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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Mr.. pre..sident?”

Tension settled in the dark room as Diego tried his best to calm himself down. Bloodlust was surging through every part of him but for some reason, he wish to hear something reasonable.

“It’s not what you think” Aiden shook his head.

The light suddenly turn on, and Aiden’s face turn paled.

Einstein and Jameson was now standing by the entrance. His eyes was on Jameson the most.

This man was fuming in anger, even more than Diego.

“I can explain.. I swear it’s not what you think. I’m on your side!” Aiden exclaimed.

“You better give me a good explanation Aiden. Cus I swear I’m gonna give you a slow painful death” Jameson utter through his gritted teeth.

“It’s a plan, okay? I’m trying to know what Griffin is up to. Back home when Griffin got out, he went for me immediately holding my sister as an hostage. He took me as the weakest link in Diego’s circle. I acted vulnerable just to let him think I’m a punk who needed to survive. After he released my sister he kept talking to me wanting to know about Diego and Candy..”

A hiss came from Diego sitting on the left side of the room. He seems to be trying to keep his cool.

“I swear I didn’t give him any crucial information…”

“You just told him we are here, how is that information not crucial?” Einstein asked, he was the only one still calm.

“I only told him Diego was here, he knew that already. I didn’t tell him he bought you and Mr. James. He doesn’t even know I’m here either. I’m just trying to gain his trust so I can know his plan..”

“Why didn’t you tell us!” Jameson roared as he began to approach Aiden.

“I couldn’t tell you, cus it isn’t time yet” Aiden replied.

“And you think I’ll believe you?” Jameson asked.

Aiden took a deep breath.. “Fine, I’ll spill everything out”

Jameson thought Aiden was about to confess some shitty things but it wasn’t like that.

“Griffin ki||ed Slyvester. The Don of the clan” Aiden said and the trio expression changed. Diego stood, tucking his hands into his pocket.

“He is now the Don, and he is preparing something I can’t figure out. I heard something when calling just now. It’s a number” Aiden said.

“What number?” Einstein asked behind.

“21513… uhmm…” Aiden frowned hard. “f-__-k, I can’t remember the last number”

Jameson chuckled, his finger pinching the bridge of his nose. He looked at Aiden again.

“Are you trying to f-__-k with me?” Jameson asked stepping closer.

“I swear on my life. I’m on your side..” Aiden was at the verge of breaking down. He h@ťěd the look Jameson was giving him right now, making him h@ťě himself.

“Then how did you know all these information of Griffin?” Jameson asked. Aiden swallowed. This information he is about to give out is critical. It would get him into trouble.

“Well… The secret agent stuff” Aiden took a deep breath staring at Jameson. “I never quit”

Jameson ran his finger through his hair.

“I lied about that cus I wanted it to be a secret. Disclosing my identity is strictly against the rule. I’ll be in big trouble because of this.. they found out I told Yaz.. and I had to lie that I wasn’t an agent anymore. We have strict protocols” Aiden explained.

“You came to the company on a mission. What was it?” Diego asked this time around. Aiden let out a frustrating sigh.

He knew they’ll find out about his secret but didn’t expect it to be this soon.

“I was.. I was asked to spy on you” Aiden said to Diego. “They wanted to know if you’re evil or not. The mission is over already after I had found out you’re good person”

Diego was pretty impressed. Aiden sure did a good job keeping his identity away from him this long. Observing Aiden’s expression, Diego knew he wasn’t lying. However, he was worried his friend won’t just let this slide…

“So you approached my sister solely for your mission?”

That question struck Aiden as he went mute. He recalled disguising himself an an anonymous guy trying to gain Yazmine’s attention.. at end he fell into an emotion he never expected.

“I’m sorry” Aiden apologized, barely above a whisper.

Jameson immediately held his collar drawing him close. He roared. “Answer the f-__-king question!!!”

“I.. I didn’t mean to…”

As that word left his lips, Jameson sent a punch to his face. Aiden head tilted as he bleed from his lips and mouth.

“Jameson” Einstein called behind.

“You do even love her? Or your stupid action and words are lies too?!” Jameson asked holding Aiden up again.

“No, I love Yaz.. My feeling is not fake… Urgh!!” Aiden graoned as Jameson punched him.

Jameson didn’t stop as he pulled Aiden up and punch him again. Aiden didn’t bother defending, he felt he deserves it.

Jameson did the same action, punching Aiden’s face over and over again until Einstein held his hand stopping him.

