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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MASKED MELODY – Episode 27

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? Bad boy’s

baby ?





EPISODES 51 & 52


Arianna fell on the couch, resting her head on the sofa headrest while staring into space

She just didn’t get it, why is she thinking too much about Glassman? He doesn’t even seem to notice her so why can’t she let go of him?

“I don’t wanna do this, I don’t wanna be the reason for her pain she’s had been through a lot already,” she mumbled dejectedly

“What do I do?”



Clara stood with the audience staring at Abigail who was performing with Austin, the way their body moved against each other was just perfect

A painful smile erupt on her lips as she watch them from where she stood

“She’s happy, I should be also,” She mumbled sadly

It wasn’t long before the drama came to an end and she stood, walking out from there

Abigail on the other hand saw her leaving, she didn’t wait for the director to finish his speech, she rushed out off the stage, blocking Clara in the hallway

“Hey,” Clara Moved back a little when she saw her

“Hey,” Clara uttered and gulped

“You came for my practice, thank you,” Abigail said with a light smile lingering on her lips

Clara was silent, staring at her red-pink lips, she badly wanted to eat her lips. To s*ck those lips of hers, she tasted just like blueberry.

“I was wondering if we could go back to being friends, I know it might be uncomfortable for you but I don’t like distance, it hurts. I just don’t wanna lose my friendship,” Abigail said hurtfully

Clara was lost staring at her lips that she didn’t utter a word

“Clara,” Abigail tapped her gently on her shoulder

She jolted back to reality

“Can I kiss you?” She asked, blinking twice

Abigail opened her mouth to talk but no word came out from her mouth, Clara slowly took her hand to her neck whilst staring directly into her eyes

Her eyes hold so much desire and passion.

“Abby,” they both heard Austin’s voice from behind

Clara shifted back a little

“Hey, director asked us to practice together so I was wondering if you could come over to my place,” He said, wishing she could just say yes

She looked at Clara and then back at Austin before taking her gaze to Clara again

“I should go,” Clara mumbled and walked away

“Yeah, sure,” Abigail replied and Austin smiled



Jeremy and Melody walked back to the car smiling all the way

“Thank you, Daddy,” She said, seeing the look on his face she burst out laughing

She laughed so hard, throwing her head backward

“You’re becoming what I can’t fathom,” Jeremy said and she giggled

“Your mother has been calling you and you won’t pick up, why are you so stubborn?” He asked, taking his eyes off the road

He stared at her and focus back on the road

“What do you think? I look just like her,” Melody replied

“I see,”

“Yeah, I do,”

“Can you get her to dance?” He suddenly asked

She was surprised to hear that but she didn’t think much of it

“Mom?” Melody asked and he nodded

“have never seen her smile genuinely let alone dance, that’s if she was truly a dancer,” she rolled her eyes

Jeremy chuckled

“She was, a very good one,”

“You don’t mean that do you?”

“Try getting her to dance and see for yourself,” he replied simply

She frowned jealously

“Hey, I’m also a dancer okay, besides she can’t dance more than me,” she shouted jealously

“Of course you’re,”

“I am!!!”

“It’s not a fight, you’re a dancer that’s correct but I can’t admire you,” He replied gently

They drove into the huge mansion

“Uh, you’re hitting on Mom,” Melody said emphasizing the word “Mom”

“I didn’t say that,”

“Then why would you want to see her dance?” She asked curiously

“I never said I wanted to see,”

“A big fat lie,”

“Kid, it’s complicated,” he said, alighting from his car

Melody went down from the other side

“Alright, what’s in it for me?” She asked, with a straight face


“A million dollars,”


She was shocked like she wasn’t expecting him to agree

“Are you that desperate?” She asked

They are waking side by side

“Just do your job and don’t ask questions?” He groans frustratingly

“Yes boss,” she chuckled, going into Goddess’s room without knocking

“Bestie,” Goddess’s voice came by the window

Melody could hardly see a thing, the whole room was covered with flames of smokes

“Mom, I heard my sister came so where is she?” Melody asked, she walked over to her and hugged her from behind

Wrapped her hand around her waist while placing her head on her back

Goddess slowly released her hold, turning to her

Melody held her tightly, now resting her head on her belly.

slowly reach for the ashtray, Goddess put off the light on her weed, she dropped her weed before gently stroking her hair

“Her name is Bex, she went out with Stacy,” Goddess replied

“Bex,” Melody looked up

“What does that mean? Like Batman or something?” She asked frowning

“Ask her when you see her,” Goddess made to release her hold on her but Melody held tightly

“Mom, can you dance for me?” Melody looked up at her face



“Why do you want me to?”

