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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? CHAPTER 30 & 31 ?



Hilliary sighed for the umpteenth time as he kept dialling Henry’s number but he is not picking up.

He is now getting worried.

“What is going with him?, why is he not picking my calls” He asked himself.

” Let me call dad” He said and started scrolling through his contacts.

He kept checking until he remembered he didn’t have Henry’s parents number.


He called Henry’s number and it started going through but still he didn’t picked.

“Is he okay?, he went out with Summer” He said.

” Could he went home straight?”.

Hilliary stood up and went downstairs, he walked out and entered his car driving out.


The driver took out his phone and made a call.

“I got him” He said.

“Yeah, I’m driving to the location” He said and pocketed his phone.

He turned back to glanced at Henry who was still sleeping with his head on the headrest.

He smirked and faced the road, he kept driving till he saw a police check point ahead.

“f_ck” He groaned.

He stepped on the accelerator and the car speed increased.

The police officers saw the car coming with speed and started gesturing it to slow down and stop but the driver increased more speed, he got there and crashed into the road blocks scattering it away.

He smiled as he passed but his smile was short lived as one of the police officers aimed for the tyre and $h00t, hitting it directly.

He $h00t the other tyre and the car stop.

The man seeing the situation he is in, he quickly opened the car door and ran out.

The police officers released fire on him but he dodged till he escaped.

“Check the car”.

One of the police officers opened the door and saw Henry who is still unconscious.

“There’s a guy inside, seems he was kidnapped” He said.

Other police officers moved closer to take a look.

“Wake him up”.

They started tapping him until Henry slowly snapped his eyes opened.

He groaned softly, rubbing his eyes, he gasped as he saw the unfamiliar faces lurking at him.

He quickly sat upright and started looking around the environment.

“Where am I and who are you people?” He asked and opened the door, coming out.

“Police officers”.

“Yes we are the police, we found you asleep in the car, what really happened?”.

” I didn’t actually know what happen, the only thing I remember was entering this car and sleeping off immediately, I couldn’t control it” Henry replied.

” I think you were kidnap, luckily we saved you” One of the police officers said and Henry gasped.

“Why will the person tried to kidnap me?, I need to get home right now my twin bro will be worried” Henry said.

” But you need to be careful”.

Henry nodded.


Hilliary hastily entered the house and saw Thomas and Joyce watching the television in the sitting room.

“Dad” Hilliary called and they turned to him.

“Hilliary” Thomas replied.

“Is Henry home?” Hilliary asked.

“No, what happened, shouldn’t you be with him, did you two quarreled?” Joyce asked.

“No, he went out with a friend and uptill now he is yet to come back, I called his number several times but he is not picking up, I thought maybe he came here instead” Hilliary explained.

Thomas quickly dialled Henry’s number but he didn’t picked.

” He is not picking” Thomas said getting worried already.

” Where is my baby?” Joyce said, getting emotional already.

“He will be fine sweetheart” Thomas said though even him, he was getting scared already.

“We need to search for him” Joyce said.

Hilliary phone rang out and he smiled as he saw who was calling.

“Henry, what happened?” Hilliary asked.

Thomas and Joyce focused their attention on him.

“Where are you twin bro, I met the house empty?” Henry asked.

“You weren’t picking your calls, did something happen? mum and dad are worried” Hilliary said.

“I’m fine bro, sorry my phone was on silent mode, I just checked my phone right now, sorry for making you worried, come back home” Henry said.

Joyce collected the phone from Hilliary.

“Baby are okay, you’re fine right?”.

“Yes mum, sorry, nothing happened, I love you”.

“Henry I h@ťě you, I disown you” Thomas said and started walking upstairs.

” Bye mum” Henry said and cut the call.

” Mum is dad serious, he is really disowning Henry?” Hilliary asked.

Joyce laughed and placed her hand on his shoulder.

” Since Henry came of age, Thomas has disowned him for than ten times, that’s one of their normal acts, he is not serious” Joyce said.

“Hahaha, I was scared, good night mum” Hilliary pecked her before leaving.


The door to Summer room opened and Audrey entered.

“Summer” Audrey called.

“Yes” Summer replied coming out from another room.

