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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Getting to his car, Diego placed Candy gently and drive off. Yazmine, Jackie and others stared in awe except Jameson, who began to search the area.

Around the corner, a reporter check out the pictures he had taken. It was the picture of Diego carrying Candy out with her head rested on his chest.

The reporter claimed on his bike and left the arena. Jameson didn’t fail to notice.

“Yazmine” Jameson went to drag her sister gently.

“What’s going on James. Candy and the president.. are they-” She wanted to ask but he cut her off.

“That is not the important thing right now. What did you see when you saw Candy?”

Yazmine explained how a waitress pour a drink on Candy. She followed her and how a guard had mistaken her as the owner of a broken car. When she got back she found Candy gone and immediately search for her. It took a while before getting her location. She saw Candy drowning in the pool with a little movement.

“I would have saved her myself but I couldn’t swim either. Gosh I was so scared” Yazmine wipe the tears from her face.

“Hey it’s okay” Jameson held her close and hug her. She must be so scared since she saw Candy first. “Candy is stronger than you think”

His mind drifted to Diego. The person behind this is definitely going to see hell.

Candy woke up in a strange room, blinking the remnants of sleep in her eyes, she sat up slowly. She sighed remembering what happened last night.

It was scary, and she actually thought she would die. Her struggles and the urge to scream was terrifying. Before she lose conciousness, the only person she had wished to see again was, Diego..

She remembered coughing out after a while and his embrace after she was calm. That wasn’t a dream right? She had never seen that side of Diego..

Candy swung her feets down the ground, and noticed her cloth was changed. He must have did it. Her eyes wandered around wondering who own this place.

“You haven’t come to my place for a year. You didn’t even care if I was dead or alive” Einstein said as he prepare breakfast.

“I’m glad you know” Diego said as he sat on a couch eating apple, with his leg on each other.

“You’re such a jerk. You came when you needed my help. If it wasn’t for the beautiful, cool woman you bought, I wouldn’t have given you a face” Einstein said.

“Why is she still sleeping? She should be awake by now. Did you slip her with sleeping pills?” Diego asked, his voice thick.

“Stop being paranoid. She is probably exhausted from your trouble” Einstein replied earning a glare from Diego as he turn. His eyes caught the fragile figure standing from a distance.

“Awwn, the beauty is awake” Einstein remarked.

Diego traced his gaze and his eyes met Candy. Candy didn’t know how to react, will he be mad at her for getting into trouble last night?

“We were just talking about you. You must be hungry” Einstein said.

“Good morning” She greeted, Einstein nodded but Diego didn’t say anything but avert his gaze.

Candy walked to sit beside Diego.

“How are you feeling?” His deep voice cut through the silence in between them.

“I’m fine now. Thanks for saving me yesterday” She said, playing with her fingers.

“Hmm” He grunt.

Einstein was done serving.

“You must Einstein” Candy guessed right and the handsome man smiled.

“Don’t tell me Diego was the one who told you about me” Einstein said.

“No it was Jameson. He said I’ll meet you someday. He talked about your talents, you’re such a great man” She replied.

“Wow, I can’t believe this jerk got to marry someone this cool”

Diego lips fell open. Einstein sat beside Candy and held her hand, she blinked severally wondering what the man was up to.

“If Diego happens to hurt you, don’t think twice before running to me” Einstein said.

“Hey, I don’t mind breaking your bones this morning” Diego warned coldly.

“Does he use this kind of tone to you?” Einstein asked and Candy decided to play along. She pouted like a kid.

“Yes he does” She gave him a look and Diego blinked in disbelief.

“He acts cold too?” He asked.

“He also have a lot of segz partners. That’s crazy right?” Candy said.

“And then gets jealous whenever he sees you talking to another man?” He asked and Candy nodded quickly.

“How do you know that?” She asked. “Have he ever done that to a lady before?”

“Haha.. of course not. I’ve known Diego for a long time. Last night I saw something in his eyes when he bought you here” Einstein said.

Candy got so curious, but before she could speak the man behind her said in a hard voice.

“You two won’t like it when I explode” Diego raised a brow.

“I’ll tell you later on. You should eat, you must be hungry” Einstein stood with a smile.

While eating the door opened and Jameson walked it. Setting his eyes on Candy, he breath out in relief.