“I just wanna see,”

“See me twerking or shaking my @zz? Which one?” She asked and Melody pouted

You’re so hard to deal with.

“Mom, remember when you said something about the Balls?” Melody asked, changing the topic.

They walked over and sat on the bed

“What balls?”

“The balls, you said em… The ball……That….. That the balls….”

“Are you asking me how to give a b|__wj_b? You wanna start s*cking Ďïčk?” Goddess looked closely at her face

Filled with embarrassment, Melody looked away

She slowly turned her face only to see goddess staring at her, she quickly buried her face in her palms

“Mom, come on,” she pouted, not able to maintain eyes contact

“You hold it like this,” goddess slightly covered her left palm

Melody looked at her and frowned

“What will you do with the other hand?” Melody inquired, referring to her right hand

Goddess started moving it back and forth as if stroking a Ďïčk


“That’s not all, your mouth and tongue….”

“I think we should stop here,” Melody said cutting in

“Create a little space in your palm that only the Ďïčk can penetrate and….”

“Mom, grow up!!!” Melody screamed, covering her ears

Goddess chuckled

“Did you have s*x?” she asked, staring suspiciously at her


“Tell me if you do cos if I find out by myself it won’t be funny,” Goddess added

“Mom please,”

“Tomorrow we are going to see a doctor,” Goddess stood, heading to the cellar

“For what?”

“I’m placing you on birth control…..”

“Mom, you can’t do that,” Melody shouted, also on her feet

“I wasn’t asking for permission,” Goddess said, pouring herself a drink.

“Dress up, we are having a visitor tonight,” Goddess added, sipping from her drink

She made to light a cigarette but seeing Melody there she dropped it back

“You will stop being Masked Melody in a week time,” she suddenly said

“I will show my face to the world???” Melody couldn’t believe it, finally, she’s gonna stop wearing masks wherever she goes

“Yeah, ”



“Aggie you’re a Christian, right?” Simon asked and she nodded

The whole class was quiet, Agatha was standing on the left side while Simon stood on the right

Agatha represents Group A while Simon is representing Group B

“Yes, I am,” she replied nodding her head in support

“So what do you do with your time every day?” Derek asked from the audience

“Silence,” Professor Michelle said authorizingly

Everywhere kept quiet

“Let him talk,” the chancellor ordered and Professor Michelle looked at her

“But it’s….”

“If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask, we are here to learn and Agatha is the Christians representative so she should answer the question,” she added

All eyes fell on Agatha

“Well, my day starts when I wake up in the morning, I would say a short prayer and prepare for school, after school, I would go to the library to read and during the evening I would go to church,” she replied

“You never get tired of going to church? Cos we all get tired of doing some certain things at some a certain time, right class,” Simon asked


“That’s correct”

Agatha cleared her throat and everyone kept quiet

“Have you ever gotten tired of waking up in the morning?” She returned the question

Everyone started murmuring

Simon chuckled

“Smart question,” he thought silently

“Why do Christians pray?” Selena asked from the back

“Why do you breath?” Agatha returned the question

Selena and Georgia exchange glances

“Cos I need air to survive,” she replied

“You have your answer,” Agatha said and she raised her brows

“Praying is a waste of time, so how will you convince me to start believing in your God and not in science?” Simon asked, grinning

“First, praying is the only way you communicate with God cos he’s not a man, now lemme asked you this, if you’re inside an airplane and the pilot started having some challenges or one of the tanks outside caught fire or there is a thunderstorm outside which cos your airplane to shake what’s the first thing that comes into your mind?” She asked staring from one person to another.




