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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?? Married to My Crush?

Episode 18?

[? Introvert]

[Extrovert ?]

Genre: Highschool Romance ❣️
Written by: Wise Wisdom

??? Aimee ???
“Who is… Who is this woman claiming to be my grand mother?”

“What is going here mother?”

I don’t understand, this woman came in here, saying that she wants to take her grand daughter away from here.

By the way woman, you don’t you dare address me as this woman when you have no idea about who i am.

I am Liliana Authur by name, and am the mother of Annabelle Authur: Aimee’s mother, and am also the grand mother of Aimee Duwen, is quite unfortunate that you are bearing that name right now
I am here to take you with me, i have been searching for you for so long my dear, am glad you are alive.

“Is time for you to come and take your proper place as the CEO of Authur’s company and every other thing that belonged to him.”

“Very tempting but no.” I don’t even know you, here you are claiming to be my grand mother, the only thing that are similar between us is that green eyes you have there am not going any f-__-king where with you, you might be a con artist for all i care.

Granny please go elsewhere and look for your lost grand daughter, because am not that girl, and one more thing next time please don’t ever insult my mother in-law again.

“I don’t care who you are but you have no right to to make people feel less about themselves all because you have flashy things all over your body.”

“The elderly woman in hand look so beautiful, i must admit she’s glowing, her dress is d@mn superb” her hair is so curly just like my mom and she seems to know few things about me, which is shocking to me.

The best part is she has the same green eyes as mine, i must confess my mom look so much like her and i look like my mother.

After giving her a piece of my mind, she burst into a fit of laughter, with tears dropping at the corner of her eyes

You remind me so much of your mother Anna: she was a very brave woman, smart, devoted to her heart.
Stupid when it comes to love, sweet but ignorant, that’s why she gets hurt easily
She’s too kind and harmless.

She brought out a picture of my mother and showed it to me; is this not your mother? She asked stretching two pictures to me.

” I took them and was able to recognize the picture, one was of a little girl and the other was of her grown self”
How did she have this? This is getting weird, just when i took i won’t get confused, now here i am, more confused than ever.

Do you believe me now? “If you don’t we can ask Shiwoo or Shin, those two knows a whole lot of things that you little people are so d@mn ignorant about.”

What is going on here? A voice echoed through the room.
We all turned to see who it was.

Finally, Shiwoo is here, how are you Shi?
And how is your father Shi also doing?
I came for my grand daughter, you can’t stop me, nobody can. Liliana retorted with a huff.

Liliana! What are you doing here?
Who is your grand daughter?
Shiwoo; Ca Jae’s dad with his eyes widen

“Go get your things Aimee we are leaving this prison of a house, this instant.”
Liliana added: there was disgust etched on her face.

I am not going anywhere with you, and this is not a prison, this has suddenly become my home.
I am glad i met this family, everyone is great and friendly, i am not going anywhere with you. “As it is how am i sure that you are real, you can’t prove anything with pictures.”

“What is going here?” Ca Jae inquired taking coming down from the stairs
He looked so surprised but he controlled it anyways.

My love Ca Jae; I called running to him for a comforting hug: i really need it badly
I am beginning to feel as if am losing to this woman already.

“Mr Shiwoo knows her, who knows what might happen afterwards.”
Ca Jae, this woman is claiming to be my grand mother, and i know her from no where not even pictures.

She wants to take me away from you Ca Jae, tell me it won’t work, i don’t want to leave you.

It won’t work lollipop, no one is taking you away from me.
Good day ma, how may we help you?
Am Ca Jae by the way, Aimee’s husband

Aimee’s husband!! She bellowed.
How! What! How did this happen Shiwoo?
Is this the new plan of you and your father? Well it won’t work, am taking my grand daughter away from this $h|t hole.
She yelled angrily.

No one is taking my lollipop away from me, not even death so please state your business in this house and leave quietly
Because nobody, i repeat nobody can take Aimee away. I hope it’s clear
Am her husband, and she doesn’t want to go anywhere with you so leave.

She let out a loud laugh again; Really!
I might say i love your courage young man, but please ask your grand father what i do to people like you, and also what i always do to people who dares me

I dare you Mrs, now please leave this house, because as long as am concerned
Read… My… Lips, you…are not.. taking…Aimee… anywhere.
Ca Jae sneered, hugging me tighter to him, i felt so protected.

