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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?? Married to My Crush ?

Episode 13✓?


[Extrovert ?]
Genre : Highschool Romance ❣️

Written by: Wise Wisdom

?•~ Aimee~• ?

We went to school the next day, smiling and acting like the newly wedded couples we were.
We came out of the car hand in hand, but this time, he took his red Lamborghini so it was just perfect.

I couldn’t help but feel so proud, I mean who wouldn’t?
I am married to Ca Jae my crush, and i sat in a Lamborghini, for the first time, walk hand in hand with him to class
With different sweet gossips entering my ear, the sweetest thing was this time, i love the gossip.

“Ca Jae appeared with the proper school uniform, only because i begged him to.”
He dyed his hair all blonde this time around, while i styled my hair ponytail, and also did a little make up, so i can look good for my hubby.
“Yeah is funny, even to me.”

After having technology class, we were about moving to the lab for project, so i took an excuse to go to the school toilet to wazz (pee)

Hello AIMEE!!! I heard a voice that sounded so familiar to me.
“I turned in shock only to see Bambi, smiling deviously at me.”

This time she wasn’t with her hand bags
“Blair and Arielle.”

“What do you want from me Bambi?”
I asked clenching my teeth together

I am just wondering how an introvert would dream so big!! Wow!
You really out did yourself time, A fool, get it?

Cause your name is Aimee and you are a fool. “She chuckled taking a step closer, while took a step backward.”

It was no secret that am so frickin scared of Bambi, she can do and undo.

“I have seen how many times she has bullied different kids in the school, and get away with it, like it never happened.”

Is funny how a low life like you would want to turn to something tangable over night, hmm… Even after turning yourself to a…What did you turn yourself to again?

Oh! I see, Caroline do you remember that cartoon? No am sorry Caroline is better, have you ever watched that ghost cartoon?
That skeleton lady that mistakenly got married to a human.

So because you think you have got my boyfriend wrapped around your arms, you can do anything, i pity you Aimee, you don’t know Ca Jae, he is just using you, he loves anything fresh.

When he is done draining your juice out of your f-__-king p@zzy he’ll leave you and come back to me, do you think he loves you? Ca Jae will never be capable of loving you, not in this life or the one to come, so get over this fantasy okay!
It will do you good. She giggled loudly.

Do you really think he will leave me for a thing like you?

“Stop dreaming baby girl, because you may get lost in it, and never come back.”

“Stay away from Ca Jae or else i will make your life a living hell for you both at home and here at school.”

Don’t say i didn’t warn you, trust me am capable of ki||ing just for Ca Jae, i will go to any length to have Ca Jae, so you should also go to any length to keep your life, bye bye for now.

One more thing, a ugly fool will be always be a ugly fool, the fact that you have added glitter to your skin doesn’t change the fact that you are made from gutter. She giggled loudly, leaving the toilet.

“I shivered as i recall her thr_@ts.” What am i going to do now? I don’t want to become a new toy for the school bully.

I made my way out of the toilet, lost in thought of what might happen.
Is Bambi right, is Ca Jae trying to use me?

I kept walking still lost in thought, suddenly felt a strong hand around my waist, i flinched as the hand held me closer.

“Who are you?” I demanded turning to take a proper look at his face, as he slowly let go of me

“Hey he smiled looking at me so gorgeously, why am i bumping into cute gods?” I don’t seem to know him from anywhere, is he new here?

#Wise_Writes. ??

New York: Soho ?

Ma’am we have just located the location of Anna’s daughter, your grand daughter.

You have, where is the place exactly?
She asked in bewilderment.

Audubon Louisiana ma, and guess what?
She is staying with Shiwoo Jun: Shin’s son

Shiwoo Jun!! You mean to tell me that my grand daughter Aimee is staying with Shin’s son, my own grand daughter.

“I should have known, that man is never going to be up to no good.”
He knew how badly i was looking for my grand daughter and he still kept quiet.

That snitch, I h@ťě him so much for everything he has done to me and my family. Get everything ready Mary, we are going to see my grand daughter, but this time we are getting her out of that house

For her to be in his son’s house then it means he has a big plan, and we have to stop it. We are taking the available flight to Louisiana get my things.

New Orleans: Desire?️

What did she say? Bliss.

Calm down, she said we will be meeting us today, she is going to be part of the plan to kidnap Aimee, don’t worry we will get your sister back and put that man Shin in jail where he belongs.

