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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“I told you I h@ťě to see your tears.. I’m so sorry it took this long to see you again. DEAR WIFE”

Candy stayed frozen, her eyes staring at him for an unmeasurable amount of time. It’s not a dream right? Her Di is standing right before her! She reached for his face using her hand, afraid he’ll disappear.

“Di? I.. it’s really you” Candy’s voice croaked as another round of tears streamed down her face. Her heart burn within with the fear of losing him again.

Diego held her face and smile painfully. Gosh, he must have scared his wife and he h@ťěd it. He is back and this time, he’ll never leave her side. He’ll take down those fools that caused this.. in a gruesome way.

But first, he needed to soothen his wife’s heart. That was why he came for her face.

“It’s me” He whispered in the most gentle voice ever.

“I missed you” She said, wrapping her arms around him, inhaling the scent she missed so f-__-king much. “I missed you so f-__-king much Di.. don’t ever do that again. I’m so mad at you and at the same time glad.. I love you so much Di. Please stay safe and..”

“Shh” Diego ran his fingers on her black hair and leaned down to kiss her gently, which calmed her. “I’m here now. I’m not leaving you ever again”

Candy hugged him tighter, letting out her emotions.


The company’s atmosphere was filled with worries and tension. Ever since Diego’s death news spread all over, every employees were in tight spot.

Yeah, their president might be cold and a deadly man but he is capable and care for his employees even though he doesn’t show them.

However, they heard the news of Griffin trying to take over and that alone scared them. A man who is said to have spent nine years in prison for murder is planning to take over?

Even the shareholder were against this, asking Old Mavis for explanation but got no response.

In the boardroom big enough to contain 30 men, sat the shareholders around the large table.

“We can’t let this happen. Mr. Griffin taking over the company will ruin it” One of them spoke.

“He is an ex convict, rumoured to have ki||ed Diego after his release” Another said.

“Watch your word Mr. Brandon. We can’t just jump into conclusion. Mr. President was very capable even with his cold attitude, he never for once let us down. I don’t think we can find someone suitable as him” A woman spoke this time.

“Yes I agree with you. This company can’t be handover to just anyone.. especially someone who is viewed as a murderer” Another spoke.

“I agree” Others nodded.

“Since we are all against it then I guess it is settled. Griffin cannot take over the company”

The door suddenly opened revealing Griffin himself, he was dressed in a well tailored black suit. His gaze cold as they scan the shareholder.

He actually heard everything..

“How sweet” He muttered stepping in. His aura was dominating, just like Diego. They tried their best not to show they were intimidated. They are not accepting him anyway.

“Mr. Griffin.. the shareholders had discussed…”

“I know, I know” He waved off his hand drawing out the president chair for himself. A bandage was still wrapped around his hand. “I heard every single word, there’s no need to repeat it. I never cared about it anyway”

“Then why did you call us?” The first woman asked. Griffin raised his cold gaze at them.

“Since all of you are so f-__-king tired. I should help you out.. don’t you think?”

The door opened and a few people dressed in suit walked in. Venessa and Noah was among, they have a sly smile on their face.

The shareholder got confused.

“What is this?” A middle aged man who had been silent the whole time spoke.

“I’m changing shareholders” Griffin said and their eyes widened.

Tension settled in the air as the shareholder cast a glance among each other.

“Do you even know the implication of what you are asking?” The man asked and Griffin lean forward, placing his elbows on the desk.

“Of course, that’s why you are going to sign these” He said.

Venessa stepped forward placing some file before them. Her smile widened seeing the shock on their face as the check out the file content.

“You’re not to make actions like a share buyback or delisting from the stock exchange” Griffin spoke.

“What nonsense!!” One of them fired, slamming his hand on the table and creating a loud thud.

“This is insane!”

“I’m not signing this!”

“Me neither! I’m going to do the legal action!”

“What an audacity!”

“It would be foolish to sign this willingly!”

“We have our right!”

Like that, angry comments tore out from the lips of the shareholders.

“Silence!!” Griffin roared and the place turned silence again. He scoffed. “Who said something about willingly?”

Immediately, the group of people behind them pulled out a gun and placed it on each of the shareholders head. Their eyes widened in shock.

“Take the d@mn papers and sign or you won’t step out of this boardroom alive”

The shareholders swallowed in fear.