“How are you feeling? You’re not hurt?” He rushed to Candy. Diego bit down his tongue in his mouth.

‘Why is his friend getting on his nerves today?’

“I’m fine. I must have scared you” Candy muttered.

“So much. Yazmine and Jackie insisted on coming but I told her you’ll need some rest. How did it happen?”

“Don’t worry her too much and let her eat” Diego said. Jameson and Candy looked up to him speechless.

“Did you put something in his food? Why is he acting weird?” Jameson asked Einstein.

“Weed” Einstein answered.

“That’s it, I’m ki||ing you both” Diego stood, Jameson and Einstein ran away from him. Candy watch them as they run around the house.

“Am I dreaming?” Candy mumbled.

Diego caught Jameson, he grab the pillow on the couch and started hitting him. Einstein pretend to pull out an imaginary phone.

“Hello, is this the police? Come over quickly, a jerk is about to ki|| my friend” He said pretending to be scared. Diego grab him from behind and made him fall on Jameson. He grab another pillow and began to hit them again.

Candy’s jaw was practically on the floor. Her husband look so serious while playing..

She smile, ‘How cute’

Meanwhile, after hearing Candy’s explanation, Diego searched for Alexa and found her at the hospital. She said she had fainted on her way to call for help due to her body issues. A guard found her and took her to the hospital.

Diego found this story weird and he is going to get to the root of the matter. So.. he decided to visit Alexa himself!

Alexa was busy playing with her fingers out of nervousness. The door creaked open and she jumped from her seat thinking it was Hannah but it turns out to be the last person she expected..


“Mr… President..?” She stuttered with her eyes widened like it was going to pop out of its socket soon.

“Why are you so surprised?” Diego asked, sitting on a chair around the corner then cross his leg.

“I.. I didn’t expect you to be.. here” Alexa stammered again. ‘Get a hold of yourself!’ she yelled inwardly.

Diego suspicious was right. Alexa knew something.

“I heard you are sick. I’m just to check up on you” He said.

“Oh, that is so nice of you sir”

Diego separated his leg and lean close, placing both of his elbows on each knees.

“Hm, so how are you feeling?”

“I’m getting better” She replied, swallowing hard.

“You know I’m married right?” He asked staring at the ring on his finger. Alexa found it a bit familiar. She had seen the brand on someone’s finger somewhere.

“She must be really pretty” she said.

“It’s Candy”

Those two words struck Alexa hard to her cells. She felt like peeing on herself. She waited for him to say he was joking but his face shows he was serious. He lift his dark gaze to her again.

“Why do you look paled?” He asked.

“Huh? I.. I.. am.. nothing” She tried to stop trembling but failed miserably.

“She almost drowned into the pool at the party. f-__-king annoying right?” He asked but Alexa couldn’t find her word. “My rivals want her dead but I’ve been protecting her..”

“She fell into the pool trying to save me. I.. I didn’t do it purpose. I would have save her but I.. wasn’t okay..” She quickly speak.

“I’ll get to the root of the matter and you what comes next”

“I.. I didn’t do any..”

“I never said you did something.. or did you?” He asked.

“No, I swear”

“Hell is coming” with this he smirked, stood and left the ward leaving Alexa trembling and sweating.

“Why aren’t you accepting it?” Einstein asked Diego as they stood beside each other, staring outside the city which looks beautiful at night.

“Accept what?” Diego asked.

“Nevermind, how is your nightmare?” He asked.

“I haven’t experience it for a long while” Diego replied.

“Really?” Einstein asked, and seems to think of something. “Since when?”

“Since…” Diego stopped talking when he realized the answer.

“Diego, you need to tell me. I’m your doctor” Einstein said.

“Well I’m getting better, isn’t that what you wanna hear. I’m tired, goodnight” He said and walk away.

Einstein sighed. “What a stubborn patient”

After Candy was good, she decided to return back to her normal routine. She was back to the house and was preparing to get back to work soon. Yazmine is definitely going to shower her with so many questions once she set her eyes on her.

Diego seems too busy but do reply her whenever she needs something. Also, he surprisingly didn’t touch her or ask for anything. He was just silent.

His strange act bothers her.

