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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MASKED MELODY – Episode 22

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? Bad boy’s

baby ?







Meghan kept winching in pain as they attend to her, a big bandage was neatly wrapped around her leg, she sustained a lot of injury during the fall, she was lucky not to dislocate her waist

“That Lying Ɓîtçh, easy!!” she snapped at the nurse

“I’m sorry…”

“Sorry for your miserable life,” she spat

Just then the door opened and Melody entered, holding hands with Micheal

“Oh, my poor baby…”

“Don’t you dare try that $h|t with me, you think I’m here for jokes? I saw you,” Meghan spat angrily

Staring at their interlocked finger, all the hairs on her body stood up, her face turned red with rage

“Meghan, do you want me to talk to the principal?” Michael asked calmly

“Oh Mikey darling, you’re such a lifesaver. Meghan has been dealing with stress and she needs rest for her health,” Melody said showing fake concern

“You witch, I’m not crazy!!” Meghan screamed

“Meghan, you’re losing your mind, take it easy,” Clara tried calming her down

“What happened?” Barry asked coming in

“Poor Meghan, she’s going through stress and it’s kinda affecting her brain,” Melody replied faking tears

Meghan wanted to just k*ll her at that moment, how dare she say such thing about her?

“Sedate her..”




“Hey, have you seen Bex? Have been calling her since morning and she’s not picking up my calls, I’m really worried,” Glassman said rushing his words

Arianna who just finished her afternoon shift looked at him

“She’s at home,” she replied simply

“She’s not there, I went there but the door was locked,” he added

She stopped walking and brought out her phone from her jacket

“I will give it a try,” she said, going through her contact list she stopped at Bex Best and dialed it

“It’s ringing,” she looked up at his face, for a moment she was thrown off balance

This is the first time she will be staring closely at him and d@mn, he’s handsome no doubt.

“Arianna come out of it,” she scolded herself

“She’s not picking up,” Glassman said worriedly

“I will try again,” she replied, already dialing the number

it rang again and Bex didn’t pick up, she opened her phone tracker to trace her location

“She’s at home,” Arianna said, she looked at Glassman

“Hope is not….. “

“No,” she ran off

“Hop in,” Glassman said and opened his car door for her

“What a gentleman,” she thought silently and shook her head

“Come out of it Arianna!!

Glassman drove at high speed till he stopped at their apartment, Arianna jumped down without waiting for him to open the car door for her, she open the door and rushed in only to see Bex laying on the cold floor.

She looked unkept, line of tears in her eyes

“Bex baby,” she called softly

Glassman helped her up, he made her sit on the couch

“Baby I told you to go home,” Arianna said sadly

“You have no idea what my mom can do, she will k*ll me,” Bex hiccupped, bursting into another round of tears

“What are you talking about? Why will your mother k*ll you?” Glassman asked staring from one person to another

Arianna has no other option than to tell him the details of what Bex did and how her Boyfriend Ryan cheated on her

She looked at Glassman expecting him to say a word but he didn’t say a thing, what did she want him to say? They were talking about Goddess, a very powerful woman like no other, one-man squad.

“Come, I will go with you,” Arianna leading the way to the room

She helped Bex take her bath and after that, she prepared food, after eating she washed the dishes and returned them where they were supposed to be

“Are you ready?” Arianna asked and Bex nodded

“Thank you,” she replied gently

Arianna pulled her into a hug

“No need for that, we are friends…”

“I’m coming too,” Glassman said behind them

Bex shook her head negatively


“Don’t try to stop me cos I won’t listen,” he cut her off

Arianna just shrugged and Bex gulped

They walked out and Arianna locked the door behind them, going over to the already waiting car, Bex joined Glassman at the front while Arianna sat in the back seat

They hit the road

Just then another car stopped in front of the building, Nickolas came down, he walked over to the door, and knock but got no reply

He waits for some seconds and knocked again still no response

Turning around to leave he bumped into Madison who is just coming back

“Hey,” she smiled

“Is Bex home?” He asked instead

She frowned

Why is he asking of her?

