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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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? Bad boy’s

baby ?






Slowly the line on the monitor which goes up and down began showing a straight line

The person pressed the pillow hard, pushing her head down as if trying to bury her face inside the bed.

“What the f-__-k!!!” Nickolas’s voice came from behind as he jacked the unknown away from her, pushing him against the wall

Nickolas didn’t hear the sound coming from the life-supporting machine when he went into the restroom to do his business, he heard it the first time he went in there so why the difference now?

He wanted to be the first person she do see when she woke up, he didn’t want her to have the thought of being left alone so he rushed back only to behold the ungodly act of a masked guy

The guy punched his face but he dodged and returned the punch, the guy grabbed his hand blocking it, he twisted Nickolas’s arm before pulling it forward, he punched his lower rib and Nickolas let out a groan

Seven consecutive punches landed on his face, bursting his lips, with a bloody mouth Nickolas staggered back.

blood spilling out from his mouth. The guy reached for his gun, but Nickolas kicked it out from his hand, it fell near the door and the guy rushed towards it, but Nickolas leaped forward, jumping on him.

They both went down, the loud noise attracted the notice of the guards by the door and two guards rushed in immediately

Upon seeing the guards he pushed Nickolas off, heading towards the windows with the thought of jumping down but the floor was high above, and him falling out through the window meant certain death.

He turned back only to see more than six guards staring at him

“Bex,” Nickolas called rushing towards her

He didn’t have the time for this intruder, his main concern was her if she was okay. If she was still breathing?

He took his hand to her nose but couldn’t sense anything, wave of fear rushed through him as his heart thundered against his chest.

Ten minutes later

“I’m sorry sir, she didn’t make it,” the chief surgeon said sadly

Nickolas chuckled like a maniac

“She will make it, you just have to tell her that I will wait for her right here until she wakes up….”

“Sir, she has passed away….” Nickolas pushed past him stopping right before her, he pressed his both hands on her chest pushing it as if to give her life

“Baby wake up,” he said pushing his hands against her chest, he continues pushing it but she made no attempt


“Turn on the d@mn machine!!” he yelled at the nurse, cutting her off

She hurriedly did as she was told, they are rich and they are paying for it anyway.

“Baby, what am I gonna do with six kids? They are too much for me alone and your mother won’t even let me have them,” he whimpered pushing against her chest

He was already tired but he didn’t stop, he wanted her to open her eyes, he couldn’t deal with the thought of not seeing her smiling face again, her beautiful eyes and her black hair, the way she always teased him.

Everything about her is so lovely, he has always dreamt of having her in his arms, having her submit to his every command as he drove his long hard thick Ç0çƙ inside her, filling her to the top until she begs him to stop.


“Shut up, she can’t leave me, she has to wake up,” Nickolas said midst tears

“Time of death?” The chief surgeon asked

“3:12,” another replied and he nodded while a nurse jolted it down

“Wake up, wake up!!! Baby wake up!! Please come back to me,” he leaned on her chest sobbing

“I have been a bad guy, please don’t punish me this way,” he raised his head and continues pushing her hands against her chest, he blow air into her mouth giving her CPR as if she had fallen into the ocean

“It’s over sir….”

“It’s not over Until I say it’s over, okay? No one will take her from me, not even death!” he shouted.

Filled with rage. He pounded his hand on her chest, so hard that the doctor near him almost pulled him away, but the fear of touching a billionaire didn’t let him.

“Wake up!!!!” he yelled with a loud bang against her chest,

Bex gasped taking everyone by surprise.

The doctor’s jaw dropped as they stare in astonishment, shocked to the core

“I have never seen anything like this since my seventeen years of experience as a doctor,” the chief surgeon exclaimed

“Your love must be really strong,” he added, watching as Nickolas held her tightly in his arms, her head resting on his hard chest with her hand crossed around him

Pulling her closer, he kissed her forehead

“Nickolas” She called in a whispered and he lowered his gaze to her

“Don’t ever scare me like that again,” he kissed her forehead again while running his hand through her face

“Were you crying?” She slowly looked up at his face and he wipe his tears, shaking his head negatively

“No, I’m not crying,” he replied but balls of tears came rolling off his eyes “I guess I get caught,” he chuckled and sniffed



“That’s not what happened, let me explain Christiane….”

“Call me that one more time and I will put a bullet through your skull,” Goddess snarled, a gun to his hand with her hand fixed on the trigger

“Please,” His father’s wife whimpered

“Shut up,” she sneered kicking her face but Jeremy’s leg blocked the way and their legs collided

“It was you, you made him leave his family behind….”

“I didn’t know that he was still married,” she said breathlessly

“Lier, you think I’m gonna take that $h|t?” Goddess spat, anger Washing over her

“Why? I just wanna know why you had kids if you weren’t gonna take care of them?” She asked, gritting her teeth

“I was five when you f-__-king left, chasing after p@zzy and mother blamed me for it, I got married…no she sold me at 13….”

“I’m so sorry,” her father apologizes, in tears

“Sorry?” She asked and scoffed

“Any last words?” Goddess position herself

Jeremy walked over and held her shoulders

“Listen to him,” he said softly, he didn’t know why, but he believed them.