“Oh my God,”

The crowd began murmuring amongst themselves

“You still haven’t told us why those who believe in science should stop believing in it and believe in God,” Derek said amongst the crowd

“First of all, science is good, yeah, but there is something they haven’t discovered, as we all know the planet Earth is up above, it’s in an irregularly shaped ellipsoid., Right?” She asked staring at Simon

He nodded

“When you dug a hole on the wall, it creates a space for you to see through, when you hit a plank, it creates a hole for you to see through but have you ever dug deep in the ground and it creates space for you to see through another planet? Or the space? Isn’t Earth up above with nothing holding it? Then why can’t you be able to dig a hole until you see through it?” She asked

Simon was silent

“Think about it, that’s it from me, thank you.” She said, turning to their invigilators, she slightly bowed and went down the stage

“Our two participants did great, tomorrow is Thanksgiving so we will continue after Thanksgiving,” the vice chancellor said

The student started exiting the hall one after one

“Hey, here is it,” Lilly gave Simon a small box

Inside the box was a gold bracelet

“Okay, I’m a little bit nervous,” he said and inhaled

She pats his shoulder gently

“It’s just asking a lady out….”

“What if she rejects me???”

“What if she feels the same, give it a shot,” she said and nodded

“You’re right, I got this,” Simon said smiling, he can’t wait to ask her out

“Aggie,” Abigail shouted and hugged her tightly

“Hey,” Agatha gently pushed her off

“Group A winning, I love you,” Abigail said, blowing her kisses

“Crazy,” Agatha mumbled

Just then Rose walked up to them with a sad face

“Hey,” she waved, staring from one person to another

Agatha and Abigail exchange glances

The loud roars from the students caught their attention, taking their gaze to where the noise was coming from they saw Barry, Charles, Clara, Michael, and Meghan

“What’s happening?” Agatha asked no one in particular

“I have no idea,” Abigail replied

“Agatha, can I have a sec please,” Simon said from behind

She looked at Simon, turning to the band group only to see Barry by her side

“Dude, can you wait? I wanna talk to her,” Simon said, staring at Barry

Barry fixed his hand on his guitar, totally ignoring him

“Hit it,” Barry said pointing at Charles who started hitting the drums they came with


My heart is a rollercoaster

It’s running fast for you

Hear my thoughts

In every lyric

And sing along to my beat

Cos this melody is meant for you


Let’s go


If I become too obsessed

Will You fling me away

Like some pie of trash?

Cos I can’t get you off my head

You seem like my sleep pill

And all I ask is

Don’t get mad at me

I might be a Ďïčk, a pervert

Or maybe an @zzhole


Yeah! Come on

Sing along

Let’s go!


I used to, used to, used to, used to

Now I’m over that

Cos this is the last girl

that caught me in her net

? Michael?

Yeah! Yeah!!

Come on, let’s go


I only pray you never leave me behind

Cos good music can be

so hard to find

The song came to an end and the students clapped for them.

“Holy$h|t!!!” Abigail turned to Agatha whose cheeks were as red as tomatoes

“Girl, he was like ” I used to… Used to …. Used to aww, now I’m jealous,” Abigail said smiling

d@mn! It was so lovely.

“Hey, come with me,” Barry took Agatha’s hand, leading her out of the place, before she could even say a word

“Where are we going?” She asked from behind

He opened the car door and she went in

“Paradise baby, paradise!!” Barry replied, he whined down his glass window, sticking out his tongue at Simon who was rushing towards them

He Zoomed off.



Melody is currently bathing when Lorenzo came in through the window

Slowly he reached for the door handle, twisting it gently before pushing the door open

Walking into the bathroom with the thought of hugging her from behind, but he didn’t see her

He looked around

“I heard her voice here,” he mumbled, suddenly his eyes caught the door that was slightly opened

Out of curiosity, he went in

Lorenzo froze at the door by what he saw, he couldn’t believe it, is that why he felt the same way for two women?

Standing right before him was Melody, her mask was in her hand and she was stank naked

Her costume was right on the bed, Lorenzo run his eyes through her

Her tummy was flat, her hips were outstanding, her @zz was huge, and, her B-__-bies, d@mn! She’s hot

But that wasn’t his concern at the moment, she lied to him. He told her everything about him but she has been living a lie.

Memories came rushing into his head

“I give it up….”

“Renzo,” Lilly called shocked

“I can’t let my brother marry the woman I love so I’m choosing her over the leadership,” Lorenzo replied, with a straight face

“Do you have any idea what you’re doing?” Pablo asked In his deep scary voice

“I understand that I will serve him as long as I live,” Lorenzo replied almost immediately

Both Simon and Lilly couldn’t believe their ears

“Renzo… Renzo,” Melody called, moving closer

He shifted back

This is the same woman he promised to k*ll, the same person he promised to protect with his life, he still didn’t want to believe it.


TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

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