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HomeME BEFORE YOUME BEFORE YOU - Episode 31 & 32

ME BEFORE YOU – Episode 31 & 32

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💚 Me BEFORE You 🦋
{ Two heart, one beat }

THEME: Her love diary

CHAPTER 31 & 32

By, Chioma melody





☆𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 ★

Cami slowly opened the bag and the first thing her eyes met was a bouquet of flower.

*FOR CAMI* was written on the label.

ROSE!. He actually bought the rose she had always wanted!.

She gave a gummy smile and picked it out, sniffing it gently and that’s when she came across the little ring placed on top the flower.

” What’s this?” She thought, picking it out.

She tried fixing it in her finger only to find out it fitted perfectly well on her even tho she had babyish gap fingers.

She smiled lightly and picked the last item from the bag which was a longer piece of paper.

She unfolded it and realised it was an apology letter.

She covered her lips giggling.

” So this guy actually was falling for me. I knew it, I knew that he’d crawl back to me just like how Jordan said” Her head muttered subconsciously, before she began to read each word carefully. She reads;

” First of all, if you aren’t cami who saw this apology letter, kindly drop it back” She read before moving to the body of the letter.

” Hey, Cami. I know you’re upset with me with the way I did to you the other time. I don’t really know how to say this, but…I’m very sorry and I’m saying this from the bottom of my heart. I’m ashamed of saying this in front of you cos I feel like I don’t deserve to apologise to you after hurting you severally”

She stood up from the bench and began to walk away from the cafeteria with her eyes still glued on the paper.

” I wasn’t also sure if you’d forgive me so I was really nervous writing this. I’m sure you noticed my behaviour changed the moment I decided to sit with you today. I realise you were a precious gem and stupidly, I’ve not been myself since you left. I really like you cami and I’m very sorry for everything I did and said. Please forgive me pinkie…”

She was still reading when her face hit a hard chest and when she looked up, she found clover leaning against the rail.

She looked around and realised she was already outside then her heart started racing madly.

” So You did open the bag” He smiled, leaning away quickly.

” Oh clover” She smiled awkwardly. ” I read the whole thing and…I..I..don’t even know what to say.”

” It fine” He said

” No it’s not. Cos…I.. I.. do forgive you but-”

” Cami?”

” You really tried with the letter but I don’t really like you, Clover. I..I..just can’t recall back the feelings anymore. It’s better being friends” She said, stretching the paper to him. Clover pulled down her hands.

” need to have a rethink, cami. And…you’re wearing our contractual ring”

” This?. It’s nice and it fit perfectly well in my fingers” She smiled and took it off, placing it in his hands. ” But it’s fit you more” She said and his face turned pale as he stared at her.

He quickly picked her little hands, giving her the most innocent eyes.

” Please cami. I really love you now. I swear, I know I was wrong but…I’m human and I’m prone to make mistakes. please believe me, cami. I promise not to break your heart this time. I promise its going to be me and you forever” He said pitifully and cami went numb.

She looked up at his eyes and she didn’t know how to feel. She had a soft heart and was ready to accept him at that moment, but she scared.

” Hey Ɓîtçhes!!” Genesis snapped, disrupting their union and they both turned their faces to see her.

” What are you doing here?!” Clover spat.

” What’s this?” Genesis asked and snatched the paper from cami’s hand. ” Is this an apology letter to take her back for the hundredth time?. Come on, When are you going to stop being a kid and tell her!”

” What are you saying?” Cami asked carefully.

” This guy here is a playboy. He doesn’t love, he loves by f-__-king. I can’t count how many times he has f-__-k both me and other girls. Just few days ago, after he was still with you, Guess what- He f-__-k me, Yea!. Why would you still date him after breaking up with him multiple times?. Stop being is toy cami. He’s a $h|t” She hissed.

” Is this true, Clover?” Cami asked and clover looked at genesis before pinching his eyes close and opening it up.

” It’s purely true. I won’t lie.” He replied frantically and Cami jaw dropped irritatingly.

” I’m sorry but…I can’t use a guy that’s been used by another girl!” She spat and slapped his face with the bouquet of flowers before striding away from there.

Genesis spat out a laugh before smirking at him afterwards.

