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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Love After Heartbreak )


THEME: His Bride From NoWhere.

Written by; Rhema J.








( ??????? ??? ???????)

“Boss there is..” she paused with her mouth open with what she saw.

Mason was without his nose mask and wasn’t that Skyler?

Shocks filled both Mason and Skyler’s eyes, especially Skyler, Sunny saw her here so what would sunny think now? Is she his wife or is she just sleeping around with him?

“I..” Sunny didn’t even know what to say, this was such a disaster.

The nerve of you to enter my office without knocking” Mason’s eyes darkened as he looked at her.

“I’m really sorry boss, I’d just go back” Sunny bowed her head repeatedly as she turned around to leave but Mason stopped her.

“What did you see?” He suddenly fell asleep.

“Huh?” She replied, looking lost.

“What did you see?” He repeated himself.

“Nothing, I didn’t see anything,” she replied.

“Good, I must not hear any of these from someone else or else you’d get it from me” he muttered.

Sunny nodded and rushed out immediately and when she got to her office, she couldn’t get what she just saw off her mind. The hidden billionaire she had been dying to see, she finally saw what he looked like and his wife was Skyler?

“No no Sunny, don’t think about this now, you should think about your work, you didn’t see anything, you don’t know anything” she muttered and nodded to herself before opening some files to finish what she was doing.

Back to Mason’s office, Skyler looked so worried that Sunny had just seen them.

“You shouldn’t worry about Sunny, beautiful” Mason sighed.

“Why not? What if she tells us to the public? Mason I don’t like that flash light from those cameras and I’m not comfortable with people following me everywhere I go and poking my nose in my business ” Skyler panicked.

“Sunny can be trusted to be beautiful, she wouldn’t talk so don’t worry” he held her hands as he spoke softly.

“Then what if someone else sees us like this?” She asked slowly.

“No one has the right to enter my office except Alvin and Sunny so don’t worry about anything, come here and tell me how the work for the sales party is going” he pulled her back to his laps.

“It’s going great but really exhausting,I made many dresses already and I’m sure my models would love it ” there was a bright smile on her face as she spoke.

“I see my baby is having fun, just make me proud okay? I’ll be watching you” he smiled at her and she nodded.

Her tummy suddenly grumbled and Mason looked at her.

“Hungry?” He asked and she nodded.

“What do you want to eat? I’ll make Alvin go get it” he asked again.

“Hmm.. two wraps burrito” she replied.

“Two wraps?” Mason gave her a weird type of look.

“It’s what I want” she pouted and he didn’t say any more thing again.

After informing Alvin to get it, Alvin came back with the burritos. Skyler began eating as fast as she could while Mason watched her.

“Aren’t you starting to eat more than usual? You’re almost done with the burritos” he gave her a surprise look.

“I haven’t eaten since morning, that’s why!” Skyler defended herself with a pout.

Mason just shook his head and took his laptop to continue with his work.


It was already evening but the view was focused on a small house. Inside, a man was sitting on the couch and watching TV when he heard the sound of a bike stopping in front of his door.

He smiled to himself as the door opened and Miguel stepped in.

“Dad” he greeted the man sitting on the couch dryly.

Johnathan’s smile turned to a small frown.

“What is wrong son, why are you looking dull?” He asked worriedly.

“Nothing dad” he muttered as he took off his jacket.

Johnathan didn’t believe Miguel when he said it was nothing because he was a mother and father to him, so he knows it when his son isn’t fine or not.

“It’s just that I didn’t get the job I wanted but I’ll try again on Monday. I’m fine dad don’t worry” he muttered and began going to his room.

“I left some food for you in the kitchen, make sure you eat before you sleep” Johnathan shouted after him.

“Okay dad!”



Today was Sunday so no one was going to work,the family were downstairs having breakfast today except for Skyler.

“Mason, why are you eating without Sky? What is she doing up there?” Grandpa Mario asked.

