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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Diego threw his phone one side after seeing the news. Stupid! Does his father thinks doing this would make him stop hating him?

A knock on his door interrupted him.

“Go away, whoever it is” He said coldly.

“It’s Griffin” The voice sounded and his eyes open.

“I obviously said go away” Diego said coldly.

“C’mon on out, I need to show you something” Griffin said stubbornly.

“I said get the f-__-k out! Don’t try to get close to me” Diego snapped.

The door suddenly opened and Griffin stepped in. Diego got up from his bed with a scowl.

“The hell?!”

“You should stop being like this. We are the only boys in this big house. We should be close to each other just like how we were when little” Griffin stated but Diego marched towards him, grabbing his shirt.

“I h@ťě it when someone invades my privacy. I don’t want to be close to anyone.. especially someone like you!” He spat.

Griffin looked down at his hand and sighed. “I’m your older brother, you shouldn’t hold me like that”

“Who give f-__-k! You’re the one who is invading my priva….” Before Diego could finish, Griffin swiftly took his hand and swing him down to the floor. Diego groaned.

“You’re one stubborn kid huh?” Griffin shook his head.

Standing up immediately, Diego attacked Griffin, throwing punches at him but the boy surprisingly dodge them. Griffin stopped one of the punch, forced Diego’s hand back and swept his feet off the ground.

He quickly climbed onto Diego, pinning his hands behind his back.

“Let go off me @$$h0le!!” Diego snapped. Griffin would be the first to bring him down.

“Nice move. I like your style. I’ll teach more moves if you want.. little brother” Griffin smirked.

“Don’t call me that!”

“I’ll see you soon” Griffin pat his hair gently and left the room.

Diego stood up breathing hard at what just happened. f-__-k him!

Griffin attended the same school as Diego. Though anytime Griffin tries to talk to Diego, he always give him a cold shoulder.

“How do you become a friend with him?” Griffin ask Jameson one day. Jameson who didn’t like him didn’t answer.

“I’m talking to you” Griffin stood before Jameson.

“Well I have the right to answer or not” Jameson replied taking his seat.

Griffin found Diego training himself at the gym. He scoffed.

“Are you training so you can beat me?” Griffin asked.

“What if I am?” Diego raised a brow wrapping a piece cloth around his hand.

“Then you should practice with me” Griffin grin as he began to step closer.

“f-__-k off”

“Is that the only language you know?” He asked and Diego breath out in anger.

“I said go!” Diego made to punch him but Griffin was fast dodging his attack. He took Diego by the arm sweeping him off the floor and pinned him down just like the other days.

“You only focus on your attack, leaving your defense weak” Griffin said and released him. Diego attacked again and each time Griffin won.

“Nice practice” Griffin gently as they both got tired. “I’ll see you again”

Days pass by as they both spar against each other. This bought them close, Diego slowly got use to Griffin. One day, Diego finally won a fight, taking Griffin down.

“Yes! I did it!” Diego screamed happily.

“Ugrh” Griffin groaned. “You’re a really fast learner..” He said, his face squeezing in pain.

“You okay?” Diego asked.

“I think you dislocated my shoulder” Griffin replied and Diego helped him out. They went out to have lunch together. However, Jameson didn’t like this idea.

At night, Griffin and Diego plays games together. They do that most times. The family was glad they were close.

“He is really cool mom. He is my brother” Griffin said to Hannah.

“It’s nice you’re now close to him. But what about the position his father left.. is he interested in it?” Hannah asked.

“No, he absolutely h@ťěs that and doesn’t want to near it. I felt bad hearing his story and wouldn’t want the power either…”

“Quiet!!” Hannah roared and stepped towards her son who held a confuse look. “Are you perhaps telling me you’re not interested on taking the family business to hand?”

“I never said that mother. I’ve been preparing my whole life for that” He said.

“Then how sure are you Diego doesn’t want that position? Don’t you think he is deceiving you? What else is he planning to do? He have no dream so definitely he is pursuing what you want. Wake up Griffin”

Griffin thought about what his mother said and decided to keep an eyes on Diego.

“He is not cool. There’s something strange about this guy I do not like” Jameson stated as he stared at Griffin from a distance.

“Just let it go, James. He is not like his father”

“How sure are you?”

Griffin came to sit with them and Jameson immediately left the table. Griffin frowned while Diego gave him an assuring smile.

They had once visited Jameson’s home. Jameson didn’t like the idea and gave Griffin a cold attitude. That was when Griffin found out about Jameson’s sickness.