” Stop deceiving that girl cos she is easily lured. I’m surprised you still haven’t f-__-k her as the usual. She deserves someone better than you, f-__-k boy!” She spat before throwing the paper on his face and leaving him there.

Clover picked up his flower and he looked at it with pain hanging on the cliff of his throat.

He swallowed hard. He didn’t know when tears gathered at the edge of his eyes. It was at edge of falling when he rubbed it off with the back of his hand.

” I know she won’t believe I was ready to change cos of her so there was no need explaining.” He said and tears came gathering in his eyes again and he let it fall on his cheeks this time.



Cami pushed the glass door as she stepped out arrogantly only to find jordan out there, making a call.

She waited for a few seconds and when he was done, he looked at her and ignored her presence before starting to walk away.

Her brain went numb for a few minutes until her voice accidentally called his name.

” Jordan!” She ran forward and he stopped to look at her.

” What do you want?” He asked impatiently.

She pressed her lip tight as she began fiddling.

” A..are you going out to anywhere?” She asked carefully as her heart raced even faster.

He gave out a plain sigh.

” Is there anything you want to say cos I don’t have much time” He said coldly.

” About last night. I’m sorry about last night. I..I..didn’t mean to behave that way and I’m sorry I messed up you and Momo’s moment. I’m very sorry” She said, looking at both of his eyes innocently.

” Sorry can’t fix everything back, Cami. Why would you drink alcohol in the first place?” He asked.

” I..I-

” You know what. I shouldn’t be here to talk to you. Afterall, we are strangers” He scoffed and tried to walk away.

” Wait jordan!” She held his arm and he stopped to listen to her.

” I really deserve a knock on the head after I said those words. Maybe I was drunk, Ion know, but just know that I didn’t really mean it At All. You’re so much more than just a friend to me. I realise I can’t do without you sometimes. Maybe you’re an angel, cos you indirectly cure my pain” She was saying, crying sweetly inbetween.

Jordan pocketed his hands as he looked at her and he even felt hurt seeing her getting hurt.

” Please Jordan. I’m not really good at apologising, I know I’ve not said enough and I feel stupid now cos my words are not making any sense. I just want you to know that I’m very very sorry, I’m sorry from the deepest part of my heart. If you don’t believe me, then open my heart. It’s beating so fast right now. Please don’t be angry with me and I promise not to say anything that will hurt you anymore” She sobbed with tears rolling down it edge while glistening her cheeks.

He formed a wistful smile as he looked at her.

” What could I ever not do without you” He said, grinning a chuckle. ” I’m glad you’ve come to notice of all this. I might have got angry with you and in one point, thought about letting you go. But if I let go of you, my tiny might fall off” He said and she cropped a pout on her cheeks.

He leaned to her height with one hand resting on the wall so their eyes could meet more closely.

” Hey, even if we fight, curse, and get so mad at eachother. Even if you leave me for years and….hopefully come back, i could pretend I h@ťě you But Just know that i still care for you and I’ll accept you in open arms okay?”

” Really?. That’s so sweet” She smiled as tears failed her once again.

” Hey, it’s okay. Pretty girls don’t cry” He said and used his thumb to caress the tears off her round cheeks.

” One more thing…” He said, leaning up as he gave a scornful but playful look. ” We still haven’t discussed about that kiss you gave me in my dressing room” He said and cami cheeks burned so red.

” Kiss?” She asked, biting her lower lip.

” It was right here” He said, pointing at her heart shaped lip.

She bit her lip nervously before looking at him.

” Can I tell you something that I haven’t told anyone for a while?” She asked, and the question caused his heart to race awkwardly.

” Are you sure you want to tell me?” He asked and she nodded without hesitation.

” Bring your ears closer” She said and he slowly leaned to her height.

She focused on his lip and when he got closer, she gave him a small smooch on his lip.

His face turned stunned as he looked at her and cami knew different questions were running through his mind, as well as hers too.

She didn’t know where she got that courage from but she knew her hormones were always imbalanced whenever he was around.

” T..that was what you wanted to tell me?” He asked gently and she twitched her lip.

” Maybe” She said nervously.