“Grandpa, she has been working since yesterday so it’s normal if she needs extra hours to sleep, let’s not disturb her” Mason chewed on his food dryly as he spoke.

“Yes grandpa, Skyler has been busy these days, she hardly talks to me and I guess it’s because of the sales party” Ivy said and the boys in the dining room just nodded in agreement.

Edna didn’t talk to anyone, she was just eating quietly.

“Okay, I will let Sky sleep more then, Ivy I heard you are dating that Blake guy.. the one that dragged you into scandalous news’ ‘ the old man faced her.

“Hey Grandpa, don’t blame Blake for it, blame the Media” Ivy pouted.

“Wh@ťěver I want to see him, invite him over for dinner on Wednesday night” the old man said.

Ivy smiled brightly and brought out her phone.

“Let me even call him to inform him now” she squealed as she jumped from her chair and nodded.

“Anyone else in a relationship?” Grandpa Mario asked while looking at Hudson, Jacob and Carson.

Carson’s heart only skipped a beat and he tried avoiding to stare at the old man’s face. Grandma Mario however noticed it and smirked.

“Carson, you’re avoiding me,are you seeing someone?” He asked and Carson looked at the old man.

He was starting to sweat for no reason, he was almost shaking out of fright and nervousness.

Emily slowly looked at him, she understood how he must be feeling but she just hoped he kept calm.

“Bro!! Why are you shaking so much, it’s just a girl, grandpa wouldn’t ki|| you” Hudson wrapped his hands around Carson’s shoulder and shook him as he laughed.

“That’s right Carson, I’m not against you dating in highschool but I’d just say you should prioritize your education because those fun wouldn’t last” grandpa Mario advised him.

“So how is the girl? Is she pretty? Slim and tall or chubby at the right places ” Hudson whispered to Carson but Carson pushed him off.

“Hudson and Jacob, the both of you have gotten to the age you need to settle down, why aren’t I seeing any partner yet?” Grandpa Mario faced Hudson and Jacob.

Hudson looked elsewhere but Jacob kept eating. Mason thought the conversation was getting boring already, he didn’t have the strength to sit and listen to his grandpa coucing his cousins about love and marriage so he stood up and left the table.



Skyler was working on dresses in Mason’s room when someone knocked on the door.

“Who’s there?” She asked.

“Emily, can I come in?”

“Sure aunt” Skyler stopped all what she was doing as she looked up for Emily to come in.

Emily stepped in while holding a plate of soup.

“Skyler dear, you have been working since morning so I thought I should make you some soup” she said as she sat on the small stool opposite Skyler.

Skyler smiled at Emily.

“So thoughtful of you aunt”

“Hmm, it’s just a sales party,you shouldn’t work yourself up too much” as she talked, she opened that bowl of soup and Skyler blocked her nose immediately.

“What’s wrong?” Emily asked with an innocent expression.

“You didn’t put eggs inside the soup did you?” Skyler was still blocking her nose as she asked.

“I did, egg soup is really good” Emily smiled at her.

“Take it away, I don’t like eggs” Skyler squeezed her face like she wanted to throw up.

“Since when did you start hating eggs, you use to eat them before-“

Emily was not done with talking when Skyler suddenly stood up and ran to the bathroom, the sound of throwing up was heard before that flushing sound of the toilet replaced it and Skyler came out.

“So will you explain?” Emily gave Skyler a knowing look.

“Explain what? I told you I don’t like eggs!” Skyler scoffed.

“You’re pregnant Skyler” Emily said and Skyler’s eyes widened.

“Does Mason know about it? Have you told him yet?” Emily didn’t give Skyler a chance to answer before she threw her next question at Skyler.

Skyler blinked repeatedly.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t told him yet ” Emily’s eyes widened.

“Aunt, let’s talk outside” Skyler left the room after muttering that sentence.

Emily switched her lips and went out, they both sat on the staircase since no one was passing.

