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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MAKE ME WHOLE – Episode 40

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{She’s got me twisted}


THEME: Burn for me Elsa?


Written by ? Mayor ?





“f-__-k you! You enjoy destroying people’s lives. I should I’ve known you’re such a bastard” Elsa manage to speak.

Lucas wiped off the Saliva on his face. Raising his eyes to her again. Elsa secretly took the small pen on the table.

“Piper was captured because she stole from a person she shouldn’t. I released her because I found out that she’s your sister. Do you know how many times she escape death. I let her go because of you. I have no f-__-king idea on what you’re doing to me Elsa. I find myself getting soft, doing thing I don’t wish to do.. right now I should be teaching you a good lesson for slapping and spiting on my f-__-king face”

“I tried to be good for you Elsa but yet you fell for a guy who hurts you most time. Why can’t it be me?!”

Elsa scoffed, right now her anger just grew the more. “Go f-__-k yourself Psycho”

The grip on her neck tighten and she choke.

“I don’t wanna hurt you Elsa, once this is over, I’ll take you with me whether you like or not” he said gritting his teeth.

Elsa kicked him on his groin before he could process what’s going on, She rushed towards the door and tried to open it but it was locked.

Her gaze land on the key on the table and she rush to grab it but Lucas pulled her back then forcefully kissed her on the lips but he recieved a bite causing his lower lips to bleed. This made him hit her on the face sending her to the floor.

“Right, I should teach you some respect first” He said.

Elsa’s eyes turned cold as she stay on her place, her fist tighten. That’s it; This bastard is going to pay dearly for hitting her.

She swiftly grabbed a glass cup on the table to hit it on his head but to her surprise he held her hand then hit her again sending her back to the floor.

“In the next hour. We are leaving to jetsu island. There, you’re going to spend the rest of your life with me” Lucas muttered.

“In your dream” she muttered pressing the tip on the pen bringing out a small blade. ‘Even better’ she said inwardly. She turn then stabbed his leg.

“Argh!” Lucas wince kneeling. Elsa went ahead and hit him hard on his head before rushing to grab the key.

“Elsa!” He yelled at her.

Elsa rushed out and lock him in. Unknown to her Lucas only let her go because he wanted to.

“Elsa! You can’t escape me!” She heard him yelled.

She turned to leave but two men stood before her with a gun pointed to her head.

“Hello” she smiled awkwardly.


A scream came of from one of the guard’s lips. Raymond twisted his hand further earning more scream from him. “Please don’t ki|| me” the guy begged.

“How many people have you ki||ed?” Raymond asked.


“You heard me”

“I… I don’t know” the guy replied fearfully.


“There are more than 10 I.. I don’t know the exact number” The guy replied.

“Really? Imagine one of those dead people turns out to be alive right now wanting to ki|| you and you plead for mercy. Do you think they’ll forgive you?”

“I.. I don’t know”

“Wrong answer” Raymond said breaking his hand the more before punching him hard on his face causing him to pass out.

Brahms jumped and kick one on the face, sending him down.

“Woah! This is fun!” He exclaimed looking at the unconscious men on the floor, most of them dead.

Raymond bought out his gun. “Let’s split, I don’t think we’ll find them if we stay together” Raymond left before Brahms could even respond.


Elsa stared at the two guys before her with her hand still in the air.

“Get back in” One of them said.

“Uhm, I was almost R@P£D by your boss and you want me to go back in?” Elsa asked sacartically.

“I won’t ask again. Go back in miss” he warned.

“A..alright” Elsa stuttered making a slow turn, she swiftly grabbed the gun and twisted his hand and stepped on his feet harshly. Hearing him groan, Elsa hit his face using her knee. He passed out.

That’s a move she learnt from Raymond.

The gun was now in her hand as she face the other one.

“Drop the gun miss” he warned.

“You can’t ki|| me. It’s an order from your boss” she said lightly then smirked. “But I can”

A gunshot follows as the bullet hit his head, and he died instantly.

Raymond heard it, his eyes widened as he began to run upstairs ki||ing the men on his way. One shot at him and he was forced to use his own gun.

“Lisa, Is Elsa okay?”

“Uhm… She..” Lisa couldn’t speak because of what she saw.

He shot one on both leg then stab his face. Keeping his knife he bought of his two guns and began to $h00t furiously at them.

The gun shot better not be what he was thinking.

