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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Love After Heartbreak )


THEME: His Bride From NoWhere.

Written by; Rhema J.








( 𝘈𝘤𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵 & 𝘓𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘳 )


“She keeps asking for Mason” a nurse came out of the labour room and reported the old man.

Grandpa Mario had his phone on his ears, he has been trying to reach out to Mason but he couldn’t get him. He looked at Hudson and Jacob and they couldn’t get it him either.

“Grandpa I still can’t reach Mason, doesn’t he know Skyler is in labour now, she doesn’t want to push for some weird reason because who she wants to see is Mason” Ivy complained.

“I’ll call Alvin” Hudson dialed Alvin’s number and Alvin picked the call.

“Alvin, where is Mason? I thought you told him Skyler is in labour, if he is still working, please tell him to abandon them all and come see his wife” Hudson complained at Alvin on the phone.

“I did tell him Skyler is on labour and he rushed out of D•S some minutes back, why isn’t he there yet?” Alvin replied from the other end and Hudson looked confused as he hung up.

“What happened?” Emily asked.

“He said Mason left some minute back” Hudson replied.

“Then why isn’t he here?” Grandpa asked.

“I don’t know” Hudson shook his head.

All of the sudden the channel of the small television that was hung on the wall suddenly switched to news.

New update, an accident just happened at spotlight bridge, there a truck and a car collided but this news is spreading rapidly because the car looks similar to Mason Delgado, the hidden billionaire’s car.

Ivy’s phone fell from her hands.

“It can’t be his car, someone please find the remote and zoom the car. It can’t be Mason’s car” Ivy shook her head.

“Ivy” Blake who has been there with them rubbed her shoulder when he saw she was showing sign of panic attack a little.

Jacob tried Mason number again but it didn’t go. He went to look for the video and zoomed the car that was burning, it really looked like Mason’s car.

“Here is what will happen Grandpa, Hudson and I will go to spotlight bridge to check the car. You’d make Skyler believe that everything is fine and Blake, take care if Ivy” Jacob gave Blake a look and Blake gave him an assuring nod.

“Let’s go” both Jacob and Hudson left and the old man went to Skyler’s labour room, she was crying and sweating.

“Where is Mason?” She asked in a whisper and Grandpa Mario sat on the edge of her bed.

“Sky, listen to me” he held her hands and squeezed it gently.

“There was an accident” he started of gently.

“What? Is Mason okay?” She started crying.

“Hey, there is a lot of hold up and traffic out there and Mason called he said he will be late but he would find a way to show up soon so don’t do this Sky, let’s push again” Grandpa Mario told her in a soft voice, he nodded at her to assure her.

Skyler nodded and the doctor came over again.

“Ma’am, at the count of five, you push,stop and breath okay?” The midwife said softly and Skyler nodded.

“One two three four five.. push!” The midwife said and Skyler pushed, after ten seconds they told her stop and breath.

“We’ll try again, one two three four five… Push!”

And it kept going on.



The street was filled with lots of cars, traffic and ambulance when Jacob and Hudson arrived.

“Sorry but you’re not allowed to come close” the officer stopped Jacob who was about to move closer.

“My cousin car looks like that, he was supposed to be somewhere and he was taking this road at the same time this accident happen, please allow me to inspect the car” Jacob showed his ID card to the corp.

“You’re from the Delgado family?” The corp narrowed his brows at him and he nodded.

“I am also from the Delgado family, I’m the popular Hudson Delgado” Hudson adjusted his jacket when he said that part.

“Yeah I don’t know you so I will have to see your ID card” the corp stretched his hands ahs Hudson rolled his eyes before bringing out the ID card and giving it to the corp.

After inspecting the cards, they were allowed to move forward and check the car. The car was burnt but there was still some feature they could see before coming to their conclusion that the car was a Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

“You know Mason got a pendent that has this huge S design that represents Skyler. Let’s see if we can see it, even if it’s the burnt version” Hudson said and Jacob checked inside the car.

The pendent was there, it fell off and surprisingly it didn’t get burnt.

“It really is Mason’s car” Jacob muttered.

“Maybe there can be someone else who has the same car with the same pendant in it” Hudson said and Jacob only gave him a look and shook his head.



“One two three four five.. push!! Yes hunny they are coming out” the midwife said with a smile.

This has been going on for about four hours. Skyler was already sweating heavily, she was really tired and hungry and in so much pain, they were unbearable.

“Again, one two three four five.. push harder!” The midwife said again and Skyler used all her strength to push the baby, the next thing that followed was a baby cry, which made grandpa Mario mood lightly.

“One is out, Sky push the second one out” he said with a smile.

“I’ll count one two three and you’ll push okay? One two three!!” The midwife said and Skyler began pushing again.

“Almost out, one two three… Push!! Harder!!” The midwife said, the boy who was the first to come out was being cleaned up while Skyler was struggling to push the girl out.

Thirty minutes later, another cry of a bouncing baby girl was heard.


Jacob and Hudson came back from the spotlight street with a sad look on their face.

“What? Was it Mason’s car?” Ivy asked but Jacob didn’t reply her, he went to sit down. Ivy stared at Jacob and he only shook his head.

Edna was present already, she kept pacing back and forth as she tried to calm herself down.

“Well Jacob tell us something, is the car for Mason?” Edna asked but Jacob didn’t reply.


