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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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We h@ťě Each Other

By Genevieve E.?




Darling do you think this dress suits me better? I asked my husband

Mmm, he hummed in response as he smoked from the pipe in his hands.

You didn’t even look at me, I protested going over to stand before him but he didn’t spare me a glance.

Sweetheart? I called looking worried.

You look good in everything you wear Sarah, he said in a tired tone.

He still didn’t look at me, he was busy with his laptop.

Sadly, I turned away from him then went to the mirror.

I didn’t feel like going out anymore.

I wasn’t excited anymore.

I know all through this marriage he has tried doing a good father job, he tried as much as possible not to make me feel guilty since Ruby told him to take care of me and not cast me away.

But I have never felt any atom of love from his side.

No one else but me knows this.

I know he doesn’t h@ťě me but he never loved me.

He just had to live with me for the sake of our son and his one and only true love, Ruby.

Sometimes I’m tempted to h@ťě her.

But if she hasn’t h@ťěd me yet why should I h@ťě her for stealing her happiness?

I know I’m the worst woman on earth but I have suffered so long for my mistake..

I don’t know which is more painful, my husband putting up with me just so I won’t feel bad or him telling me to my face to f-__-k off.

Does Ruby still love him?

I was lost in thought when my phone beeped.

Sluggishly, I put on my heel before walking over to check what the text is all about.


Jared never send texts.

I quickly opened the text.

? Hey man, do you think Dria and I look good together?


Lets ignore the man, Did Jared send this message?

Why does he…

Wait, dont tell me Jared is….

Or did SAS type this?

No, she won’t play such childish play.

No one else dares touch Jared’s phone….

Then it means he sent this right?

Yeey! I yelled completely forgetting i was sad few seconds ago.

What’s wrong? Justin asked in a concerned tone.

Oh honey, you need to see this, I screamed running over to him.

I showed him the message happily.

I watched his lips twitch in a small smile as he stared at the message.

I knew your son was as cheap as hell, he said to my surprise.

He’s my son now because he’s cheap huh? I asked

So you admit you gave birth to a cheap son huh? he asked in a mocking tone.

I didn’t.. I was not…

Save your excuses for your cheap son , he replied in a mocking tone as he began typing something on my phone.

I didnt ask what he was doing, i just watched until he was done then he sent it.

Let me see, I said eagerly taking the phone from him.

? Ofcourse son, you both are a match made in heaven, you should stop by later today since your dad wil be hanging out with YOUR WIFE , i have a surprise.

Surprise? i asked after reading the message.

Don’t you have a surprise for him? Justin asked with a smirk and I instantly knew what he was talking about.

Ofcourse honey, i do have a big surprise for him, I replied kissing his cheek then ran off refusing to know what his reaction to the kiss is like.

Him discussing with me in that mood means a lot..


We sat at the back row since we came pretty late.

I didn’t know how to react or behave in a church since I have never been to one before.

But for this witch beside me, she was already out of the planet.

It seems likes in Mars because her eyes has been shut as the priest has been praying for the past twenty minutes.

Can’t she open her eyes?

It was like I was the vilian among them as everyone else had their eyes shut to.

I tried shutting my eyes but I opened it in less than two seconds.

Scratching my head I began looking at everyone but I made sure to look at the entrances first.

I intentionally sent Kurt out because I didn’t want him giving out any form of information today.

For today, I think I want to have peace with my wife by my side.

Looking towards the right, my eyes landed on the guy next to my wife.

He had his head bent like he was also praying but the bastard was busy staring at my wife.

Wtf! is this what they do in church?

He’s even sitting so close to her.

I so wanted to smack his stupid long head but I would be causing a scene if I do that.

I tried to make eye contact with him but the bastard was concentrated on staring at my wife who was busy communing with the Lord.

Don’t think I knew that word before, I actually heard when the priest asked them to commune with the Lord.

My phone beeped distracting me from my murderous thought.

Mom replied, i thought happily opening the message.

? Ofcourse son, you both are a match made in heaven, you should stop by later today since your dad wil be hanging ouy with YOUR WIFE, i have a surprise.

A match made in heaven? I muttered

I didn’t know why I was happy but I just feel happy.

But my happiness was cut short when she tapped my legs.

I looked down to see her glaring at me.

Is this how you pray in church? she whispered but her voice came as a snap.

I don’t… uhm… I’m done pray…

You are distracting the whole congregation, She cut me off before I could finish.

Seriously? Like she is not the one making me talk right now.

What am I even doing in this place huh? I thought angrily asked I lifted my head to see the bastard staring at me like he too was praying.

I glared at him and he rolled his eyes.

