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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Being a substitute}

Written by mhiz topzy


MAYA pov

I just close from work when liam decided that we have dinner together at a restaurant,i was surprise but i did not refused now we are seen having dinner in one of the most popular restaurant in country A where you will always find half of the wealthy business men having a client meeting or so.
Thank you for the Roses and chocolate liam,i said.
It nothing but i have to do it so that my family will believe that you are really my girlfriend,he said.
Well,you don’t really have to go to such extent to make them believe that our relationship is real since they don’t know me yet,i said trying not show that am hurt with his reply.
Well,by now am sure my mom have already find out about your background and also send someone to spy on us,he said.
Okay then you don’t have to worry i will give her a very good expression,i said with a smile on my face.
Not long we were done with dinner so liam drop me off at my apartment with katryn.
So i will see you tomorrow then,he said.
Of course,i said then he hugs me saying goodnight and left.
I entered the house and saw katryn watching a movie with a popcorn in her hand.
Hey kat,i said and sit down on the couch while removing my shoes.
How was work today?she asked.
It was great and tiring,there was soo much work today,i said while resting my head on her shoulder.
Oh my baby,have you eaten dinner yet?she asked.
Yes,liam took me out for dinner,i replied.
Awwn he soo romantic,she said.
Well,he said he is only doing it for his family soo they could believe am really his girlfriend,i said.
But still he is still romantic and also trying to make it real,she said.
Okay then,i said.


Maya,i will be moving out tomorrow,i said looking at her.
But why?she asked.
I already accept to be Derek’s mum and also as a substitute,i said.
But do you really have to move out?she asked sadly.
Yes maya,in order to make everything looks real,i said.
Am going to miss you soo much,she said and hugs me.
I will miss you too maya,i said hugging her back.
Promise to call and visit me,and if calvin ever bully you tell me soo i could teach him a lesson,she said with a smile on her face.
I promise,i said.
Tonight is girls night,we will watch movies still we feel sleepy,she said.
Ofcourse sweetie,i replied.

?{At the Buernevista mansion}?


Dad,mom and i are sitted in the dining room eating dinner.
Who the hell is the girl your brother is ready to marry? Dad asked.
I have no idea dad,i replied immediately.
He should bring her to the mansion this weekend,he said.
I already inform him about that,i also want to know the girl who was able to tame his cold heart,mom said.
Okay then we shall find out soon,dad said then we continue having dinner in absolute silence.

?{At the Buernevista penthouse}?


I just finished having dinner when i decided to inform Miss gwen about katryn.miss gwen is someone soo important to our family and she is the only maid who has the right to call me by my name.
Miss gwen i want you to inform the maid to clean my room and also the closet,i said.
Okay calvin,do we have any visitor?she asked.
Yes miss gwen and it no other person than my wife,i said.
Okay sir,she said and left.

?{At the Berneldo mansion}?

MARK pov

Katryn just inform me that she is already married so i decided to let my wife and daughter know about it.
Katryn is married,i said while looking at their faces.
Wow,she finally got married to someone of the same status like her, anita said.
All i know is she is married and as long as she is happy i don’t have any problem with it,i said.
When is she going to visit with her new husband? Camille asked.
She said soon,i said.


I can’t believe that Ɓîtçh got married,i mean who in their right senses will get married to her.
Am sure is someone who is poor just like her,i said with a smirk on my face.


I want you to book me a table for two in one of the most popular restaurant,i said to my assistant over the phone.
I just can’t wait to propose to you kat,i said to myself with a smile on my face.

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