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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Jameson marched to stand beside Diego who gave him a questioning look.

“She’ll be here soon” Jameson answer his unspoken question.

Soon, Candy appeared, walking down the aisle with a bunch of flowers. Her make up was retouch making her look more beautiful, her face covered in a white veil.

Hannah, Diego’s aunt. The one who set a wife frowned a little. She couldn’t see the bride’s face because of the veil, but then thought maybe Venessa look leaner than before.

Unknown to her, the bride wasn’t Venessa..

Getting to the alter, Candy could hear her fast beating heart. What if she get caught? This man is know as the Billionaire Devil, ruthless with his way. What if he punish her when he finds out she was a wrong bride and that she had decieved his assistant just to come here.

She could only pray the real bride doesn’t show up here all of a sudden and ruin everything.

‘I’ll talk to him’ She thought to herself and took a deep breath. She had only heard the whisper about this man and have not withness his appearance before. Slowly, she looked up to his face and her heart skipped a beat…

She thought the Billionaire devil was a middle age man, maybe ugly but she was wrong. This man was handsome, with a perfect built muscular frame body. Even with his cold look, he look like an angel. Is he even human? How could he be so perfect?

Candy didn’t know when her lips curled up to a beautiful smile..

Diego who saw this was a bit taken back. How could she be smiling? He was used to people getting scared by his dominant aura and cold look but she was different. What kind of woman has his aunt set for her?

Old man Mavis was smiling ear to ear. He is finally withnessing his grandson wedding, his heart was swelling with joy.

“I do” Candy replied the priest question. Diego stared at her for a while before saying his.

“I now pronounce you both as husband and wife.. you may now…”

Before the priest could finish his word, Diego stepped down from the alter and began to walk away leaving Candy stun. What got into him all of a sudden?

“Jerk” Jameson shook his head and went to meet Candy. “Allow me to escort you back Mrs. Gonzalez”

Hearing the name ‘Mrs. Gonzalez’ made Candy smile again and followed Jameson out of the hall.

“That punk. How could he have left without holding his bride hand to hand?” Old Mavis mumbled. Hannah held his old hand.

“You know how cold he is. Allow Venessa to melt his heart. It’s going to take a while. At least he is married now, let’s be happy about that and visit them soon too” She said with a smile calming Old Mario’s heart.

Meanwhile, in the Lamborghini, Candy stole a glance of Diego who had his eyes close. How could he not recognize his bride, what kind of wedding is this?

Well hers wasn’t different. She doesn’t know what her groom look like and never thought she would escape this easily.

“Here sign this. Input, your name and other details” Jameson gave Candy a file in which she took from him.

Diego’s signature was there already..

She stared at the name space for a moment, wondering if she should write her own name or not. At the end she wrote her own details before handing them over to Jameson.

Her breath seized when Jameson wanted to check it.

“Wait!” She suddenly spoke.

This time, Diego eyes slowly open.

“Your suit, where did you get them? They are really nice” She asked. Diego turn his piercing gaze to her, her action shows she was nervous.

“This suit? I got them from the Gonzalez’s personal fashion designer. His name is Einstein, he is the best. You’ll meet him as time goes on” Jameson closed the file and keep it. Candy let out a deep breath, on which Diego didn’t fail to notice.


In a large room, Venessa had her head on a man’s chest as she slept soundly. The man was awake as he kept staring at her with a knowing smile on his face.

They both had a rough segz throughout last night and had slept half of the day.

Soon, Venessa’s brow knitted as she let out a light groan, waking up.

“Good morning sunshine” Marvel greeted and when she look up to him, he lean down to kiss her lips lightly.

“Good morning bear. You look so handsome” She smiled, tapping her his nose with her index finger.

“You don’t look bad either” Marvel said in an hoarse voice.

Venessa pulled her naked self away from him, got down from the bed and head for her phone.

“Uhm, Essa. Can we stay on bed a little longer?” Marvel said, staring at her fine body frame. His voice sounds a bit nervous.

“You wanna f-__-k me again this morning? No, I’m tired. My whole body aches because of your monster last night” Venessa chuckled then reach for her phone. Marvel took a deep breath.