Thank you so much Bliss, this mean a lot to me. “I love you so much.”

I love you too baby. She said an moved closer and gave him a kiss.

Hey are you okay? “The cute guy asked with a smile, jeez he’s one hell of good looking dude!”

“I shook my head to dispel off the thoughts an also come to my senses.”

Who are you to touch me like that? I bellowed.

Easy, i wasn’t touching you without a good reason, i was only trying to help you; he said with a British tune.

I was marveled at the way he spoke, he has a plummy voice. Wow!

“What do you mean by help me” I was not falling down so what are you saying? Huh!
I retorted with a scoff.

He just smiled then came closer to me, making his beauty more visible.

He has this gorgeous dark blue eyes, with a heart shaped lips, his lashes was dark and long.

“His nose!” gaud his nose is d@mn pointy, and his hair look so smooth and soft looking from close by, it makes me want to reach out and feel the hair in my hands.

“I am not being bad or anything but he maybe cuter than Ca Jae, and broader than Ca Jae, his presence alone carry this intimating aura.”

I was so marveled at his looks; he smiled again revealing the most perfect teeth i have seen, i wonder how many teeth company he has model for.

“Look closer angel” you have to take a step before you come down, and you were not looking at the step you took, if i had left you, you would have injured yourself, all i did was help; all the same am sorry if i may have hurt you by helping

“Is just that in my country we pledge to always protect and help all ladies, i never knew it was a crime here in America.”
Forgive me miss, i won’t do it again.

Am sorry, that’s not what i meant, is just that i was bewildered. Forgive me for misjudging you, it…it won’t happen again.

Is nothing miss, as long as you’ve apologize am not upset. Am Adrian by the way; he stretch his hands for an handshake.

“Adrian English man.” And what is your name if i may ask? Young miss.

Aimee. Aimee Duwen, i school here. Are you by any chance new here?
I haven’t seen you before, you don’t look familiar at all. I asked avoiding eye contact as always.

“That’s because am new here miss Aimee
I just started.”
I was actually staying in England before my dad relocated here.

He replied running his eyes all over my body, which was beginning to make me feel uncomfortable.

Is that so, well then welcome to isiodre new man high school.

I hope you will have fun here and make new friends. I have to go now, classes are on already and i was delayed by someone.

Alright miss Aimee, bye for now, and please take care, till we meet again.
I’ll see you some other time; he took my hand and gave it a short kiss.

“I stylishly dragged my hand from his so that Ca Jae won’t appear from nowhere to cause a fuzz again, like the last time.”

Aimee i was looking for you, were have you been? A voice called from behind
I turned to see Ca Jae walking towards me, he looked worried.
I smiled at the fact that he was worried about me.

Are you okay my love? Where have you been, i was looking for you. Class have started already.

I am fine Ca Jae i just went to the bathroom and then i bumped into Bambi.

I explained wrapping myself into his already sprayed arms.

Bambi! Hope she didn’t hurt you?
“Are you fine my love?”

Yes Ca Jae am fine, is nothing to be worried about, let’s go to the classroom.

Hello am Adrian, is nice meeting you
Adrian streched his hand towards Ca Jae with a smile.

And who is this weirdo? Aimee!
He turned his head over to me.

Huh! Oh! Ermm… he’s new here in the school, i was just directing him to the library aren’t i right Adrian?

I asked turning to him with a pleading eyes. He just smiled and then winked at me then took his leave.

I don’t like him Aimee please stay away from him, do everything in your power
Let’s go to class before you miss out.


School was over the day, Lusinda and i met, had few talks with each other.

She kept talking about the guys who keeps asking her out, and then she would sing about it.

“I only tolerated her because Ca Jae went to look for Bambi so he could end things with her.”

Hey Aimee! Eloise waved walking close to us, he has a smile plastered on his pretty face as always.

Gosh! He’s so handsome, he dyed his hair pink and black. Gosh! He really loves dying his hair just like Ca Jae.

“I have been pondering why did he and Ca Jae ended their friendship, it would have been so cool for them to keep being friends with each other.”

“Hello Aimee and hello mademoiselle.
How are you both doing today?”

“Am Lusinda by name but you can call me anything you want to as long as you keep using french am cool with it.” Lusinda blurted smiling and flinging her hair all around. Stylishly touching his chest.