His palm cupped her face gently and Cami could hear her own heart beat race outside her ears.

The way he was looking at her at this point was making her legs weak.

She patiently closed her eyes and Jordan formed a wistful smile.

” Naughty girl. What are you thinking now?” He smirked and she opened her eyes, getting so red on her cheeks again.

” Cami!” Leigh called and cami broke glances with jordan before looking at her.

” Drama class is about to begin. What are you doing there?!” She yelled and cami turned to face jordan.

” I have to go now. Bye, bye!” She waved and ran away from there quickly.

Jordan stared at her retreating backs before a smile ravished on his face.

” What’s that feeling I’m suddenly having for her” He thought subconsciously

A call appeared on his phone and he looked through it. It was Momo once again.

” I have to go now” He sighed and began to leave the school compound quickly.


Jordan trailed into the hall only to find momo with bouquet of flowers, waiting for him there.

She rushed to him quickly.

” Congratulations, Jordan. You’ve been chosen as a qualified model worker!” She smiled.

” Really?” He asked cos he wasn’t even expecting it.

” Don’t worry, the brand management will be out soon and you’ll get to fulfill the contract. In the mean time, I bought these for you” She said, stretching the flowers to him.

” Thanks. They’re so lovely” He smiled as he took it from her. He realised there was a small bandage in her head. ” Do you have a scar on your forehead?” He asked.

” Oh, don’t worry about that. Cami nails had tore a part of my skin. I had to leave your house so I could rush to the clinic but I’m fine now” She smiled and jordan looked sad as he stared at the flower before looking at her.

” I apologise on her behalf. She is very sorry about everything that happened last night” He said.

” It fine. And it would be better if we stop making cami the center of our discussion.” She said and quickly brought out her phone. ” Let’s take a picture. Say cheese!”

Jordan smiled.

” Cheese” He said, twitching his head to merge with hers and the photo was taken nicely.

” I’m saving all this picture so we can show our kids when the right time comes” She chuckled and Jordan jaw dropped as he looked at her.

He cleared his throat.

” I really need more highlights about that picture you showed me yesterday. That guy really looked like my dad” He said, taking his seat on the couch and Momo sat with him.

” Since you said your dad is Maxwell, maybe it’s not really him”

” What’s the name of this other guy?”

” He is Edward.” She said and Jordan took her phone as he stared at the picture.

” Wait….I’m doubting this picture. Do you have any other picture of him?”

” No, just that one. We are not really close” She said and jordan sighed, giving her back her phone.

Soon, a tall lady walked out.

” We need you to sign your contract, sir” He said and Momo nudged him.

” Oh me?” He asked.

” Yes” The lady nodded causing him to stand on his feet quickly before following her.

Momo waited for him to leave until melody stepped out, taking off the red coloured wig she was wearing and the sunglasses.

” You didn’t inject him!” Melody spat, throwing the wig on the floor angrily.

” Please can you just give me more time so I can enjoy being with the guy I like before you can use him!” Momo spat and Melody grabbed her chin

” Little girl, I might snap you like a roach if you keep on delaying like this. I’m tired of clowning myself as your driver!” She spat.

” You forced me to do this job so stop complaining and follow my lead” Momo scoffed and Melody grinned her teeth angrily as she glared at her.


” What were you doing out there with jordan?” Leigh asked as they walked to class. Cami was still thinking about the kiss and her reality was in her head at that period.

She lamely smiled to herself, blushing and clacking her tongue and leigh looked at her.

” Cami!” She yelled and cami jumped down to earth as she stopped in her track.

” what are you thinking?”

” Nothing ” Cami replied.

” What were you doing out there with jordan?” Leigh asked

” We were just hanging out” She smiled.

” I thought you and clover were together” Leigh said and cami made a frown.

” Not anymore. I broke up with him” She said.

” That’s the best decision you’d ever make this year, babe”

” What?. You were against our relationship?”

” So much. I h@ťěd seeing how much he enjoyed controlling you. He does as if you two are already married, ugh” Leigh spat, rolling her eyes.

” Well, I’m glad I left. I came to find out he has f-__-ked more girls than I thought. I was so disappointed in him” She frowned.

