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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?? Married to Crush ?


[? Introvert]

[Extrovert ?]

Genre: High school love ❣️

Written by: Wise Wisdom

He stuttered with a shaky lips and a pleading eyes.
Please Mr Shin, please forgive me, i didn’t mean to take the money.. true i took it, but i was going to give it back.

Please mr Shin, please let me go, forgive me, forgive me and give me another chance.
Mr Duwen pleaded, in tears with both hands jammed together.

“Shut up you fool, you think you can steal my money and run away?”
What do you think, that i wouldn’t find you? Well am a man of few words and i forgive you.

ki|| him Viper, he’s of no use to us; he said turning to take his leave.

Mr Duwen’s mind wander for a while, he thought to himself, what would be the fastest way for him to escape this alive?

And then it hit him, a smart idea he thought.
Please! Please! Mr Shin, i will give you anything, i will give you my daughter “Duwen gulp down hard, still sweating profusely.”

“Your daughter!” what am i going to do with your daughter?
What will i do with her? Shin asked picking out a cigarette to his mouth.

“You can use her for anything, segz toy, or…or even your slave… Anything at all, but please just don’t ki|| me.

Fine! Shin replied rubbing his template, arching his brows along.
This was just what i needed all along!
Shin thought smiling inwardly.

“So then tell me, how will i get my money now?” If you want me to take your daughter as a collateral, so how will i get back my money?

“I promise to get you the money, i will just, give me months… i…i don’t know how long it will take but i will bring the money and then take my daughter back”

“Do so Duwen or else….” You know what am capable of, don’t you?
Tell your daughter am coming for her.
Let’s get out of here Viper, am getting sick of this place.


? Aimee POV ?

Oh! God am so exhausted, oh holy nankisho please save me from all these stress i have been putting myself through lately.

I can’t believe i still have to go to work today.
She sighed, slowly dragging her legs towards her drawer.

Let me check my dairy, i still need to confirm how many work i have for today.

She said picking her red diary from the drawer.
What!!! holy bikini bottom. Five part time job, this is crazy! She yelled jerking up to her feet.

Oh well, am in need of the money, besides our rent will soon expire and mr Hendrick is going to come in no time and attack me with words in no time.

So therefore you have to work hard Aimee, i am pretty sure there is food in the house all thanks to my stupid brother.

So here you are Aimee Duwen, a smart and sweet girl, with so many heart desires, likes and dislikes yet no friends.

Living the introvert life can be quite frustrating but i like to describe myself as crazy sweet.

“Urgh!!! What’s that sound again?”
She groaned releasing sigh.

Am sure my f-__-king brother is at it again, with that crazy Ɓîtçh of his.
“Am so gonna ki|| her” whenever i get the chance.

So this is my life, living with my f-__-ked up family in a two bedroom flat an my drunkard of a father, also staying with my irresponsible brother James.

Everyday i asked myself why mom had to die, ever since she died things totally changed in my family: My father became a drunkard then my brother a drug addict and also a full time womanizer.

I attend isiodre new man school in Louisiana. I know what you are thinking is a rich man school and all, however i got there by scholarship, am a smart gal… yeah i am, get used to it.

Very soon am gonna be leaving this place, still can’t believe i still stay in United States Desire, a very boring street with boring and annoying neighbors.

I have gat no friends, I h@ťě bonding, talking and smiling with anybody or anything infact am allergic to things like people, an because of this reason!

Am normally called a physcho, a lunatic and many more.
I’ve gat an eye issue and so because of that, i normally wear goggles.

To top it all, am the total definition of an introvert by sight, am slim, like literally slim in all areas?

I sometimes think i can easily be blown away by breeze, so i always imagine myself holding onto something whenever the breeze starts blowing in.

But despite my awful living i have a desire an if there is anything i desire so badly, it would be to end up with my crush.

” Ca Jae!” My Korean prince,… that guy turns me on so hard without trying, his lips are just so hot and d@mn red, like of tomatoes.

“His height match fully well with his perfectly made body, he’s d@mn hot, an he certainly doesn’t look like one of those tiny guys on k-dramas,” my prince is a bit broad with segzy skin like that of a baby’s butt.

His hot slash long legs made him looks so firm and cooperate, his mood of dressing always entice me to him, he is most definitely a bad boy, that i know.

“Few years ago i thought it was lust but now i know better, i love him, a lot, i do… But it hurts that am too different.”

The way he walks destroys my soul, he doesn’t stress it but he’s perfect, his smile melts my heart, each an everyday.

His voice alone makes me have sweet dreams every night.
Oh am sick with this mighty sickness, that only Ca Jae can heal.

He’s perfectly dyed hair makes it even hard not to notice him.

“He is so beautiful even without trying, he’s so smart and badddd!!
Well he may not be as smart as me but he’s the best in the class apart from me.

He’s wanted by most girls and mostly loved by me!!! Am sure.
Oh! Ca Jae! Ca Jae! i think i have lost it for you, am dieing for your touch, for your kisses, but too bad i will always be invisible, and our worlds will always be apart.

Is so sad that we attend the same school, and the same class, go the same cafeteria but yet fate had never given us a chance together.

Which breaks my heart, life have never liked me even for once, an that’s why my life has always been difficult

Aimee is loosing it oh! Have you ever felt like this before?

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