“Just coming back, I will check,” She replied and went in, shortly after she came out.

“No, why?” asked staring curiously at him

“I will come back, have a good day,” he left

Madison watched him leave and scoffed, she opened the door and went in



Lilly is currently walking down the hallway when Sebastian pulled her forcefully, dragging her into a corner, she hit his hand off her and maintained her posture

He chuckled

“Always ready,” he mumbled smiling sweetly at her

“I was born ready,” she replied with a straight face

” I love you, why can’t you love me back?” he asked, taking his hand to her face but she hit his hand away

He chuckled, everything about her amazes him

“When you’re getting married in a week time,” she scoffed, making a disgusting face

“Lilly, we used to be one buddies until you became Lorenzo’s bullet shield…”

“Used to, past things,” she cut in

“We could make a good couple you know,” he added moving closer to her

“your balls will be in trouble if you try anything stupid with me, what do you want? I won’t ask twice,” she said meaning every word coming out of her mouth

He chuckled, she’s not the type that loves playing so he better get to the point

“I want us to work together, baby listen….”

“Call me baby again I dare you,” she cut him off

“Oh, come on, came we just talk like normal human begins….” she started walking away

Sebastian rugged his hair

“Why is she always hard to tackle?” he mumbled, his mind ran to Melody’s feedback and he chuckled

“Let’s see how you will react after Father hand her over to me,” he mumbled and left, with the thought of going to see their father with the feedback

Lilly was going back to class when she started hearing Mõ@ɲs from the empty classroom

She made to ignore it but decided against it, getting close the door opened and Selena came out smiling

Georgia followed and next Charles came out adjusting his belt

Charles, stopped immediately after he saw her

“Unbelievable, thought we agreed to f-__-k each other?” She asked, folding her hands under her Břě@šť

Charles scoffed

“You mean getting free Ďïčk In the empty classroom by that tall guy,” Charles asked, referring to Sebastian

“What are you talking about….”

“Oh don’t give me that bush$h|t, I saw you go in there with him, so what were you expecting? That I will keep calm? You must be daydreaming,” he said and rolled his eyes

“Sebastian? So because I went into a classroom with him you thought we were f-__-king in there? Did you even ask me? Or maybe come close to see what was happening in there?” She asked

“Oh please, I don’t have that time,” he said walking away

“We are done…”

“Oh, yeah, we are.” Charles walked off

“Lilly,” Simon called coming closer

She started walking away

“Lilly I’m not that dude so don’t give me that attitude,” He said

She stopped and turned to him

“You put me through this, so just stay away from me,” she snapped angrily

“Hey, don’t pin your misfortune on me, okay?”

“You told me to stick to one Ďïčk, Lilly get a boyfriend… f-__-k one Ďïčk… I don’t like it when you f-__-k around, you can do better…. Bla bla bla! Now what did I get??” She snarled instantly

Simon looked at the direction Charles took before looking at her

“Hey, take it easy, he’s not worth it,”

“I’m f-__-king his Dad and I will send him the video of how his father obeyed my every command,” she started walking away

Simon went after her

“Lilly, you can’t do that……”

“Should I f-__-k you Father then? I can go to Brooklyn this night,” she said and he held his mouth, watching as she left angrily



“When is he coming?” Agatha asked no one in particular while checking the time on her wristwatch

She has been waiting for Barry for over an hour now and he’s yet to come

“He said he’s gonna come,” she mumbled again in frustration

Agatha stood from her bed, walking over to the door, she left the room only to meet Simon at her doorstep

“Simon,” she called surprised to see him

He stared at her from hair to toe, she was wearing a dark blue transparent gown, showing all her curves, he could see her B-__-bies through her gown

“I don’t know why Clara is avoiding me. I thought we were friends?” Abigail pushed past Simon walking in

“I don’t get it, I’m not into girls she should understand, but no. She’s avoiding and Melody won’t pick any of my calls, Mask Melody went out with Lorenzo, the same guy I saw making out with Melody….”