One fateful day, Diego was called by Old Mavis. Griffin saw this and followed them without making a single noise.

Old Mavis asked a few questions about business from Diego and he answered without any problem..

“Why are you asking me all these grandpa?”

Old Mavis with a proud smile answered. “How about you become the CEO, Diego”

Hearing this, Griffin’s eyes widened and his fist clinched beside him. He waited for Diego to say something but he didn’t. Feeling betrayed he left the place.

“CEO? You mean that position that made Romeo a monster?” Diego stood up in anger. “I’m not doing this. I h@ťě every that involves the Gonzalez. I’ll find my own dream. You can give the position to Griffin, I don’t want it” Diego rejected and left the place.

Sitting around the corner, Griffin clinched his jaw in anger. Diego told him he didn’t want it..then why? Why did he answer those questions correctly? Could he perhaps be preparing behind his back?

Maybe his mother was right.. Diego is deceiving him.

“See, I told you” Hannah rolled her eyes.

“Then what should I do?” Griffin asked.

“Do what you have to do to win. Anything. You don’t have to end up like your father. It’s going to be a disgrace. Diego is younger and he should be below you” Hannah said and left.

At college, Griffin has a girlfriend Phoenix. She has the same vibe with him. They both went to parties, do drugs and sleep together. Griffin do tell her his dream of taking over his family business and she would encourage him..

Everything changed, when Diego was admitted to the same college. Diego drew attention without even trying.. even Phoenix herself..

“Why are you staring at my brother like that?” Griffin asked.


“Do you like him?” He asked. Phoenix stayed quiet for a while.

“Why would you ask such a question?” Phoenix rolled her eyes and left.

Griffin slowly couldn’t take it. His Jealousy kicked in. At the mansion. Maids and security respected Diego the most.. even Old Mavis hardly gave him attention.

He needed to do something…

A drug was found inside Diego’s room. Griffin was behind it, he wanted to spoil Diego’s name. However, due to Griffin strange attitude, Diego had secretly installed a camera in his room.

Diego badly wish the guy he called his brother wouldn’t do it but he got disappointed terribly when Griffin appeared at the footage. The police caught Griffin, the news spreading around tarnishing his name.

It took a while before Griffin got out.

“Why did you do it?” Diego asked Griffin.

Griffin who was upset about everything going on around shot a cold glare at Diego.

“Why did I do it?” Griffin scoffed. “Are you seriously asking me that f-__-king question when you are literally stealing everything from me?!.. you said you have no interest of becoming the president then why?! Why do you keep standing in my way after all my hardwork!!”

Diego stood unaffected. “I was wrong about you. You’re the same as those foolish being craving for power. I had no interest in that position.. I had even pleaded with grandpa to give you that position but still, you stabbed me in the back”

“Liar!! You never cared about me!”

“That is your choice to believe.. listen Griffin” Diego face turned cold, his aura changing.

“I’ll take that position now and even what you crave for. Take that as your punishment” He said and made to leave.

Griffin immediately grab a knife from the table and walked fast towards Diego with the aim of stabbing him but the door open revealing Old Mavis.

The old man saw the scene and got shock. Diego smirked, all of these was just his plan.

“I saw your son! Do you think I was blind?” Old Mavis questioned Vincent and Hannah.

“There must be a misunderstanding. Why would Griffin want to hurt Diego? We all have seen how close these two are” Hannah spoke.

“That’s it.. we are going to choose the next president. And I have already known who I am to give that power”

Hannah face turned paled. If Old Mavis have a bad impression of Griffin that would be a problem.

“Shouldn’t we test them first. I mean their capability” Hannah suggested and the old man thought for a while before agreeing.

The Gonzalez cooperation was after an impossible contract. Old Mavis gave the assignment to Griffin and Diego..

Diego was 18 while Griffin was 20.. both handsome and brilliant. They were both assigned a mentor to guide them.

“Are you sure about this? Remember you never wanted this path” Jameson said worriedly to Diego.

“I need to teach him a lesson. Someone like Griffin doesn’t deserve to be the head, he’ll ruin people” Diego said, glancing a cold glare over Griffin who was busy talking to Phoenix.

“Alright, I just want to be sure. I’ll support your decision in every way and I’m going help. I have a lot of business idea, since it’s my dream” Jameson said and they both smiled at each other.

After so much hardwork, both heirs presented what they had prepared. The client wondered why the Gonzalez cooperation had made two preparation. Hearing the explanation from Old Mavis.. he was asked to check out their work and see who won his heart.