“James that’s enough”

Aiden was wheezing, his face bloody as he sat weakly on the floor.

Jameson swallowed sparing Aiden on last look before turning leave.

“I’ll talk to him” Einstein said and left too, leaving only Diego and Aiden in the room.

Aiden gritted his teeth, crying slowly. His approach might not be okay but he love Yazmine. He love her so f-__-king much.

Diego crouched before him and asked. “There’s more to Griffin you know.. tell me after you treat yourself”

Aiden bloody lips trembled. His hand went for his hair, pulling them hard. ‘Yazmine.. I’m sorry’ he thought.


Griffin could be seen in the room smoking dangerously with excitement swirling in his gaze. Things are just going the way he wanted it. The clan worship and adore him, seeing him as their f-__-king savior because he just released them from the cruel hand of Slyvester.

The only thing he dislike was the fact that they thought he was that motherf-__-ker.. THE BILLIONAIRE DEVIL..

“We’ve heard many stories about you devil. We just haven’t met you in person” Dona spoke as she stepped out of the bathroom, naked.

She was f-__-king endowed.. not too beautiful as his Shortie… Oh that cupcake, he had missed her so much and can’t wait to claim her after ki||ing Diego.

“I knew the moment I saw you when you step into the clan..” She climb on her, pressing her hard Ɲīpplë against his chest. “You’re not someone ordinary. You’re someone with power, respect and of course.. someone that can destroy me on bed”

Griffin’s thought was occupied by Candy so he got irritated by her.

“I need to be alone” He said pulling her off his body. Dona whimpered as she watch Griffin walk to stand before the large window.

“I’ll be back, dear Don” She smiled wearing her robe and stepping out.

‘Candy, Candy, Candy’ Griffin groaned in frustration as that name rang in his head. This should be over soon. That wimp Aiden is not helping well.

Soon, the door open and Venessa stepped in with a disturbing look.

“Griffin? If I’m not mistaking.. the clan are busying enjoying themselves. I thought you said they’ll be training, Diego will attack soon” She said.

Griffin turn to approach her and raised her chin up.

“To ki|| a mighty man, a lot of lives are going to die with him” He whispered.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t worry sweetheart, just relax”

“Since Diego is going die. How about I become yours instead?” She asked.

Griffin removed the cigarette from his lips and puff out the smoke on her face.

“You’re offering yourself to me.. nice” He suddenly pulled her waist close. Venessa gasped.

“You’re Diego’s supposed to be bride..” he placing nuzzled his nose on her neck. “You don’t look bad. My mother must have chose you for a reason”

Venessa bit down her lips at his touch, it was tempting.

“Are you accepting me then?” She asked.

“Not until you prove your worth” He said.

Knowing what she meant, She strip herself until she was naked. Her huge B-__-bs made Griffin smirked. He palm one of it earning a slutty Mõ@ɲ from her.

Her body jolt when Griffin smacked her @zz from behind. “Hm.. not bad” he mumbled.

Venessa hand went for his trouser pulling it down. Her gaze landed on his huge Ďïčk, having veins tackling around it. He was hard and ready.

She crouched down before him taking his length into her mouth. As she pleasure him, her Pů$$¥ was dripping wet with desire.

‘f-__-king wh-_-re’ Griffin thought taking fistful of Venessa’s hair. He slammed his Ďïčk into her mouth in a sudden, choking her. His hit was brutal making her tear up.

Soon, his tight tensed and he shot his wetness. Griffin dragged her up and pushed her onto the bed.

Her part her leg, dragging her close. His hand pinned her neck on the bed as he th-ru_st his Ďïčk into her brutally.

Venessa cried out. Pain and pleasure mixing so well. She love it rough and Griffin wasn’t disappointing.

He drew out long Ç0çƙ in the dark and slam back dangerously in. Venessa’s eyes rolled back to its socket taking him good.

The man was destroying her.

“Scream my f-__-king name wh-_-re” He growled into her ear.

“f-__-k me hard, Griffin! Oh gawd!!” She exclaimed.

It was late at night when a truck drove into the clan. It was filled with weapons and food supply. Dona instructed the men to watch over it.. she needed to reach Griffin and inform him..

Of course that wasn’t her main reason, she was planning to get mounted too..

When the truck drove into the large room, the men around stood to start packing.

“The Billionaire Devil? That is crazy. What if he’s lying?” One of the mobster asked another.