Elsa held her gun tightly and began to run away from the door. The place seems big judging from how big passage is. After running down for a while, she halt when she heard the continues gunshots. Could it be?

The sound of someone groaning in pain made her lift her gun waiting for what is coming.

A dead body fell before a figure appeared, she set her gun.

“$h|t!” Brahms yelled lifting his hands up.

“Brahms?” She recognized him immediately and dropped her gun. Raymond’s Brother, the one who saved her from the fire.

“Thank God you’re okay”Brahms breath out.

“Where’s Raymond?” She asked. Shouldn’t he be with him?

“We split so we can find you.. Ray I found Elsa” Brahms reported.

Raymond just stabbed one of them Jaw when he heard the news. His cold face loosen a bit.

“How’s she?”

“Here, he wants to talk to you” Brahms hand over the earphone to her.

“Ray” Her voice came out shaky. She won’t lie, she was scared.

“It’s okay babe, it’s okay. You’re safe with Brahms okay? I’m glad you’re alright. I thought I lost you” Raymond said sitting on one of the dead men body with his hand dripping in blood. His gaze went down to his wounded stomach. He was stabbed.

“C.. Can you come over? I wanna see you” she asked in a whisper.

“You should go with Brahms. I need to find Lucas. If we don’t stop him now then things might get worse. I’ll be fine I promise” He assured lightly.

“No, you can’t go and meet him alone. He’s more dangerous than how you think” she said shaking her head.

“I need you to trust me Elsa. I know this is hard for you but we have no choice. Okay, I love you and I so f-__-king miss those lips of yours. I wanna taste you again.. f-__-k! I think I’m getting hard..”

She chuckled at his joke.

“I promise to be fine Elsa. Brahms will take you somewhere safe. I Love you so d@mn much Baby”

“I love You so much” Elsa replied, she returned the earphone to Brahms.

“Let’s go” He said leading her downstairs.

Raymond face turned back cold looking like a devil once again. He stood staring at the men coming to him. His ki||ing was more brutal and fast. Using his knives and gun in a professional way.

Finally, he was at the top. Lucas room.

“Welcome Raymond, it took you long enough” A voice sounded through a speaker.

“I ain’t gonna talk to you through a goddamn speaker. How about you show your ugly face and let’s talk” Raymond glare.

The door opened by itself and Raymond walked in slowly. His eyes came face to face with the devil himself. BLACK VENOM.

Without wasting a moment, Raymond grabbed him by his shirt and threw several punches on his face until he bleed from both his lips and nose.

Even with this, Lucas was laughing lightly.

“Motherf-__-ker, how could you! How could you destroy so many lives and still smile”

Another punch land on Lucas’s face again but he was still laughing.

“f-__-k you venom!!” Raymond grabbed him up again and hit his back on the wall.

“What could have my sister possibly done to you. Why do you have to ki|| her in a cruel way!!!”

Lucas grin even with his bloody lips and face. “Oh Raymond, watching the footage of how your Victoria scream while they rape her was fun. You on the other hand had to suffer for it. It was funny…

Raymond bought out the knife from his pocket and raised it to stab his head but stopped Midway.

“Go on, ki|| me Raymond just like you ki||ed Raider”

“No @$$h0le, you’re to die a painful death. A slow one which is going to make you regret” Raymond gritted his teeth.

“Come to think of it Ray, we are not different from each other. Our love ones got ki||ed in a gruesome way. We were alone fighting our trauma without anyone’s help. We shouldn’t be fighting, we should be together ruling this cruel world..”

“No!” Raymond cut in. “Cut the bullshit, we are nothing alike okay. I faced a cruel past because of you and even with that, I go around and meet people who changed my life. You were the one who changed. You are the problem of yourself!” He almost yelled.

Lucas kept quiet for a while before smiling again. “I guess that’s a no? Alright then… MY TURN”

Lucas surprised Raymond by grabbing his hand on his shirt and punched the wound on his stomach with much force.

Raymond groaned look up at him with a frown.

“Surprised?” Lucas smirked walking towards Raymond again to punch him. Raymond block him but he was fast enough to send another one to his face.

Raymond suddenly felt his head feeling dizzy. He shook his head but it got worse, he felt a something on his stomach and saw that he was injected.

“You’ll lose consciousness in ten seconds” Lucas said bending to look at the guy struggling to breath. “By the time you wake up Ray. I’ll show you what power really means”

Those was the last word he heard before passing out.

