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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? CHAPTER 66 & 67 ?




“Hilliary is a ki||er”.

“That question deserve a Grammy award”.

Audrey looked at Hilliary who had a silly smirk on his face.

Everyone watched, anxiously awaiting what will happen next.

Summer and Henry stopped kissing.

Audrey faced Henry with glint of hatred in her eyes.

“Deal with him” Audrey ordered.

The guards started coming at Henry but suddenly Blake,Lex,Hilliary and Hailey blocked Summer and Henry.

“Who are you idiots?” Audrey yelled angrily.

“Their friends, before your guards will get to them they must pass through us” Blake said.

The guards kept coming but Audrey raised up her hand and they stopped.

“Do you guys know who you’re standing up against?” Audrey asked.

” Yes we know, it’s the first lady of this state, but you can’t touch our friend” Lex said.

Audrey smirked, folding her fist.

Summer stepped forward and faced her.

” Mum leave and stop disgracing yourself” Summer said.

Audrey released a slap on her face immediately.

Henry made to go but Hilliary pulled him back.

“You and him will pay for humiliating me, remember I gave birth to you”.

” And you Henry, dealing with you is the easiest thing to do, watch your back” Audrey said and walked out of the class, her guards followed her out.

Collins left the class immediately Audrey went out.

Summer sighed.

“Are you okay cupcake?” Henry asked worriedly, touching her face.

” I’m fine Armor” She smiled.

“Did Lex defend you?” Hilliary asked and they stared at Lex.

” What?, I’m not an enemy here” He said and went to his seat.

” What’s up with him?” Henry asked.

” Hey students, let’s continue with our class” The teacher said.

All of them went to their seats.

“Ma’am” Collins called after the first lady.

Audrey stopped and looked back, she smiled as she saw it was Collins.

“Vicky’s son, Collins” She said.

“Yes ma’am, I’m sorry for what your daughter did, don’t blame her, blame the bastard with her” He said.

“Don’t be discourage, I will make sure she get engaged to you at all cost, she is my daughter at all” She said.

Collins smiled.

“Thank you mother”.

“I love the sound of that” She said and hugged Collins.

“Go to class and keep an eye on them, report everything about them to me okay” She said.

“I will” He said.

Audrey broke the hug and smiled at him before leaving.

Collins touched his face and smirked, he turned walking back to the class.


“Seriously I don’t understand your mother?” Hailey said as they eats.

“Power and greed is her problem” Summer said.

“Did she has to come here, was that even necessary?” Blake said.

“I’m sorry to say this but Vicky and your mum are both senseless, no wonder she is in support of Collins getting engaged to you” Hilliary said.

“That won’t happen, over my dead body will I have anything to do with that bastard” Summer said.

“I trust you girl” Hailey gave her thumb up.

Lex walked into the cafeteria with two girls by his side, they were flirting with him as he walked.

?His new look

? The new Lex

“What is going on in that dude mind?” Hailey asked.

” He is looking different now” Hilliary said.

” Another playboy added on the list” Hailey said and looked at Blake.

” Hey, stop giving me that look” Blake said.

“Hey babies, I will see you later” Lex said to girls before sitting down with the guys.

“Hey everyone” He smiled charmingly.

Everyone looked at him suprisingly.

“Why are you guys looking at me like that, this isn’t your first time of seeing me right?” Lex asked as all eyes were on him.

“What is up with the new look and change in style?” Blake asked.

“Going for a new lifestyle” Lex winked.

“Were you going to really fight for me?” Henry asked.

“Yes dummy” Lex replied and took his plate.

“Hey give that back, we ain’t friends remember” Henry frowned.

” Really?” Lex smirked and started eating from the plate.

” Hey, former crush” Lex winked at Summer.

“Wink at her again and you will lose your head idiot” Hilliary said.

” Chill dude, see guys, I’m sorry for the way I behave recently, Henry I’m sorry for everything, I’m over your girlfriend now, I know I acted stupid but can you all accept me back?” Lex apologized sincerely.

” We never push you away, you decided to leave on your own but now you’re back, we accept you” Henry said and everyone agreed.

” Toast” Blake said and everyone took their glass.

They clicked their glass and smiled.


The guys walked out of the class in group, Henry flirting with Summer while the rest chatting happily.

“What about we guys go on a date” Lex suddenly said and everyone looked at him.

“That’s a good idea” Blake said.

“I am in” Hilliary said.

“Same here” Hailey said.

“What about you, love birds?”.

“We are in” Summer and Henry said.

“So what time and which venue?”.

“I will notify you guys once I sort out the best place” Lex said.

Tiffany walked pass there and spare no one a glance.

“She’s so lonely this days” Henry said.

“She’s dying inside, left for her to come out of it” Hailey said.

“Babe” Dorathy called and hugged Hilliary from behind.

“I thought you were not coming again” He said and she faced him.

“I was doing something in the class with Nina” She replied.

“Hey seniors”.

Everyone waved at her.