“What?!” Jackie exclaimed insanely as she pace around Yazmine’s office.

“That’s what I heard. The shareholders didn’t have a choice but to sign.. sigh.. I wonder where Jameson is.. gosh I’m so f-__-king stressed” Yazmine said closing her tired eyes. She didn’t sleep well these days..

With Diego gone, everything was just in a mess. Even Candy was no where to be found. She tried to hold the company and now… Griffin just fired the whole Shareholders.

“I just wish Mr. President could just show up. Everything is..” Jackie sighed sitting on the empty chair before Yazmine.

They heard a yell of order coming outside the office.

“Why is that voice familiar?” Yazmine muttered, she stood and left the office. Jackie followed her.

“C’mon, be snappy!”

They both saw Venessa yelled at an employee who sat on the floor holding her cheek. It seems Venessa just hit her.

“How dare her” Yazmine muttered and marched towards Venessa. Jackie did the same.

“What are you doing?” Yazmine asked. Venessa faced her and scoffed.

“Look who we have here. I was actually wondering where you guys went” Venessa said. “Well in case you dummies doesn’t know. I am now a shareholder of this company so you should listen to me”

“Haha!” Yazmine and Jackie burst into laughter.

“Look at how straight her face is when she said that” Jackie said to Yazmine in between her laughter.

“I know right, she look like a piece of $h|t” Yazmine said and their laughter grew harder.

Venessa took a deep breath, rolling her eyes to the other side.

“I can fire you both if I want” Venessa thr_@tened. Yazmine and Jackie’s face turned cold.

“Fine, I resign” Yazmine said and Venessa raised a brow.

“Why?” She scoffed folding her arms.

“So I can do this..” Yazmine spoke and her hand immediately flew to hit Venessa face. The slap sounded, renting the place and catching the attention of the others.

Venessa held her red cheek and shot a glare at Yazmine.

“Here is a drink ex boss” Jackie said spilling the water in her hand on Venessa’s dress.

“You!” Venessa yelled at them as stepped forward with a glare.

“Girl don’t even try what is inside that birdbrain of your cus you’ll surely regret it when shove my heels into your mouth” Yazmine warned. Her voice cold as hell.

“You’re just sad and trust me you haven’t seen enough. I’ll pay back for what you did to me. We are just getting started” Venessa glared.

Yazmine didn’t reply her. Not that she doesn’t know what to say, she just doesn’t want to waste a prescious saliva because of the dumbass.

“You can take the remaining drink” Jackie spoke dropping the bottle on the floor before following Yazmine.

Yazmine took a deep breath I’m frustration after driving away from the company, with Jackie seated by her side.

“I have no idea what I’m doing” She muttered.

“We should find Candy first” Jackie suggested.

“Yeah we’ll do just that” Yazmine agreed.


The room was dark, as Diego sat on a black shinny chair. His gaze cold as he stared into space.

He was busy listening to Griffin’s updates. That dummy fired the whole shareholders? How stupid!

His blood was boiling but he has to keep his cool. Griffin’s doom is near.. his lips curled up like a devil he is.. thinking of how sweet Griffin’s scream is going to be when he send him to hell.

“Alright” Diego replied, ending the call.

His gaze darkened as he dive into a deep thought.

“How long are we going to be here?” Einstein asked Jameson who was sitting beside him. They were all in Phoenix’s grandma’s place.

“After we have plan. We’ll be taking Noah down first. He is the strongest Griffin’s ally” Jameson said.

“We need to act fast. Griffin might go after us soon” Einstein said. “And if Griffin does, it’ll endanger the others”

Jameson agreed. Yazmine, Candy, Old Mavis and Jackie would be in danger.. he wondered how they were all doing.

“My grandma’s prepared dinner!” Phoenix exclaimed, bringing the meal before them.

“Thanks momma!” Einstein exclaimed.

“You’re not welcome!” Came the old woman’s voice from a distance and Phoenix chuckled.

“Just like my grandpa” Einstein muttered.

“She is still mad at me showing up after many years” Phoenix smiled sadly at she sat before them. “Let’s eat, I’m hungry”

Jameson and Einstein sat up well. However Jameson stopped and turned his gaze to Aiden who was busy with his system.

“Hey” Jameson called after Aiden and their eyes met. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

“Uhh.. I’ll eat later”

“Come over and eat. You’ll get sick if you don’t” Jameson said. Einstein and Phoenix let out a knowing smile.