“Huh? Why was there so many missed calls?” Venessa pouted, her sight met with the date on her screen and her eyes flew open wide with so much shock.

“The f-__-k!!!” Venessa exclaimed hard. She slowly turn to look at her boyfriend who was scratching his hair.

“Today supposed to be my wedding. Why the f-__-k didn’t you remind me?!!” Venessa yelled insanely.

“C’mon babe. How could I just sit and let you get married to another man?” Marvel said.

“I told you it was temporary f-__-k! Gawd what have I done” She immediately made a call. Diego’s aunt.

“Hey, Mrs. Hannah” Venessa breath out.

“Hi Venessa. I’m so happy for you today, I’m glad the wedding went well as planned” Hannah’s voice sounded on the other side.

“Huh? Wh.. what are you talking about? What wedding?” Venessa’s face squeeze with confusion.

“Your wedding Venessa. Didn’t you just get married to Diego an hour ago?” Hannah asked in a confused tone.

“Actually aunt.. I wasn’t at the wedding..”


“Something really terrible came up. I couldn’t show up. I just got out of the trouble and decided to call” Venessa began to freak out.

“If you aren’t the bride then, who the f-__-k did Diego got married to?” Hannah asked.

“I.. I don’t know… What you’re talking about.. Diego got ma.. married?” Venessa swept her hair backwards as she held the phone tightly against her ear.

“Yes you dummy. How could you have neglected the wedding. After all our plans Venessa!!!” Hannah yelled over the phone.

“I told you that…” Venessa’s words were cut short when the call ended.


She shot a glare at Marvel who was still sitting on the bed.

“How could they have held a wedding even after I had told them you had an accident?” Marvel mumbled.

“You what?!” Venessa grab an apple on the table and threw it to Marvel’s chest. “You’re a psycho!” She yelled and began to dress up.

“Where are you going babe?” He asked.

“Ask your smelly @zz. I never knew have such a tiny brain. Did you know what you just made me lose?” She asked still putting on her wears roughly.

“You have me Essa. How will you feel if I decide to marry some lady one day?” He asked.

Venessa didn’t reply as she storm out.

“Venessa!!!” Marvel yelled after her.

With a loud groan, Natalie smashed a glass of cup on the wall. She ran her fingers through her hair. It’s been three hours now and Candy haven’t been found.

She turn to face Kelvin who stood with his hands behind him.

“You’re telling be that many of your men out there can’t find a helpless woman wearing a f-__-king wedding gown?! Are you slowly losing that smart brain of yours?!” Natalie fired at him.

The groom to be was also in the room, he was busy pacing around.

“So what am I supposed to do, huh? I was already excited to get married to such a damsel. Everything is ruin! I already have plans for the money you about to give me and I must have him” The groom yelled.

“Shut him up, please” Natalie ordered kelvin without looking up at him.

Kelvin immediately bought out a gun and shot a bullet into the man’s skull. He fell dead with blood oozing out of his head.

Natalie flinched at his act.

“I said shut him up and not to ki|| him.. urgh.. never mind. He’s a street thug anyway. Just clear his body” Natalie huffed. She stood and went to stand by the large window while Kelvin helped cleaning the man.

“As far you you are still in this world Candy. I would find you” She muttered, her lips curving up gently.

After eating and changing her cloth into a comfortable one, Candy was led into a room It was large, luxurious room having a king sized bed at the middle of the room. She ran her hand along the silk sheet.

This room speaks of wealth and comfort.

She sat slowly on the bed with a beautiful smile. Her husband is sure rich.

Her eyes caught a frame a table. It was a picture of a woman sitting beside a little boy, they were both smiling.

“That must be him” She mumbled and then yawn. She feel so tired but wish to wait for him. He didn’t return with her and had left with his assistant.

“I’m glad I wasn’t caught” She said after recalling Natalie’s word.

Her eyes felt heavy, she laid on the bed with the aim of getting up soon but the comfort draw her close and she slept off.

By the time she woke up, it was late already, her eyes flutters open and met with a pair of two metallic dark eyes staring at her.

