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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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? CHAPTER 55 & 56 ?



Henry eyes widened shockingly immediately he stepped in.

He suspected Collins the moment he headed here and his instincts were right.

His eyes flashed like with a burning fire redder and hotter than hell, his anger is enough to boil water.

Summer who pushed Collins stood on her spot shivering fearfully.

Right now the kiss is not her problem but what she is afraid of is what Henry will think, what if he got the wrong idea.

“How dare you?” Henry pointed a finger at Collins as he advanced towards him.

He grabbed her him and punched his face five times consecutively and he started bleeding from the nose and mouth.

“How dare you defile her lips with your rotten lips” He yelled with burning anger.

Collins wiped his mouth and threw a punch at Henry but he quickly caught it and flipped.

Collins landed on the ground, hurting his arm.

“f_ck” He groaned.

Henry went to Summer and took her hand, taking her outside.

He closed the door at her face and locked it from the inside before facing Collins.

Summer realizing what is about to happen, started knocking and hitting the door.

“Babe, don’t do something bad to him, please open the door” She shouted.

“You did a grieve mistake by kissing her” Henry said and grabbed Collins, pushing him to the wall, his arm hurting the more.

” Sh belongs to me” Collins said with bloody lips.

” Said that again” Henry said.

” She f_cking belongs to me” Collins smirked.

Henry grabbed him by his shirt and lifted him up before slamming his back on the ground.

” Jesus!!” Collins shouted in pains.

” Henry stop, please ” Summer started banging on the door.

But heavens knows he wasn’t listening to her, his anger has blocked his ears. completely.

Henry grabbed him by the neck and dipped his head into the toilet sink making him to drink some of the water in the toilet.

Different kinds of urine stench covered Collins’s face.

The blood on his face became more watery as it mixed with the toilet water.

Collins is looking lifeless but Henry isn’t done with him.

“I will f_ck her and you won’t do anything about it” Collins said and that seems to bring out the beast in him.

He started hitting his face on the dispenser.

Not only that he started crashing him into things in the restroom.

Summer quickly ran to the living room and met the guys and the teachers.

“He will ki|| him please come” Summer said.

“Who?” Hilliary asked, he is just coming downstairs after putting Dorathy to bed.

“Henry and Collins” She said and everyone stood, rushing after her.

They stopped there and started hearing..



” Do something he might ki|| him” Lex said.

They tried opening the door but discovered it was locked.

” Twin bro, open the door please, it’s me” Hilliary said.

” Henry open the door ” Lex shouted.

“A spare key “.

Mercy quickly rushed out to get the key, she came back with it and the door was opened.

Their eyes widened in horror when they saw the scene before them.

Collins was on the ground while Henry kept kicking him like a ball.

Their eyes refused to return back to it original position.

Lex and Hilliary quickly took Henry away and he started struggling with them.

“Lemme, I need to ki|| him” Henry shouted.

Summer grabbed Henry and took him away.

“What have he done?” James said, scratching his head.

Collins face right now is unrecognizable, swollen with bruises.

His whole clothes are covered with blood.

“Let’s get a doctor for him” Mercy said, dialling a number.

Collins lay there half dead as there’s no strength to talk, move or even open his eyes.

He’s a mess now.

” He really did something big for Henry to do this to him” Hilliary said.

The shock took over Lex that he said nothing.

” What will happen now if the vice president hears of this, what is wrong with Henry? ” James shouted.


” Why did you beat him up that way? ” James yelled at Henry.

” Don’t yell at me, that bastard tried molesting her, thanks I got there on time, I wonder would have happen if I came late, I want to punch him again ” Henry said.

” He forcefully kissed me against my will” Summer said.

” But you shouldn’t have beaten to that limit, he is the vice president’s son” Mercy said.

” Vice president’s? so because he is the vice president’s son he has the right to molest the governor’s daughter?”.

“This is not good, the vice president won’t take this kindly”.

” I will handle the so call vice president, so don’t worry about that”.

“Who’s Summer to you? “.

” She is my g… “.

” He is my best friend” Summer interrupted, stopping him from spilling out the beans.

