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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? CHAPTER 44 & 45 ?



Henry walked out of the bathroom and met no one in the room, he sighed and continued drying his hair with the towel.

He went to the closet and took out a jogger pant and wore it on.

He wore a white shirt before going to the bed, he started looking for his phone.

“Did Hilliary took it ?” He asked himself.

Meanwhile Summer got to the mansion and started horning outside, Hilliary quickly opened the gate using the remote, Summer drove in and halted, she came out and without wasting another second, she dashed into the house.

Hilliary laughed as he saw her reaction.

“She didn’t even wear any shoes, she is barefooted, I’m suspecting this two, something is going on between them, twin bro, you can’t keep been secretive around me” Hilliary pressed the remote towards the gate and it closed.

He opened the door and walked in.

Summer ran upstairs and started walking to the twins room like she has been here before, she kept following her mind till she got to the room.

Henry stood up and was about to start walking to the door when the door opened and Summer entered.

His eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

What’s Summer doing here? is this a dream?.

“Summer” He called shockingly but she responded with a glare.

“Where is she?” Summer asked.

“Who?” He asked looking more confused and surprise.

“Where is that girl? where is the Ɓîtçh?” She asked again, her eyes bashing out her anger.

“Are you okay? are you in your right senses? how can you just barge in my house and started asking me random questions, there’s no girl in this room,come back to your senses” He said.

Summer hissed and started searching the room.

Henry kept looking at her as she searched the room.

She went to the bathroom and searched every crank and nick without seeing anything.

She came back to searched his closet, she searched every space in the room.

When she was done, she was breathing heavily before facing Henry who kept looking at her like she lost her mind.

“She is gond right?” She asked.

“What are you even saying?”.

“You were f_cking a girl here, I called you and your brother Hilliary answered the call, he told me you were with a girl, I even heard some Mõ@ɲs, you didn’t even care to call me all day nor text me” She replied.

Henry’s eyes widened more.

He now got where she was heading to.

Hilliary just deceived her.

” I swear I didn’t bring any girl here, I was taking my bath, Hilliary lied to you”.

” Do you mean Hilliary deceived me, there was no girl here?”.

” Yes”.

” But I was hearing some Mõ@ɲs”.

” Then he faked it, you don’t know my twin brother, he is more crazier than you can think, he brought this up” He said.

” What!!” She gasped as her hands fell.

” He… lied to me?”.

“You believe him and you rush here just because of that” He said and started laughing.

Summer frowned and started pouting sadly.

Henry kept laughing, giving her mocking stares.

“Stop laughing at me?” She said.

“So you were jealous?” He asked and when his eyes caught her standing barefooted, he bursted into another laughter and fell on the floor.

“Gawd, I can’t believe this, Summer”.

Summer remained on the spot, crimping on her fingers, wondering why he is laughing too much.

“You came here barefooted?” He said.

Summer looked down and gasped seeing herself barefooted.

She started feeling embarrassed.

“I h@ťě you Hilliary” She shouted.

“Tell me, were you jealous that I brought a girl home?” He asked.

She quickly took her lips in.

“I…I..” She replied not knowing what to say.

She started avoiding his eyes.

Henry moved closer to her and she swallowed hard.

“You look so cute when angry, you were looking like an overprotective girlfriend, I wonder what would have happen if there was a girl in the room”.

“She will be bleeding now, don’t even think of trying it”.

“We are not dating Summer” He said.

She bite her lips sadly, remembering they are not dating.

“I will be going now” She said nervously.

The reason she did what she did is something she can’t give an explanation to it.

Henry found himself wanting to just grab her and kissed her so hard, only heaven knows how hard he is restraining himself right now.

“You don’t have to feel nervous okay” He said and she nodded.

He hugged her and she smiled feeling his warmth, their hearts doing the escalath thing.

They let go of each other and he kissed her forehead, giving her butterflies.

“Why don’t you sleep over?” He asked.

“We are leaving tomorrow, I will to prepare tonight”.

“Okay good night”.

“Good night” She said and pecked him.


“Who is she?” Saint’s aunt as he walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand.

“Some guys tried raping her last night and I happened to be there, I saved her from them, she was sedated so I decided to bring her home” Saint said.

“Do you like her?”.

