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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Tssk..” Candy scoffed coldly and in the next moment, she pulled the trigger.


Silence followed after the gunshot, the only thing that could be heard was heavy breaths.

Yazmine whose eyes was shut for a moment, opened them slowly. She had wanted to stop Candy from pulling the trigger but was late for that.

Relief washed over her face as she saw Candy had shot the wall instead of Leo.

The man trembling with total fear and sweat beads all over his body, slowly looked up to Candy, who still had the gun pointed to his forehead.

“I’ve ki||ed animals but never ki||ed a human” Candy set the gun again, creating a click sound. “Decide where you belong”

Leo swallowed hard, the poison already affecting his system so he was breathing hard.

“What the hell do you what me to do then?” The man asked, glaring but deep down was fear to lose his life.

“Call your boss and tell him you’re doomed” Candy requested, her face cold.

Leo face dropped. Calling Vito is like calling his death. He had been warned not to screw this up and hold Candy and the others as hostage

“I can’t…”

“I’ll blow your f-__-king head off” Candy warned on a low voice.

Leo had no choice but to reach out for his phone and dialed a number.

Back in Berlin Vito’s cell phone disrupted his discussion with Diego. As he went to get his phone, Diego’s lips curved up into a dark smirk.

“Hay un problema, Vito, la esposa de este diablo está loca!” Leo spat on the other side. (There’s a problem Vito, this devil’s wife here is crazy!)

“English motherf-__-ker” Candy’s voice sounded at the background.

“I’m doomed, Vito” Leo finally said and Vito’s face dropped.

“Voy a matarte cuando llegues aquí” Vito spat, his eyes red in anger as he knew his plans already failed. (I’m gonna ki|| you once you get here”

In the next moment, the heard several fast gunshots and jerk in shock.

As he turn turn, he found his men laying dead on the floor.

Diego and Jameson had a gun on each hand. Swiftly. Diego shot both of Vito’s arm send him down to the table behind.

Diego stepped close towards him.

“Who helped you?” He asked coldly.

“Go to hell… Ahh!” Vito roared in pain when Diego shot his right leg, blood oozing out.

“Who helped you?” Diego asked again.

“Do you really think I’ll tell you? Just ki|| me motherfu… Ahhhh!!” Vito’s scream came louder this time as Diego release three bullets on Vito’s second leg.

When Diego raised his gun to the first one with one shot, Vito screamed in fear.

“Fine I’ll talk! Don’t just $h00t.. f-__-k!!” Vito’s body was dripping with so much blood.


Getting the information he needed. Diego scoffed, well this Spanish idiot won’t stay alive since this was his second time of messing with him, so Diego released the final bullet into Vito’s head, not minding how the man plead.

“There are more of his men in the gamehouse” Jameson informed as Diego walked back to him.

“We’ll ki|| them all” Diego stepped out and Jameson followed.

As they got there, everyone of them in the gamehouse had their eyes on them, they must be wondering where the gunshots came from.

“mierda! ($h|t!)” One of the Vito’s men cursed when he saw the blood on Diego’s suit. He immediately lifted the gun to Diego.. everyone in the room, also did the same.

“This feeling.. oh I’ve missed it?” Jameson massaged his neck.

“This is going to be fun” Diego muttered, his gaze dark.

Yazmine threw her head back in the car. “Gosh! That was scary” she breath out in relief.

Those Diego’s men were the one who helped them excape. And as for Leo, he was captured and tied in the trunk. Diego will deal with him later.

“You both really surprised me. Candy acting like her husband and then Aiden, where did you get a gun?” Yazmine asked, feeling she was the only odd one here.

“I had one for protection, so I decided to bring it. In case something comes up” Aiden replied.

He lives in a dangerous street and has a gun too? Yazmine thought.

“Yaz, you okay?” Candy asked.

“Yeah, I was just a bit scared back there, maybe it’s been long I’ve been in a situation like this” Yazmine replied.

“Hmm, I was scared too” Candy replied and Yazmine raised her brow.

“You didn’t look scared to me. I almost didn’t recognize you back there. You look too innocent and pretty to be holding a gun” Yazmine said, and Candy chuckled.

“I learnt many things from my father.. well except swimming” Candy said.

