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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?? Married to my Crush ?

Episode 15?

[? Introvert]

[Extrovert ?]

Genre: Highschool Romance ❣️
Written by: Wise Wisdom

~~?? A night to remember

As soon as Eloise and i kissed, it felt good. I wanted to kiss him, to feel him more but then the thought of Ca Jae came to my mind.

I quickly disengage from the kiss.

“What happened Aimee?” He ask touching my face.

I am so sorry Eloise but we shouldn’t be doing this. Is not right at all.

Why? Believe me Aimee, i really love you.

No matter how beautiful the rising of the can be, it can never be as beautiful as you are

My heart always skip a bit whenever i see you.

Whenever i look into those green eyes of yours, there always remind of how beautiful nature is

You are natural, pure, smart, brave, strong and amazing. Why won’t i fall in love with you?

I have fallen for you, for so many reasons.

“I just want to be with you.” I want to be the only one you can rest your head on whenever you need someone to stand with you.

“I want to be the only shoulders you cry upon, I want you to love me.”

And i need you to see how much i love you, i didn’t want to come out so strong: that was why i said that i like you.

But the truth is i love you, more than anything, i have always found find it hard to get you out of my head.

“Is been 3years now, you kept running through my mind, I am lost in your world Aimee”

Please! he took in a deep breath, please say you would give me a chance, so i can show you how much i love you.

“Please Aimee” You don’t need to love me now, but you can try, a step at a time.

“Eloise, am married” I am married to Ca Jae, am sorry. I am sorry i kissed you, am sorry i kept it a secret from you all these while, but i had to.

“I am so so sorry Eloise please forgive me, i shouldn’t have kept it a secret from you, but i did, blame on me.

I blurted with tears running from my eyes.

I can’t lie about it, Eloise seems like a good guy and the fact that he likes me makes me emotional watching him proclaim his love for me was so beautiful, nobody have ever said something as sweet as this to me.

He let go of my hand, an jerk back.

His face look so stunned, it was almost as if he has seen a ghost.

“You… Are… Married?” He inquired shaking his head vigorously.

“Why?” He said taking a deep breath with his eyes partly close.

Why didn’t… He scoffed furrowing his brows.

“Why didn’t you say anything before now? Why does it has to be Careful Jae of all people? Why not someone else, an how is it possible? ”

“Why does Ca Jae always have what i want, Why is he so lucky with people am in love with?”

Am i so unfortunate, am i meant to live like this?

Aimee i love you, with all my heart. He said bursting into tears.

“I am so broken right now, this should be a dream, it is a dream.”

Anyways it’s all fine, i guess am not meant for love, you know what, is not your fault Aimee, i guess i didn’t give you much chance to explain.

I felt so bad, my eyes was prompt to shed tears

I h@ťě seeing him this way, an i never meant to him.

Hey stop crying Aimee. He dabbed the tears off his face. I get the reason why you never told me

You don’t have to cry Aimee, and for the kiss, it’s my fault and not yours. Please forgive me.

Am so sorry Eloise, you are a good guy an you deserve the best in this life.

I never meant to hurt you, an i swear if only i wasn’t married i would have given you the chance so we can be together but am married to Ca Jae and he has always been my crush.

I leaned closer and dabbed the tears off his face

He smiled, placing his elbow on his legs with his hands plastered on his face.

Your phone is ringing now, i think you need to go home Aimee. Am guessing is Ca Jae calling.

I picked my phone, took a glance at the screen, an it was Ca Jae calling, just as Eloise has said.

I tried ignoring the call so i won’t make him more sad then he was, but he pressured me into picking it.

? Hello Ca Jae. I sighed sadly.

?Hey lollipop where are you now, are you okay?

I called Lusinda and asked her to give you the phone, since your phone wasn’t going through, but she instead she tried playing with my head and ended up cutting the call.

“Aimee where are you?”

? What do you mean? Am at Lusinda’s house, i just decided to stretch my legs a little, to see how the environment looks like, yunno is been long i went out. And as it is, i have never been to her house before. I lied blinking my eyes. (I always do that when am lieing.)

“And how did you got Lusinda’s number?”

? You are my wife, and you were going far from me, so i collected Lusinda’s number so i can keep in touch, after all your friend is also my friend.

Just come back home early pleaseee!! He added dragging the please.

? Sure Ca Jae, I’ll be back soon you just take care of yourself.

? I will, so lollipop, what do you want me to get for you on my way coming back?

? Nothing at all. You shouldn’t bother yourself Ca Jae am fine.

?I am not buying that, talk to me Aimee. What do you need?

? Okay buy me ice cream please.

? Ice cream it is. Anything for my queen.

But first you have to tell me you love️ me.

That’s the only way you can get your ice cream. He laughed softly.

? Ca Jae please take care, i don’t think i need the ice cream again.

I couldn’t tell him i love him, Eloise is right here, it would only hurt him badly.

? I get it, Aimee am sorry for asking too much, bye for now. He stated, sounding so sad and it’s all my fault.

? I love you Can Jae. I uttered raising my head to take a look at Eloise, who suddenly turned his gaze from me, dumping his hands in his pocket.