A doctor quickly ran in and mercy took him to Collins room.

Lex silently left.

“Thank you twin bro, he is lucky I wasn’t there, it has been long since I eat ina funeral ceremony, all those half done rice”.

” Hilliary, after almost ki||ing him you are here supporting him” James shouted.

” I was only dreaming about how his burial rice will taste like” Hilliary said.

” What!! “James said and walked away.

“Stop shouting you might get old” Henry said.

They stucked hands, laughing so hard.

Summer had her eyes on them, wondering how two different people can have the same personality.

” I’m sorry, I can’t allow anyone to touch you, I was mad then” Henry said.

” I’m not angry at you” She said and hugged him.

They all started climbing the stairs.

The doctor closed back the kit with him and pulled away from Collins.

He has just treated him.

“Please make sure to take your drugs” He said and Collins glared badly at him.

The doctor flinched.

“You will be alright, don’t stress yourself too much” He said and walked out.

Looking at his patched up face is so funny and horrible.

“I guess I will bring the real beast in me to work, I own Summer, she will soon be engage to me” He said and took out a packet of cigarettes from the drawer and lighted up a stick.

He puffed out one smoke and smirked poisonously.

“Wait for me Henry kitchen” He said taking another puff from the cigarette.


Hailey yawned loudly before opening her eyes.

She found her head on something soft.

She gasped when she discovered she was on the ground.

She made to stand but couldn’t as something was holding her down.

She looked to see two hands caging her tummy.

She looked behind her and saw Blake.

He is the one holding her, she slept in his arms.

“This idiot, how come?” She wondered and unlocked his hands from her waist.

She made to stand but he pulled her back, this time she fell on him with her B-__-bs placing on his chest.

Blake smiled.

“You” She frowned.

“Something soft is placing ok chest” He smirked.

Hailey hit and stood.

“How did we end up here?” She asked folding her hands like she is quarrelling.

“We slept here, we were both drunk” He replied.

“You caused this, you kept pouring me the liquor”.

“Then did I force you to take it” He rolled eyes.

James voice made them to looked back.

“What are you two doing here? don’t you know today is Thursday and we are leaving this morning” James scolded.

“Oh!” They gasped and immediately ran upstairs.


Everyone walked down with their bag in hands.

Everyone dressed hotly.

Hilliary and Henry started laughing immediately Hailey appeared with Blake.

“Netherland” Hilliary said.

“Monkey king” Henry laughed.

“Wait, why are you two laughing, did we create a scene when we were drunk?” Blake asked.

” Yes, you two kissed” Hilliary replied.

” What!!”.

” Blake I will ki|| you” Hailey said and started going for Blake.

But the arrival of Collins made her eyes to almost pop out.

His face has gotten a little better but the bruises are swell are still there.

Blake mouth went wide open.

Henry and Hilliary started laughing secretly.

“What the f_ck!, did he fell off a plane?” Blake asked and the boys laughed.

“Did you..”.

“No” Hilliary cut Dorathy short.

“This is serious” Tiffany muttered.

“Guys, it’s time to go” James said, walking downstairs with Mercy.

“Okay, California here will come”.

“Collins how are you?” Mercy asked.

Collins ignored her and started walking out.

“Announcing you as my girlfriend once we get to California” Henry whispered to her

Summer giggled.


Henry and Hilliary took a taxi which drove them to their parents mansion.

Joyce called them earlier and asked them to come to the mansion straight once they landed in California.

The taxi pulled over in the front of the mansion.

The twins came out and paid the taxi man before getting their bag from the car trunk.

They started walking into the mansion with smiles on their face.

They entered the mansion and Hilliary dropped the bag.



Almost immediately Thomas and Joyce started rushing down.

” My babies” Joyce said and widen her arms.

The twins went into her arms and she hugged them.

They placed their heads on her chest.

” I missed you my babies” Joyce said.

” We missed you”.

” I’m here also” Thomas said jealousy.

The twins broke the hug and went to hug him too.

” My boys, you made me proud, thank you for bringing the trophy home” Thomas said.

” I prepared a very delicious meal for my babies, come, freshen up and come down” Joyce said.