“Just listen,” he persuaded

“You don’t tell me what to do…”

“Just listen!!!” He fired back, standing on the way with the gun positioned at his chest

She let out a breath

“Fine, make it brief,” she lowered her gun

“I came back but your mother didn’t let me see either of you, her boyfriend thr_@tened to take my life if I ever show my face to her again so I had to leave, I later came back after a few years, when I had already built myself. I was ready to face her and her boyfriend but I didn’t see you, okay? I only saw Richard laying on the couch, wrapped up with a bandage around his chest, his breathing was fading and I check the whole building but I didn’t see anyone, scared that he might not make it if I keep staying there, I took him to the city with me, when he woke up I asked about you, but he had Amnesia, I went back with the cops in search of you but your mother said you died, she showed me your grieve and I couldn’t help but cry….. I’m so sorry,” he explained shading tears

“Crap!! You see, what is this?” She asked staring at Jeremy

“What is what?” He asked confused

“The stunt he’s pulling, you think am gonna believe……” Her word was cut shut and she froze at the sight of the person by the doorway

His dark hair, his straight face, charming smile, and cute gray eyes, this can’t be her Richard, or was it?

“Dad, Mom what is this? And who are you two? Why are my parents tied up like criminals?” The guy asked walking fully into the room

That voice.

“Richard,” she called more like a question and he glance up at her, it was as if time stopped cos they were both staring at each other

A minute passed

“Christiane,” he called surprised, it was as if his brain was restored as memories came rushing in like a busy road

She couldn’t believe it, it was him, her Bro-Dad, he’s standing in front of her looking all different

“Bro-Dad,” tears of Joy wave through her as streams of tears came rushing down her cheeks

“You came back,” he took a step forward, slow but steady, tears welling up in his eyes as he approached her

“My little princess,” he cupped her face “I was gonna build a castle for you…..” Before he could finish, she ran Into his arms and he embrace her in a tight hug

So tight that Jeremy would have pulled her away from such an embrace if not that he was her long-lost big brother

Mr & Mrs. Waller couldn’t help but cry as the siblings melted into each other’s arms



Today is the final day of judgment for the unknown which turns out to be Jacob

Two cops brought him before the judge and the grand jury.

“Mr. Jacob, I find you guilty of attempted murder in the first degree, prison break in the first degree, and assault in the second degree, I hereby sentence you to 57 years imprisonment, this case is dismissed,” the judge hit the gravel once

Jacob was silent, wallowing in guilt as the cops took him away


Lorenzo and Melody finally got married but Goddess didn’t attend their wedding, she only care about the little one Lolisa

Though Lorenzo has tried to prove himself she still didn’t like him

Sebastian kicked it off with Lilly and they are now a couple.

Simon left the city but he ran into Agatha’s cousin who looks just like her, it started like a friendship but they are official couple now.

Barry and Agatha have two kids already and they are expecting their third one

Selena died in an accident while Georgia apologize to Melody, she built a relationship with Michael and they are hoping to establish it in the future

Rose is with Derek

Clara and Abigail adopted two kids, a boy and a girl and they are still dating, planning to grow their family in the future

Two weeks after Bex woke up she met her friend, Arianna, after their discussion Arianna had to run back to Glassman and reclaim him before someone else does and she was lucky cos there was still vacant

Nickolas and Bex are together but half of the kids spend most of their time with Goddess while the other three are currently staying with Mrs Miller, Bex and Nickolas are officially free couple with no kids


“What?” Desiree shouted, staring at her brother

“I’m pregnant?” Little Edwin replied, showing her the paper in his hand

“Gimme that,” she snatched the paper from him, is he crazy or something? How can a boy be pregnant?

The door opened instantly and Edward

“Who’s pregnant?” He asked staring from one person to another

“Easy Desiree, I’m with child,” he said with concern

“I’m gonna be an uncle,” Edward giggled excitedly

“You’re not gonna be an uncle!!!!” Desiree shouted at him

“Then who’s gonna teach a little guy how to ride a bike?” He asked making a face

Desiree took in a deep breath, trying to calm down, they were driving her insane, how can a boy be pregnant?

“Edward, get out,” she said pointing at the door

“You know I’m gonna be an uncle, Edwin is pregnant….”

“Get out!!!” She screamed at him

Desiree jammed the door before turning to Edwin

“Calm down Desiree, I’m with child remember?” Edwin said, his both hand wrapping around his tummy like a protective Dad.

“You’re not pregnant Edwin,”

“But why am I so moody and nauseous? I think it’s the morning sickness,” he said worriedly

“Eddie, you’re a boy,” Desiree said trying to make sense

His face lit up instantly

“That’s correct, I am a boy and it’s scientifically impossible for me to…… Ow!!!” He shouted slightly bending a little with his hand wrapped around his tummy.

“What??” Desiree asked

“I think the baby just kicked,” he turned his face to her and she finally lost it

“You’re not pregnant!!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs


The whole family gathered around the big dining table as they eat and laughed

Stacy had arranged the family gathering and everyone was present

Jeremy sat at the center while Goddess sat at his right-hand side, and Nickolas was at his left-hand side with Bex beside him

Richard sat at the other end of the dining facing Jeremy

Zion and Melody fighting who will seat beside their mother

“Can you tell your wife to grow up and leave me alone,” Goddess said referring to Lorenzo who looked up at her

Melody pouted

“Take your grown @zz to your husband and stop fighting for me as if I’m a new hot chick you would love to f-__-k senseless…..”

“Mom!!!!” Melody screamed embarrassed

Marcus just Chuckled and the lady he came with couldn’t help but smile

Stacy was about to say something when Edward and Edwin ran into the dining hall, Desiree coming after them

“I’m pregnant!” Edwin announced to everyone

“You’re not pregnant!!!” Desiree screamed coming towards them

“I’m gonna be an aunt,” Lolisa, Melody’s little girl said excitedly

Everyone exchange glances

“I’m pregnant and the baby is kicking….”

“Someone should tell him that a boy can’t be pregnant!!!!!!!!!”

They leave happily ever after


You guys have been the Best so far, thank you for all your love and support

Thanks for reading

Brought to you by Rosy Johnson ✍?

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