“Who cares? Slyvester is dead. None of us ever likes him, he is an @$$h0le. If you’re doubting the new Don is the Billionaire Devil then how come he beat Slyvester?” The other one replied.

“But what if he is worse than Slyvester?”

“I don’t f-__-king care. I had a good f-__-k last night during the feast, isn’t that a good thing to be happy about?”

They both reached the truck and opened it with the aim of taking out the weapons but their face got hit. They went down to the floor together.

The others who saw this reached for their gun, but bullets flew across ki||ing each of them. It was coming from silent pistols.

Jameson was the first to step out followed by Diego and some other men. The two men was dressed in suits having weapon fixed on the body. The suit was a special one, a tech Diego had worked on. The suit was bulletproof.. But not for long..

Their eyes dart around the place, as the men spread through the area.

“Einstein?” Diego asked.

Einstein who had just taken the men in the security room with Aiden tapped on his earphone.

“In position” He replied returning his gaze to one of the lifeless man on the floor. “Diego don’t you think this seems a little easy? These men doesn’t seem to be waiting for us”

Diego thought for while. “Let’s just go as plan”

“I’ll find Phoenix” Jameson said.

“I’ll find Griffin” Diego nodded and with this, they both separated.

Aiden took a deep breath, staring at the screen. “Mr. President. A few minutes, my team will completely scan the building. It will be easier to find Griffin that way” Aiden said.

“Good” Diego replied capturing one of the mobster security and dragged him into a dark corner. Soon, he stepped out with his uniform, his black suit still laying underneath. He adjusted his front cap and keep his gaze low.

There are so many mobsters in this clan, they should at least take half of them down without causing an alarm.

“How did you manage to talk to your team?” Einstein asked Aiden.

“My cousin, we are both in the same team. He understands me cus I do screw up many times.. but I always fix it back”


“Is Mr. James going to forgive me?” Aiden asked worriedly.

“That’s his decision. I do house chores to please my wife whenever I make her mad” Einstein shrugged. “Show him you’re truly worth it and you’ll be fine”

Aiden nodded. “I’ll find out what the code means. It might involves Griffin’s whole plan. I just needed to remember the last number”

“Or you just work on the other number to get the last”

Aiden nodded. “Thanks a lot Mr…”

“Just Einstein.. I don’t like the formal thing”

“Right Einstein” Aiden smiled and immediately bought out his laptop and began to work on the call he made.

However Jameson found a secret passage.

As Jameson made his way forward, he found himself in the clan kitchen. The butler’s were busy chatting and laughing as the cook.

Einstein was right, these people doesn’t seem to be expecting them.

“Hey!” Jameson called after them and the all stopped to look at him. A frown settling on their faces.

“I’m looking for a pink haired girl, pretty, average tall, rude, segzy and she is probably your prisoner” Jameson said and they all look at each other.

“Well I know who you are asking for little fella. She is our prisoner” One of the butler said picking up a cutlass from the table. “Who the f-__-k are you?”

“Someone who is going to torture you until you tell me where she is” Jameson shrugged.

“Let’s ki|| that motherf-__-ker” The butler growled and the others took their weapons.

Diego stepped into a strange room. Behind him, was a lot of dead men he had ki||ed before reaching there.

He push the door open, walking in. This was the Don’s room. A room always location at the top. He walked towards the table, his eyes caught a cup of tea on the table. He felt it and saw that it was still warm..

Swiftly, he dodge the attack from behind. It was Dona. She swing the knife again but Diego held her hand this time and roughly smash her head on the cup of tea.

The liquid burn her skin and she yelped.

“Where’s Griffin?” Diego inquired, his voice deep and dangerous.

“Who the f-__-k are you?” Dona asked back.

“Answer me first, it won’t take me a lot of energy to ki|| you right now” He warned.

“I don’t where he is, he supposed to be here. But I couldn’t find him”

Diego frowned at her word. His eyes dart the room fast. One thing about Griffin.. he doesn’t care about anyone as long as he gets what he wants.

Diego released her fast and began to approach the door. He tapped on his earphone.

“Guys get out here. Everyone get out of the building” He said fast.

Einstein who heard this turn his head to Aiden. The guy’s expression shows he had just discovered something so shocking.

He got the last number.

2, 15, 13 and 2

They are alphabetical numbers..

With wide eyes he looked back at Einstein.

“I think there’s are BOMB in the building” Aiden said.



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