“Let us all be there” Lex said and two girls ran to him.

” Hi cutie” They said, segzily.

” Hi babies” He said and they went by his side, he started walking with them to his car.

” He is now ready to start f_cking Lake high girls” Blake said.

” You ain’t different” Hailey scoffed and started leaving, Blake giggled.

” See you later cupcake” Henry kissed Summer before leaving with Hilliary and Dorathy.

Summer felt guilty immediately remembering how Lex and her kissed that night.


Cassie entered the house and saw Angel in the living room, reading a novel.

“Angel” Cassie called.

Angel took the book away from her face and she smiled, she stood up and ran into her arms.

Cassie hugged her and kissed her hair.

“Cute Angel”.

“Aunty” She said in her tiny voice.

” How are you?” Cassie asked.

” I’m fine” Angel replied, taking in her lower lip.

” Aww, you look more cuter doing that”.

Angel smiled with a blush.

“Baby is in the kitchen cooking” Angel said before she could ask of Brandon.

” You just read my mind” Cassie laughed.

” Aunty can I ask you something?” Angel asked.

” Yeah go on” Cassie replied.

” Do you love my brother?” Angel asked and a light gasp escape Cassie’s lips.

” What did you know about love?”.

“An intense feeling of affection and care towards another person” Angel replied and Cassie wow at her smartness.

Angel started making cute faces at her.

” Okay I will tell you the truth, I’m in love with your brother”.

” Yay!!!!, I love you” Angel shouted joyously and hugged Cassie.

Cassie smiled, touching her silky hair.

” So why are you not dating him?” Angel asked.

” Cos he hasn’t propose and I don’t know if he loves me back” Cassie replied, feeling sad, what if Brandon didn’t reciprocate her feelings.

” I will beg my brother to date you” Angel pouted and Cassie started laughing.

” You’re so funny”.

” Let’s go to the kitchen” Angel took her hand, dragging her to the kitchen.

Brandon whistled a song as he cook, his back view backing the door.

Cassie and Angel stopped at the door and Cassie started admiring him again.

Angel looked at her face and smiled.

Cassie made a sign to Angel to keep quiet.

She started tiptoeing to him but suddenly…

“Are you a thief Cassie?” Brandon asked and she stopped.

He smiled and turned.

“You’re a joy ki||er” She pouted.

“Haha, seriously you think I will not notice you, sorry babe your perfume betray you” Brandon said, chuckling.

‘Babe, did he just called me babe!” Cassie screamed in her head.

‘He knows my perfume too, did he loves me too?’.

Brandon seeing how she suddenly got lost, he walked to her and hoisted her up.

Cassie gasped loudly, coming back from Serengeti.

“Bran” She called and giggled.

“You were lost” He said and placed her on the counter.

“Baby” Angel called and walked out leaving them, smiling secretly.

“She is so smart” Cassie said.

“Yeah right, so what’s popping?” Brandon asked.

“I missed you” She said.

“I missed you too” He replied and she smiled widely.


Saint has his eyes on his phone when the door opened and his room mate entered.

Royce stared at him as he had a worried look on his face.

“Hey man what’s wrong?” Royce asked.

Saint looked up and sighed.

“She is not picking my calls nor replying my texts” Saint answered.

” Are worried?” Royce asked.

” Yes I’m, she is my friend and it’s unlike her”.

” Are you sure? “.

” What are you trying to say?” Saint raised his brow.

” Are you sure you are not in love with her?” Royce asked but Saint keep quiet.

“Your silence shows you are in love with her, I’m glad first time you will be concern and worried about a girl, I was beginning to take you as gay” Royce said.

” Royce!!” Saint frowned.

” Keep trying her line, maybe she is busy lover boy ” Royce laughed and fell on his bed.

Saint scowled and faced back his phone.

“Am I really in love with her?”.


“Are you trying to force my daughter into a silly engagement which she is against it?” James asked angrily.

“Force?, I am doing what is good for her” Audrey said.

“By giving her out? for what money or power, you married me cos loved me, why are trying to deny our daughter that?” James asked.

‘ I never loved you fool, I was forced to marry you, I wanted to obey my parents’ Audrey screamed mentally.

“She will learn to love him when they get engaged” Audrey said and sat on a chair.

“Look at what you are saying, listen here if she is not in agreement with getting engage to Collins, then don’t try to force her and let her be with her boyfriend” James said and walked out.

Audrey scoffed.

“You will dying soon anyway, I must achieve my plans so by that I don’t care about her feelings” Audrey said.

” Dad!!” Summer shouted immediately James stepped into her room.

He widen his arms and she went in.

She hugged him so tight, almost suffocating him.

James laughed and kissed her forehead.

“When did you come back?” Summer asked, breaking the hug to look at him.

“An hour ago” James replied.

“Huh! why didn’t come to see me?” Summer pouted.

“You were sleeping so I didn’t want to interrupt my princess sleep, you now have a boyfriend” James said and flicked her forehead.


“You didn’t tell me about it”.

