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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Bad boy’s

baby ?






“Touch her, I dare you,” Abigail fold her fist tightly and position herself

Agatha looked at her confused, sudden Abigail stepped on her toes and nodded

“Oh, yes, I dare you,” Agatha also balled her fist, she looked at Abigail then at the strangers

“I can’t fight, it’s against my faith,” she said, more in a whisper

“You will learn,” Abigail said, not taking her eyes off Sebastian

Sebastian chuckled, the two girls in front of him is really funny

“Even this chewing gum wants to fight,” He pointing at Agatha, clapping his hands together, he couldn’t stop laughing

“Is she the one?” Sebastian asked one of his boys, his gaze fixed on Melody

“Yes, I saw Dem twice,” he replied and Sebastian nodded

“Let’s go,”



A blue Lamborghini stopped at the lot and all the students turned to have a clear view of it

To their surprise, Melody came out from it wearing sunglasses, a blue heels matching her outfit

PIGGY FAT was boldly written on the back of her blouse, she has a cake in her right her and a baseball bat in her left her

She’s tired of their bull$h|t

“Melo,” Agatha called out to her

“You look fire,” Abigail added heartily, seeing the look on Melody’s face she pouted like a kid

“Come on, I’m sorry, how long do you want me to apologize? I told you my phone was hacked,” Abigail said gently


Melody ignore her and start waking away, for the past week she has been avoiding everyone

“Please don’t h@ťě me, you know I love you,” Abigail hugged her from behind

“Melo, are you Mrs. Stone?” Agatha joked and her lips curved into a smile

“It really hurts” she mumbled

Abigail held her jaw, caressing her face softly

“I would have kissed you…..”


“I’m not gay,” Abigail chuckled

“Thought as much,”

Agatha made to take the bat from her but she held it tightly till they entered the class

“It’s Piggy Fat,” Derek shouted, getting everyone’s attention

Melody passed her cake to Abigail who was beside and climbed the chair right in front of her

“It’s Piggy fat!!!!!” She screamed, turning her back so they could see it

Everyone exchange glances

“What? Thought we were calling out to Piggy Fat?” She asked staring from one person to another

A lecturer walked in and everyone settled down



Nick is currently in his office, he had another fight with his mother again all because of Natalie his girlfriend

He didn’t seem to get why his mother does like her, Natalie is pretty and she has all the curves and he loves her so much, why can’t his mother understand?

His office door slowly cracked Open and Bex came in, she had been restless for the past week, coming to a conclusion to keep her baby but she has to get a name for it

“Nick, can we talk?” Bex asked, trying not to sound worried

He didn’t even spare her a glance


“Am I having a meeting?” He asked, cutting her off

“No,” she shook her head negatively

Nick stared at her for a while and exhale, he shouldn’t be too mean to the poor lady, she’s not the case of his problem

“What is it?” He asked staring at her

Bex gulped, taking a few steps closer

“I’m pregnant,” she said with confidence

Nick squeezed up his face, what is she talking about?


“You’re the father,” she added

He dropped his phone on his office desk and sat up, Nick stared closely at her face and burst out laughing

“You’re funny, you got me, you’re really funny….”

“I am, but it’s not,” she cut him off

“Wait, you’re kidding right?” He still didn’t want to believe it, what is she even talking about?

“I had s*x with you…..”

“You forced yourself on me,” he correct instantly

She gulped nervously

“Okay, we spent a night together and I’m pregnant, you are responsible,” she said, with seriousness

He scoffed

“Are you high? Like, how much are you doing this for?” He asked

“Nickolas, I’m pregnant and this child inside me belongs to you….”

