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Friday, October 18, 2024
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We h@ťě Each Other

By Genevieve E.?




Its been hours and Ian while has tried all means possible but still couldn’t crack the safe.

What the f-__-k is wrong with you man! Kurt growled again like he’s been doing for the past five hours.

Just few minutes boss, I’m almost there, Ian replied fidgeting.

He’s been receiving kicks on his stomach each time Kurt gets impatient.

He was in pain yet he couldn’t get up but kept trying.

That motherf-__-ker will be back soon! Do your job! Kurt growled again kicking his side again as Ian growled in pain.

The men Williams sent were sitting with their guns waiting patiently for Ian to finish as the only place that contains what they needed is the safe.

Kurt was pacing the room restless when he remembered what Jared told him.

The code can only work twice in unlocking the safe room and it will get shut after six hours of leaving it open.

He already used the code twice, and its amost the sixth hour, they have barely 15 minutes left to crack the safe, take what they want and escape.

f-__-k! he growled as he walked towards Ian and pulled him up by the collar, landing a heavy punch on his face.

Just one job!

How can you not do this????

I’m sorry boss, Ian pleaded.

Eight minutes! Eight minutes else we will all be locked up in here! Now go do your job! he yelled pushing Ian off his.

Shaking Ian began doing his job again praying in his heart that it works this time.

Kurt began the countdown for him, counting each minute that passes.

Six Minutes!.

Five minutes!

Three minutes!

Two minutes!

One minute!

Forty seconds!

Ten seconds dude!!

Fricking five seconds!! he yelled but Stopped when he heard a clicking sound.

Ian did it.

Hurriedly he rushed over to help open the heavy safe.

Joining hands, they succeeded in opening the safe as they were faced with lots of papers.

Paper? Kurt said picking one of the papers up.

They must be very important to be locked up in the safe.

There should be more under boss, J.J keeps everything in here,Ian said.

Yes, you are right, Kurt said with a smirk.

He has been working with Jared for so long that he knows most of thier business files and evidences against Harry and Williams are kept in this room.

Opening the file, he pulled out the paper inside only to be met with empty pages.

What? he groaned as he dropped it and began checking other papers.

Same empty papers.

Nothing was weitten in any of them.


Everyone in the room stared with confusion, did they just risk hours opening an empty safe?

Look there is a flash, its this flash! Ian said in excitement as he handed the flash to Kurt who recognized the flash immediately.

Its the same flash J.J used to collect all the informations he needs.

Seeing that flash below all those papers made him realize how smart J.J is.

He set those papers so no one would know something as important as that is buried beneath them.

He smirked as he stared at the flash in victory.

Check it out, he said to one of the men who quickly inserted it in the system before them.

We have just fifteen seconds to leave the room boss! One of the men raised an alarm startling all of them.

Hurry! Let’s leave this place! Kurt said to the guy on the computer who had his mouth open as he tried to say something.

Kurt sent him a glare and he quickly sprang up on his feet, pulling out the flash drive then they all ran out the room together same time the door shut itself.

Phew, that was close, one of the men said but earned a glare.

We need to get out here now! Kurt commanded and they followed him downstairs, to the door.

The house was empty, the maids gone, but that was the least of their problems as they rushed towards the door with Kurt leading them.

He was so excited,he bought his freedom and restored his name.

He just couldn’t wait to get his glory back.

They got to the door and Kurt pushed it but it was locked from outside.

What the hell!
Those maids left and locked him in! he growled giving the door a heavy kick but it didn’t move.

He stopped, thinking of how to leave, Jared can’t see us all here,he will ki|| us, he muttered not being able to hide his fear…

Yes the back door, he said running off and they scurried after him like dogs.

They all knew what J.J was capable of,none often could take his punishment including Kurt who hasn’t been punished before by him.


f-__-k! Kurt growled again as the back door too was locked from outside.

Something fishy is going on boss, no one locks the back door from outside, Ian pointed out.

Thats true, Kurt said as he pulled out his phone to make a quick call.

He dialed Williams number but it quickly went to voicemail.

I have to get out of here, he growled again as he kept kicking the innocent door.

Don’t you have another door that leads to outside, like a secret door or something? Ian asked and Kurt stared at him.

There is! he exclaimed as realization hit him,its in the bastards room,he said and began climbing up again.

They got to his room, luckily it was open. they began searching for the painting that needs to be moved to get to the door.

They moved all the five paintings there until they saw the door handle which was just looking like a round design on the wall.

Kurt quickly put his finger and it worked.

He quickly snatched the flash drive from the guy holding it and dashed out of the room while they all followed him.

On reaching outside the others didn’t see him, they actually came out to meet a beautiful big garden then a small gate which led them down to another street.

Where is this place? One of them asked no one in particular.

We have to get out of here,Ian said since they couldn’t find Kurt.

He probably jilted them.

Look, i think boss got us the bus, Ian exclaimed seeing the car theycamewoth drive towards them.

They bagan walkimg towards it as it stopped right before them,Kurt was on the drivers seat.

They quickly got into the bus panting tiredly while some yawned.

Nice try you all,someone said from behind them as guns were pointed on their heads

J.J? One of the men exclaimed as he quickly took at look at Kurt, he was quiet.

Ignoring them,Jared came out of the booth where he was hiding with Asher

Asher went to the front and dragged Kurt out as Jared stayed with the other three at the back.

He pushed him to the backseat and Ian got out.

Where are you going? One of the men asked when no one stopped him.

Ian gave him a mocking smirk then went to sit at the front seat with Asher who gave him a handshake.

Nice job Ian,Jared complemented with his scary deep voice.

What? You…. Kurt was saying when a punch landed on his cheek.

You dare betreay me! Jared growled punching him again.

Get off me bastard? Kurt growled back at him with blood shot eyes.

Seeing his look Jared burst into laughter, still as timid as always, did you plan scaring me? Jared mocked as Ian burst into laughter making Kurt glare at him.

Jared followed his eyes then smirked, he might have been your spy but he was loyal to me, aren’t you a dumbass to be fooled so easily? Jared asked slapping his head.

Observing Ian’s bruised face, Jared was stunned.

You are so bruised man, you need to be treated,he said then faced Kurt, is this how you were trained to treat your men? he asked as Kurt glared at him.

He could only gnash his teeth in annoyanve but couldn’t do anything.

He has been caught, not only that,their most trusted spy was spying on them instead.

Ian delayed the cracking on purpose, how did he not know that.

He even suggested the secret door, how did he know,none of them ever thought about how he knew.

He led them to the trap and he (Kurt) jumped right into it because he wanted to get away before them.

He knew the end was near for them.

But he had one consolution,Harry’s plan B,he thought as the car drove them out to a place none of them recognized.


What’s Harry’s plan B?

What freedom and name is Kurt trying to restore?

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