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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MASKED MELODY – Episode 14

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? Bad boy’s

baby ?







Melody walked into the small office and Professor Michelle looked up

“Hey, Miss Park,” She smiled sweetly, the competition has to be postponed cos she was traumatized after her rape attack

“Prof, you sent for me,” Melody said

“Yeah, I linked up your parents line but I couldn’t reach any, is there anyone that would represent you? Your guidance?” She said, more like a question

Melody nodded, she opened her call log since she was with her phone, going through her contact till she gets to Jeremy’s line and stopped

“That’s my Dad’s contact,” she passed the phone to her

“Oh, I was thinking about Mom….”

“My mom died when I was 1,” Melody quickly cut in

Professor Michelle held her chest sadly

“Oh, I’m so sorry….”

“It’s alright, can I go now?” Melody asked and she nodded

“Don’t forget to study hard, it’s you against 6 Carrington’s best students, don’t let me down,” she said and Melody nodded before leaving

“Have you heard?” Abigail joined her in the hallway

“Heard what?” Melody squeeze up her face

Four guys were ki||ed two days ago by anonymous,” She added

“Abby, bring good news not bad Once please,” Agatha said and joined them

“It’s real,” Abigail shouted at her

“Heard you’re quitting cheerleading?” Melody asked staring at Agatha

“Yeah,” she mumbled

“Why would you wanna do that? You look so cool in your cheerleading uniform, come on Girl, you rock,” Abigail said, shaking her shoulder

“Guys,” Clara called walking towards them

They entered the class and the students started murmuring amongst themselves

“Is that not Clara?”

“One of the Devil’s brothers in our class”


Clara scoffed and rolled her eyes

She sat beside Abigail and their eyes met, she stared deeply into her eyes

Lilly noticed and scoffed

“Anybody have a free Ďïčk?” Lilly shouted, looking around

Everyone burst out laughing

“Free Ďïčk, anyone?”

“Over here,” Derek yelled, loud enough for her to hear it

“Little $h|t, you don’t know your mate,” she scolded

Simon entered and his eyes met with Agatha, he winked at her and she blushed

“Is she blushing?” Melody asked giggling

“Wow, is he the in-law?” Abigail asked, giving Simon thumbs up

“Guys please, we are just friends,” Agatha replied, covering her cheeks with her palms

“That’s right, Christian virgins don’t date to avoid getting f-__-ked, they believe is a sin cos their body is God’s divine temple and s*x outside marriage is fornication,” Abigail said and they all gasped

“Bull$h|t” Lilly shouted, making a disgusting face

“Watch your tongue,” Agatha glared hard at Lilly

“Or what? You’re gonna f-__-k or finger me? Virgin girl,” Lilly asked, leaning closer

Melody and Abigail exchange glances, Agatha stood without saying a thing and walked off



Michael is currently staring into his phone and smiling

“Who are you chatting with?” Meghan asked, settling down with him

“Melody,” he uttered, not taking his eye off the phone

Her face darkened

“Masked Melody or Piggy Fat?” Meghan shifted closer, there is no way she’s gonna let anyone take him away from her

“Masked Melody, she’s coming back next month,” He replied

“Really?” Charles asked

“Mehn, I missed her a lot,” Barry added

They are both just walking in

“I know right, I miss her too,” Clara said and sat Beside Barry

“She has a whole lot of work to do when she’s back,” Clara added, resting her head on the chair headrest

“Guys, I’m gonna take a stroll down the school, it’s boring here,” Barry said, already on his feet

“But you just came in,” Clara mumbled

He chuckled

“Yeah, but it’s boring here,” he left

“Me too,” Charles walked off

“I’m not staying here with you two either,” Clara left

Seeing that they have left Meghan shifted closer, Michael kept chuckling and staring into his phone

“Argh, my stomach,” Came Meghan’s Screams, he quickly put down his phone and looked her way

“You alright?” He asked, concerned

“Argh, gosh! it hurts,” Meghan screamed, faking pain, her hands perfectly wrapped around her tummy

Micheal placed his hand on her tummy

“Mikey help,” She cried loudly

He squirts right in front of her

“Do you need anything? Medicine, food, water, just anything?” He panicked, thinking it was menstrual cramps

“No,” she replied whilst resting her head on his shoulder

He looked at her from the corner of his eyes

“Are you sure….” She slammed her lips on his before he could finish his statement, he didn’t waste a second and pushed her off instantly

His neck that she touched already turned red, his body heat up instantly, gradually his lips began swallowing

“Mikey I’m……”

He stormed off, rushing to their hostels, his body was on fire



The four guys who harassed Melody were tied to a table, their @zz faces upward

“Austin, Austin,” the one who happens to be their leader called

“Marcus, Bruno, bro wake up,” he shouted waking them up

“Ugh,” Marcus groaned trying to stand straight but couldn’t

“We are tied,” Altas said

Just then the door opened and Bush walked in, followed by the sound of heels

“Goddess,” Marcus called in fear, he didn’t know when he pee on his pants

“Go…Godd… Goddess,” Bruno stuttered

Bush took some men to their place and get them last night.