“Yes!! It’s for him okay!? Are you happy to hear that now?” Jacob yelled his reply and everyone turned silent and in no time, Ivy burst out in tears.

“What about the body, where you able to identify his body?” Grandpa Mario came out of Skyler’s ward with a controlled face and emotions.

“They took his ashes to the hospital” Hudson replied.

“Well, if my grandson is really dead then I’d like us to get his ashes as early as possible tomorrow” the old man muttered.

“And what about Skyler, how do we tell her these? How would she feel? She just gave birth” Edna said slowly.

“We can’t hide his death from Skyler forever, now is not the right time to tell Skyler anything, she still weak maybe after she recovers a little” Blake muttered.

All of the sudden a bloody hands pushed the glass door opened and before anyone knew it, a body fell on the floor.

“Mason?” Ivy stood up in shock and not just Ivy but everyone present has a shocked look on their face.

“Mason” they rushed to him, his face was covered in blood and he was panting heavily.

“Sky.. Skyler” he muttered before closing his eyes.

The doctors were called and Mason was carried to the emergency room immediately and began giving him immediate treatment.

“I’m not dreaming right? Mason just showed up” Ivy looked shocked.

“No you aren’t” Blake looked equally as surprised as her.

In some hours later, it was already dark when Alvin and Sunny arrived after they had just finished closing the company.

“I heard that Mr Mason is here and he’s in the emergency room, how is he now and what about ma’am Skyler, she just gave birth, is she okay?” Sunny asked politely.

“Skyler is still sleeping but if you want to see the babies then come with me” Ivy took Alvin and Sunny to the ward where they met the old man carrying the cleaned up baby girl and Edna was carrying the boy.

“Good evening Mr Mario” Sunny and Alvin greeted with respect.

“How are you my dear, if you want to take a close look at the closet twins then come closer” Grandpa Mario smiled at them,he was happy to get to carry his great grandchildren.

Sunny and Alvin moved forward, Sunny collected the girl from Edna but Alvin was too scared to carry the baby boy.

“It’s just a baby it won’t bite and grandpa can I announce that Skyler has given birth tomorrow?” Ivy asked the moment she stepped in.

“I’m afraid you’re too late, when boss rushed out of the hospital earlier everyone already know and Mr Mario,I don’t know how long boss is planning to hide this from you but after what happened today, I have to tell you” Alvin muttered and everyone looked at him.

“Actually this car accident wasn’t really an accident. Someone has been harassing boss and sending him lots of death thr_@ts about ki||ing him and his wife and taking his company. It has been going on ever since he came back from Paris” Alvin reported.

“What did you just say?” A weak female voice sounded and everyone turned back to see Skyler was awake.

“Grandpa, I thought you told me Mason was fine?” Skyler had a horrific look on her face.

“Sister in-law Mason is fine, he had a little wound that he’s stitching up and he would be fine tomorrow” Ivy immediately explained.

“How bad was he injured?” Skyler asked worriedly.

“He will be fine tomorrow Skyler, trust me” Hudson said.

Skyler still looked like she wanted to talk more but Grandpa Mario shut her up by bringing her babies to her.

“Look, a boy and a girl, the boy really looks like you and the girl has Mason’s eyes, look” he sat on the slow beside her and slowly placed the boy on her while Ivy was holding the baby girl.

Skyler still had a lot to say but seeing the peaceful look from her babies especially when they kept sucking their tongues and moving their tiny fingers about,she couldn’t help but smile and wiped the tears that almost fall from her eyes.

“So when are we giving our twins name?” Ivy asked as she passed the baby girl to Skyler the moment Grandpa Mario took the boy.

“Tomorrow when everyone is here, Mason and Skyler’s mom” Grandpa Mario replied.

Skyler kissed the baby girl’s forehead dearly before releasing a deep breath.



Kiara arrived very early when she learnt that her daughter has given birth. She didn’t come alone, she came with Skyler’s best friends, Ashely and Wendy.

“Skyler” Wendy called slowly, she met Skyler still sleeping so she planned not disturb her.

“Miss Kiara Wang, I’m glad you made it here today, your grandchildren are here, come with me” the old man led the way to the room the nurse arranged for the baby to sleep.

“Awwn, they are so cute” Ashely and Wendy began gushing, they gently carried the baby.

“I’m angry at all of you, my daughter gave birth yesterday and no body informed me. I should have been by her side while she was pushing” that was an important part to Kiara and she wasn’t even there to experience it.

“I’m really sorry, a lot happened yesterday, Skyler husband got involved in an accident on his way here” Grandpa Mario sighed as he remembered.

“Oh God, that was really bad, is he okay hnow?” She asked with worry in her face.

“He should be, stay with your grandchildren and watch over Sky, she is really tired and I’m sure she must be so hungry”

“We brought food” Kiara told the old man immediately and he nodded.

“Alright, I’ll go check on my grandson before we name the baby together” he smiled at them before leaving.



His eyes slowly opened and he jumped from the bed instantly.

“Where’s Skyler, I have to see her now” he muttered.

“She’s still asleep and rest assured your babies is fine and healthy” Grandpa Mario walked inside the ward and Mason breathed a little of relief.

“I want to see my children” he muttered.

“Not until you tell me why you’ve been keeping those secret from me” the old man didn’t have a happy look on his face as he stared at Mason.

“Why were you hiding the fact that you have a hidden enemy who has been thr_@tening your life and position as a Delgado from us Mason?”


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