“You should learn that one too. The enemies might use that against you” Yazmine suggested.

“Then will you teach me?” Candy asked cutely.

“Gosh you’re acting innocent again. I’ll teach you only if you teach me some moves too” Yazmine said.

“Deal!” Candy exclaimed.

After class, Jackie was heading home when a hand suddenly grabbed her from behind on her shoulder and pulled her hard making her fall.

“Hey!!” Jackie snapped but her eyes widened seeing two huge guys and a girl holding knives. “What the f-__-k” mumbled.

“Jackie, Jackie.. my man stealer” The girl in the middle called Brielle said.

“What are you three doing?” Jackie asked, not showing out fear.

“I’m here to destroy your face Ɓîtçh. Didn’t I ask warned you to stay away from Carl? He is mine” She asked.

Jackie scoffed in disbelief, she stood up from her feet and dust her jacket.

“Psychos like you should be in the hospital not roaming around the street freely” Jackie insulted.

“What did you just say to me?” Brielle asked stepping forward.

“There are rumors about you having a mental problem, and that your rich dad didn’t want to admit you to the hospital just for his name sake.. I guess that rumor is true..”

Jackie scoffed again, sweeping her short brown hair backwards. “You’re doing this because of Carl. There’s nothing between us, we are just friends. f-__-k, why am I explaining this to you anyway.. so what?! What if I’m dating Carl Ɓîtçh.. are you going to fry your f-__-king Pů$$¥?”

Brielle reached her limit and ordered the guys to attack her. Jackie dodged the knives swinging towards her. She was pretty good with combat but not too good to handle two bouncers. One of the guys managed to hit her, swinging her down to the floor..

The other one didn’t let her breath as he sent a kick to her stomach. Jackie’s hurts badly as she almost puked.

“Hold her up, and let destroy the face she is so proud of” He ordered and Jackie was held up.

“Ɓîtçh!” Jackie spat and tried to get away from the man. One of them hit her face and pinned her to the floor hard.

“f-__-k” Jackie cursed.

“Now let’s get this done” Brielle muttered and made to stab her face, Jackie shut her eyes but didn’t felt any sting.

Meanwhile, a hand had held Brielle’s hand from behind. She looked back and found a strange man staring coldly at her.

“Who are…” Her words were caught short when the man pulled her up to himself, his eyes burning with anger.

He pushed her hard the floor, making her hit her head.

Turning his gaze to the men holding Jackie, Jameson demanded coldly.

“Get your hands off her”

The men gave each other a look. They both released her at once but then bought out their knives.

Jackie quickly raised her head to him. He was the last person she had expected.

“Get him!!” Brielle yelled from the floor.

The men charged towards Jameson at once, swirling their knives at him. Grabbing one of them hand, he dodge the second one attack and kicked his back. He faced the first and twisted his hand behind breaking it in the process. He then swing him down to the floor, the man lost his conciousness instantly.

The second one came, Jameson threw many punches on different part of his body, then flew to kick his face. He beat the two men in 20 seconds.

He returned his gaze to shock Brielle.

“I don’t hit women, but next time you try $h|t with her.. I’ll break my rules and ki|| you” His warning was enough to make Brielle shrink on her spot.

Jameson walked up to Jackie and offered her his hand.

“Let’s go” He said to her. Jackie stared at him for a while before accepting his hand.

Carl who stood from a distance, watch Jameson drove Jackie out of the place. He drew out his phone staring at crazy Brielle.

“Hello is this the police. I need you to come arrest a girl and two guys. They tried to hurt my friend” He said.

Meanwhile, in Jameson’s car was silence. Jackie was staring out his car window not wanting to talk to him.

“How have you been?” Jameson decide to break the silence.

“Why are you even here? I can handle myself” Jackie spoke.

“Those guys had you pinned to the floor…”

“That was my business not yours” Jackie cut in coldly.

“Look, about what happened on the trip. I’m sorry I yelled at you okay? I just… I just didn’t want to worry anyone. Especially my sister and Diego”

“Keeping it to yourself is far worse, never mind anyway since you won’t listen” She said, folding her arms.

“I’m sorry” Jameson apologized, staring at the road before him.

“Where are you taking me?” She asked.