“I rolled my eyes at her naughty and silly behavior, she can be silly like all the time.
There is no doubt am beginning to love her madness.”

“Hey Eloise, how are you doing today?”

“I am lovely Aimee, and you?”

“I am also lovely Eloise.” But am upset with you; i pouted releasing a smile.

Why? What did i do to upset an angel like you? I would never hurt my heart, and you alone belong in my heart.
I deserved to be punished seriously.

I couldn’t help but blush foolishly in his presences, why does he have to be so romantic, if only Ca Jae can be like this.

You were disturbing me throughout studies today, i barely concertrate today and is all your fault.
I think am going to change sits if you keep bothering me Eloise. I teased with a side smirk.

He laughed loudly, enabling me to see his gorgeous dimples.
I am so sorry about that, but it was not my fault okay!
I promise not to distract you from now on.
He assured with a smirk.

Can i talk to you separately please, without Lusinda standing and smiling at every word we speak?

I turned to see Lusinda throwing a wide grin at Eloise.

“Lusinda please can you excuse me please, i want to talk to Eloise.”

Sure wh@ťěver, let me leave the two couples to do their thing together… as a couple, she replied with a wink, grinning even more.

I shuddered the moment she winked at me, she looked like a girl trying to scare a child.

“Now that we are alone.” Aimee i have been wanting to ask. He sighed heavily. Will you please go out on a date with me? I really want to spend time with you.”Just you and me together.”

Eloise i can’t. Am sorry but i just can’t.
You won’t understand why but i can’t.

Did i forget to mention that am not taking no for an answer?

Come on please Aimee just this once. Please! Pretty pretty please Aimee, with ice cream topping on top; he added pulling on a puppy face.
I wanted to have a very serious discussion with you, please Aimee.

Fine, i will come but am not promising anything. I will tell you where to meet me because i don’t know where you stay.

And if i ask you to pick me up is going to be a big problem for me and for you.

Don’t worry about that, just call me so we can meet. I know you won’t feel comfortable with me so i thought we should have the date in my house, my mom will be present there. So what do you say? A date it is.

Yeah! Sure a date it is. But don’t try anything stupid Eloise, or else you won’t like me okay!

He answered raising his hands up in the air, surrendering to nothing in particular.

I smiled at his cuteness then waved him good bye. He did same.

So tell me, did you ask Ca Jae mom if i could come along to your new house?
Tell me you didn’t forget to ask her Aimee

The thing is… I may have and i may haven’t… Okay fine i didn’t ask her, am sorry Lusinda, we should just leave it till i finally ask her.

No we are not doing that, why do i feel like you don’t want me to know where you stay, don’t you consider me to be your friend? I get it, I have always been pushing myself to you all the time, when is obviously that you never liked me.

Am sorry for always being clingy and sweet forgive me please, but is high time this friendship that I’m forcing on you stop. “Have a great day Aimee.”

Come on Lusinda, am sorry if i made you felt this way. ‘You are right i never liked you before but now i do. ‘

“Am sorry but the truth is i deliberately refused telling Ca Jae’s mom about you and am sorry.”

“You know what?” Let’s go over to so you can see the new place am staying what do you say?

First of all, is not felt, because am still feeling hurt.
Secondly you are an @$$h0le for refusing to tell Ca Jae’s mom about me.

Thirdly let’s go over to your place, i can’t wait to pick out your dress and come back home with it; she squealed happily.

Sure Lusinda, i have a lot of clothes i don’t plan on wearing you can take as much as you want, as it is we are wearing the same shoe size.

Yes we are, on am so happy. Am going to AIMEE’S HOUSE; she sang in joy.

Ca Jae, did you see Bambi? I asked the moment i saw him coming back with a frown.

Yeah i did and we spoke to each other
Is over between us, for real this time.

He explained planting a kiss on my forehead. Let’s go home already.
Wait a minute, why is that girl standing in front of the car? Do you know her by any means?

Yeah! She’s… Lusinda, my… friend.
I stammered at the same time thinking of what to say.

Is she coming with us? He asked arching his brows.

Yes, yes she is; i responded pulling in a smile, to cool the mood.

Hey hello Aimee husband; Lusinda chriped in casting in a smirk
Aimee has told me so much about you

“You did what now? Aimee..”
T. B. C

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