Close your eyes Jared, Alondria snapped before I could say anything the guy sitting close to her spoke.

This isn’t how to behave in a church dude, can’t you see you are distracting her? he asked making me snap my head quickly to his direction.

Are you insane? I asked trying not to raise my voice.

Jared please , Alondria pleaded but it came as a commanding tone.

Who the hell does the fool think he is.

Everyone were standing except the three of us ,she pulled me up with her and the stupid dude stood up too glaring at me.

I don’t even know what’s going on in here.

I could only see everyone dancing including Alondria, I was the only confused being.

Her voice was so loud as she sang along, I would have noticed how pretty her voice is but the dude didn’t let me.

He was whispering something to her.

Why is he trying so hard to flirt with my wife?

If I decide to do what’s on my mind, Alondria might never talk to me after this.

Why can’t the bastard keep communing with the Lord and leave my wife alone?

I was already beating him to stupor in my head.

She wasn’t even looking at me, she was busy doing all the dance with him like he was the one she came with, smiling like….


Not being able to take it anymore, I pulled her away from him then stood between them.

What the hell Jared! she half yelled.

We were already getting stares from people but I didn’t care.

Is something wrong with you?

She doesn’t want to talk to you, why force her? the bastard yelled.

What did you say? I asked him hoping he would say something more annoying.

That’s enough, Alondria said to him but he refused…

No,don’t tell me to stop.

How can he treat a pretty damsel like you in that manner, he doesn’t own you!

Wait you… Alondria tried saying as she looked around to see people looking at us.

What makes you think I don’t own her? I asked the bastard.

Instead of replying, he pulled Alondria towards him, lets get out of here, don’t worry I will protect you, he said to her and i almost burst into laughter.

Let her go now, i spoke in a low tone.

f-__-k you bastard, he cursed at me.

I never knew they curse in churches too, I thought smiling.

Alondria made to pull away from him but he held her.

We already succeeded in disrupting the congregation as they were murmuring but dared not come close.

Let her go, I said again instead he through a punch towards my face.

Well he couldn’t because I caught his hands in between.

I dug a hole for him and he willingly jumped into it now its time to cover up the whole, I thought as I punched his face severally.

I didn’t care about the screams from both him and the congregation neither did i care about Alondria’s voice asking me to stop instead I pulled him out of the church.

I won’t be the one to fight in the presence of God.

Some followed us pleading on his behalf but I was deaf at that point.

I made aure to beat the hell out of him.


He kept punching the guy despite my pleadings.

I made to hold him but he pushed me away though it wasn’t a hard push but it made me realize he wasn’t playing.

If i see you anywhere close to mu wife,i will feed your balls to the dogs!!! he screamed at the guy who was already bleeding then he turned around and left the church .

Some women there gave me mean looks as the men helped the guy up taking him to the church health center.

I felt guilty and angry.

I’m so sorry, I kept on saying as they led him out.

Its okay, you should go calm your husband,the woman standing beside me said and i rolled my eyes.

She tapped my shoulder then told me…

I saw what happened dear,your husband has quite a temper but you were wrong.

How am I wrong? I did nothing, I protested.

You are wrong my dear, allowing another man close to you knowing you have such a jealous husband isn’t right my dear, go apologize dear, he won’t be like that if he doesn’t love you, she scolded me using the kindest tone.

I wished I could roll my eyes at that comment.

Jared isn’t jealous, he is just controlling.

You can only be jealous when you love someone, that man wh-_-re cannot love anyone

I wished i could scream out my thoughts but instead, I thanked her before walking away…

I got out of the building with the hope of taking a cab but I was surprised to see the car driven to my front.

I rolled my eyes at him.

Get in, he said in a calm voice but his eyes were still red.

Go ahead, I’m not coming with you, I refuse.

He didn’t say anything, he came down from the car then walked towards me.

I thought he was going to apologize or something, instead he handed me the keys without looking at me.

Then he hailed down a car,leaving right before my eyes.

What just happened?

Why is he angry?

I should be the angry one here, not him!

Angrily, I got into the car and drove off.

I couldn’t think straight.

I was angry as hell.

Who does he think he is?

Getting home I asked the maids and they said he wasn’t back yet.

Where did he go?

I guess he already whoring.

That punk! I thought slamming my fist on the wall.

Why am I angry anyways.

I should get ready for the basket ball session with Mr Justin.

Taking off my dress, I walked into the bathroom for a nice shower to calm my nerves.


Who is supposed to be angry among them?

Do you think Jared over reacted?

Do you think the old woman was right?

Should SAS drop her name and apologize? ?

Make una contribute money go visit the mumu wey dey hospital ? ?

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