Around a large table sat many business women and men, each representing their own company. Griffin and Diego represented the Gonzalez.

The client smiled as he checked out every single thing.

“The Gonzalez won”

Griffin smiled while Diego kept his cool. The client walked up to the two guys. He faced Griffin first, giving him hope.

“By offering such amount of money, I’m afraid that wasn’t what I was after” The man spoke calmly. Griffin’s face dropped with a frowned.

“How ever..” The man raised his gaze to Diego, having a hint of amusement in his eyes. “You gave us a clear reason. You showed me what I never expect an eighteen years old boy to do. Your prices, terms and such a mind blowing detail won my heart.. so therefore, I’m giving this contract to the Gonzalez company, solely because of you”

Diego was a bit shocked by this, he actually didn’t prepare too much and he got such a speech from the strong headed client.

The room was filled with applaud as the people around celebrate him.

However, Griffin stayed frozen, his heart beating hard against his chest as his eyes widened in terror. He lost.. just like his father…

Diego shifted his gaze to Griffin.. a pang of concern struck him but it disappeared immediately, thinking of how Griffin had betrayed him.

Griffin suddenly stood from his seat holding Diego by the collar.

“You cheated, didn’t you? How the f-__-k did you do this. I’m the oldest!!” He roared. Others around stood to reach him.

Griffin sent a punch to Diego’s face, in which he didn’t bother to dodge.

“You f-__-king @$$h0le! Did you bribe him?!” He yelled.

A slap landed onto Griffin’s face. He slowly looked up and saw Old Mavis glaring at him.

“Such a fool!” He roared. Facing Diego who stood and wipe his blood.

“Congratulations Diego, You’ll become the president” He declared.

The celebration was short, Diego didn’t smile not even once. He h@ťěd what is going on, but he has not choice. Griffin is becoming a monster each day.

“What is wrong with you!” Phoenix yelled as Griffin smashed things in the room.

“You need to stop!!” She yelled but Griffin grabbed her by the neck, his eyes bloodshot.

Diego has been a president for two year, with Jameson by his side. He on the other hand, was like a ghost not acknowledged…

Just like his stupid father…

“Stay the f-__-k out of my business wh-_-re!” He spat and released her.

“wh-_-re, motherf-__-ker did just called me an wh-_-re?” She asked, glaring.

“Yeah that’s what you are. I saw the way you stared at Diego. Do you like him. Did you f-__-k you? Is his Ďïčk better than mine?”

“What the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you so obsessed with Diego!..”

“See? You’re defending him. If you don’t like him then you should be on my side.. my side!!” He roared, grabbing her.

“What are you doing? Let go off me!” She yelled as he took her to the car zooming off.

“Answer me. Where are we going! Stop the f-__-king car!”

Griffin didn’t reply until he drove to dangerous clib. He forced her in and his eyes scan around the men inside. They were all tattooed having a menacing aura.

“Here is a Ɓîtçh for you to f-__-k, do a good job” Griffin said and Phoenix eyes widened in terror.

“Griffin!!” Phoenix yelled but the man left. One of the dangerous men dragged her back throwing her on of the table. She fell hurting herself, she was crying.

The man pulled out his member and approach with the aim of wreaking her bones until a voice stopped them.

“Don’t touch her”

The men’s head snapped towards the voice and there he was, sitting with a blank look as he poured himself a coke. He doesn’t drink alcohol…

“Stay out of this devil” The man who was about to reach Phoenix spoke. He made to move again.

“Do you wish to die?” The guy asked and the man sighed.

“Who is she to you huh?”

“My girlfriend” He replied calmly. Shocked Phoenix frowned.. that voice was familiar. She slowly took a peek and was shocked to see Diego.

Why is he sitting there like he own the place?…

“Bullshit, that man bought her here and specifically told us to f-__-k her good. So stay out of it.. son of a Ɓîtçh”

Obviously the man spoke out of anger of his desire being delayed. A knife immediately flew across the room piercing straight into the man’s forehead. He went down to his knee and died instantly.

Others eyes widened in shock..

Diego stood and walked up to Phoenix. His gaze move to the others.

“Anyone else who wants to f-__-k her?” He asked loudly.

Other scoffed and slowly bring out their weapons. Knives, hammer, bottles and even guns. Diego smirked darkly…

This is going to be fun for him…

“ki|| him!!!” One of the roared and they all approached him at once….


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