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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(His heart is as cold as an ice!❄)


🎀Written by Ellen 🎀

❌COPY AND DIE‼️‼️‼️❌



THE NEXT DAY••••• Emily layed on the cold floor at the corridor as she slept, she woke up and let out a slight groan,

She was kinda feeling sick.
Damon appeared at the corridor as he gazed down at her, coldly.

Daisy hurriedly sprang up from the ground as she bit down hard on her

lips due to the pains she was feeling down there.

“Dress casual, from today you’ll be working as my PA in my company, I’ll

give you just two minutes ” Damon retorted, coldly and strode towards his car.

Daisy felt a loud bang in her head!

She’ll be working as his PA from today?! But he can hire one if he wants!

Daisy thought and sadly went into the house to change, she didn’t wanted to upset him again.

After using the bathroom, she changed into a black loose gown which almost covered her legs and made

her look more like a housemaid, she would have worn something hot and

corporate but Damon had warned her to always dress in plain and unattractive clothes.

Daisy sighed and put on a plain looking sandal, she rolled her hair into a loose bun and left the room.

She saw Damon seated at the backseat of his Lamborghini truck

while his chauffeur was seated in the drivers seat ready to start the car.


“Take this and locate the company yourself, after all you were once a thief! ” Damon spat out, venomously

and threw some few cash at Daisy, the car drove off. Daisy bent and picked the money from the ground.

But how does he expect her to locate his company when she hasn’t been there before. The only one she knows

is the one at SA, maybe she’ll just ask anyone for directions.

Daisy thought and hurriedly went out.

Soon, she finally got there, she had managed to ask some few people for direction.

She hurriedly strode into the big building as she panted, heavily. She did

saved the money Damon gave her, she wanted to use it and get some food since she hasn’t eaten for days now.

“G..good morning miss, can I see your boss? ” Daisy asked a cold looking lady

which had a very thick and heavy make up on her face as she chewed her gum, sluttily.

“And who are you?!” The lady asked, rudely.

“I’m…Daisy….” Daisy mumbled, nervously.

She can’t possibly tell this lady that she’s Damon’s wife else she’s dead.

Daisy heard some faint footsteps, she turned and saw Damon walking out of

the elevator, his two hands tucked inside his trouser pocket.

“What is going on here, Vanessa? ” Damon asked, lazily and glanced between Daisy and Vanessa.

“This trash here says she wants to see you” Vanessa retorted and scoffed.

“Really? ” Damon uttered and paused.

“I don’t think I know you ” Damon retorted, coldly and Daisy felt her heart shattered.

She don’t know why she was suddenly feeling sad hearing his statement…. I mean, what was I really expecting…

Daisy lowered her head sadly.
“Ah…i remember..she’s here for a job,

Vanessa..she’s my new PA so introduce her to the staffs and teach

her all what she needs to know ” Damon muttered, lazily.

He gave Daisy a cold glare before he sauntered off.

Vanessa eyed Daisy up and down and hissed,

“Follow me! ” Vanessa spat and strode to a particular direction, Daisy followed.

Soon, they got to a particular spot and Vanessa halted her steps,

“Attention everyone! We have a new staff among us, this is Daisy and she’s

sir Damon’s new PA, y’all can do wh@ťěver you want with her, bully her,

send her errands…these are orders from sir Damon! ” Vanessa retorted with an evil grin.

Some of the staffs let out a mocking and sarcastic laughter.

Daisy bit down hard on her lips and blink back her tears.

“Finally! We’ve found an errand girl! ”

“She looks like a housemaid, look at her worn out poor gown haha! ”

“If it is bullying..yeah am really good at that! ”

Vanessa turned to Daisy with an evil smirk,

“Follow me trash, I’ll take you to your space” Vanessa mumbled haughtily and scurried off.

Daisy quickly followed after her.

“This will be your office, normally as a PA, your office is supposed to be close

to Damon’s own but seeing that you’re just a wasted trash, you don’t deserve

to breathe the same air as Damon! ” Vanessa retorted, harshly and threw some pile of files at Daisy.

“Your work starts now so work on those files! ” Vanessa spat, coldly and scurried off with a loud hiss.
Hearing the loud slamming sound of the door,

Daisy let out a forced smile which didn’t reach her eyes. She glanced

around the tight, small room and saw that it looked like a storage room.

She sat down, slowly and winced when she felt her stomach ached, seems like she’s finally having ulcer…

She took the files and began to work on it with a small smile.


“Am done with it, you can take a look at it” Carl mumbled, coolly as he handed the laptop over to Damon.