” Gosh aunt! when has helping someone turn to you liking the person” Saint rolled eyes and his aunt laughed.

“Okay, try and leave early” She said.

“Thanks, I will, let me give her this” Saint smiled at his aunt before he started walking upstairs.

Tiffany groaned as she slowly opened her eyes.

She fully open her eyes and she gasped realizing it was not her room.

She removed the duvet covering her body and stood.

“This not my room, what happened to me?, Am I kidnapped? which kidnapper will make his captive to sleep on a comfy bed” She said.

She quickly started rushing to the door when it opened and Saint stepped in.

She halted on her tracks.

“You’re awake?” He asked.

Tiffany gave him a blank look.

“I saved you from the guys who tried raping you yesterday at the club, you were sedated so you slept off, there was no way to ask for your address, so I decided to do what I can” He explained like he read her mind cos that was the same question she was planning to ask.

“Thank you, where is my car?”.

“A friend of mine brought it home, it’s outside, you can have this coffee” He said.

“Today is Monday right?” She asked.


Tiffany gasped loudly and started rushing out but Saint pulled her back.

“Why are you in a hurry?”.

“I’m leaving for somewhere right now, very important, I’m sorry but I have to leave, thanks for your hospitality, I appreciate” She rushly said and ran out.

“The coffee..” She was gone already.

He smiled and drank the coffee.

Henry hasn’t seen Hilliary since yesterday after what he caused.

It’s like he has gone invisible all of a sudden.

But on a second note, he couldn’t stop thinking about last night, how she ran here barefooted just because he lied to her about him bringing a girl.

“I’m confuse, is she… I don’t know” Henry said and took the bag which has Hilliary and his belongings.

He turned and saw his phone on the bed.

He smiled and took it up.

“He is something else, now he is hiding from me.

He opened the door and walked out.

Immediately Henry drove out of the mansion, Hilliary came out of his hiding place and sighed.

“They are in love without realizing it, how can I face them now” He said and started running upstairs to dressed up.


Summer dragged her bag downstairs with a smile on her lips.

She couldn’t believe she did something crazy like that last night, it’s obvious she has finally fallen for real this time.

She may be a playgirl but she is quick to figure out her feelings.

“He has finally trapped me in the web of love” She smiled.

“Summer” Audrey called.

“Planning to leave without telling me?” She asked.

“I just got downstairs now” Summer replied.

” I have something very important to tell you” Audrey said.

” Can you wait till I come back, I’m running late” Summer said and Audrey threw a hard glare.

” You will be getting engage..”.

A guard rushed in with Audrey phone.

“My lady, you have an important call” The guard said.

“Till I will come back mum, bye” Summer said and went out.


Tiffany rushed inside when her mum was about to dialled her number again.

” Tiff” Her mum called.

” Mum”.

” Where were you last night? I was d@mn scared, what happened?”.

” I’m sorry for making you scared mum, I was with my friends last night and sorry for not picking your calls, my phone was on silent, I need to rush now, the bus will soon be leaving.

“Okay be fast”.


The school bus is already waiting for the students (participants).

Other students are outside waiting to bade them goodbye.

The principal together with the staff are standing there.

Blake and Lex are the first to get here, next came Collins and Dorathy.

Each person with a bag.

Hailey rushed there with Summer.

Some minutes later, Tiffany got there in a rush.

“What happened?” Hailey asked.

“I slept late last night” Tiffany said and pecked Summer and then hugged Hailey.

Summer just wondered why her sudden act.

“Where are the twins?” Blake asked.

Henry got there too, immediately he walked there, Tiffany heart started racing and her gaze fixed on him.

Summer smiled while her heart does the fluttering.

He winked and she almost melted.

“You’re in love girl” Hailey whispered to her.

Summer only chuckled.

“Where is Hilliary?” Blake asked.

“I don’t know where he is, he isn’t picking my calls” Henry replied.

His eyes locked with Lex in a contact and both looked away, ignoring each other.

” I guess it’s time for you to leave, I want you to make the school proud, make me proud okay” Mrs Barrett said and they nodded.

The teachers who are assign to go with them entered the bus first.

” Bye cute principal” Henry winked.

Mrs Barrett smiled.

? Bye seniors

?Win and come back.

Dorathy hugged Nina.

” Don’t miss me much” Dorathy said.