Mikaela was busy trying to get how Lucas gets to find out everything that was going on in California. A bead of sweat form on her forehead as her eyes focused in the screen before her.

Her eyes widened when she got it. “His house?”

Loud gunshots follows as a guy ran inside. “Venom men found us” her informed.

“What, how did they…” She couldn’t finish her word as bullets started penetrating inside the place. Mikaela hide immediately but a bullet hit her arm and she yelp closing her eyes.

The bullets destroyed their computers and even ki||ed some of them.

Cyborg and the other men got in taking the alive ones even Mikaela.

Mrs Brown kept on pacing in her room wondering what is going on. The whole city was in hot seat.

Her door suddenly flew opened as some men rushed in to grab her.

“Let go off me!” Mrs Brown yelled.

Some men went to capture Piper too and Jeremy was released from her torture. “Let me go!”

Charlie, Leonard, Mr Charles, Wilson, Piper Natasha, unconscious Jake and some others in the hospital have a gun pointed to their head. They were all surrounded by Venom’s men.

Ben, Lisa and some other men were captured too.

Waking up after a while Raymond found himself in a strange room filled with technology. His hands were handcuffed behind him on a chair. He found Lucas staring at him.

“You’re, awake. Welcome to my world” He said with a smile.

“No wonder they say you’re everywhere. You’re such a Psycho” Raymond said.

“I know right. I should have ki||ed you but I’d like to show you something”

The scene of his friends and captured showed on the screen.

“Here” he pointed to another screen. It was Mrs Brown and Mr Adams kneeling.

“And lastly here” he pointed to another screen showing a moving car. His eyes widened recognizing it. It was the car where Brahms and Elsa is.

“Apparently, the car is hacked since I’ve got my men back. The door is locked and it’s heading to the sea which would ki|| both of them in 10 minutes. Your friends, your Parents and your love. Who would you choose?” He asked.

Raymond’s fist tighten. His eyes teared up a bit. Are they going to lost?

“Let’s start from this pretty lady here” he said pointed at Lisa.

“Lucas stop” he gritted his teeth.

Lucas pressed a button changing his voice “ki|| Lisa” he ordered his men and they did it instantly. Lisa died on her spot scaring others.

“f-__-k!!” Raymond yelled.

Lucas heard him groaned out in frustration. “How about Mr Adams? Your father who treated you like $h|t” He smiled.

“Stop this bullshit!!” He yelled but..

He pressed the button again “ki|| Mr Adams” he ordered his death and he was ki||ed instantly.

“Arghh!!!” Raymond yelled madly. Mrs Brown shuddered on her spot crying profusely.

Raymond groaned out loudly again as he disconnected his thumb so he can remove his hand from the handcuff. The pain was hell but it worth it.

He got to learn this from Ben.

He noticed how Lucas press the button before speaking. Is he perhaps changing his voice?

Lucas chuckled enjoying the look on his face.

“That’s power for you Ray. Who should I choose again? Ha..” he said pointing at Ben. “How about him. Your friend from prison. He should be sweet right?” He chuckled.

“No! Don’t you f-__-king dare!!!” Raymond yelled insanely as he pressed the button.


“f-__-k!!! Stop I’ll do what you want!!!” Raymond yelled quickly before he could mention the next word.

Raymond groaned again reconnecting his thumb. His hands were now free. He just need to play along or he’ll ki|| more people.

Lucas let go of the button then look at him.

“I’ll join you, that’s what you wanted right?”

Lucas smiled folding his arms “Good job Raymond. I bet you won’t regret this”

Raymond smirked secretly bringing out the last knife which was hidden inside his sleeve.

“Those who were cruel to you will now…”

Lucas eyes widened as Raymond stood. He made to press the button again but the knife flew to stab his hand, he groaned out in pain. He made to press the button with his other hand but Raymond got to him already, his bloodlust took over his completely as he broke Lucas’s four finger at once, then got the knife and stab his abdomen which weakened him completly as he fell on the floor. Blood dripping out of his lips.

Raymond took a deep breath before pressing the button hoping it’ll work.

“Drop your weapons and let them go” he ordered.

Just like he had thought, the men slowly drop their weapons.

Holy $h|t! Did they just follow his order? His eyes widened knowing what it means.

“Nooo” Lucas muttered on the floor.

Raymond smirked and chuckled looking everywhere, he licked his lips.

“Argh” Lucas groaned.

Raymond look down at him and chuckled before saying.





To be continued..??

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