” We love you” The twins shouted while going to their room.

” They are so handsome” Thomas said and kissed Joyce but she pushed him away.

” Don’t start”.

He pouted childishly.


The governor travelled out of the state so Summer only talked on the phone with him when she arrived.

Currently Summer walked down as Audrey sent for her.

She got to the living room and saw Audrey sitting on the couch.

“I’m here mum” Summer said and sat down.

“I have something to tell you” Audrey said, sipping from her wine.

“I’m listening” Summer said curiously.

“You’re getting engaged

” Audrey uttered.

Summer looked at her like she didn’t heard what she said clearly.

Is her mum suddenly turning to a joker.

“Mum when did you start cracking jokes?” Summer asked.

Audrey glared at her.

” You’re getting engaged to Collins Hayes” Audrey dropped the bomb.

“What?!!” Summer gasped and stood.

“You will get married to him after your highschool” She added.

“Wait, tell me you are joking about this?”.

“Look at my face, do I look like I’m joking here? ” Audrey snapped.

” I won’t get engaged to any bastard, not Collins, over my dead body”.

” You will get engaged to him and that’s final” Audrey said and stood up.

” If you are so concerned about it then go and marry him” Summer said and a slap landed on her face.

” I’m your mother and I decide who you should marry”.

” I have a boyfriend already and I love him so much, I’m sorry to disappoint you Mrs greedy, I won’t marry the vice president’s son, to hell with you and Collins, no wonder he said something about me belonging to him, I only belong to Henry ” She said and walked away.

” Summer!! Summer, come back here” Audrey shouted.

” You will have no option but to marry him”.

Summer came back and quickly left the mansion in tears.


Immediately Collins stepped in, Vicky rushed to him but she halted on her tracks when she saw his face.

“Son!, what happened to you?” She asked, taking slow strides to him.


“Talk to me, who did this to you?”.

“Summer’s boyfriend”.

” Why?” She asked.

“Because I kissed her but I can’t let him go scot free” He replied.

Vicky face turned into a vicious one.

“How dare him touched you, didn’t he know who you’re?, I will deal with him, is he in the same school with you?”.

“Yes, Henry kitchen” He said.

” Audrey is not serious, I can’t let her daughter useless boyfriend did this to you, I will call her, if she is not ready”.

” I love Summer so much mum, I want her, don’t blame her, it’s all Henry’s fault” He said.

” Don’t worry she is yours, you must have her” Vicky started patting him.

” I’m going to that school tomorrow”.


” I am waiting for the next action that will come cos I know he won’t allow that to slide” Henry said.

” I seriously love how you designed his face, he is now the job of our generation” Hilliary laughed.

” Summer is not picking her calls” Henry said worriedly, checking her phone.

” Maybe she is busy”.

His phone started ringing immediately.

” Hello baby”.

” Where are you?, I’m in your house, I need you now” She said teary.

“I am coming right now, don’t go anywhere” Henry said and spranged up.

” What happened?”.

” Summer is waiting for me at the mansion and she is crying, I need to go see her now, if I don’t come back then good night” Henry said rushed out.

He entered the car and started it, driving out speedily.

He arrived at the mansion and saw Summer outside.

She is crying while squatting.
She immediately stood up and ran into his arms.

” Please don’t leave me” She cried.

” I won’t leave you” He said, patting her back.

Summer calm down after some minutes.

” What happened?” He asked.

” I’m getting engaged to Collins, mum just broke the news to me, you won’t leave me right, you are my life Henry, I will die if you break up with me, please fight with me”…

He shut her up with a deep kiss.

” Who says I will break up with you?, I won’t do that, I pity the bastard, I will rather die than leave you for another man” He said and she felt immense joy penetrating her system.

” It’s Collins Hayes” She muttered.

” No wonder, the fool is aware, he kept saying you belong to him, I don’t give a d@mn about your mother, you belong only to me”.

” I belong only to Henry Kitchen”.

” That’s my girl, no one can separate us, f_ck your mother” He said.

” f_ck my mother” She said and pulled him into a soothing deep kiss.



? ???

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