“I just got back from Berlin. Candy requested me to teach you about our work. Henceforth, you’re my student” He said.

“Gosh, can’t someone else teach me already?”

“Someone like who?” Jameson asked curiously.

“Like the handsome guy on the trip. Aiden, he’ll be far better than you” Jackie said and Jameson rolled his tongue in his mouth.

“Fine, I’ll set you up with him” Jameson reply made Jackie blinked severallly. She never expected him to agree.

“I h@ťě you” She muttered resting her back on the seat.

“I’ll take you home now, we’ll be starting tomorrow. I’m tired for now” Jameson said and Jackie let out a secret smile.

“You better go easy on me”

“I’ll surely be strict with you”

“Hey! Mr. Grumpy!”

It was 8pm, Candy was waiting for Diego’s return. She heard from Jameson Diego had to branch somewhere.

“Why is he taking so long?” She mumbled, placing her head on the dinner table, she pouted. It has been a day and she misses him.

The doorbell made her jump from her seat. She rushed towards the door expecting it to be Diego but her face dropped with disappointment instead.

“From Mr. President, Mrs Gonzalez” The strange man on suit outstretched a bag towards her. Candy blinked in confusion.

“I’ll be waited for you outside ma’am” The man bowed and left.

Candy walked back in and immediately check what’s in the bag. She gasped seeing a dress, gosh another one! The one haven’t wore the one he gave in the office, and yet he bought another.

“Wait is this, celestial elegance?.. oh my gawd” Candy covered her lips. It’s handcrafted with imported silk and adorned with Swarovski crystals. Each piece is one-of-a-kind, tailored to perfection. It’s breathtaking and Candy can’t wait to wear it. She reached for her phone and called him.

He picked up immediately and asked “Did you receive the dress wife?”

“What are you doing?” She asked trying to keep her voice calm she failed, she was just too happy.

“Come over and you’ll see” Diego replied.

After a while, Candy stepped out of the apartment all dressed. She was stunning causing the driver’s jaw to fall open.

Candy’s red lips stretched up to a smile as the driver opened the car door for her.

In thirty minutes, they reached a huge exquisite building. It’s architecture grand exuding wealth and power. The fancy lights sorrounding it made it even more building.

Outside, the mansion’s gate was guarded with hefty securities. This building was to beautiful.

As Candy was led into the house, she was greeted by a middle aged woman, dressed in black and white.

“Welcome ma’am, please this way” She demanded politely, her voice calm.

The inside was even more beautiful. Candy had only seen this type of house in movies and novels. Is she in a palace or something?

Distracted, she stumbled on her own feet and began to fall. But a strong arm held her waist stopping the fall.

Candy eyes met with the demigod. His beauty always seems to amaze her. His hair styled perfectly well, matching with those handsome face.

“You should watch your step wife” Diego said calmly, helping her up. He swallowed taking in her dress.

“What’s this Di?” Candy asked.

“Our new home, I wanted to create a place we can start anew, away from the chaos out there. How do you see it?” Diego asked lightly, then saw Candy’s eyes tearing up.

He reached for her face. “Are you crying?” He asked.

“I love you” She whispered. With this, he smile and caressed her cheek using his thumb. Placing a kiss on her forehead, she stared down at her.

“You’re the best thing that had ever happened to me. I always love you Candy” He said.

Soon, they were both seated on a table decorated beautifully.

“Since when have you been preparing this?” Candy asked with a smile.

“I own many houses, but this is my favourite. Well, being with you is my favorite..”

Candy chuckled at his word.

“Beside this place is well secured. I want to be rest assured that my wife is under protection”

“It’s breathtaking, I love it here” Candy grinned.

Diego stood up and walked up to her. He held her up and pinned her to the table behind her gently.

“Your body is driving me crazy babe, I’m losing my patience” Diego pouted and Candy found him cute.

She held his suit close. “You’re driving me nuts too” she whispered.

Tracing his hand down to her @zz, Diego lifted her up to sit on the table. Her leg wrapped around his torso revealing those smooth thighs.

“About what you did to Leo, how should I reward you wife?” He asked.

Candy draw him close, her eyes staring at him with desire as she brushed her lips on his.

She whispered…

“How about you punish me instead, baby. That will be a great reward”


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