“Heard you went out?” Audrey asked.

“Yeah, I went out?”.

” With who?” Audrey asked.

” With a friend and when did you start asking me about who I go out with?” Summer asked.

” You need to stay away from guys” Audrey said and walked out.

Summer hands fell as she stood there trying to solve the puzzle.

” What did she mean by that?”.

Her mind went to Henry.

“Let me call this jerk, no, he will think it’s something else” She said and walked back into the room.

Hilliary walked into the room and saw Henry sleeping on the bed.

“Twin bro” Henry called removing the quilt.

“You idiot, you made me worried for nothing, don’t try it next time” Hilliary said and fell on the bed beside him.

“I’m sorry baby” Henry said.

“We need to visit the church again, a serious deliverance need to be carried out on you” Hilliary said.


“To free you from that gay spirit trying to overtake you, bro you ain’t a playboy, why don’t you have a girlfriend” Hilliary said.

“I haven’t seen any girl bro”.

“Suit yourself, how was your outing with Summer?”.

“It was good, she is not bad as I think before”.



” Nothing good night, I did our assignments, it was a good thing the teacher was absent” Hilliary said, covering himself.

” Thanks bro”.

Henry stood up and entered the bathroom.

” Who could that person be, could it be Austin?”.


” Baby” Angel called rushing in Brandon’s painting room.

He is working on a new artwork.

He quickly turned and smiled.

” Baby?”.

Angel nodded.

” That is the new name I will start calling you” Angel smiled and her dimples showed.

” Are you not going to school?”.

” No, there’s no school today, I will be at home with you” Angel said.

Brandon’s phone started ringing on the stool.

” Angel help me with the phone” He said.

Angel took the phone and brought it to him.

” Hello miss Cassie” He said.

” Good morning, what are you doing?” She asked.

” Working, are you alright now?”.

” Yes, thanks to your soothing words yesterday, can we go out again today?” She asked.

” Maybe” He replied.

” I will call you later, bye”.

” Baby, is that your girlfriend?” Angel asked cutely.

” No, she is my boss”.

” You got a work?” Angel asked.

” Yes, it’s a contract, now watch me as I work” Brandon said.

” I wish I have enough time to stay with you two” Agatha said sadly at the door and walked away.


“Submit your assignment” The class captain announced.

Everyone started submitting their assignment.

“Are you okay now, heard you had fever yesterday?” Henry asked.

“It was headache, I’m fine bro, sorry I couldn’t answer your call” Lex smiled.

“Don’t get sick okay, I will be sad” Henry said and they laughed.

Lex looked towards Summer and his heart raced immediately.

” I’m in love no doubt”.

“So how was your outing with Summer?” Blake asked.

“Good” Henry replied.

“You went out with Summer yesterday?” Lex asked, feeling down.

” Yes, she is not that bad”.

” You don’t h@ťě her anymore?” Lex asked.

“I don’t think so” Henry smiled.

Lex felt like his heart was stabbed with a knife.

A teacher walked into the class.


Coming down from the plane is Collins, the son of the vice president.

He had a smile on his handsome face.

“Back to California baby” He said and started walking towards the cars.

“Welcome young master” The guards bow.

“How are you guys?” He replied.

” We are good” They replied.

He smiled and entered the car.


“Sweet home” Collins said as he stepped down.

The maids started coming out to take a glance at him.

? The vice president’s son

? OMG he is so cute

? His naughty eyes

? I’m hot already.

He walked to the door and the guards bow and opened the door for him.

“Son” Mrs Hayes called from upstairs.

“Mum” Collins said with wide arms.

She quickly rushed down and hugged him.

“Collins, you have become handsome” She said.

“You’re still that pretty woman, I love you mum”.

“I love you too”.

“Where’s dad?”.

“He went for a presidential meeting with the president”.

“I’m back home, Collins is back to Cali, I miss my room” He said and started jogging to his room.

Collins entered his room which is already cleaned up for him.

It’s years since he last enter his room, he was admiring the room when a knock came on his door.

“Come in”.

The door opened and a maid came in with troy of clothes

“I’m here to arrange your closet, young master” She bow.

“Okay” He nodded.