Ca Jae sounded so happy, the moment i told him, i loved him.

Eloise gifted me with the small picture frame of myself. I felt so guilty to even receive the gift.

We went downstairs an had dinner with his mother.

Eloise tried so hard to put a smile on his face, i can tell he loves me, too bad i don’t feel the same way.

He drove me back home, we hugged briefly then he planted a peck on my chin, and waved me good bye before driving back home.

I waved him before making my way inside, I hope Ca Jae didn’t see Eloise drive back.

Holy nankisho am so dead if he sees that, and the day is old already, i must have lost track of time while having fun with his mother, she really is an amazing woman, an she did a good job in lightening up my mood.

My mind flashed back to the picture of Eloise when he was little, the moment she showed me,

i was taken aback. Eloise was a girl when growing up, in the sense that, his mom always dress him up like a girl, because she thought he would turn out to be a girl, but instead he turned out to be a baby boy; I laughed a lot as i stared at the pictures in my hands.
“Who would have taught that the person in the picture would turned out to be this cute.”

“It’s really an amazing transformation.” I giggled making my way inside.

Immediately i got in, i sight Ca Jae, my heart skipped a bit, no! It skipped a whole lot.

He had his hands in his pocket, his face was showing a reaction, i couldn’t comprehend, he looked angry shocked and surprised.

“Aimee, where have you been? Where were you all these while?”

I have been calling you and calling Lusinda at the same time, all to no avail. What happened? Where were you?

I don’t know what game Lusinda was playing but your phone was later switched off and she refused telling me the place she stayed.

That is very irresponsible, you shouldn’t have done that, am so surprised, do you have any idea how worried I was?

“Am… Am sorry Ca Jae, I can explain.”

Save it, i have gotten all the explanation i need.

I saw you and Eloise kissing each other, when he dropped you off, didn’t he?

Where you at his place? Is that why Lusinda was lieing to me, was she aware all along?

“No is nothing like that Ca Jae.” My phone got off very true.

I went out of the house with Lusinda little brother, i escorted him to get something for her mother, that was why she lied.

I left there early but i remembered that i forgot my phone so i went back for it.

Her dad wanted bringing me home, but his car got spoiled, so i just left.

On my way back i met Eloise who decided to help me, by bringing me back.

I lied blinking my eyes and gulping down hard. “gaud am a bad lier” he seems to be buying it.

Oh! You should have used his phone to call me, but still why where you both kissing? I wanna know why.

Ca Jae we we’re not kissing, he just pecked my chin, that’s all.

So why did you allowed him pecked your chin? You should have stopped him.

But you didn’t, i guessed you enjoyed his lips on your face. He hissed angrily walking away.

I followed him from behind trying so hard to explain myself with any lie that would work perfectly well.

The moment i got in we met his grandfather.

Mr Shin seating pretty like the devil himself.

“Hello Mr Shin” i greeted him with a wide smile.

Who the hell are you smiling at? Do i look like Ca Jae to you? You look ridiculous stop smiling, it doesn’t suit you not one bit. He fired with a glare.

Where are you coming from Aimee? He asked running his eyes round my body.

“You look terrible Aimee”. He added.

I went to see my friend Lusinda. I responded trying all best to put a smile on my face.

“Why are you looking so angry Ca Jae? What happened?” He turned his gaze over to Ca Jae.

Why don’t you ask the cheating daughter in law of yours, who wouldn’t keep herself from some certain people.

Am your husband for crying out loud. You should listen to me and stay away from certain people when I tell you to. Ca Jae yelled angrily.

Ca Jae we never kissed believe me. I explained taking a step closer to him.

Wait a minute, Ca Jae is upset because you kissed another guy? Mr Shin asked with a smirk plastered on his smooth face.

Yes sir, but nothing happened, he just pecked me that’s all. I tried avoiding eye contact with his intimidating stare.

He burst into a fit of uncomfortable laughter, making Ca Jae more angry than ever.

Ca Jae angrily took the stairs, an i was forced to have dinner with them, even when i know that i was satisfied.

After dinner i went to our room in search of Ca Jae, he needs to forgive me he just have to, i don’t care what I have to do.

“Ca Jae, please forgive me, please forgive me”

but the truth is we never kissed, what you saw was just a peck on the chin.

He totally ignored me an took a blanket from the wardrobe then match towards the door, moving over to our sitting room.

I quickly rushed in front of him and pushed him back on the bed.

Aimee stop it! He protested, which i ignored anyways.

He landed smoothly on the bed. I smiled as i got a proper view of his body.

He rolled his eyes an got up almost immediately, still not uttering a word to me, before i could think of a word to say, he made for the door.

I swiftly stood in front of him again and pushed him back on the bed, this time he slumped so hard.

What is your problem Aimee? Am going to the sitting room please let me be. He bellowed glaring at me.

I am so sorry my love. i pleaded sobbing.

I felt so wrong, i felt so guilty an stupid. Now i realize that my actions were all stupid.

Ca Jae, am sorry for disobeying you every time, am so sorry. I swear am going to change for good, besides am still a very young girl, am meant to make mistakes right? And then learn from them.