It took her a while before realizing what was happening. She immediately sprang up from the bed, scolding herself inwardly.

“Sir, I didn’t mean to sleep.. I.. I was just tired” She stuttered not daring to look up to his face. She could feel his intense gaze on her which sent a chill down her spine.

Gosh how could he be so scary, she thought.

Just then, his deep rich voice cut through the silence.

“Candy Jefferson”

Hearing the name, Candy’s heart skipped a beat and she look up to meet his eyes. She found anger in them. He found out?! She knew she would be caught later on but never thought it would be this fast.

“Is that your name?” He asked, sitting on the chair with a cold aura.

“I.. I can explain..”

“Answer the f-__-king question. Are you Candy Jefferson?” He cut in. Candy finger played with hem of her dress.

“Yes, I am” She answered. Immediately those words left her mouth, he stood up to his feet, his height overcoming hers in the dark.

Candy held her breath.

“For fooling me. Should I just ki|| you? You can only save yourself if you’re not one of those Ɓîtçhes sent to mess with me” He utter dangerously.

“No, no I’m not.. my step mother plan force a dangerous marriage on me that would end my life. I had managed to escape the wedding. Your assistance found me and I had to lie I was your bride.. I’m so sorry” Candy but down her lips.

Diego observe the woman before him. She seem to be spilling the truth. If she had lied, he would have known. But then, her predicament, isn’t his problem.

“Take your things and leave” He said and turn to leave but she held his arm sleeve.

“Don’t send me away! I promise to do wh@ťěver you want. Don’t just send me back” Desperate Candy pleaded with the man she knows nothing about.

He slowly turn to look at her, his gaze piercing as ever, sending a chill down her spine. Stepping closer, he reached of her chin and raised it up to make her meet his eyes, using his index finger.

“Little woman, accepting to be my wife means I’ll own you and there’s no turning back. You seems too fragile to be in my hell” He warned in a deep, dangerous tone.

With nervousness kicking in, she took a deep breath. She’ll rather face his hell than to be stuck in the misery her step mother had prepared for her.

“Yes, I want to be your wife. In return you’ll have to protect me from my step mother,” She boldly declared prompting the man’s lips to curl up into a devilish smile. His gaze went down to her slightly exposed cleavage, and lust filled them.

“Strip” He ordered.

Candy swallowed hard. Strip?! That was the last thing she had expected from him.

“What? You can’t do it?” He asked. “Fine, just get out”

“I’ll do it!” She almost yelled and immediately, she began to unbutton her shirt. Slowly she remove her top revealing her smooth skin that made Diego’s adam apple bulb up and down.

Candy strip down to the last fabric. Her heart beating so loud in her ears. She can’t believe this is happening but it is.. after all, they are both married.

Diego stepped closer, his hand reaching her chest. He trail his finger down her cleavage, his down made her breath uneven.

“Not bad” He remarked, running his eyes on her body. She was well endowed.

Apart from Mark, no one else had seen her naked.

“Have you done it before?” He asked and she looked up with a puzzle look.


“I don’t repeat myself. You’re not a kid” He said. Candy got to know what he meant.

“Uhm I..” Should she say yes? Lying to someone like him will be a terrible decision.

“Yes I have” She whispered so low, he almost didn’t hear her.

“Then I guess there’s no need for me to go easy on you” He said.

Before Candy could realize his word, he pulled her to the bed and hovered over her. Candy gasped in shock but the man’s face was buried onto her neck.

“Sir?” She tried to stop him but the man immediately pinned both of her hands above her head. His hold was strong and his weight was crushing her.

“The f-__-k?..” His brow knitted with displeasure.

“I.. uhmm.. can think of this.. for while before you start?” She asked.

She was still in the trauma of Mark, and was not ready for this even though Diego has just woken up her lost desire.

“You were the one offering yourself to me, are you changing your decision? The door is well open for you”

Candy swallowed hard. Is she making the right decision to stay with him? This man is scaring her.

What is she going to do to make him stop even though it’s just for a while. She then got an idea and exclaimed.

“I wanna pee!!”


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