She pushed the troy to his closet and began arranging his clothes.

Collins gaze fell on her @zz and he started having naughty thoughts about her.

He moved closer to her and wrapped his hands around her from behind, kissing her neck.

The maid shivered.

“Young… master”.

“You’re hot, I want you” He said seductively and turned her around.

“S*ck me” He said.

The maid went on her knees immediately and loose the loop of his trouser, pulling it down.

She took his length in immediately.

Collins hissed out in pleasure.

“Time for games, swimming first” A girl shouted.

? I will support the team Hilliary is in

? Rooting for my Lex

? I’m supporting my Henry

? Is Blake a joke.

Summer and Tiffany scoffed.

Some of the students started moving out.

“Are you joining the games?”.

“Swimming is my thing” Henry said.

” We are all in”.

“I can’t wait to see you fumble” Summer rolled eyes at him and walked out.

Henry smiled and went out with the guys.


Each guy has his own changing room same with the girls.

Henry was in his changing room when Tiffany barged inside.

His eyes widened when he saw her.

“Tiffany, what are you doing here, what if I was nak…”.

“But you weren’t” She said and moved closer.

She touched his chest and he quickly held her hand.

“What are you doing here?” He asked coldly now.

” To wish you good luck” She replied.

” But it’s not like it’s a contest or something, you could have done that outside, thanks, you can leave” He said.

She smiled charmingly and left.

” What is up with her, shouldn’t she be hating on me?”.

” How do I look?” Hilliary asked as he came out of the room.

” You should be asking a girl that not us?” Lex replied.

They are out now, fully dressed.

Austin and Bran left immediately they came out.

“Scar face is participating” Hilliary laughed.

” He will be feeling big now” Lex scoffed.

” I want us to be the lead, 1,2,3,4″ Henry said.

The four of them stucked hands before leaving.


The students gathered in the swimming hall waiting for the participants.

It’s crowded to the brims with the girls already screaming and singing as they await the participants.

Soon Austin, Bran entered, looking hot in their own ways.

A loud scream erupted when the four hottest guys walked in.

It’s like the sport wears were made for them.

“Oh Austin, you want to partake with that face?” Lex asked and Austin glared.

“Hey job junior brother” Hilliary waved.

Lex and Blake laughed mockingly at Austin.

“Get ready now, take off the sport wears” The instructor said.

The guys took off their sport wears, revealing their sweatpants.

Their hotness swept girls off their feet as they revealed their chest.

Summer eyes fell on Henry’s chest and her heart started beating faster, she felt her body acting crazily.

Tiffany breath was knocked out completely, she had to grabbed a pole.

Dorathy stood still on her spot as her heart jumped madly.

“Ready” The instructor shouted.

The guys took their positions.

“Who are you supporting?” Hailey asked.

” Henry” Summer and Tiffany said in unison.

They glanced at each other.

” Going with Blake” Hailey said.

” I want Hilliary to win” Dorathy said.

” I want Bran to win” Nina said.

” Now get ready, 1…2…. goooooo” The instructor blew the whistle.

The guys jumped in and started swimming so fast.

Austin took the lead, followed by Lex , Bran then Hilliary, Blake and Henry.

The cheerleaders started cheering them up, crazily.

? Go Austin

? Lex push harder

? I love you Henry

? Hilliary

Henry soon overtake Bran and started going for Lex.

“Henry!! ”


Summer and Tiffany started screaming his name.

“Go Hilliary” Dorathy screamed.

Hilliary overtake Bran and started going for Henry.

The girls screamed madly as Henry took the lead.

? Henry

? Austin

? Hilliary

Henry reached the end point, followed by Hilliary and then Lex and Blake, Austin came second to the last, while Bran took the last.

Henry name is on everyone’s lips.

“Awwn you came 5th” Hilliary winked at Austin.

? Henry, Hilliary, I love you

? My crushes

Austin got out and angrily left.

“Congratulations guys” Lex and Blake said.

“We tried” Henry said and came out with Hilliary.

Immediately Henry came out, Summer ran madly to him and jumped on him.

All eyes widened.

Lex felt thorns piercing into his heart.

He didn’t know when he walked there and roughly separated them.



? ????

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