“Yes I’m pregnant but no one knows, if Mason finds out I’m pregnant, we wouldn’t allow me to participate in the sales party and if Grandpa knows about it, he would be so happy that he might force me to leave the fashion designing school” she exploded.

“So you’re not planning to tell them?” Emily looked at Skyler.

“I will tell Mason of course but it will be after the sales party and I will beg him to tell grandpa not to allow me to stop school” Skyler replied and immediately held Emily’s two hands.

“Promise me aunt, don’t tell anyone for now, I promise to be super careful, nothing would happen to me or the baby, please aunt” Skyler pleaded with the softest look ever.

Emily was feeling hesitant but she still nodded.


Skyler was on her way back to her room and before she knew it, she was being pulled to an empty dark room.

The light suddenly turned on and it was Maya.

“Aunt Ma-

A slap landed on her face before she could complete and she touched her cheeks in shock. This was the first time she was being hit by a member of the Delgado and it was none other than Mason’s mom.

“What did you do to Agnes and Hailey? Why did you make Mason chase them out!!” She yelled at Skyler’s face.

“I.. I didn’t..” another slap landed on her face adding to the first shock she had.

“Listen to me Skyler!” Maya cupped Skyler’s chin and pressed it firmly. “I don’t like you and I never will, for my son, I only want one daughter in-law and that girl is Hailey, you don’t belong here!” Maya released Skyler’s cheeks after uttering those harsh words.

Skyler burst out into tears immediately, she turned around and rushed out of the room, crying loudly, Mason was coming opposite her and was surprised to see her crying like that.

“Beautiful, come here” he grabbed her forearm and pulled her closer to himself.

“Why are you crying like this? What happened?” He cupped her cheeks and looked at her face, his eyes darkened when he saw fingerprints on her cheeks.

“Who hit you?” He asked angrily.

“Your mom,” Skyler cried even more.

“My mom? Maya?” He repeated as she nodded.

Mason was really angry with what he just heard. How dare Maya lay her fingers on Skyler!?

“Let’s go to grandpa study” he muttered and held her shoulders before pulling her along with him.



Grandpa Mario was really angry as he listened to what Skyler told him about slapping her on the face.

“The nerve of Maya to raise her hands on my Sky, she’s getting out of this family now” Grandpa Mario stretched his hands and his butler passed him his walking stick.

He left the study with his butler following him from behind while Mason held Skyler’s hands.

“Let me call the family doctor to help get you treated” he said softly and Skyler nodded and they both left the old man’s study.


Meanwhile grandpa Mario went to Maya and Dylan’s room, the person he met was Dylan, Maya wasn’t there.

“Dad ” Dylan stood from his working chair to greet the old man.

“Where is that your so-called wife Maya?” The old man asked and Dylan couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

What did Maya do now?

“What did she do this time dad?” He asked dryly.

Ivy also came out of her room with Carson, Edna and Hudson when they heard noises.

“She hit my daughter in law”

Ivy gasped from where she stood.

“Aunt Maya went too far,” Hudson shook his head.

“I know right?” Carson shook his head.

“I’m not talking to anybody” Edna muttered and they all scoffed at her.

Dylan wasn’t surprised that Maya could do this type of thing.

“Don’t worry dad, I will take action myself” Dylan muttered and went back in, he opened Maya’s wardrobe and began bringing her clothes out.

“Oh no, Maya is really gonna get kicked out” Hudson gasped and Jacob came out of his room to check with his hands in his pocket.

Maya suddenly rushed upstairs with all the commotions she was hearing. She was surprised to see Dylan stuffing all her clothes inside her traveling box.

“What do you think you are doing, Dylan?” She shouted and rushed to the room but he already closed the box and zipped it closed.

“Come with me!” He held her by that forearm.

“You’re leaving this mansion today, I’m sending you back to your father’s house!!” He said and began pulling her out of the room.


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