“Well… Well,” Goddess Cross her hands, staring at them

“I’ve heard so much about you guys, how powerful you all have become, unstoppable demons lords, that rape girls and get away with it,” she went closer

Goddess stared from one person to another sending shivers down their Spine

“Goddess, we did nothing wrong.” Atlas gathered enough courage and said

“Of course, you didn’t, Piggy Fat,” she replied and their eyes widened

“Now does that name ring a bell?” She asked staring from one person to another

Bruno burst into tears

“Goddess, It wasn’t my idea, I didn’t know that she was your property… I’m dead, Austin look what you put me into,” Marcus shouted

Who doesn’t know goddess in Las Vegas, a Villain you don’t wanna mess with, even the government finds it hard to go up against her cos it only means one thing “WAR”

It was recorded that any lawyer who tries going against her ends up losing their family members, she entering a Courtroom is a thr_@t to the judge and the grand jury

A Mafia Queen, both the young and old fear the name “Goddess”

“Goddess… Goddess I didn’t know, oh God, Austin you have finished me, why didn’t you tell me,” Marcus burst into tears

“I didn’t know too, Selena didn’t tell me, Goddess please, I will be her boy from this day forward, I will do all the things she wants….”

“We,” Bruno corrected

“Eyes,” she said coldly, her voice alone was horrifying

Jones came forward

“Big Daddy, why not show them what you can do,” she said, with an evil smirk

They exchange glances

Right before their eyes, he took off his trousers, together with his pants, his long big Erotic Ďïčk came flying out

“Like what you see?”


“Trust me, Simon, that girl is a distraction and if Godfather finds out about her,” Lilly stopped

“Who’s gonna tell him?” He asked

Lilly scoffed

“You’re acting like you don’t know how Godfather can be, Renzo will take over once he steps down and the last thing he needs is distraction, love is a distraction,” Lilly added, she opened a lollipop and put it into her mouth

“Is that why you can’t keep one boyfriend….”

“Oh, please don’t start with me,” she rolled her eyes

Simon chuckled

“You know I’m saying the truth,” he replied, he left his position and went over to her

She smirked

“You think you have become deputy Jesus since you started following that church girl, I know what your plan is, all of you are the same,” she pushed him out of her way

“I have no bad intentions towards Agatha….”

“Tell that to the dummy that didn’t have eyes to see,”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Simon went after her

“Once you sleep with her then boom….”

“Lilly, she’s different, I know I might have f-__-ked many girls in the past but this is the future,” he said and she burst out laughing

“You were asking me when I will stop f-__-king around, but you just admit to your own f-__-kers, I know you too well Simon,” she said and took her jacket walking over to the door

“I need a free Ďïčk and please, don’t break her heart, she’s still a virgin,” she winked at him

Lilly opened the door to see Charles, seems like he was about knocking on their door

“Hey, I emm… I emm..”

“Wanna f-__-k?” She asked cutting him short

“d@mn, so straightforward,” he mumbled

“Nevermind, I’m going downtown, mind tagging along,” she asked and walked passed him

“Yeah, I think I wanna f-__-k, you got condoms,” he asked and she stopped, a huge smile on her face

“I like guys like you,”



Bex was already with her lawyer when Nick entered, he was looking so pissed off

“I said it, you think I’m a fool? You think you can scam me,” He ranted, staring angrily at her

“Keep it cool Mr Miller….”

“Don’t you dare tell me that bull$h|t, your client accused me of being the father of a child I know nothing about,” he yelled, pointing his fingers at them

Bex gulped, tears came fighting their way out of her eyes but she was fighting back while picking on her nails

Her fears have come to pass, how could she be pregnant for Ryan? Why him of all people?

“Here, is the results,” Nick throw it at her face

Her lawyer picked it up from the floor, slowly unwrapping the envelope

“Hope it’s not fake?” She asked and looked up at him

“Do I look fake like you and your client?” Nick fired back

“As you can see it’s still sealed, I’m not as desperate as you and your fake client….”