“It doesn’t belong to me, we spent a night together, we did it once, okay? It was a one-night stand in case you have forgotten if the person that got you pregnant denied it and you now want to pin it on me, it won’t work cos that thing is not mine,” He yelled, pointing his index finger at her


“Get out of my office,” he snapped, angrily

Bex nodded, turning around she came across Glassman by the door, his mouth was slightly open out of shock

It’s obvious he heard them

“Nick, what’s happening?” He asked, somehow he felt hurt

“Women, they will do anything for money, if she was that desperate or in need of money why not just say it,” Nick said angrily, he was so furious

“Keep it cool bro, chill,”

“Remember the girl I told you that clung on me at 5-star hotel,” he asked and Glassman nodded

“It’s her, just a night and she’s pregnant, seriously? How low,” he scoffed, falling back to his chair



Melody was walking over to the cafe when a hand suddenly pulled her from behind, dragging her into an empty classroom

“What?” She forcefully took her hand from whoever it was before looking at the person’s face

Turns out it was Michael, She rolled her eyes and scoffed

She actually visited them as Masked Melody just to let him know how disappointed she was in him for treating the poor girl the way he did

“I wanna talk?” Micheal said gently, it was so hard for him but For the sake of Masked Melody he will do anything

Melody folded her hand under her breath, looking at her side

“Make it quick,” she rolled and scoffed

“I… I emmm… I want to apologize for treating you the way I did,” he said calmly, more like a gentleman

She looked at him, squeezing up her face

“Okay, what are you waiting for? Apologize then? Or should I go?” She was so mad at him, how dare he?

“I emm… I wanted to that say that em… I mean I’m,” he ran his hand through his hair

His pride was just too much, it won’t let him

“I wanted to say that I’m… I emm, I… Nevermind,” he said, pocketing his hand

“You can’t say sorry? Just because you think you’re too big or what? The word is heavy in your mouth? I thought you were better,” she shoved him out of the way and walked off

“d@mn, Melody I can’t apologize to a low life,” he groans frustratingly

Michael walked out, he was still walking down the hallway when he came across Georgia

She quickly arranges her clothes, pushing up her B-__-bies, dragging his skirt up

“Michael,” she called seductively

He looked at her

“I’m having problems with my studies so I was wondering if you could help since you’re a senior,” she said pouting

He ignored her and walked past, she ran after him and grabbed her hand, Michael forcefully took his hand from her

She fell on her b*tt

“Gosh,” he hissed, he didn’t even bother to stop

“We can be f-__-k buddies,” she shouted, loud enough for him to hear it

Michael stopped instantly, turning his face to her, Georgia was already on her feet, staring impatiently at him

Without saying a word he walked away



“Hey, can I join?” Clara asked with a smile, staring from Abigail to Agatha

Agatha shook her head negatively but Abigail nodded sweetly

“Yes please,” Abigail said, smiling

“Thank you beautiful,” Clara replied, smiling cutely

Abigail found herself blushing, did she just call her beautiful? So sweet

“I’m Clara….”

“Who doesn’t know the devil’s brothers? CARRINGTON celebrities,” Agatha cut in, shutting her up

“I don’t,” a voice cut in from behind

They all turned to see a girl walking over to their table

“Hi, I’m Lilly, a new student. Mind if I join?” She asked, already pulling out for herself

“That’s for Melo,” Abigail said, pointing at the chair

“She can always have another one,” Clara winked at her



“Each of my students is geniuses, just that they haven’t discovered their talents,” Professor Owen said

“Oh please, stop deceiving yourself, your class is F, failures class Owen,” Professor Michelle turned to the principals

“If we leave her in that class they will wipe her Brain,” She added

Professor Michelle wants to take Melody into another class but Professor Owen objected

“I think Michelle is right…..”

“Why? Because she’s your daughter?” He asked the principal who is a woman who raised her brows

“Excuse me”

“Class F has never achieved anything, not even by mistake, and the only person that will make the students see their bright futures you want to take that person away, none of my students is leaving my classroom, you can fire me to make that happen,” he walked away instantly, he was so mad that them


“Gather everyone, let’s see how big her brain can function, she will be challenging the upper class, Michael, Barry, Charles, and Clara,” the principal cut her off

“You didn’t add Lucas, Agatha….”