Damon paused the video when he heard a faint knock on the door,

“Come in” He mumbled, coldly and the threw open.

Daisy strode in, fearfully, her head hung low.
“Sir…Vanessa asked me to give these files to you “Daisy mumbled, softly.

Carl glanced at Daisy in anger and slammed his palm hard on the table,

“She’s not supposed to be working here!! I don’t want to be seeing her face!!! ” Carl roared, angrily.

Daisy jerked in fear and was almost tempted to run away but she remained

unmoved. She couldn’t deny the fact that she was shaking with fear.

Damon ignored Carl, he took the files and glanced at it, he threw them on the floor, carelessly.

“They’re not useful, work on these and don’t leave here until you’re done with it” Damon retorted, coldly.

Daisy glared at him, stunned What?!
How could he be so heartless…

Daisy was about leaving the room but mistakenly turned and glanced at the

laptop, she felt her blood drained from her body when she saw her face on the laptop screen.

She glanced at Damon and fearfully left his office.

“What? You allowed her to work here…? ” Carl asked, annoyed.

“Hmm” Damon hummed as a response.

“Geez, you know how bad I h@ťě seeing her face” Carl mumbled and scoffed.

“Then pretend as though she’s not here” Damon muttered, lazily and played the video….


Daisy walked out of the maid’s room, tiredly. She was dressed in a long skirt

and a plain top. She was looking so thin and pale.

Ever since she started working for Damon, he would give her tons and

piles of works to do, she hardly eats. Most times, at night, he would always

force himself on her be it she’s sick or not sick.

She was also like a tool to Damon’s staffs, they would always pick on her,

bully her…even when she had complained to Damon, he even gave his staffs a go ahead.

Daisy thought and tears forced their way out of her eyes, maybe someday

when she’s tired and fed up of these pains…she might just end it all.

Daisy sniffed and glanced at her hand, she was bruised all over her body but

no one would be able to see it due to the type of clothes she normally wears.

Daisy walked out and saw Damon inside his Lamborghini truck as he scrolled through his phone.

She swallowed nervously and strode towards his car,
“Sir…can I go with you today…am not feeling too strong… ” Daisy pleaded, softly.

Damon glanced at her and averted his gaze,

“Do I look like I care? Am I guess cause of your sickness? ” Damon asked, coldly and scoffed.

He gave the chauffeur a signal and the chauffeur drove the car out of the vicinity.

Daisy sniffed and began to hit the road with her legs,

Soon, she got to the coldwater’s corporation, she headed straight for

her office and buried herself in some piles of works.

Suddenly, she felt her head spin and her vision began to blur, it felt like she couldn’t feel herself any longer.

She shook her head and forced to stand up, she needed to submit some files to Damon.

She staggered out of her office…


Damon leaned on his armchair as he shut his eyes,

“When do you want Daisy to see her friend, that Amelia of a girl is a pain in the @zz” Carl uttered, seriously.

“I don’t know…but I think am loosing it, I don’t know why am this way but am

just feeling guilty…it feels as though am punishing the wrong person ” Damon muttered and sighed.

“But have you ever tried to question her? Like you forcing her to voice out the truth? ” Carl asked, seriously.

“I have but she wouldn’t talk…” Damon retorted and went deep into thought.

“But come to think of it, we never did investigated this matter, we only went

along with what the anonymous person posted” Carl retorted thoughtfully.

Damon snapped his head towards Carl’s direction,
“What? But I thought you did some

investigations? ” Damon retorted, annoyed.

“I didn’t…i just thought that was all” Carl mumbled, coolly.

“Run some investigations!” Damon ordered.

The door swung open and Daisy staggered in, her head hung low.

“G…ood day sirs…these are the files” Daisy mumbled, shakily.

“Drop em and go” Damon retorted coldly.

Daisy dropped them on the table,
“May i ask for permission…? I need to

get something at home” Daisy uttered, slowly.

“Hmm” Damon hummed.

Daisy bowed and hurriedly left the office.
“She looks pale….is she sick? ” Carl asked, coolly.

“Maybe or maybe not” Damon retorted and froze.

He suddenly stood up and took his suit,
“I’ll be back soon” He retorted and left.


Meanwhile, Daisy got to the road side as she staggered, she couldn’t see

clearly again because of her blurry vision, she didn’t know when she got to the middle of the road,

An incoming vehicle speeded towards her direction and a loud honking sound was heard,

She froze and felt someone pulled her towards himself and her head landed the person’s hard chest…..


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