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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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(Being a substitute)

Written by mhiz topzy


“Finally i will be going back home,”Aiden said to himself happily as he pack his bag.

He just can’t wait to see his two best friends he miss them alot most expecially katryn he can’t wait to see her and tell her about his feelings for her and make her his girlfriend. He have been in love with katryn since childhood, unfortunately he lost contact with her for years he just got back with her years ago,he doesn’t know if she has romantic feelings for me but he will make sure she fall in love with him.

(At the Buernevista company)

It has been one hour and Claire is still searching for derek,she have checked everywhere but she couldn’t find him,she is soo dead if calvin finds out. She went back to her office waiting for the boss to finish his meeting when she saw the boss mother.
“Good morning ma,” she greeted.

“Where is my son?”sophie asked ignoring her greeting.

“He is in a meeting madam,”claire replied immediately.

“Go and inform that i want to see him now,”she said.i Claire left her office hurriedly heading straight to inform calvin.

Sophie decided to visit her son today to inform him about the blind date with Audrey. She told his secretary to inform him about her presence,not long calvin arrived.

“How are you doing son?”sophie asked immediately calvin entered the office.

“Am fine mum so what brings you here to my office?”he asked.

“Is it a crime if i come and see how my son is doing,”sophie said.

“I know you mum you must have a reason for coming straight to my office today,”calvin said.

“Well, i came to inform you that you will be going on a date with Audrey tomorrow,”sophie said.

“What the hell mom i can’t go and that audrey of a girl is annoying,”calvin said angrily.

“Why son you have to give derek a mom and besides audrey is a good and sweet girl am sure you are going to like her,”sophie said.

“I can’t go on a date with her,”calvin said again.

“Well,you have no choice but to do as i tell you, just one date calvin if you don’t like her i won’t force you,”sophie said.

“Okay mum i will go because you said one,”he said.

“Thank you soo much son,”i said happily.

“It nothing mum,” calvin said.

“Where is derek?i haven’t seen him since i arrived, sophie asked.

“He is with claire,”he said.

“Okay son, take care of yourself and derek,”sophie said while leaving his office.

(At katryn’s apartment)

Maya couldn’t believe katryn has a son, she was shocked when the little boy called katryn he’s mother.
“Are you sure you are not lost cutie?” Maya asked derek again as she allow him to enter the house,katryn carry him immediately he entered the house.

“What your name cutie pie?” Maya asked.

“My name is derek and am Seven years old,”he replied with a smile on his face.

“You are soo smart cutie pie,”maya said while pinching his cheeks.

“What your name?”he asked.

“My name is maya but you can call me your godmother,”maya said and giggled.

“So you’re my godmother,” derek said happily.maya smiled while looking at him,he does look a little bit like katryn she thought.

Katryn look at derek and maya as they talk and laugh like they knew each other for a long time,she smiled unconsciously.

“Derek have you eaten?”katryn asked worriedly.

“You don’t have to worry mom am full,”he replied with a smile on his cute little face.

“I will leave for work now kat,”Maya said walking straight to the door.

“Alright bestie don’t miss me much,” katryn said then she left.

“Mom why did you leave me?” derek asked with tears in his eyes.

“Am sorry honey,”katryn said confusedly while cleaning his tears.

“Promise me you won’t live me again,”derek said.

“I promise,” she replied.

“Can i come and visit you tomorrow mom,he asked.

“Of course you can, katryn said immediately.

“Can you give me your phone mom i want to call my dad to come and pick me up?”he asked.

“Here you go, katryn said giving him the phone.


Am soo happy that mum promise to never leave me again and also she allow me to visit her every day.i just can’t wait to tell dad about this.
So i decided to call dad to pick me up so he could see mum too.
I will make them fall in love again, i thought to myself happily.


After mom left my office claire came to inform me that derek is missing.i was worried then i called john to my office.after some minutes he arrived,i was about to tell him to look for derek when my phone rings interrupting our conversation.i pick the call and find out that it was derek telling me to come to his mom’s house,i already know who he is referring to as his mom so i pick up my car key and drove to katryn house.
Some minutes later am standing in front of katryn apartment,i knocked after two minutes the door open revealing katryn.
Leah,i said unconsciously and hug her letting my emotions to take over…

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