“Abigail, one at a time,” Agatha screamed loud enough for her to hear it

Abigail was speaking so fast that she found it hard to understand what she was saying

“I’m going insane,” Abigail scattered her hair



“Are you sure you wanna come with me?” Bex asked and Glassman nodded, she looked at the back seat and Arianna also nodded

“I’m a big fan,” she uttered

Bex nodded, she reached for the door handle and Glassman touched her hand, turning around to face him, he slammed his lips on her.

Arianna’s eyes widened.

She felt a sharp pain in her heart instantly and gulped emptiness, reaching for the door handle she held it and opened the car door, rushing down instantly

“What the h*ll is wrong with me? I should be happy for her, she’s my friend,” she scolded herself

Glassman pulled away from the kiss

“I’m sorry, I was just… I emm… I was…. emm..” Bex pulled him closer by his neck before enclosing their lips

He melted into the kiss and took over, kissing her as if he couldn’t get enough, Glassman broke the kiss with a huge smile lingering on his lips

“You’re beautiful,” he said staring into her eyes

“I know,”

“Come on,” He touched her tummy and she looked at him, whilst holding his hand

“When will it start kicking?” he inquired

“When he grows a little older,” she replied and he frowned

“Why he? I want she,” he pouted cutely

“Don’t be silly,” she chuckled

“Got a name,” he asked

“Haven’t thought of that, you got any?” she returned the question

For a moment he was silent, she wants him to give her baby a name, wow! Does that mean she will accept him into her life, he will be the happiest man on earth if she does.

“You want me to…”

“Oh, don’t be silly, it’s just a name, lemme know what you come up with,” she went down

“Can’t believe I’m standing in front of this gigantic mansion, Goddess here I came,” Arianna said and she looked at Bex

They walked in but were stopped by the securities at the gate



Melody walked into the restaurant with Lorenzo, a young guy in his 40s who waved at them

They walked over to him and sat down

“Thank you for accepting my invitation,” he said after they settled down

He looked at Lorenzo who maintain a straight face as if he was forced to come

“I asked you to come alone,” he said gently

“And she’s alone,” Lorenzo said In a dark voice

“Excuse me, who are you?”

“Is that why she’s here or will you get to the point?” Lorenzo said, leaning closer to him

The mam withdraw back a little

“Fine, I’m a private investigator….”

“So???” Lorenzo asked, he was against this idea but Melody insisted on coming, so he has to tag along

“Renzo maybe we should just calm down and listen,” Melody said, touching his hand

He calms down a little

“You said you will show me my brother, father and sister?” Melody asked

“I don’t really have a clue on where she kept your brother but I can take you to your sister’s place…”

“What about Dad?” Melody cut in

“He’s a suspect and I will take you to him, all I want is for you to point out your mother as a murderer….”

“You’re kidding right?” Melody couldn’t believe it

“Listen kid, Goddess is so dangerous not only to you but to everyone around her, I know you don’t want to put your mother behind bars but do the right thing,” he said calmly

“Let’s get out of here,” Lorenzo stood dragging her up

“Hey, I was still talking to her,” the guy said, he held Melody’s hand

Lorenzo pushed him backward followed with a punch, busting his lips

The man touch his bleeding lips

“More people will die if you don’t do the right thing,” he said, Lorenzo was about to punch him again when Michael rushed in

“You bastard, first it was Piggy Fat and now her?” He snarled, sending two consecutive punches to Lorenzo’s face

He staggered back

Lorenzo clenched his fist tightly, he has always wanted to deal with him but for Melody’s sake he kept calm, he won’t keep calm this time

“Son of a Ɓîtçh, how……” The last part which was DARE hung in Micheal’s throat, he felt his body leave the ground and next his back landed on a table filled with a hot dish

“Ahhhhh, my spinal cord,” Michael cried out In pain

Lorenzo grabbed his collar and before people could get to them, he threw Michael out through the Window

“Freeze,” two security guards yelled, pointing their guns at him

He jumped down through the same window, totally ignoring them

Michael was still trying to regain his strength when a hand pulled him up and next…..

TBC ????

As e dey hot ?? ????

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