” Hey don’t worry, you’ll find someone better than him, trust me” leigh said and kai suddenly approached them.

” Have you seen Clover?” He asked cami and she shaked her heads.

” Have you?” He turned to Leigh.

” Do I look like I’m related to him?” Leigh spat.

” A yes or No will do”

” Maybe I do, but I won’t tell you” She spat and kai looked at her boringly.

” You are boring, leigh”

” Oh yea, so what makes you exciting. Huh?. Get a life!”

” Like yours?. Ew, I’ll rather pass” He scoffed and Leigh fisted her hand.

” I’ll just excuse you guys first so I don’t get knocked out” Cami said and left the two of them there.

” Can you excuse me so I can pass?” Kai asked.

” Like the road is too slim?. You’re not even fat, but you’re ugly” She spat.

” Your comebacks are lame, leigh. You need to go upgrade it and upgrade your sense cos you’re way behind time” He spat and walked past her quickly.

Leigh gasped and bit her lips so hard that it left bruises. She brought out her phone and went straight to the search engine.

* Nice comebacks to render to a lame guy* She typed and a smile curved on her cheeks as it gave her answer to all her questions.



Cami left school and saw a familiar car. The door opened and lexi stooped out.

” Ah” Cami gasped and used her book to hide her face as she turned around.

Lexi leaned on the car as she took out her phone and cami slowly checked if she was there.

” Oh no, she is” She gasped. ” What’s she searching for here” She thought.

” Cami” Taylor said and cami saw her coming down the stairs already.

” Miss taylor” She gasped as the book dropped off her hands.

” Your mom is here. Come, let’s go meet her” She said and cami let out a hot sigh as she left with her.

They arrived in front of her and cami hid behind Taylor nervously.

” Lexi, she’s here” She said and lexi raised her chin. She stared at cami for a while.

” Cami. You’ll be following me home today and not my home, to your new home” She said and cami stepped out.

” New home?” She gasped.

” Um…Cami. I forgot to tell you about this, but don’t worry, you’ll be fine. You should follow your mom” Taylor said, resting her hand on her shoulder.

” There’s too much closeness!” Lexi scoffed and Taylor stepped some feet away from her.

” In the car cami. Now!” Lexi spat as she turned around to get into the driver seat.

” Bye!” Taylor smiled but cami got into the car without responding back.


Clover looked up from his phone and he saw Lexi step in with cami.

Edward was sitting at the other seat and he stood up immediately they walked in.

” Finally. The family is complete” He smiled. Cami eyes struck at clover who was at the other sofa and her heart started racing.

” This is my new home?” Cami asked her mom.

” Don’t ask me like i didn’t inform you in the first place.” Lexi scoffed and turned to a maid standing nearby. ” Please lead her to her room.”

” No. I’m not going anywhere. This is not my home!” She cried as tears filled her eyes.

” Cami, I don’t want to hit you. Do as I say!” Lexi yelled and her nose went red in anger.

” I h@ťě you!” She cried in pain. She ran away towards the stairs and the maid went after before leading her away.

Lexi turned to Edward.

” Have you injected him?” She asked, refering to Clover who was busy on his phone.

” Of course” Edward replied with a nod and lexi grinned satisfyingly.

” I’ll be in my room then and wait for result” She said before walking out.

Clover raised himself up and stretched out.

” I’m heading to my room dad” He said and went straight to Cami’s room. He met her crying on the bed and he sat next to her.

” Hey” He looked at her eyes.

” You’d better take away your ugly face or I erase it myself!” She spat in tears.

” I understand. It’s not our choice but we can’t do anything about it” His voice spoke deeply.

” We have to!. I don’t even like you. I just wanna go home back to Flora” She cried and he kept staring at her.

” I’ll be in bed” He said and climbed up to sleep.

” We’re sharing a room?. I thought you had yours!” She spat but he ignored her.

She bit her lip and crawled on the bed but adjusted away, giving them some space.

Soon, a strong arm surrounded her body and her eyes widened.

” Hey!” She tried to push him off.

” Shh” He hushed her.

” Stop!. Let go of me!” She spat and his lips met hers immediately and he stared kissing her hungrily.

Soon, He took the duvet above them.


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