“Are you still mad at me?” Candy asked as Diego drives her to the grocery store. The man only obey her request without complaining.

“I’m always mad at you” He replied.

“Because I’m pretty?” She grin, titling her head one side. Diego scoffed with a proper replied.

“Why are you so quiet these days?” She finally ask the question bothering.

“Do you want me to go back to my old self. I’ll gladly do that” He said.

“No! That’s not what I meant”

“Then don’t complain while I act nice”

“I won’t refer this as nice. We are couples. We should be doing something fun together. Not glaring and saying daring or cold words to each other. If you don’t want me to know you at least let do something together.. we should create memories”

“Things like what?” He asked.

“Will you do them if I tell you?” She asked.

“That’s if it’s not something dumb” He answered.

“Let’s go out and watch a movie together, we can go to the picnic, park, play games, go out eating, kiss in the rain..”

Diego stopped the car all of a sudden and shifted his gaze to her.

“Everything sounds dumb” He remarked. “We have a TV at home. Picnic? I don’t do that $h|t. I’m too busy to play games. And kiss in the rain, we kissed a lot, why do you want it under the rain?”

“You’re so boring” Candy folded her arms and look forward pouting her lips.

“You just earn yourself a punishment” He said.

“I did nothing wrong, I was just saying the truth” She replied and Diego huffed.

“I’m not boring”

Candy’s face lit up seeing something.

“Ah, let’s get ice cream” She squealed.

“Hell no” He said.

“If you’re not boring, then let’s eat ice cream” She said and Diego clinched his jaw.

“Fine, go I’ll wait for you” He pulled a long face and she came down. He closed his eyes, how the hell is he listening her? She must have drvgged him.

Getting there, Candy ordered for two ice creams. On her way back, she her eyes met with Xavier.

Xavier?” She blinked severally.

“Candy” Xavier smiled handsomely.

“What are you doing here?”

“I visited the company and didn’t see you. I got to find out you had an accident. Are you okay?” He asked.

“I’m fine, I’ll return to work tomorrow” Candy said and wanted to leave before Diego sees this.

“Why are you in a hurry. I need to talk to you. It’s been bothering me so much I couldn’t sleep”

“I’m pretty busy right now” Candy replied.

Meanwhile Diego eyes caught them and frowned hard.

“That motherf-__-ker” he muttered.

“Just a minute. About what I said about taking you on a date. I meant it. I know our relationship years ago seems childish but this time I am really serious Candy. Just give a chance.. I don’t expect you to give me your replies now. I can wait, but don’t keep me waiting for long”

Candy couldn’t speak because she had spot someone standing behind Xavier for a while and he heard everything single thing he just said.

“What a nice speech” Diego said behind him.

“Diego?” Xavier never expect to see him here too. He look back at Candy who bit her lips.

“I never knew you were here too” Xavier said with an awkward smile.

“Hmm. I came here with my wife” Diego replied.

“Wow… That’s pretty awesome. I would love to see her one day” Xavier replied and Diego clinched his jaw.

Is he acting dumb on purpose?!

Noticing Diego’s deadly glare, Candy stepped forward.

“Let’s leave” she held his hand but the man didn’t move.

Just on her second step, Xavier spoke again.

“You must be really close to Diego. What’s your relationship with him? Is he your brother? Judging with the way he is possessive, he must be your relative or something” Xavier asked.

This time, Diego burst into a dark laugh.

“Brother? If you really wanna know, I’ll show who she is to me”

Candy blinked severally when the man looked at her with a smirk. He suddenly pulled her waist to himself and crashed his lips on hers. Candy eyes widened.

It was the gentle kiss she do crave for. He pushed her lower lips down with his tongue and kissed her deeper making her lose her senses. Candy forget they were outside. She closed her eyes, pulled his shirt close and returned the kiss.

He made her kiss him back.

He broke the kiss after a while, Candy got herself and slowly turn her head to Xavier, whose face was red with shock. Diego love that look.

“Does that explains it all?” He asked Xavier.

“Huh?” Xavier was too shock to hear him well. Diego raised his brow.

“That doesn’t explain? Should I f-__-k her before you too?” He asked and Candy eyes widened.


Diego gave her a look.

“What’s with the ‘Sir’?.. Call me HUBBY”


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