“Do that yourself,”


Barry chuckled after checking his phone, he just got a message from his private investigator that Agatha went to church so he’s going there

“Where are you going?” Charles asked, watching as he arranges his shirt

Clara looked up from her phone, she is currently chatting with Abigail

“Church,” he replied simply

They exchange glances

“Since when did you start going to church?” Meghan asked, descending the stairs

There is a secret room in their classroom

“Since I meet a p@zzy, I haven’t f-__-ked for a week,” He replied and grabbed his car keys

“I’m still surprised,” Meghan Crossed her legs

“Where is Micheal by way,” she asked, looking around

“Principal office,” Charles also stood up, going over to the door




“Bend over!” The assassin ordered speaking through a robot

With trembling hands she pulled down her trouser, tears rolling down her eyes as she does that


“Alright… Alright, just don’t hurt me please,” she nodded, shaking with fear, a student’s corpse was right on the floor

Blood was all over her desk, the books on her desk were covered with blood and her clothes were stained too

The assassin ki||ed him

“Your p@zzy has been paid for,” he grabbed her waist

“Have you no honor?” Melody’s voice came from the door, she actually came cos Professor Michelle requested to see her

They both stare at her

“Telling a woman to bend over for you to rape her, what if she was your mother? Or sister? Or maybe your child will you do the same?” She asked boldly, she didn’t know where the boldness came from but she wasn’t scared

“Do you have any idea what I could do to you?” Came a dark voice

Melody trail her eyes to the dead body on the floor, then at the assassin before

“ki|| me?” She asked nonchalantly

“No sweetheart, I will make you suffer pain so unimaginable,” the assassin replied, letting go of Michelle

She chuckled and gave her lower lips a hard bite, nearly wounding herself

“Do you know what pain is? Pain is when you torture me without touching me, that pain that will take over you, inner pain that makes you bleed out without anymore hitting, cutting, stabbing, or torturing you, the pain will do it. that pain that will change your mood, making you dance to its tone, it will tell you to sit down and you will do just that but it will say “Ooh, I said sit down and you went and relax, now lay down, you will do that but it will tell you to hug your tummy, you will still do that and it will tell you to stop and stand up. a pain that comes with blood, a pain that if it didn’t come you will ask why? Asking yourself questions of why it didn’t come, some people will be happy for not seeing it and some will be sad, you know why? cos you can’t do without it. a pain that comes whenever it wants, if it didn’t come you will beg it to come and when it finally comes you will shade tears, begging it to go, so painful that it doesn’t have a cure, it’s always there, no medication can cure it but it can be appealed by medicine, a pain that even after it’s gone the blood that comes with it will stay with you for days before going back to prepare for another comeback, that is pain!” She shouted at his face while stepping closer

“So which pain are you talking about?” She asked, stopping right before him

“Out,” The assassin ordered, dragging Professor Michelle up

She quickly ran out with shaky legs, she didn’t even bother to pull up her trousers as her life was more important

With a swift move the assassin gripped Melody’s hand, throwing her through the window, he jumped

“Argh!!!” Melody screamed, landing in someone’s arms

Simon gently kept her back to her feet

“I will get the car,” he left

“What? Are you gonna ki|| me now?” Melody ranted, she wasn’t scared, to her no one is more scary than goddess so she has seen scared, and scared has seen her

Taking his hand to his mask he took it off

Melody gasped, she was shocked to the core

“Renzo,” it came as a whisper, he quickly covered her mouth, pulling her to a corner

“You’re an assassin?” She asked, her eyes widening

He was silent

“Of all the things, you choose to be an assassin, do you even have a conscience?” She asked, staring directly into his eyes


“You have the heart to ki||…”

“I do not have a heart,” he cut her off, his robot does the talking

She looked at his face, slowly moving closer to him, Melody place her hand on his chest, she could feel his heartbeat as she does that

“Everyone has a heart,” she said, calmly this time around

“Not me, have ki||ed more than 500 people, inside and outside Vargas, that’s why they call me Devil,” he replied expressionlessly

Melody gulped, she looked up a little, staring at his face, and gently lowering her head placing it on his chest

A minute went bye

“It says hello,” she said with a smile, lifting her head off his chest, their eyes met

“Fake, there is no heart,” Lorenzo mumbled gently, he didn’t know why but something about her seem odd and he can’t just comprehend it

“Check mine,” she said, she took his hand and place it on her chest

Feeling the softness of her B-__-bs he looked at her

“Go on, check,” she said, urging him

Lorenzo held her shoulder before gently placing his head on her chest, his eyes went shut instantly

“Can you feel it?” She asked after a few minutes

He was silent

“Renzo?” She called trying to shift back but he held her tightly, pulling her closer

“Just a little longer, it feels so good over here and I think my worries are gone…..”

TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

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