“Hey, keep it cool, you’re the father,” Bex’s lawyer snapped

Bex couldn’t believe her ears, she looked at her lawyer in disbelief and her lawyer passed the results to her

“W… What… What?” Nick stuttered, shocked to the core

A satisfying smirk lingered on Bex’s face as she passed the results to him, Nickolas took the results from her

“f-__-k,” he cursed staring at the positive that was marked as good

“So?” Bex crossed her legs proudly



Nickolas has been restless after he left Bex’s apartment, the door to his bedroom opened and Natalie his girlfriend entered

“Are you alright,” she asked staring at him


“I’m fine,” he cut her off

She dropped the clothes in her hand on the bed and went closer, she sat next to him on the couch before holding his hand

“Are you sure? Cos you look worried,” she asked concerned

Nickolas took in a deep breath

“Do you have any plans of Marrying me?” He suddenly asked and she pulled away from him

“H*ll no,” she blurted out


“Nick, I love you very much, okay? But marriage and children are distractions and I don’t want that for myself,” she replied, making a sad face, she held his hand

“What will you do if you find out that I cheated on you?” He asked

She let go of him

“Did you cheat on me?” She asked, giving him that crazy look

He chuckled

“No silly, just asking,” he replied, faking a smile

“Don’t even think about that cos I will pull a bullet through your skull,” she stood up and left

“f-__-k,” he cursed, that was a direct thr_@t to his face


•4:23 P.M. LIBRARY•

“Hey,” Clara gulped nervously

Abigail turned around and was shocked to see her in the library

“Hey, Heard you guys will be performing tonight?” She smiled cutely, or maybe she didn’t but Clara thought she did

“Emm… Not us but just me,” she stuttered, avoiding eye contact

“Oh, I came to pick a book with Melody and Aggie,” she replied, pointing at Agatha who was on the other side

Clara gulped

“Is there a problem?” Abigail asked when she noticed her uneasiness

“No… I mean yes, like… Not real real problem but… Haha it’s nothing,” Clara laughed like a maniac

“Is this what guys go through well trying to approach a girl, gosh!” She thought silently, hot sweat running down her forehead

She was literally sweating profusely

Abigail stare at her for a while without saying a thing, she was a little bit confused

“I will just get going,” she turned to leave but Clara quickly held her hand

“No, wait,” she shouted, not realizing that they were in the library

“Will you come to my concert tonight?” She asked with pleading eyes

“Oh, no, Aggie and I….”

“Please,” she added, holding tightly unto her hands

Abigail flashes a smile

“I got you,” She replied and her face lit up instantly

“Yes!!!” She shouted exactly, she was over the moon



“Prince in shining armor,” Melody called, slowly wrapping her hand around Lorenzo’s waist

He shivered under her touch, his heartbeat doubled instantly, Lorenzo slowly loosen her grip and turn to her

He ki||ed those boys that attack her without letting them say a single word

“You kept me waiting….”

“Please don’t be mad, was looking for what to get for you,” she said and he frowned

“Get for me?”

“Yeah,” she mumbled pouting

“Gosh, she’s so cute,”

“Lemme see, what did you get?” He asked, she shifting back a little


“Oh come on, why not just tell me,” he went closer

“Guess,” she added, taking a step backward

“Catch ya,” Lorenzo swiftly grabbed her by her waist, pulling her to himself

“Hahaha…haha, you cheated, you naughty cheater,” She shouted, laughing

She looked up and he looked down at her, their eyes met and they Lock eyes staring directly into each other’s eyes

There was something about her he doesn’t get, he had never in a million years felt his heartbeat so fast, lost in the ocean of her love, all he could see was her, he couldn’t imagine what life will be for him without her

He has always been this dirty guy, always believes in ki||ing others but with her, he was different and he loved the new him, he never smiles but here he was, playing and laughing with her

He wanted her so bad, to hold her close Every second, minute, hour of the day, he was tasty of her, he can’t just explain what she did to him cos it got him, He was insane

Slowly he started leaning closer, Melody couldn’t blink, she was staring at his cute handsome face

She felt safe in his arms, her happiness lay within him, he always has a way of making her smile even at her worse moment

“I will make sure, no harm will come to you, I promise,” he said, staring at her lips

She gulped

“Anyone that wants to harm you will have to through me, cos I’m your shield and your bulletproof, your bodyguard and your superhero,” he slammed his lips on hers

Melody’s eyes went shut instantly as she tightened her grip on him.

It was actually her first kiss, his tongue rolled into her mouth and she released a soft Mõ@ɲ

Lorenzo grabbed her @zz, kissing her harder not knowing that someone was taking pictures of them…..

TBC ????

As e dey hot ??

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