“Why won’t you tell them that they just can’t be together, before is too late?”
Why Shiwoo, tell me why??

Aimee dear you have no idea what you are getting yourself into, is very risky for you my dearest ?
“Please leave with Granny, i have a lot of prove that am your grand mother, if is prove you want.”
Your father is enough prove, so is your brother James, just please come with me.
What are you even searching for in this house? “I can get you a lot of things that you desire in this world.”
Just don’t destroy your life Aimee.

I already have a life, and is with my husband Ca Jae, i don’t want another

What do you even know about marriage? You are so young my dear, you are just 18 if am not mistaken.
Come with me my dear.

I don’t need to know much Liliana
I can grow and learn more, you don’t know everything about marriage before you get married, you learn better as you get involved in it. Am not leaving my husband and is final.

You are just like your mother Anna
Foolish when it comes to love, this is card, call me when this stupid love hits you I’ll be waiting.

With that she left the house, i sighed out a sigh of relief.
“I was so scared but am glad is all over”
I hugged Ca Jae tightly then gave him a peck for being my knight in shining armor.

So dad do you want to talk about that woman? Because she seems to know a lot of things about you and grand pops
Ca Jae explained walking close to his father.

I don’t want to talk about it Ca Jae, just let me; Shin woo replied taking the stairs

I’ll talk to him don’t worry.
Ca Jae’s mom assured running after him.
I smiled as she run towards him, i can’t wait for Ca Jae and i to get to that point whereby i would run to him for explanation when no one can get that out of him.

Hey! Aimee, my lollipop, my world
My heart… My love nobody is going to ever separate us is that clear?
Stop worrying lollipop, am here.

I blushed as he spoke, my cheeks began to look like tomatoes am sure.
I nodded and take him a short kiss.

I will do anything doable to protect you and our love. As long as you stay with me
Do you promise to stay with me?

Ca Jae, i will stay with you for as long as i live, nothing will ever separate us, this am sure of, I love you too baby, with all my heart, body and soul.

Ewwwe you guys are so disgusting!!!!
What is this house turning to?
“From query to two idiots proclaiming disgusting love to each other.”

Ewe i feel like barfing right now, like right now. You both are going to spoil me, go to your room and say rubbish to each other, disgusting love lost teenagers.

I am going to ki|| you with my bare hands Suzy this i promise you; Ca Jae bellowed
You don’t have any right to tell us where to go to and where not to go to.

He grunts; I can’t wait to be done with high school, so that i leave this house with my lollipop.

My love do you know i actually have my own house, i go there when am angry or need to rest.

“We can move there when we are done with high school, It would give us time to ourselves, just you and i. What do you say?”

It sounds beautiful my love, i can’t wait.
I replied glowing in joy

If you both don’t go to your room, i swear am gonna tell Mom you both had segz even after her warnings; Suzy thr_@tened

We quickly disengage from the hug
Then looked at her in shock.

You heard me right, i knew when Aimee was sounding like a dog she’s not
Oh! Ca Jae harder, give it to me baby
Deep oh! Yes ouch! Ouch oh gaud yes
Give it to me Ca Jae.
She bends her hand while trying to imitate me.

I glared at her; I am going to be the one to ki|| you Suzy, you better run.
I screamed and Chase her round the whole house, while Ca Jae laughed at us

#Few_Months_Later ??

School has been fun, Ca Jae and i have been good although we fight a lot well because of Eloise and Adrian and some new male friends that i have made.

Eloise and i got pretty close, it was funny but Ca Jae tolerated it, am still in shock when i think about it.

Ca Jae broke up with Bambi, a long time ago am glad. I call it a long time ago because i don’t want to remember when
All i know is he’s my man and not hers

Lusinda moved into my class, is funny why she would do that, but suddenly she began having feelings for Eloise, knowing fully well that he loves me. “Funny world right?”

“Ca Jae and i sometimes sneak to have s*x not my fault by the way.”

Bambi popularity in school reduced, i suddenly became the new big thing.
Lusinda became popular it suits her.
Am glad things are working really good now, an i hope it doesn’t change anytime soon..

I haven’t heard from Liliana for now am d@mn happy, James and i occasionally meet, he told me he is getting married, am happy for him.

Now i want to tell Ca Jae my final secret

Let’s guess the final secret

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