.

“I’m glad you are okay” Hailey said.

“Sorry” Summer said.

Blake looked at Hailey and she smiled.

Collins walked into the class and smiled when he saw Summer.

“What is that fool looking at you and smiling?” Blake said.

” Don’t mind him” Henry said.

“Let him dream on”.

Tiffany entered the class elegantly and walked to her seat.

Summer looked at her but said nothing, infact none of them say nothing.

Collins kept smiling.

“Why are you smiling dude?” Austin asked.

“Cos I will be getting engaged to Summer tonight” He replied.

“What?” Austin gasped.

” I’m inviting you” He winked.

Austin folded his fist glaring at Collins.

A teacher entered the class and started his lesson.


Collins was walking through the hallway when someone suddenly grabbed him in to a corner and pushed his back against the wall.

Collins looked at the person and frowned, seeing the twin faces.

The twins gave him a more thicker glare.

“If you want to come for me, come for me in the front, don’t come at the back” Henry said.

“Sending some stupid guys after my brother won’t work out for you” Hilliary said.

“No matter how you will try, you can’t have Summer, be careful coward ” Henry said and released him.

They glared at him again before walking away.

” What are they talking about?” He asked himself and walked out of the corner.

He almost bumped into Summer.

“Watch your way” She snapped.

“Don’t you know you will soon become my wife?” He asked.

“Did you dream about it today?” She scoffed.

“Keep on dreaming Collins Hayes” Summer hissed and walked away leaving him there.

“I bet you don’t know what is going ahead, wifey” He smirked and took another way.


Henry came for Summer’s lips immediately he locked the storeroom.

Summer received his lips and started kissing him with the same pace.

They started turning around as they kissed.

He bite her lower lip and she Mõ@ɲed in his mouth.

He hoisted her up and placed her on a table without breaking the kiss.

“Armor” Summer Mõ@ɲed as his hands rested on her thighs.

He started touching her body romantically while she blew soft beautiful Mõ@ɲs in his mouth.

They broke the kiss, still maintaining eye contact.

“I missed you so much cupcake” He said, breathing fast.

“I missed you more Armor” She replied.

“Touch me please” She said and slammed her lips on him.

Henry started unbuttoning her shirt slowly until he undid four buttons.

He broke the kiss and started looking at her B-__-bs.

Only his stare made Summer to become wet, she anxiously waited for his next action.

Henry stared at the juicy red fresh Ɲīpplës and launched on them.

“Armor” Summer Mõ@ɲed softly, throwing her head backward.

She held his head, pulling him more closer to her B-__-bs.

She almost scream out when his finger slide into her p@zzy.

He began moving his hand slowly in her core while s*cking her B-__-bs.

Summer exploded in pleasure, it didn’t take before she started gasping.

“Armor… ahhh…”.

“Get it right there”.

His finger started moving faster and more faster, Summer opened her mouth as silent Mõ@ɲs flew out.

She started shaking vigorously on the table.

“I’m cumming Armor”.

“Com for me” He said, touching her more sensitive spot.

“Geez, uhhhh” Summer hugged him tightly as she released on his fingers.

Henry smiled and removed the fingers, he licked it relishly.

“Armor” She called like a baby.

“Will you come over today?” He asked.

“I will baby, let’s finish what we started” She said.

The alarm bell rang and she quickly pulled away.

“Next class” She said and started buttoning her shirt.

When she finished, they walked out.


A maid entered the kitchen and started making a cup of tea for the governor, shortly Audrey entered there.

” What are you doing?” Audrey asked.

The maid quickly bowed.

” I’m making tea for the governor”.

” Are you done?”.

” Almost done, I’m mixing it” The maid replied.

” Go and get me my phone in the living room” Audrey said.

The maid bowed and left.

Audrey quickly removed a substance and poured it in the tea.

The maid came back without the phone.

” Ma’am, I didn’t see your phone in living room”.

” Oh! maybe it’s in my room” Audrey said and walked out.

The maid mixed the tea and took it to the governor in his study room.

” Thank you” James said, taking the cup.

” You can go” He said.

The maid bowed and went out.

James started sipping the tea and after a while he started feeling sleepy, so sleepy that his eyes became so heavy and before he could knew it, he slept off.

Audrey walked in and smiled seeing him deep asleep.


Summer entered the mansion after coming back from Hailey house, she was about going upstairs when Audrey appeared with guards and some make up artists.

Summer rolled eyes and tried going upstairs but a guard blocked her.

“Out of my fool” She said but he didn’t moved.

“Mother tell him to get out of my way”.

“Get prepare you are getting engaged tonight” Audrey said.

Summer looked at her and started laughing.

“You must be joking”.

“I’m not joking, I got an expensive gown for you, the ladies here will take care of you” Audrey said.

“I don’t have time for your drama” Summer said and tried but to move but the guards grabbed her.

“I don’t need your consent here Summer, you are getting engaged to him and that’s final”.

“What are you doing, selling me off cos of money and power, dad!! ” Summer started shouting.

” I’m sorry he is busy sleeping right now and one thing if you don’t want me to bring your boyfriend’s dad company down then do what I say, take her upstairs and dressed her up” Audrey said and the guards started taking her upstairs.

” I h@ťě you, wicked woman, I will never forgive you” Summer shouted, kicking her legs.


” Why are you worried? “.

” Summer is not picking her calls and I’m having a bad feeling about it” Henry said.

” I think she is kinda busy, it’s just 7:30, she will be here, bro” Hilliary said.

” Okay let me believe you” Henry said.


Convos of cars lined up and Summer came out with Audrey, the guards by her side, not giving her any space.

The engagement is a low key one, some prominent people can be seen arriving it.

Audrey planned it all alone without the notice of the governor and the governor not being in support she didn’t announce it to the media.

Summer had a frown on her face.

“Try to smile princess” Audrey said and she glared at her.

They started walking in and all eyes turned on them.

Collins smiled from where he was immediately he saw Summer, his heart started beating at the beauty he is seeing.

Audrey started greeting some personality.

“Where is the governor?” The vice president asked.

Summer wanted to say a word but Audrey shut her up.

” He is a bit sick so he couldn’t make it but I’m here” Audrey said.

” Okay” The vice president didn’t believe her but he decided to keep quiet.

Slow music kept playing in the background, lights flashing.


Henry’s phone beeped on the table and he quickly took it to see a message.


“what!!” Henry stood up.

“What is it?”.

Henry showed him the message and both of them ran out of the house.

They got to the hotel in no minute.

Everyone watched with excitement as it was time for Collins to slipped the ring in her finger.

He kept smiling while Summer kept a straight face.

She kept wishing for Henry to show up miraculously.

But how will he show up when he is not away, she started thinking about a way to cancel everything.

?Go on.

People started clapping.

“I love you so much Summer and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, this is to show you that I’m serious”.

People continued clapping.

Collins started taking the ring to her finger and Summer started raising up her knee slowly… but then the whole lights suddenly went off..

Everybody started murmuring.

? What is going on?

? Someone should check on the light

They started hearing sound of people groaning in pains and fear gripped many.

“Check what is going!!” Audrey shouted

And when the lights suddenly came up after ten minutes, everyone gasped as the guards were laying lifelessly on the ground.

Everyone traced their eyes to the door and saw the twins at the door.



? ???

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