“I wanted to surprise you”.

“I know everything happening around, are you against the engagement?” James asked.

“Yes dad, I don’t even like that guy talk more of loving him, I just don’t like Collins, I don’t know why mum is so bent on getting me engaged to him, I love my boyfriend so much”.

“I support every decision you will take and I will make sure you end up with someone you love, try and introduce your boyfriend to me” James said.

“I love you dad, you are the best in the world”.

“I love you too daughter, you are my only treasure, can we go out now?”.

” I’m going out with my friends, can we shift it?” Summer said.

” Okay, for now let’s go downstairs and eat” James said.

Summer held his arm and they went downstairs together.


The guys cars stopped in the front of the restaurant.

They started coming out one after the other.

“Welcome guys” Lex said at the corridor, walking out with some girls.

“Ladies man” Hilliary called.

Lex smiled and hit knuckles with him.

Henry looked at him and said nothing.

“You’re now into Lake high school girls” Henry said.

“Love is not for everyone buddy” Lex replied.

Summer and Hailey car drove and they came out.

“Hey guys” Summer said.

“Wow! you’re so cute” Dorathy said.

“Thanks babe” Summer winked at her.

“Armor” She pouted and kissed Henry.

“Love” Blake said and went to Hailey, she rolled eyes and pushed him away.

“Sorry man” Lex laughed at him.

“Join me in my world, let’s rock” Lex demonstrated.

“Let’s go in guys” Lex said and led the way.

?Wow, what are my eyes seeing

? They are Angels from heaven

?I love the one in white

? I can’t chose the hottest among them

?The one in white is the hottest

“Is a crime to be handsome?” Hilliary groaned.

“Must they drool on any cute guy they see” Henry scoffed.

“Girls are life” Lex said as he walked to another section.

It’s not a room, just a wide space with chairs and tables.

“Sit guys” He said and they started sitting down.

“Why did you chose this place instead of a private room?” Summer asked feeling uncomfortable with the stares Henry is getting from the girls.

“Here is more nice, we will have more fun here, I plan something else too” Lex replied and snapped his fingers.

A cute girl pushed in the food and drinks.

She started placing the food and drinks on the table.

Her eyes met with Blake and he winked at her, she smiled and faced her work.

Hailey saw that and scoffed annoyingly.

She finished serving and left not after exchanging glances with Blake.

“She’s hot like right?” Lex asked sitting beside Blake.

“Yes, her @zz is..”.

“Can you two eat?” Hailey yelled.

“Calm down superwoman” Summer teased.

“Hmmm” Hailey said and started eating.

“Is that jealousy?” Dorathy whispered.

“$h|t up and eat” She replied.

“Toast to us the single ones” Lex said and clicked his glass with Blake.

“Try an get girlfriends you two” Henry said.

“Love is complicated, I can’t stress myself” Blake said.

“Love is not me”.

“I said that not until I met Dorathy, keep believing in that superstition, love will soon humble you two” Hilliary said.

“Never” They chorused.

All this while Hailey kept finding Blake’s words hurtful to her.

She don’t know why she easily get jealous and angry when he is around a girl and what he just said now break her heart.

They continue eating while gisting and chatting.

“I got something for you guys” Lex said and snapped his fingers again.

A purple cloth came down from the hanging and a stage appeared.


“What is that?”.

A Dj came in and started arranging his musical instruments.

On the stage was a mic stand.

“Attention everyone, I wanna sing tonight” Lex said and the girls started screaming.

” Lex can sing?” Hilliary asked surprised.

” First time hearing it from him” Blake said.

” I hope he won’t disgrace himself” Henry chuckled.

“Stop it” Summer said.

Lex climbed the stage and faced everyone.

The Dj started playing a cool and slow instrumental.

? Looking for love to return in a cold autumn night.

?How long would it take to return?.

? It’s better to be left unsaid.

? Longing for someone to spend the rest of the days forever.

? Who cares about the glorious future ahead.

?Cold and rain remain and the score is unsettled.

?The love is unfulfilled.

? Love echoes for thousand years.

? If memory wouldn’t fade.

? There would be nothing to fear going through dozen of reborn.

? Thousand of years would be worth waiting.

?If I can see you smile again.


Screams filled everywhere as the song went deep into their souls.

Lex winked seductively and came down from the stage.

?We love you hottie

” How can someone who doesn’t believe in love, sing about love?” Dorathy said.

“I can’t believe this idiot song touch my heart” Henry said and everyone laughed.

“Hey cuties” Some group of girls ran to their table.

“Can we drink with you?” They asked referring to Lex.

“Yes, see you guys later” Lex said and went with them.

Everyone shook their heads.

Summer overhead some girls drooling on Henry and talking about how segzy and pretty his face is.

She scoffed annoyingly and stood up.

She sat on Henry’s laps.


“Look at my face, don’t look elsewhere” She said.

” Why..”.

Summer held his face and placed it into her chest, his face burying into her Břě@šťs.



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