” Good luck” Nina smiled.

They broke the hug and she entered, the others started entering the bus but still Hilliary was yet to arrived.

“Where is Hilliary?”.

Summer ended up sitting together with Lex.

Henry and Tiffany.

Blake and Hailey, Collins are sitting alone.

Dorathy too is sitting alone but her heart is not at peace as Hilliary is no where to be found.

Henry kept trying his number but he isn’t picking up.

“What is wrong with him?”.

Suddenly someone entered the bus wearing a big jacket that covered his head and face.

Henry recognized him immediately.

“That bastard” He said.

Hilliary went and sat down with Dorathy.

He removed the cover and smiled at Dorathy.

“You scared me” She said.

“I’m sorry baby girl” He winked and she blushed.

“I’m avoiding my twin bro”.

“We are moving” The teacher said.

The bus growl to life and soon they were on the road.

Tiffany kept trying to engage Henry in a conversation but his focus was on Summer who was sitting with Lex.

Strangely he felt uncomfortable seeing them together.

Tiffany traced his eyes and saw him staring at Summer.

She frowned.

Hilliary and Dorathy were busy talking to each other.

Collins was on his phone.

Blake and Hailey were focus on their phones too.

Lex kept looking at Summer, he was happy she was around him.

“Summer” He called.

“Yes” She replied.

“I’m sorry”.

“About what?” She asked.

“For punching Henry” He said.

“You should apologize to him not me, I wasn’t the one you punched” She said.

” So we are good right? “.

” We weren’t in bad terms before ” She replied, but she was not really interested in the discussion, her mind was occupied with Henry.

“Thank you” He said.

She smiled fakingly.

Henry just stared jealousy at them.

“Are we going to continue pressing our phones?” Hailey suddenly asked as she got bored of her phone.

Blake stop pressing his phone and faced her.

“So what should we do then?” He said.

“Let’s listen to some music” Hailey said.

“Is it so boring here, we ain’t going for a burial, driver play some music please” Hailey shouted.

“Afrobeat please” Hilliary shouted from the back.

“What is Afrobeat?” Dorathy asked.

“A genre of music in Africa” He replied.

“Oh! let me hear it” She said.

He took his phone and handed it over to her along with the airpod.

“Wow!!, I love the music” She gushed.

Hilliary pecked her lips and she blushed.


The bus drove in the porschy mansions and halted.

“We are here” The female teacher announced.


They started waking up, well not everyone slept off, Lex watched Summer sleep through out the ride, Tiffany had her eyes on Henry through out, heaven knows how much she resisted herself from kissing his lips.

Summer head placed on Lex shoulder as she slept off.

Blake and Hailey woke up.

Collins had no expression on his face, he was the first to come down.

Summer woke up and quickly turned to find Lex starring at her.

“Oh! sorry I stress you” She said.

“It’s nothing, it was even better” Lex smiled.

“What are they even saying?” Henry murmured.

” New York baby” Hilliary screamed jumping down.

” Wow!!” Blake gushed.

“I love this place” Henry said.

There are two mansions there.

Another bus drove in there and the students started coming down.

Students of Rainbow high in Washington.

“Rainbow high students” Hailey said.

“That is the school competing against you” The male teacher said.

“Hope they are brilliant cos we will fry them” Summer said.

” They are really brilliant, don’t underestimate them”.

The two teachers walked to the other teachers and they exchanged pleasantries.

“First time in New York” Dorathy said, admiring the environment.

“This place is so beautiful”.

“What is beautiful here?” Collins scoffed.

“I don’t expect someone with eyes problem to see what we are seeing” Hilliary said.

They laughed.

The nine students from Rainbow high started dragging their luggages to the second mansion while staring at them

“Wow!, they got some @zz” Blake said.

“Real @zz” Hilliary said and Dorathy hit him.


“I can’t wait to f_ck them” Blake said licking his lips.

Hailey chuckled and looked at Tiffany who is silent.

The teachers walked back to them.

“The first mansion belongs to us let’s go in” The male teacher said.

They collected their luggages and started walking to the mansion.

The female teacher opened the door and they went in.


They started gushing at the wonderful decorations of the mansion, it was sparkling.

“Now, there are eleven rooms here, so everyone will choose one” The teacher announced.



? ??? . ??

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