Ca Jae don’t you make mistake too? I know i have been a very disobedient wife an sorry.

I pleaded rubbing my hands on his chest.

Look Aimee this is not going to work on me, I am going to the sitting and don’t try to stop me this time around, an i mean it.

You should go back to your Eloise or is it the new guy i saw flirting with you at school?

“Yunno what! I keep asking myself why are you noe entangling yourself with pretty boy when you’re now mine, why is it that now that i want you, you keep moving away yet still here?”

In 11th grade, Aimee i wanted sending you…

He shook his head an hesitated for a while.

“What… What happened in 11th grade Ca Jae? ”

I stuttered, trying hard to control my tears.

“Never mind it, it’s all in the past now, all i know is am mad at you, an slowly am getting done Aimee.

I certainly don’t know why but am not a lover of so many stress, when i want something i go for it, i may have been stupid not to do so while i was quite younger but now i know that if you really wat something you go for, you show it, prove it, and work towards it.

“Aimee i have a move, i told you how much i want you, i told you, didn’t i?”

Now like i said, i don’t stress it. Do i want you? Oh hell yes, i do. Do i need you? How many times do you need me to prove that? Now have i proven that? With words yes but with my actions maybe not so, but i don’t mind proving that with my actions also.

The thing is Aimee, if you are confused about your feelings, i don’t mind showing you how much i truly want you, however like i said before, i won’t stress it. Only you can decide who you want, an if it’s not me then i swear on my life I’ll let you go so you can be happy.

Ca Jae i… i- i am sorry. I have always have eyes for only you, yes i agree that i have grown confused especially today but whenever i am with you is a different feeling.

Ca Jae i know that i want you, i feel it.
Please don’t give up on me okay, instead please let’s fight for our love please

~~~ WaRnInG

You might read stuff , Skip if found uncomfortable… No go read Stuff oooo!!! ?


I wrapped myself into his arms and hold him tight, hoping he won’t slip away.

Aimee it’s fine. I … Am… Going… To… The… Sitting… Room. I need to be alone at least for a little while.

He plead slowly freeing himself from my grip.

Instantly an idea stroke me. I kissed his chest up to his Ɲīpplë, i could taste his sweaty skin in my mouth an strangely it felt good.

At that minute, i was totally confused about my feelings, i didn’t know what to do or what not to do all i needed was for him to hold me back an tell me he has forgiven me.

I notice his stiffed body loosen a little, an his heat beat fastened than usual.

I kissed his Ɲīpplë once again and used my tongue to form circles around it.

He let out a soft Mõ@ɲ an then i knew i had to take my chances now so i slowly pushed him to the bed an then straddle him.

His hands slowly found it’s way round my waist, i can feel the sweat from his palm on my waist an i needed no one to tell me that he was as nervous as i am.

I moved my lips up, kissing straight at his adam apple, arching his side in other to gain access neckline an earlobe.

I roamed my hands round his body till it i found his Ɲīpplë, i gave it a soft squeeze, earning a Mõ@ɲ from him, just as i was getting confused on what next to do his hands got a grip to my butt where he turned the table around.

( I guess he might notice my amateur movement which is Lol worthy)

He lay me down and smashed his lips on mine then pulled back instantly, making me wish the kiss stayed longer.

“Let me kiss you Ca Jae, please! ”

Without a word he lay his back to bed, giving me a great view of my crush.

I blushed hard before gaining the nerve to kiss his chest, i mean this time his eyes were glued on me.

I kissed down to his waist line, smooching an using my tongue to tease him

I gulped down an picked up my last nerve before placing my hands on his Ďïčk.

I gave pressed it a little, then moved my hands up and the down on the same spot.

He jerk up an so did his Ďïčk, the Ďïčk kept rising an rising that i began to wonder how an why

And before i knew what to say it felt so hard in my hand. So this should be what the biology teacher called erect or isn’t it.

his Ďïčk stood so tall almost as if it was thr_@tening to break through the trouser he had on.

I arched my head to take a glance at Ca Jae who seem to enjoying the show.

You look like you’ve seen a ghost Aimee, have you never seen an erected Ďïčk?

“Uhm, not really, but have heard of it, from our biology teacher and also from novels.”

“How about a porn? Haven’t you watched one before? ”

Nah! I haven’t, i barely even have a phone.

Seems this husband has a lot to teach you huh.

Come here, come an seat on what you started. (He points at his erected Ďïčk)
And kiss me, remember you pleaded to kiss me.

I rolled my eyes at him trying to sound naughty, well since he wants naughty, i will give him naughty from the novels.

I got a grip of his hair, an smashed my lips on his

I planted a kiss on his neck then moved back to his lips, an we kissed for a short while, till i decided to break free from the kiss.

Well since you wanted to go and lye down in the sitting room, why don’t you go, am sleepy by the way. I stated with a wicked grin..

According to teacher Hughes, he said: when a man is hard his hormones are prompt to want to be released, an from the look of things his Ďïčk has gotten so hard already, there is no way he is not going to forgive me tonight.

I will use this opportunity and explain what happened between Eloise and i,

Oh you are so so bad Aimee, i hope he forgives me..


T. B. C

Story Word count 3,460

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