Shock Aiden nodded and walked to sit beside Phoenix.

Jameson saw the look on others and frowned. “What?”

“Nothing” They both chorused and began to eat. Aiden smiled secretly and began to eat too.

Candy stirred up, waking up from her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open and realized she was in a strange large room.

“Di” She sprang up from the bed, looking around the room. Swinging her feet to the ground, she panicked. She saw Diego last night right? It wasn’t a dream.

She rushed to the entrance slamming it open, her eye caught a group of people sitting around a large table. They all froze at the sight of her.. shock etching on their face. They were like seven of them.

“Wow” One of them whispered. He seems to be the youngest of them all.

“Uhm.. w..who are you guys?” She asked standing alert.

“You’re Candy?” A female among them asked. She is pretty muscular, having Peircing around her face. She look beautiful and strong.

“Y..yeah.. how did you..”

“Devil’s wife. Gosh this will be the first time I’ll be seeing his wife” The youngest guy called Blake, said with a bright smile.

“We are his people. You don’t need to be afraid..” Another guy began to spoke.

“I’m not afraid” Candy cut him off. Her look bold.

“Right. Devil bought you here last night while you were asleep” The muscular lady said. Devil.. that’s Diego’s underground name so these are definitely his people.

“Oh.. where’s Di?” She asked.

“Di? Who’s Di?” The youngest guy asked and got a slap on his head from the lady behimd him.

“She meant Diego dumbass” She snapped and then smiled at Candy. “He is…”

Before she could finish, a door opened revealing Diego stepping out. Candy immediately rushed to hug him. Diego chuckled hugging her back with a smile.

“I think we got the wrong Devil here” Blake muttered and the lady behind him gave him a hit behind again.

“I almost thought it was a dream. I told you not to leave my side” She pouted like a little kid.

“I was about to come to you” Diego whispered as she broke the hug. He held her face and kissed her forehead. Candy’s face brightened.

He held her waist possessively as they both face the group of people in the room who stared at them in shock.

This is probably the first time witnessing the Devil’s soft side.. it was just.. too shocking for them.

Candy smiled awkwardly, they all look like they are seeing a ghost.

“They work under me. I meant the underworld dealing. I didn’t have a choice but to bring you here, since it’s the safest place for now”

Candy nodded, Diego observe her face closely.

“You look a little paled. You must hungry” He said and made to pull her with him. Candy immediately remembered something.

“Uhm, Di” She called and he stopped his track, returning his gaze to her.

“Yes wife”

The group of people was still staring in shock. Maybe Blake was right.. Have they bought in the wrong Devil?…

“You remembered the surprise I told you about” Candy said knowing she need to let him know immediately. Diego nodded.

“Yes I did. What is it?” He asked curiously.

Candy took a deep breath and Diego got curious the more.

“I’m pregnant”

Diego smile slowly dropped and his face turned paled. ‘I’m pregnant’ her word echoed over and over in his head. Hearing no reply, she spoke again.

“I found out when you left and thought to tell you immediately you come back” Candy whispered. She began to get worried with the way Diego stayed frozen.

“Di?” Candy called lightly not being able to take the silence anymore.

“A.. are you.. sure?” He asked staring deep at her. Candy nodded.

A smile crept up his face and disappeared immediately. The same expression happened before he finally burst into laughter.

“You’re pregnant?!!” He exclaimed laughing excitingly and he held her shoulder.

Candy had never seen him this happy before. He was smiling ear to ear, his eyes tearing up a little. Candy laughed not expecting him to be this happy.

“You have a life growing inside you!” He exclaimed running his fingers through his hair. Candy was laughing lightly the entire time.

Diego turned to the his men.

“Guys did you hear that?!” He asked loudly. The men couldn’t reply as the kept entering shock into shock. They couldn’t keep their mouth close.

“I’m gonna be a f-__-king father!!” He yelled, laughing. He palmed his lips and face Candy again. He slam his lips on hers. “f-__-k I love you” he said after breaking the kiss.

He suddenly lifted her up in a bridal style. Candy was surprised by his move, her hand wrapped around his neck.

“W..what are you doing?” She asked with wide eyes.

Diego nodded slowly.

“Wife from now on. I’ll be carrying you, you’re not allowed to walk by yourself.. it’ll affect the baby”


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